By David Futrelle
It’s tough to be a man in the year of our lord 2018. It’s legal for women to say no to sex, even if you’re married to them. Many women have jobs, and if you politely ask them, say, if the carpet matches the drapes they complain to HR instead of answering your simple query.
Men only hold 95% of the CEO jobs in Fortune 500 companies, and only 80% of those in the congress and Senate are men — and most of the women who’ve taken men’s jobs in politics and the business world are post-wall hags anyway. Even video games have female characters in them now — and not all of them are skinny hotties with massive gravity-resistant bazongas that bounce up and down when they move.
Even worse, when you leave the house, roughly HALF of all those you’re likely to encounter are female. Even worser than worse, many of these women are FAT.
I recently ran across one brave soul in the Red Pill subreddit who is standing up against this final injustice, the worst of them all. In a post titled “Women are getting fatter because no one calls them out on it,” this internet hero launched a scathing attack on the women ruining his life by being fat in his immediate vicinity.
I recently spent 5 days in New Orleans. … I’m well aware of America’s current obesity crisis, but I was still shocked at how many fat women I saw. They were everywhere, and I can confidently say that they outnumbered fat men.
Actually, the percentage of American women classified as obese (40%) isn’t that much greater than the percentage of men (35%), but, who knows, maybe New Orleans generates some sort of fat-lady-attracting magnetic field.
I saw countless couples where the woman was fatter than the man. It was practically the norm.
A skinny woman with a fat guy? Good for him. A skinny man with a fat women? HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATION. WAR CRIME.
At every restaurant I would see 5’5” women putting away just as much food as their 6’ boyfriend/husband. At every bar I would see these seemingly genderless, shrieking blobs guzzling sugary cocktails. On every block I would see overweight bachelorette parties stumbling down the street wearing revealing clothes … .
Woah. I just got chills. It;s just like that famous monologue from Rutger Hauer in Blade Runner, if everything he had mentioned in it had been fat. I wonder what that might have sounded like.
I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Fatties eating hot wings off the shoulder of Orion. I watched hamplanets glitter in the dark near the TGIFridays. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in a carton of ice cream. Time to diet.
But back to our internet hero and his rant.
Based on my observations, I can conclude that the main problem is there is no taboo against being a fat chick in America anymore.
It’s true. These days fat women never face any sort of criticism for their weight. Sure, the pressure to be thin leads countless teenage girls to develop eating disorders. Sure, when a woman turns down a sexual advance from a man, the spurned would-be lover might loudly inform her she’s just a “fat bitch” anyway. And sure, when fat women post selfies on social media, they might get hundreds of replies from angry dudes accusing them of being ugly fatties who are “glorifying obesity” by existing in public.
But that’s all in good fun! No harm, no foul!
I think a lot of men just accept it now- after all, society is constantly telling us that men and women are exactly the same. Women can (and should) eat just as much food as men, and to say otherwise is offensive and old-fashioned.
Yes, that’s right. The relentless message we get from the media and society in general is that men and women are exactly the same and should eat exactly the same things. Those stock photos of women laughing alone with salad? All in your head (well, except for these).
Nowadays, it’s very common to hear guys say shit like, “I hate when women only order salad at dinner” and then be applauded for saying it. I think that’s nonsense- when ordering just a salad, she’s trying to signal to you that she has self control and is unlikely to get fat later in the relationship. This is a good thing, and should be encouraged.
Also, she should force herself to hold in her farts every minute she is with you, because that means she’s trying to signal to you that WOMEN DON’T POOP.
Women tend to be gullible, so they easily buy into media messages telling them that “all women are beautiful.” If one of their friends gains weight, they will reassure her and tell her she still looks hot. In fact, I bet most fat chicks nowadays can go their whole lives without anyone saying, “You are fat, and this is not okay” to their face.
Dude, I think you may have used a wrong word here. When you said “go their whole lives” did you mean “go a whole hour,” because otherwise I’m pretty sure you’re making a sucker bet.
