By David Futrelle
It’s tough to be a man in the year of our lord 2018. It’s legal for women to say no to sex, even if you’re married to them. Many women have jobs, and if you politely ask them, say, if the carpet matches the drapes they complain to HR instead of answering your simple query.
Men only hold 95% of the CEO jobs in Fortune 500 companies, and only 80% of those in the congress and Senate are men — and most of the women who’ve taken men’s jobs in politics and the business world are post-wall hags anyway. Even video games have female characters in them now — and not all of them are skinny hotties with massive gravity-resistant bazongas that bounce up and down when they move.
Even worse, when you leave the house, roughly HALF of all those you’re likely to encounter are female. Even worser than worse, many of these women are FAT.
I recently ran across one brave soul in the Red Pill subreddit who is standing up against this final injustice, the worst of them all. In a post titled “Women are getting fatter because no one calls them out on it,” this internet hero launched a scathing attack on the women ruining his life by being fat in his immediate vicinity.
I recently spent 5 days in New Orleans. … I’m well aware of America’s current obesity crisis, but I was still shocked at how many fat women I saw. They were everywhere, and I can confidently say that they outnumbered fat men.
Actually, the percentage of American women classified as obese (40%) isn’t that much greater than the percentage of men (35%), but, who knows, maybe New Orleans generates some sort of fat-lady-attracting magnetic field.
I saw countless couples where the woman was fatter than the man. It was practically the norm.
A skinny woman with a fat guy? Good for him. A skinny man with a fat women? HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATION. WAR CRIME.
At every restaurant I would see 5’5” women putting away just as much food as their 6’ boyfriend/husband. At every bar I would see these seemingly genderless, shrieking blobs guzzling sugary cocktails. On every block I would see overweight bachelorette parties stumbling down the street wearing revealing clothes … .
Woah. I just got chills. It;s just like that famous monologue from Rutger Hauer in Blade Runner, if everything he had mentioned in it had been fat. I wonder what that might have sounded like.
I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Fatties eating hot wings off the shoulder of Orion. I watched hamplanets glitter in the dark near the TGIFridays. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in a carton of ice cream. Time to diet.
But back to our internet hero and his rant.
Based on my observations, I can conclude that the main problem is there is no taboo against being a fat chick in America anymore.
It’s true. These days fat women never face any sort of criticism for their weight. Sure, the pressure to be thin leads countless teenage girls to develop eating disorders. Sure, when a woman turns down a sexual advance from a man, the spurned would-be lover might loudly inform her she’s just a “fat bitch” anyway. And sure, when fat women post selfies on social media, they might get hundreds of replies from angry dudes accusing them of being ugly fatties who are “glorifying obesity” by existing in public.
But that’s all in good fun! No harm, no foul!
I think a lot of men just accept it now- after all, society is constantly telling us that men and women are exactly the same. Women can (and should) eat just as much food as men, and to say otherwise is offensive and old-fashioned.
Yes, that’s right. The relentless message we get from the media and society in general is that men and women are exactly the same and should eat exactly the same things. Those stock photos of women laughing alone with salad? All in your head (well, except for these).
Nowadays, it’s very common to hear guys say shit like, “I hate when women only order salad at dinner” and then be applauded for saying it. I think that’s nonsense- when ordering just a salad, she’s trying to signal to you that she has self control and is unlikely to get fat later in the relationship. This is a good thing, and should be encouraged.
Also, she should force herself to hold in her farts every minute she is with you, because that means she’s trying to signal to you that WOMEN DON’T POOP.
Women tend to be gullible, so they easily buy into media messages telling them that “all women are beautiful.” If one of their friends gains weight, they will reassure her and tell her she still looks hot. In fact, I bet most fat chicks nowadays can go their whole lives without anyone saying, “You are fat, and this is not okay” to their face.
Dude, I think you may have used a wrong word here. When you said “go their whole lives” did you mean “go a whole hour,” because otherwise I’m pretty sure you’re making a sucker bet.
If you appreciate female beauty and femininity, it is up to you to help make fat women be ashamed of themselves again.
There’s nothing healthier than tearing down someone else’s self-esteem because for some reason you assume how they look is any of your business.
Don’t think of it as being mean- think of it as tough love.
If by “love” you mean “hate.”
The only negative reinforcement that most women respond to is the threat of social ostracization.
