emotional abuse empathy deficit entitled babies evil fat fatties men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA red pill reddit

Red Piller: Fellas! It’s your sacred duty “to make fat women ashamed of themselves again”

Some of the evil pro-fat-lady propaganda filling contemporary media if by contemporary you mean maybe 75 years ago

By David Futrelle

It’s tough to be a man in the year of our lord 2018. It’s legal for women to say no to sex, even if you’re married to them. Many women have jobs, and if you politely ask them, say, if the carpet matches the drapes they complain to HR instead of answering your simple query.

Men only hold 95% of the CEO jobs in Fortune 500 companies, and only 80% of those in the congress and Senate are men — and most of the women who’ve taken men’s jobs in politics and the business world are post-wall hags anyway. Even video games have female characters in them now —  and not all of them are skinny hotties with massive gravity-resistant bazongas that bounce up and down when they move.

Even worse, when you leave the house, roughly HALF of all those you’re likely to encounter are female. Even worser than worse, many of these women are FAT.

I recently ran across one brave soul in the Red Pill subreddit who is standing up against this final injustice, the worst of them all. In a post titled “Women are getting fatter because no one calls them out on it,” this internet hero launched a scathing attack on the women ruining his life by being fat in his immediate vicinity.

I recently spent 5 days in New Orleans. … I’m well aware of America’s current obesity crisis, but I was still shocked at how many fat women I saw. They were everywhere, and I can confidently say that they outnumbered fat men. 

Actually, the percentage of American women classified as obese (40%) isn’t that much greater than the percentage of men (35%), but, who knows, maybe New Orleans generates some sort of fat-lady-attracting magnetic field.

I saw countless couples where the woman was fatter than the man. It was practically the norm.

A skinny woman with a fat guy? Good for him. A skinny man with a fat women? HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATION. WAR CRIME.

At every restaurant I would see 5’5” women putting away just as much food as their 6’ boyfriend/husband. At every bar I would see these seemingly genderless, shrieking blobs guzzling sugary cocktails. On every block I would see overweight bachelorette parties stumbling down the street wearing revealing clothes … .

Woah. I just got chills. It;s just like that famous monologue from Rutger Hauer in Blade Runner, if everything he had mentioned in it had been fat. I wonder what that might have sounded like.

I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Fatties eating hot wings off the shoulder of Orion. I watched hamplanets glitter in the dark near the TGIFridays. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in a carton of ice cream. Time to diet.

But back to our internet hero and his rant.

Based on my observations, I can conclude that the main problem is there is no taboo against being a fat chick in America anymore.

It’s true. These days fat women never face any sort of criticism for their weight. Sure, the pressure to be thin leads countless teenage girls to develop eating disorders. Sure, when a woman turns down a sexual advance from a man, the spurned would-be lover might loudly inform her she’s just a “fat bitch” anyway. And sure, when fat women post selfies on social media, they might get hundreds of replies from angry dudes accusing them of being ugly fatties who are “glorifying obesity” by existing in public.

But that’s all in good fun! No harm, no foul!

I think a lot of men just accept it now- after all, society is constantly telling us that men and women are exactly the same. Women can (and should) eat just as much food as men, and to say otherwise is offensive and old-fashioned.

Yes, that’s right. The relentless message we get from the media and society in general is that men and women are exactly the same and should eat exactly the same things. Those stock photos of women laughing alone with salad? All in your head (well, except for these).

Nowadays, it’s very common to hear guys say shit like, “I hate when women only order salad at dinner” and then be applauded for saying it. I think that’s nonsense- when ordering just a salad, she’s trying to signal to you that she has self control and is unlikely to get fat later in the relationship. This is a good thing, and should be encouraged.

Also, she should force herself to hold in her farts every minute she is with you, because that means she’s trying to signal to you that WOMEN DON’T POOP.

Women tend to be gullible, so they easily buy into media messages telling them that “all women are beautiful.” If one of their friends gains weight, they will reassure her and tell her she still looks hot. In fact, I bet most fat chicks nowadays can go their whole lives without anyone saying, “You are fat, and this is not okay” to their face.

Dude, I think you may have used a wrong word here. When you said “go their whole lives” did you mean “go a whole hour,” because otherwise I’m pretty sure you’re making a sucker bet.

If you appreciate female beauty and femininity, it is up to you to help make fat women be ashamed of themselves again.

