By David Futrelle
Today, another misogynist comparing women to cattle. I found this one on the always informative Incels.me forums, and it turns out he knows as little about cattle as he does about women.
UBERCEL, a prolific poster who has contributed some 2600 comments to the Incels.me forums, started off his post “how women should be treated” by explaining just how dumb and helpless cows are:
Let’s take look at the case cattle.
Raised in small restricted areas all their lifetime, yet they think they have all the freedom.
They know nothing about tourism and the existence of such exotic animals.
Damn those cows and their lack of knowledge about *checks notes* tourism!
They don’t know how to take care of themselves, we have to clean them, feed them, milk them, and supervise in case of an emergency to call a vet.
Dude, you realize that cows can actually survive without people, right? The aurochs — the wild cattle that we domesticated some 10,000 years ago — somehow managed to live for roughly two million years without humans cleaning them, feeding them, milking them, or taking them to the vet. And there are wild cattle today, and they survive, because animal species cannot actually come into existence without being able to survive and reproduce. It’s kind of the most basic fact about evolution and, well, life itself.
Humans have higher intelligence and counsiousness, hence we understand what they don’t, we percieve what they don’t, make solutions for what they don’t even know was a problem.
We also confine them in dirty, overcrowded pens and kill them for their meat. I mean, people don’t generally raise cattle as a hobby; they raise them to exploit.
But hey, enough about cattle, because UBERCEL has some even more insightful comments about human females.
Among the two genders exist a very huge intellect gap. 99.9% of the time the inventor or a scientist is a man, yet these foids want to take the seats of a man in a college for equality without achieving results.
Weird, because these women “stealing men’s seats” in college are studying harder and getting better grades than men. Also, they’re not actually stealing seats from men. If anything, it’s the other way around, with college admissions offices giving male applicants a boost, admitting many with grades and scores lower than their female counterparts in an attempt to increase the number of men on college campuses.
But again, like cattle, we can’t blame them.
We have to treat foids and control them in a similar pattern to the cattle, while they know how to shower and eat by themselves, they can’t work to get the money or ingredients for such tasks.
Uh, most women work, and they currently make up the majority of the workforce. They buy their own groceries and pay their water bills. What planet do incels live on, anyway?
The pussification of the male and the masculinization of the female is increasing nowadays. And will still increase till the collapse of society again if we do nothing.
The blessed Babylonians and Mesopotamians found out about this long ago and became the most powerful and scientifically advanced empire in the world.
Huh. I’m no expert on the ancient Mesopotamians, but I’m pretty sure that while their laws restricted women in various ways, Mesopotamian men didn’t actually treat women like cattle.
Tldr; control females, create civilizations
Not … exactly. In fact, that’s pretty much exactly backwards. Female hunter-gatherers played a critical role, if not the critical role, in the invention of agriculture, which is what made civilization possible in the first place.
Naturally. most of those who responded to UBERCEL’s post on Incels.me thought it was a work of genius.
“High IQ post,” wrote UndertakerCel, a self-described “18 year old truecel.”
Females should stay at home since teenagers and have sex with their pre-decided grown husband
UBERCEL enthusiastically agreed:
The predecided husband should be a good person to be able to take care of the cattle to be able make them fulfill their puropse(childbearing, child caring, and household chores)
Hence improving society
It remains rather astonishing to me that these defiantly ignorant Dunning-Krugerheads, who can’t even figure out how to use spellcheck, actually consider themselves to be the genetically superior philosopher-kings who should be running the world we live in.
Then again that all describes Donald Trump as well, and he actually is running the world we live in, so never mind, I’ll just be here banging my head slowly against the wall. Happy Friday!
Well cattle can certainly get ornery. Only today the local radio news round here reported on a farmer believed trampled to death by his own herd as he was feeding them last night.
@tim gueguen: Undertakercel?! How dare that creep besmirch the name of one of WWE’s greatest icons!
Everyone’s talking about the cattle, but:
“The blessed Babylonians and Mesopotamians found out about this long ago and became the most powerful and scientifically advanced empire in the world.”
No. That is wrong. All of that sentence is wrong.