Well, that is sort of a classic move. There’s just one flaw in your plan, dude, which is that most women wouldn’t actually be terribly hurt if you left them alone and went off by yourself forever.
If there is a fat chick in your social circle, pay as little attention to her as possible. If a fat woman tries to give you a hug, you should recoil a bit and make a “yeesh” face. You should talk about how disgusting fat people are when they are within earshot (thin women may pretend to be offended by this, but trust me it’s mostly an act). If you bump into a woman you haven’t seen since college and she’s gained weight, pretend to not recognize her at first. If a drunk fat woman tries to hit on you, tell her sorry but you aren’t attracted to big women.
Yes, spend your whole life actively trying to make other people feel bad about themselves for how they look. Nothing weird or creepy or fucking pathological about this.
If a fat woman in your office is talking to you, make a point to glance at her stomach every few seconds … .
If you get called in by HR for creating a hostile work environment just because you are in fact trying to create a hostile work environment, well, I’m sure Fox News and Breitbart and Jordan Peterson would be happy to take up your cause.
Let me just skip the part where he gloats about how cool it is to “make some fat chicks cry themselves to sleep at night” and brags about saving an alcoholic friend of his by being a dick to him.
I’m typing this on my phone, so I’m going to end my rant now. If you have any other fat shaming suggestions, please share them. And if you’re a fat guy reading this, I hope I hurt your feelings. Stop being so fat, you fucking fat fuck.
As it turns out, I am a fat guy reading this. You didn’t hurt my feelings. You just made yourself look like an insecure asshole who tries to distract himself from his insecurities by attacking other people for things that aren’t any of your fucking business. Shut your fucking face, you fucking fuck.
Sorry, dudebro. Not ashamed of my body, now or ever. I’d laugh right into your face, you ever tried that shit with me.
Study after study has proven that fat-shaming does not help people lose weight. But I know this guy doesn’t actually care about that, he just wants to make people feel bad.
Don’t forget the yogurt!
May an exuberance of Labradors feast on cucumber skins and fart in his bedroom every night for the rest of his life.
It is the norm. It’s the norm now. It was the norm back in whatever time period you think was better. It’s the norm everywhere. That’s because AFAB people naturally have higher body fat than AMAB people. I know manospherians suck at science and think thinner = more fertile or whatever, but the higher fat is actually beneficial for pregnancy and nursing.
Nice try, but no. The hidden caveat when men say this is that they want us to be skinny but without all the dieting and self consciousness that’s a total bummer and not very cool. It’s very rare that women get praised for relishing high calorie food if they’re not thin. You’d think red pillers would understand and appreciate this impossible for the vast majority of women standard.
I don’t think I’ve actually met any woman of any body type who’s never been body shamed. Where does this dude live that women are never fat shamed? Because I’d love to live there.
All the research on this topic shows that fat shaming does not help people lose weight. I wonder if this guy isn’t actually trying to help women lose weight, but is instead just trying to make women feel shitty in the hopes that they’ll actually agree to fuck him, because I think we all know that nobody of any size with any self respect would get anywhere near him.
What a shock. This pathetic jackass is in fact, just all about trying to make others feel bad.
Seriously. How much of a sad manbaby do you have to be to sit around plotting about how to make people more insecure about their bodies?
I mean…
Nothing says suave and attractive and desirable alpha male like scouring the internet looking for fat shaming tips, right, ladies?
“Fatties eating hot wings off the shoulder of Orion. I watched hamplanets glitter in the dark near the TGIFridays.”
Wow, this sounds pretty cosmic and might even entice me to get in on it…
“Hot Wings”, is it? I must put that down on my shopping list.
So what does our hero here think about women who are late in pregnancy? Must cause a dilemma. On the one hand, they’re doing their duty to him and society by giving birth, but on the other hand, they’re … fat. Should they be shamed, or maybe pre-shamed so they hurry up and lose the weight as soon as they push out their kids?
Since this post was made in 2016, I decided to check douglas_p’s profile to see what he’s been up to recently. He’s a regular poster to r/milliondollarextreme, it seems (last post made 8 days ago), which appears to some edgelord stomping ground centering around fans of some canceled Adult Swim sketch show whose creators had ties to the alt-right.
In keeping with his edgelord persona, his recent output has been:
Laughing at incels
Laughing at Ben Shapiro supporters
Mocking women drivers
Edgy “at least the Nazis were kind to animals” posts
Aaand slut-shaming
He really is the worst.