There’s nothing healthier than tearing down someone else’s self-esteem because for some reason you assume how they look is any of your business.

Don’t think of it as being mean- think of it as tough love.

If by “love” you mean “hate.”

The only negative reinforcement that most women respond to is the threat of social ostracization.

Well, that is sort of a classic move. There’s just one flaw in your plan, dude, which is that most women wouldn’t actually be terribly hurt if you left them alone and went off by yourself forever.

If there is a fat chick in your social circle, pay as little attention to her as possible. If a fat woman tries to give you a hug, you should recoil a bit and make a “yeesh” face. You should talk about how disgusting fat people are when they are within earshot (thin women may pretend to be offended by this, but trust me it’s mostly an act). If you bump into a woman you haven’t seen since college and she’s gained weight, pretend to not recognize her at first. If a drunk fat woman tries to hit on you, tell her sorry but you aren’t attracted to big women.

Yes, spend your whole life actively trying to make other people feel bad about themselves for how they look. Nothing weird or creepy or fucking pathological about this.

If a fat woman in your office is talking to you, make a point to glance at her stomach every few seconds … .

If you get called in by HR for creating a hostile work environment just because you are in fact trying to create a hostile work environment, well, I’m sure Fox News and Breitbart and Jordan Peterson would be happy to take up your cause.

Let me just skip the part where he gloats about how cool it is to “make some fat chicks cry themselves to sleep at night” and brags about saving an alcoholic friend of his by being a dick to him.

I’m typing this on my phone, so I’m going to end my rant now. If you have any other fat shaming suggestions, please share them. And if you’re a fat guy reading this, I hope I hurt your feelings. Stop being so fat, you fucking fat fuck.

As it turns out, I am a fat guy reading this. You didn’t hurt my feelings. You just made yourself look like an insecure asshole who tries to distract himself from his insecurities by attacking other people for things that aren’t any of your fucking business. Shut your fucking face, you fucking fuck.

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Clever name here
Clever name here
6 years ago

I’ve been large and I’ve been small, and am currently small. It is amazing to me how much differently (some) people treat me at this size. This was especially annoying when I was dating, and more than one guy would trot out how happy he was that I was thin, because . Automatic end to a date and any potential relationship; if he wouldn’t have been interested in me as a big woman, then was off for me.

My job at least, has always been a safe place, no matter my size. People there accept that I am competent regardless of how I look, and I am extraordinarily grateful for that.

6 years ago

I am old enough and secure enough to not give a solitary shit about others problems with my appearance. I am stroppy and uninhibited enough to loudly tell them how rude/ weird they are being.

But the last time I got insulted for being obese (and yes he used that word) I just gave him a big smile and said ‘you are a very nice man’. He was probably about half my weight and I did consider saying ‘you know I could body slam you to the pavement SO easily’ (my thoughts went there because I am very strong and that is one thing I appreciate about my size), but I really was so not insulted because I AM obese.

I have never really understood the need for strangers or slight acquaintances to comment negatively on others. There are lots of things I could criticise about others, but I consider it NONE of my business!

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
6 years ago

The only negative reinforcement that most women respond to is the threat of social ostracization.

This guy not only knows nothing about fat, he doesn’t even know anything about Skinner!

6 years ago

Ah, so we’re shaming people for their hair follicles and their drinking habits instead of their weight. Charming.

Is there any need for this aggression? Or this pointlessly forensic cross-examination of a completely throwaway anecdote that not only wasn’t even mine in the first place but which also had nothing to do with “shaming people”?

Or rather, you could just as easily argue that if the anecdote had a shaming purpose at all, it was to shame its original author, since failing to recognise your own former husband is quite an impressive feat of memory mismanagement (albeit one that she seems cheerfully relaxed about).

6 years ago

Is there any need for this aggression? Or this pointlessly forensic cross-examination of a completely throwaway anecdote that not only wasn’t even mine in the first place but which also had nothing to do with “shaming people”?

There is indeed a need when you come sauntering into a discussion about fat shaming, toss out an anecdote about someone no longer being able to recognize someone because they were changed in “unflattering” ways. Do I really need to spell out to you why ridiculing someone for their appearance is frowned upon in progressive circles?

6 years ago

I was in the USAF for eight years and was hounded about my weight from the time I was in basic training until the day I was told about my discharge. I wasn’t fat, but my weight didn’t conform to the 1943 metlife height/weight chart they admitted they used.