If you appreciate female beauty and femininity, it is up to you to help make fat women be ashamed of themselves again.
There’s nothing healthier than tearing down someone else’s self-esteem because for some reason you assume how they look is any of your business.
Don’t think of it as being mean- think of it as tough love.
If by “love” you mean “hate.”
The only negative reinforcement that most women respond to is the threat of social ostracization.
Well, that is sort of a classic move. There’s just one flaw in your plan, dude, which is that most women wouldn’t actually be terribly hurt if you left them alone and went off by yourself forever.
If there is a fat chick in your social circle, pay as little attention to her as possible. If a fat woman tries to give you a hug, you should recoil a bit and make a “yeesh” face. You should talk about how disgusting fat people are when they are within earshot (thin women may pretend to be offended by this, but trust me it’s mostly an act). If you bump into a woman you haven’t seen since college and she’s gained weight, pretend to not recognize her at first. If a drunk fat woman tries to hit on you, tell her sorry but you aren’t attracted to big women.
Yes, spend your whole life actively trying to make other people feel bad about themselves for how they look. Nothing weird or creepy or fucking pathological about this.
If a fat woman in your office is talking to you, make a point to glance at her stomach every few seconds … .
If you get called in by HR for creating a hostile work environment just because you are in fact trying to create a hostile work environment, well, I’m sure Fox News and Breitbart and Jordan Peterson would be happy to take up your cause.
Let me just skip the part where he gloats about how cool it is to “make some fat chicks cry themselves to sleep at night” and brags about saving an alcoholic friend of his by being a dick to him.
I’m typing this on my phone, so I’m going to end my rant now. If you have any other fat shaming suggestions, please share them. And if you’re a fat guy reading this, I hope I hurt your feelings. Stop being so fat, you fucking fat fuck.
As it turns out, I am a fat guy reading this. You didn’t hurt my feelings. You just made yourself look like an insecure asshole who tries to distract himself from his insecurities by attacking other people for things that aren’t any of your fucking business. Shut your fucking face, you fucking fuck.
Popcorn time is what’s happening. Where’s the Anita .gif?
I was going to not comment because I didn’t feel like it would help anything. But now I feel like I should.
For the record, I am not even capable of coming up with interesting enough characters to spend any time putting to paper the fantasy novels I write in my head to fall asleep. Like, I’m making this shit up to entertain myself and even I’m like, “yeah, this character is just like that other character I came up with last year.” So I definitely couldn’t invent a whole second person. Anyway, I’m not Valya. I’m also not Diptych or anyone else who chimed in.
@Passagère clandestine
We had a miscommunication. That’s all. It was dropped immediately. I’m not sure why it’s coming back up now, but if you need to talk it out, how about actually discussing it with me rather than making little swipes at a completely different discussion and at any other commenter who happens to agree with me on a couple of points? I guarantee you Valya and I did not start out on a great note, but now we’re friends because we worked that out and it turns out we agree on a lot of things. It’s possible to work past these misunderstandings.

Here it is!
Dvärghundspossen and Cyborgette-Thank you! They are really shitty people in a multitude of different ways, so I wasn’t surprised at their behaviour. I got through it and I am in a much better place now. And I don’t live with them anymore, which is a bonus. ?
Skylalalalalalala-That’s awful! Stories like that make me realise how messed up the world is for women and girls. I’m sorry you had to go through that.
Mikey-Bloody hell!! What the hell were the teaches thinking parading you in front of the entire school like that?! And your dad making you have naked weigh ins?! WTF?
That’s a shame. I liked Sinfest, but haven’t kept up for a long time. The transition from the early strips to the feminist ones was interesting, sucks that they went all ERFy.
The Blade Runner-quote-pasta was great. The only good thing to come out of this, I think.
Now I want a exoplanet made of ham, with a variety of cheese moons and some onion rings.