I mean, technically, he’s correct. Almost no one hears the phrase “You are fat, and this is not okay,” in large part because most English speakers know how to use contractions.
Re: laughing at incels and Ben Shapiro supporters, his “stand”, insofar as he has one, seems to be mostly that their willingness to identify with any ideology at all is worthy of mockery.
I mean, if he’s not attracted to or interested in fat girls, that’s fine, his preference. But picking on them and shaming them? He has severe problems.
What world do these fuckheads live in, where women aren’t shamed for their bodies (and where rape accusations are actually taken seriously and where rapist’s lives are “ruined forever”)? And how can I get there? Is there some kind of portal?
They don’t believe in female body autonomy. These dudes think women’s bodies are the property of men, and any woman who dares not to aspire to or attain a porn-influenced beauty standard is an affront to them.
Women aren’t human to them. They are f***toys to be used and abused by men.
It’s funny because these guys complaining about fat women are always the same guys who tell me to “go eat a burger” because my thinness is so disgusting to them.
They don’t care if you’re fat, thin, or somewhere in between. They just want to complain.
Study after study has shown it actually has the opposite effect – fat-shamed people are more likely to gain weight. Making people feel bad about themselves often leads to comfort eating. Who knew.
Oh, shit! I didn’t know the carpet n drapes hadda match 🙁 🙁 🙁
My new apartment has light brown carpet, but I got dark brown curtains cuz they block light better when I sleep in….
Guess I’m just a traitor to my gender…. Gender, heck, I’m a traitor to humanity!!!
(oh, that’s just for the ladies?? whew!!)
Really? Since when is this not what the majority of people do? Hell, we regularly have people doing it here and doubling down when called out. It’s not so much “severe problems” as defending the status quo.
@ arbilester;
This is the hallmark of “dudebro” culture… If you stand for ANYTHING, you’re “less than me”
I dunno… that’s a bar so low it’s painted on the basement floor….
Years ago, a friend of mine was working at a little bead shop, and her coworker was very very pregnant. They had a couple of European tourists come in, the male half got annoyed because they were closing and the coworker wouldn’t give him an extra half hour to look around, and he went off about “the poor little fat girl, she is mad because she’s pregnant, and her husband doesn’t love her anymore”.
But in general, I think these guy just hate women, so being pregnant is probably just another thing they hate women for.
Make Earth Flat Again
It is? Where?
(guffaw) Bozo, PLEASE. The calorie counts on some restaurants’ so-called salads rival, and even exceed, those of a bacon double cheeseburger with large fries and a big feckin’ milkshake. You might as well eat the burger meal — at least you’ll get properly full!
And even if it’s a diet-y salad, what a shitty, unsatisfying form of “nourishment” that is. It’ll go through you like water and just leave you hungrier later. Guaranteed that when she’s finally out of sight of her pinch-nosed date, that poor woman will be snarfing down whatever she can find in the refrigerator, just so she won’t go to bed with a gurgling gut.
She’s not signalling anything, except maybe a potential propensity for disordered eating. And that’s due to worrying about what some asshole will think of her.
I know what she’s going through, because I had a boyfriend once who fat-shamed me for having an other-than-modelesque butt. He even did it in front of his oh-so-lovely buddies. Last time I saw him, he’d gained a lot of weight and I didn’t know who he was until he told me. Ironically, I still looked the same as I had the day he dumped me. Somehow, I managed to scrounge up the real self-control it took not to laugh at the karmic justice of it all.
He’s been out of my life for a quarter-century now. I don’t miss him.
My wife once failed to recognise her ex-husband when they bumped into each other by chance, a good twenty years after their divorce. He recognised her immediately, but apparently he’d changed appearance quite drastically and in multiple and not especially flattering ways.
I always enjoy it when a man pontificates about women. Philosopher-kings know so much about us.