Thanks to being prescribed diuretics* I started abusing them for weight loss. I did this until I got dysentery while in Turkey and was a lot sicker than I needed to be due to starting out dehydrated. The med tech who had to put me on an IV figured it out and quietly informed me that my standing refills for the diuretic would be rescinded but he wouldn’t refer me for the abuse or put it in my records if I quit. That was a reality check I paid attention to even though I knew it meant I’d gain weight and be separated for that.

The discharge happened only a few months later. At that point, it was a matter of an honorable discharge (for just being “fat”) rather than a general discharge (for drug abuse.)

Never. Again.

*During a casual conversation with a coworker and the base Flight Surgeon, whose patient I wasn’t.

6 years ago

I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Fatties eating hot wings off the shoulder of Orion. I watched hamplanets glitter in the dark near the TGIFridays. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in a carton of ice cream. Time to diet.

I was momentarily stunned at what I thought was the redpiller’s completely unexpected lapse into lyricism here. The mighty figure of the heavenly waiter Orion bearing a tray on his shoulder from which majestic celestial fatty goddesses pluck hot wings. The eerie glitter of the star-kindling hampla-nets (which I assumed to be something like a giant space version of manta rays, only more reticulated) soaring silently across the galaxy.

Then I realized that this paragraph is actually David’s parody of the Blade Runner monologue, and that the word in question is “ham-planets”.

Too late, though. The hampla-nets now exist, regal creatures of pure energy rippling on their great interstellar migrations in spiderweb waves of black shot through with sparkling pulses of aurora color. Someone please send photographs. And hot wings.

6 years ago

I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Fatties eating hot wings off the shoulder of Orion. I watched hamplanets glitter in the dark near the TGIFridays. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in a carton of ice cream. Time to diet.

Hey, it was a conversation between bros. What do you expect?

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
6 years ago

Ham planet is a real insult that I’ve seen manurespherians use before. Unfortunately for them, it’s not terribly effective. It almost sounds kind of cool and sci-fi.

Passagère clandestine
Passagère clandestine
6 years ago

I can’t, because I wasn’t there. And since I have no idea what he looked like twenty years earlier, for all I know he’d become alarmingly thin instead, although I don’t actually think she mentioned his body shape at all. I believe substantial hair loss was a factor, and there were other clear signs that he was still fond of the odd tipple or several (the major reason why they divorced, I understand), but that’s all that I recall.

Incidentally, if you think for one millisecond that I’m in any way prejudiced about people’s size, I’m very happily married to someone that Alexander McCall Smith would describe as “traditionally built”, she’s been that shape for as long as I’ve known her, and I have never once suggested that she change it.

Don’t worry. I’ve been yelled at by the same person who decided to misunderstand a post. She’s the one with issues.

Valentin - Emigrantski Ragamuffin
Valentin - Emigrantski Ragamuffin
6 years ago

About people’s appearance changing from gain weight/lost hair/alcoholism I also felt uncomfortable about this. firstly about weight gain – I understand about karma, that someone who fat shames then gains wait and maybe they will learn to understand the experience of a fat person in this world and then they will regret their ignorance. However I feel a little bit like this means to be fat is a punishment – which seems like fat shaming. And additionally, to change of appearance to be “not handsome” because of baldness and alcoholism, again I also felt uncomfortable to read it. It is only a punishment to be ugly because society is ugly and hurts people who are not “handsome”, because appearance is worth so much. I believe strongly that there must be justice for people who done wrong, and they must learn and understand what they done and why it is harmful. But change of appearance to something which is not “handsome” is not acceptable to veiw like justice.

To be clear, appearance should be nothing about how someone is inside but sadly society will punish people who are not what society says is “handsome”. it is typical that society veiws “ugly” = someone without virtue and “handsome” = someone with virtue. I think that is important that we try to fight this stereotype, and make effort not to join appearance with virtue or with punishment.

Valentin - Emigrantski Ragamuffin
Valentin - Emigrantski Ragamuffin
6 years ago

Don’t worry. I’ve been yelled at by the same person who decided to misunderstand a post. She’s the one with issues.

seriously? Kupo (why you write your comment like subtweet), does not have issues and saying such things seems to me like violation of the comment policy, because of what “issues” imply. Secondly, differently interpretation is not “decided to misunderstand”. If someone is hurt by your words, even if you don’t mean to hurt, they don’t decide to do this just so they can “yell”, they are telling you that something is not okay. And finally, about yelling, this is tone policing, and also not okay. If someone says that what you said hurt them or can be harmful, first thing is to consider what they said and listen. It is hard to do, and I know I also struggle with this sometimes if I think there is no problem, but to behave defensive and say that someone yells and have “issues” is not the best response at all.