That’s the incel… no, the right wing in general trope I find the most irritating. They know absolutely zero about history, and claim that past civilizations looked like their bizarre and unworkable ideal, or alternatively that past civilizations fell because of their practice of some quote-unquote vice.
No, the Spartans and the Vikings were not the manly cults of destruction you imagine them to be – in fact, women had more rights in those societies than many of their contemporaries. No, the Roman empire did not end because of homosexuality. Listen to yourself. The feudal system is not the only system of government that is in harmony with human nature. I would bet everything I own that you have no clue what the feudal syste even was.
Even allowing for the fact that humans are notoriously bad at assessing the intelligence of animals, I believe cattle are acknowledged to be pretty bright, and they certainly have rich and complex family relationships when allowed to.
And they can be deadly. In the UK they kill more people annually than any other non-human animal does.
I wonder what cows would make of the intelligence of incels?
One of the reasons I gave up on Raw Story after Pandagon left is that an RS regular (one of those people upvoted by everyone) who was a supposedly woke dude would get nasty with me every time he saw a post by me. My crime? I once admitted that I’m fat. I don’t see progressives, as a whole, being any less fat-shaming than the rest of society. I think it has a lot to do with unexamined classism, along with ideas about bodily purity (don’t pollute your body with Coca Cola or deep fried twinkies!).
Bill Kersten… the voice of “All Star Wrestling”… from VERY long ago….
tw: racism, white supremacy
off-topic, “How 911 calls on blacks are a new twist on something old: white flight”
Hi! As far as I know, I’m a first-time commenter here (I wrote a lengthy/ substantive one a couple weeks ago but I believe it was lost in the ether never to be seen). Nothing deep to say here — although I do want to see the Great Violent Beef-Cattle Uprising Against Meatpackers But Also Incels — but in honor of Kupo and Ooglyboggles, from a few days ago, I wanted to say:
* I’m a cis-het male (albeit with a ponytail and a bright pink t-shirt for the punk band the Julie Ruin);
* I reached the age of 24 without ever having even kissed a girl, which was deeply frustrating and even contributed to two years of severe depression mid-college, but
* if you’d shown 24-year-old me a bunch of Incels posts, I would have said “holy crap, what a hateful bunch of morons”. Because I liked talking and listening to women just fine and had somehow processed that they were people. It’s … not actually that tricky to figure out. Which works as a comment on most of Futrelle’s posts.
Y’all make this an interesting site together. Keep it up!
Cattle manage just fine without humans. There’s an island north of Scotland where the last humans gave up trying to survive about 50 years ago. It’s a rock in the Atlantic, humans had being clinging on for centuries but eventually they had enough, but crucially they left their cattle behind. Those animals, and a couple of generations of offspring, are now essentially wild; they avoid humans when humans visit the island to check on them. I just need to remember where I saw it, maybe a BBC three parter about bronze age Orkney?
Anyway. Cattle, not at all unintelligent. Also, neither are women. Men had to deliberately prevent women from getting an education for millenia to be able to say otherwise. When education is equal, women seem to do as well as, or better than their male counterparts. I don’t suppose incels know, understand or care, really. Anything that contradicts their world view scares them I to putting their fingers in their ears and screaming “lala lala I can’t hear you”.
I lived in a small rural town all my life and in my experience. COWS ARE SCARY! Meadow stealth TANKS. RESPECT THE COWS! (Or they’ll hunt you down… or that might be Hit Monkey. ^^; )
Welcome! New commenters go into automatic moderation, so sometimes unfortunately the first comment doesn’t show up for a long time and doesn’t get seen.
Nanny Oggs Bosom,
It is funny how white men gripe about affirmative action and other measures to give everyone else a fair shake. They like to think they’re naturally superior. Yet, in the US at least, if university acceptance was based solely on grades and test scores, it would be heavily skewed towards women over men and towards Asians over whites. I remember reading about a study. One group of people was asked if college admissions should be based solely on grades and test scores or if race should be accounted for. The second group of people was asked the same question but informed that if they went solely by grades and testing, the student body would be disproportionately Asian as that is the demographic with the best grades and test scores. Surprise, surprise, white people in the first group were a lot less likely to approve of taking race into account than white people in the second group.