Here’s a comment in the same thread, this one from a formerly fat man, who seems to appreciate the size he once was. When you’re a guy, it’s all good:
Fuck this guy. I was fat shamed and made to hate my body from age 9/10, long before I was actually overweight. I look at pictures of 10 year old me and wonder what the hell these people (both family and friends. It was very hurtful) were going on about. I was actually quite slim. In fact I was the PEFECT weight for my age. I began to gain weight from about 11/12. At 19 I started to go to the gym regularly. Whenever I noticeably lost weight, I was met with sabotaging behavior from my family (regularly buying cake and other junk food. I have hardly any self control when it comes such foods, so I never have them in the house. Expect chocolate. I will NEVER EVER give up chocolate!!!). Those who fat shame us tend to be the very people who try to prevent us from losing weight. Funny that! At 24 I got very committed to losing weight. I was met with sabotaging behavior and constant complaints. If I even requested a minor alteration to a meal, like not having a cream based sauce on my steak, they would lose it. They would go on about how selfish I was and how my behaviour affects them, when I all I wanted was to have some control over what goes in my mouth. I was the one who was doing all the hard work! All I asked of them was to give me some notice on what we were going to have for dinner, or to make the occasional tiny alteration, but that was too hard for them. Unfortunately I was not in the financial position to move out, so I had to put up with it. On top of it all, they still complained about how much I ate. I was regularly told by my father how I ate more than he did and that I was ‘eating them out of house and home’. I became so obsessed with losing weight that I was over-exercising and under-eating to the point that I stopped menstruating for almost a year. And they still complained about how much I was eating. I ended up with osteopenia and I have to take almost twice the normally recommended amount of calcium and vitamin D every day. My weight has yo-yoed ever since. I have recently put on about 10kg and my family act like I am morbidly obese. I am now losing weight slowly just by going to the gym again. I am making an effort to lose weight as slowly as possible to avoid getting obsessed. I have got my periods back, too! Thank goodness! I’m almost certain my bone strength has improved. It has been a long while since I had a bone density scan, but I have read medical research on amenorrhea and bone density does improve after menstruation starts again. I also strength train, which helps
So, fat shaming doesn’t work. In fact, it causes people to put on weight. Women also get fat shamed long before they are even remotely over weight, experience fat shaming and food policing from a young age. It’s unbelievable that people think it’s appropriate to fat shame a slim 10 year old, but I was and I wasn’t the only one. I believe that the body shaming and food policing I experienced as a child lead me to develop an unhealthy relationship with food and exercise. Not only has fat shaming lead me to gain weight, it also damaged my health. I often wonder how things would have turned out for me if I never experienced that bullshit. I doubt I would have gained weight in the first place. I definitely wouldn’t have half killed myself tyring to lose unhealthy amount of weight, that’s for sure. These arseholes and can walk on a mile of legos. Sorry for the rant.
@ Tosca
cw: starvation
Comfort eating isn’t the only or even anywhere near the most important mechanism through which the stigma of living with an “unacceptable” body makes you less healthy and possibly fatter. It is however the only one fat shamers will admit to existing, because it’s simplistic and mechanistic enough and because you can still blame the eater for it for “not having self control”.
Constant psychological stress becomes an extremely unhealthy physical state, worse than smoking.* It makes you gain weight and depletes all your energy to exercise and take care of yourself and eventually makes you sick. When you get into this state you body will put retaining/gaining weight above keeping normal body functions running. (Counterintuitively, shutting down digestion is a thing that sometimes happens because of starving. idk how bodies expect this’ll work out) If you resist it, you will feel like shit 100% of the time, your body will start falling apart, you will not experience love or joy or any kind of satisfaction and will pretty much just want to die, you’ll be constantly cold (producing heat is energy expensive), dumb (brain is on low power too and will actually start to physically shrink if you go on this way long enough) and in pain, repeatedly injure yourself while exercising, and you’ll become immune deficient, and despite starving, you may not lose any weight at all, or you may even gain it if you occasionally eat a little bit better. Coping with this state is likely the reason why you ever gained weight to begin with.
When you get to this point and do not absolutely pig out on easily digestible calorie & nutrient dense foods like your healthy instincts (quite possibly the last healthy thing about you) are telling you to, that’s worth one immediate eating disorder diagnosis available at your nearest doctor’s office.
It’s shocking to me people don’t understand that not everyone can be thin no matter what they do, and that it’s not their fault. When you try to explain these things to them, they’ll start admonishing you on the dangers of crash dieting, and explain long term change to you like you’re an idiot and like it has anything to do with what you just said.
*I’d be willing to bet money that a huge majority of the negative health effects of fat are actually way more about the stress and not the fat. It’s just not easy to study them separately, and scientists are biased against fat people just like everybody else.
I don’t know whether this counts as projection, or just Dunning-Kruger, but the Red Pillocks are some of the most gullible people.