@kupo – I feel obliged to say that I am also uncomfortable with your aggressiveness. I have several times seen you make very angry comments in response to someone who is well intentioned but simply not as educated as they could be.
It is possible to disagree with someone firmly while still being polite – both @Rhuu and @Valentin do this above.
In reference to the current topic, I’m currently trying to lose weight because my health would be much improved if I weighed less. It’s bloody hard work. A guy on a bike once shouted at me to “go eat another cream cake” which I personally chose to take as an instruction. I have also had a man look me up and down and say “Yeah like I’d shag that blubber,” to which I said “You never had the option”.
Lumipuna @:
Sounds like the kind of place that would exist in a Daniel Pinkwater book.
This is what we call tone policing. If someone is being harmful to me, I don’t have to spend emotional labor kindly, sweetly holding their hand through it.
Tell us again about how they faked the moon landing….
Seriously, both kupo and Valentin have been posting here more than long enough that you’ll need some serious evidence to back up that claim if you don’t want to look like a petulant dumbfuck.
Also, the most aggressive thing I’ve said in this thread was to call it “charming” that Wetherby was mocking someone for one physical trait instead of another. Unless you consider it “aggressive” to point out that everyone has bias.
Yeah I don’t think we should tone police…especially when there is no tone to police right now?
@Violet – as someone who spends waaaaay too much energy worried that people are going to be mad at me… I do appreciate people who can just state their opinions, as kupo (and others) do.
I wasn’t suggesting that you should hold anyone’s hand sweetly through anything. I don’t think that’s why any of us come to this site 🙂
The issue I have is that there has been a couple of times recently when a new poster makes a post that is mostly well meaning but has one phrase or sentence which is badly chosen or ignorant. Four or five times I have seen you pick up that opinion and respond with what I felt was unnecessary levels of anger. You have started a dogpile a couple of times. I have found this to be uncomfortable reading.
You’re right that Wetherby made an ignorant comment, but they don’t look like a troll to me and I don’t think they deserved to be dogpiled on. Corrected, yes; attacked, no.
As for tone policing – I’m just another poster here, not the police. I have no authority whatsoever. You’re free to do whatever you like with my opinion, which includes completely ignoring it.
I don’t see this is dog-piling at all? Kupo posted something and then I posted something, that is 2 people, not a pile. then clandestine mentioned something which they are angry about from another thread before and said some things about kupo that are unfair. then I tried to support kupo and then clandestine said I am a sock. I don’t see at all that this time it is a dog pile.
and again, people do not need to be a troll to say something that can upset and also, make people angry. it is okay to be angry. it is okay to say your opinion clearly. If other people join later and make a dog pile it is their choice, they are to blame, not the first person who commented. even if that comment is angry or not so polite.
But you are. How else do I be more “polite” then? If I don’t ooze honey I’m being “aggressive”.
If I respond with anger it’s because something harmful is being said. Because it doesn’t harm you or you don’t think it’s harmful enough’s to warrant anger doesn’t mean it doesn’t. And yes, there are certain issues I’m more sensitive to than others, but that’s because they’re harmful to me or people I love.
Dogpiling is a term for continuing to pile on after the point has already been made. If I started a dogpile, you’re saying I shouldn’t even make the point in the first place, then? I’m not trying to put words in your mouth. I’m trying to understand what you mean here. You’re upset with me for calling people out at all, because that started a dogpile? Also, when was this? I haven’t seen any dogpiling going on. That’s something that’s against the comments policy now, so I would hope it gets called out if and when it happens.
What dogpile happened in this thread? I was pretty much the only one talking to Wetherby. And I called out the harmful things Wetherby was saying not because I thought they were a troll, but because those things are harmful.
What are you even saying here? I know you know what tone policing is, so what is this dismissal about?
I also thought that Wetherby’s original comment wasn’t made in malice but still needed to be called out on it. When they then pulled the classic “I can’t be biased against X, I have a X friend, I’ll have you know!” is when I started to to give them a bit of a side-eye.