Passagère clandestine
Passagère clandestine
6 years ago

seriously? Kupo (why you write your comment like subtweet), does not have issues and saying such things seems to me like violation of the comment policy, because of what “issues” imply. Secondly, differently interpretation is not “decided to misunderstand”. If someone is hurt by your words, even if you don’t mean to hurt, they don’t decide to do this just so they can “yell”, they are telling you that something is not okay. And finally, about yelling, this is tone policing, and also not okay. If someone says that what you said hurt them or can be harmful, first thing is to consider what they said and listen. It is hard to do, and I know I also struggle with this sometimes if I think there is no problem, but to behave defensive and say that someone yells and have “issues” is not the best response at all.

Sock puppet much?

6 years ago

Valentin’s been a regular poster for some time – I doubt he’s a sock puppet of any kind.

6 years ago

Valya’s no puppet – sock or otherwise.

Passagère clandestine
Passagère clandestine
6 years ago

Valentin’s been a regular poster for some time – I doubt he’s a sock puppet of any kind.

and we so much believe you.

6 years ago

Holy shit, Pass, are you like… Serious right now? Get called out rightly for a shitty comment weeks ago, then start lashing out at a massive sockpupper conspiracy here?

Get fucked and come back when you’re not busy nailing yourself to a cross like some poor put upon bullied misunderstood martyr. Which you are not. And which we can clearly see through.

6 years ago

Holy shit, Pass, you get rightfully called out on a shitty comment weeks ago and now everyone is a sockpuppet out to get you?

How about you fuck off and come back when you’re not busy trying to act like a poor bullied martyr being nailed to a cross. We can see through it.

6 years ago

fucking… Mammoth eating comments then posting both at the same time


Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
6 years ago

@Passagère clandestine: Um, chiming in to say that Valentine is definitely not the same person as kupo?

@Wetherby, I was also uncomfortable about the related anecdotes. It’s the accidentally stepping someone’s foot situation here, I think. No harm was meant, but harm was done. Probably the best course of action is to listen, apologise, and move on.

I don’t think you meant to *be* hurtful, Wetherby. I think you told what you thought of as a funny anecdote that was related to the topic at hand, and included a fatshaming dude getting his comeuppance. The way it was phrased led me to also believe that he had put on weight, since that was the topic of this post.

It’s really important in text based conversations to make sure to convey the meaning we want. Sarcasm can use the /s tag, or just say “that was so sarcastic.” If we’re posting imitating someone, that could be put in blockquotes or italics, perhaps. Or, since that can be difficult sometimes (I know I miss the buttons if my javascript isn’t turned on), just saying “in the voice of X”.

It sucks to tell a funny story and have it fall flat, or have someone say “umm, did you think about this?” We’ve all had it happen, I’ve got one in particular that I cringe when I think about me telling it. But someone took time out of their day to let you know that something wasn’t quite coming across how you thought it was, and that’s basically a gift of time and energy.

What you do with that is up to you, really.

Valentin - Emigrantski Ragamuffin
Valentin - Emigrantski Ragamuffin
6 years ago

Sock puppet much?

I’m not a sock, but a whole human)) I’m just supporting kupo because i feel you attacked her unfairly.

Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
6 years ago

ARGH too late to edit, this is why I copy and paste usually!!!!

… Or I blame autocorrect…
comment image

mmm… yes…. XD

I meant ‘Valentin’.

6 years ago

*pokes head in*

Valentin is one of many amazing people here, with a long and detailed history of commenting, as is Kupo. Accusing either one of them of sock-puppetry is laughable.

I, on the other hand, am not amazing, but I’m still not a sock puppet.

6 years ago

Ah, yes, Valentin and Kupo, two regular and long-time posters on WHTM, who both have consistent and extremely different backgrounds, identities and writing style are secretly the same person. This devious mastermind, who has been maintaining these two separate accounts for years, does this so that they can, on occasion, back themselves up. They need to do this because their opinions are super different from the rest of the commentariat and they never bring up points that are fully supported by the comments policy and also held by a large number of other commenters. Ingenious! /sarcasm

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
6 years ago

What is happening in this thread?

comment image?itemid=6142651