I’m pretty sure that people in privileged demographics know they aren’t actually superior. They claim they want equal opportunity, no special privileges, only because they know that biases are in their favor. This is why these same people are so willing to fight to keep people not in the privileged demographic away from opportunities whenever they sense that they can’t get away with coasting on their privilege anymore.
@ nanny oggs bosom
Yup. They’re on an island called Swona.
I seem to recall Chris Packham doing a piece on them. It may well have been in that documentary series you mention (which I really enjoyed anyway).
There’s also a wild herd in Northumbria. That lot have managed to cling on since Robin Hood times. They have red ears.
This made me think of Man-Eating Cow from “The Tick”. It escaped from Chairface Chippendale and used its anthropophagic abilities for Good, which automatically makes it morally superior to the burbling whatsits in the OP.
The first time I was in the presence of a cow, I was struck by just how BIG they are. Our distant predecessors who turned the aurochs into the cow achieved quite a feat.
@Gaebolga : similar to EpicurusHog, if you don’t know what you are talking about, well maybe don’t talk about it ? In your example :
* it’s not often with a furry bent. It happen, but it’s not that common
* it’s not “invariably female”. It’s just mostly female
(and while all the examples I have seen are in comics form, not all were japanese either)
I can understand why people are revulsed by that (as any kind of actually degrading porn, like all the enslavement / rape / “reeducation” kind). But I would like to not have too many hasty generalization made on hyperbole and lack of knowledge. Furry (and hentai artists) *can* be disgusting people, but that’s not related to them being furry.
RE: Domesticated cows. The first time I was close to a cow, was at the Michigan State Fair, many years ago. Frankly, what I remember best is how terrible its breath smelled.
Looking back on it, I’m sort of puzzled. Why should an herbivore have such bad breath? I can understand a cat having bad breath due to its diet, but a cow?
I would suspect being a ruminant (having basically several stomaches that function as “compost” tanks and regurgitating up half digested food to chew it even more) isn’t good for breath.
I’m sorry if I don’t use the right words. Specialized words used in agriculture is hard for me to translate even with the help of google. ^^;
@Malitia I believe that’s the correct term for it.
I believe (and bear in mind that I’ve last taken a biology class in 1998) that ruminants “eat” their food four times as they have four separate stomachs which digest the food in different stages, all in order to extract all the nutrients from the plant matter that they eat. This is called chewing the cud. All in all, a ruminant’s life is pretty much devoted to eating loads and loads of grass and other low-growing plantlife and just digesting it over the course of several hours. This has been your PSA for today. 😀
Smart Cows
All this cow talk reminds me of a human intrest pic I saw back in the 1980’s. It was a picture of a bull in a field standing next to a sign with the legend “If you want to cross this field, do it in 9 1/2 seconds. The BULL can do it in 10.”
I’ve always wondered how many trespassers dared that bull….
@ redsilkphoenix
If you are chased by a bull, run downhill. They have relatively shorter front legs than rear; so they’re not as fast that way.
Having said that, on one of the farms I lived on there was a very friendly bull, called Thomas. I’d cut through his field when out with the hound and he’d just tag along with us.
Re: friendly bulls
I’m a sucker for videos like this.
As Ubercel’s general intel idiocy has been more than adequately dealt with, I will simply comment on his lack of agrarian knowledge.
Technically, yes, certain dairy cattle like Holsteins would no longer exist if humans did not care for them. They have been bred to have such high milk production that without milking, their excess milk would cause them to develop mastitis and other infections.
However, cattle raised for meat and even some dairy cattle would be just fine. Ubercel’s high school apparently hasn’t covered the cattle drives of the 1800’s, when cattle were left to fend for themselves when they weren’t being driven to market. Feral cattle live today throughout the western US, and even notably in Hawaii, and can be quite dangerous. I’m quite sure that they are far more adept at survival than Ubercel would be in their situation.
Are we talking about the sort of intellect that fails to notice women buying groceries, cooking meals, excelling in college, obtaining patents, working jobs, and running households?