So, just to get this completely straight in my head….
It’s fine when you say that someone’s post has made you uncomfortable; but it’s unacceptable for me to do the same.
Okay, thank you. Got it.
You are correct when you say there is no dogpile in this thread; I wasn’t clear about that.
Violet, kupo’s discomfort was from someone’s anecdote, and the biases it showed and promoted.
Your discomfort was from how dhe communicated that, which was in a blunt way.
One is tone policing, the other is not. Does that make sense?
Not really, because that wasn’t what made me uncomfortable. I have no problem with how anyone communicates anything. I myself am capable of an extremely blunt tone, as I am sure you are all aware.
What makes me (extremely) uncomfortable is a pattern of behaviour I have observed over several months, which I feel amounts to consistent bullying of new posters. I thought I made that clear, but the conversation has now been derailed into whether or not I was tone policing. I guess if we just look at this one occasion yes I was, but I was trying to make an overall point.
However, this conversation appears to be going nowhere. I’m not prepared to engage with @Kupo’s post above right now, since they are using the same aggressive/policing/bullying tactics on me and are clearly not prepared to hear what I’m saying. And I have absolutely no argument with you, @Valentin, or anyone else.
So I’m done with this conversation now.
I enjoy this community, I’d like to stay part of it, and I felt I needed to say something about something that has been upsetting me for some time. I knew it was going to be badly received; and it was.
So I’m going to go back to work and log in some other time.
Okay, then finish story?But I think it is unfair to accuse Kupo of bullying and specifically, alone aggressive behaviour to new commenters and not give evidence, especially if you say it happens for some time now.
It is known that trolls come here and this community protects the boarders harshly. It is also known that in the internet it is hard to know tone exactly. I understand how it feels that one person can make you feel uncomfortable in a place but I simply do not believe that kupo is doing this. In fact – what I see is that kupo is too much attacked, like scapegoat. there is a veiw here already of kupo which I think is unfair to her, and I believe it is simply because she speaks her mind and always calls out harmful things when she sees them. Maybe that hurts – but that is a *good* thing. This website is not a safe space and if we want to be progressive, it is very important we have people who will critisise and speak out when the situation is not so good.
Is there a way to express discomfort at someones way of saying something without that being considered tone-policing?
This is an honest question and one that is important to me. I experienced abuse in the past and when the way something is said triggers me or makes me feel unsafe, I honestly never know what to do, because I don’t want to tone-police . I usually do nothing but then sometimes I can’t sleep the next night or can’t concentrate for quite some time. So sometimes I wish I could say something and at least get it clearer what was actually meant, i.e. bluntness instead of aggressiveness, a call-out instead of an attempt to drive someone out of a group. Because my experiences with social dynamics are so skewed towards the bad that I almost always read the latter even if everyone else can clearly see it’s the former. But I don’t want to accidentally cause offense either. Because I feel a genuine fear of a group “turning against me” (that’s not exactly the right words).
Here that isn’t so much of a problem, because you’re all pretty kind people and if I explain where I’m coming from, you’ll understand it. But I hang around other activist spaces as well, and the question comes up there, too.
So, is there any way to say you’re uncomfortable or to ask for a clarification of what was meant without that being seen as a sneaky attempt to tone-police? I know that this is difficult because trolls often do such things in bad faith and really do mean to attack or tone-police someone. And I never know how to “prove” that I mean the question honestly. It would be so much easier sometimes if you could speak face-to-face, because then you could probably see how I meant something.
And if you think the answer to my question is no, then that’s alright, too. At least then I know I can do nothing but let it go and maybe then my mind doesn’t go over it for hours on end, trying to figure out if I should have said something and what I could have said.
I am actually a bit anxious right now and hope this isn’t seen as offensive or tone-policing, as well. Hypervigilance, it’s not a fun state of mind.
Just who the fuck is “we”?
Why no, I’m saying it straight out!