bad history bad science cringe Dunning–Kruger effect entitled babies incels irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny

Incel: Treat women like cattle, because, like cattle, they’re incapable of taking care of themselves

What the fuck are you talking about, incel?

By David Futrelle

Today, another misogynist comparing women to cattle. I found this one on the always informative forums, and it turns out he knows as little about cattle as he does about women.

UBERCEL, a prolific poster who has contributed some 2600 comments to the forums, started off his post “how women should be treated” by explaining just how dumb and helpless cows are:

Let’s take look at the case cattle.
Raised in small restricted areas all their lifetime, yet they think they have all the freedom.
They know nothing about tourism and the existence of such exotic animals.

Damn those cows and their lack of knowledge about *checks notes* tourism!

They don’t know how to take care of themselves, we have to clean them, feed them, milk them, and supervise in case of an emergency to call a vet.

Dude, you realize that cows can actually survive without people, right? The aurochs — the wild cattle that we domesticated some 10,000 years ago — somehow managed to live for roughly two million years without humans cleaning them, feeding them, milking them, or taking them to the vet. And there are wild cattle today, and they survive, because animal species cannot actually come into existence without being able to survive and reproduce. It’s kind of the most basic fact about evolution and, well, life itself.

Humans have higher intelligence and counsiousness, hence we understand what they don’t, we percieve what they don’t, make solutions for what they don’t even know was a problem.

We also confine them in dirty, overcrowded pens and kill them for their meat. I mean, people don’t generally raise cattle as a hobby; they raise them to exploit.

But hey, enough about cattle, because UBERCEL has some even more insightful comments about human females.

Among the two genders exist a very huge intellect gap. 99.9% of the time the inventor or a scientist is a man, yet these foids want to take the seats of a man in a college for equality without achieving results.

Weird, because these women “stealing men’s seats” in college are studying harder and getting better grades than men. Also, they’re not actually stealing seats from men. If anything, it’s the other way around, with college admissions offices giving male applicants a boost, admitting many with grades and scores lower than their female counterparts in an attempt to increase the number of men on college campuses.

But again, like cattle, we can’t blame them.

We have to treat foids and control them in a similar pattern to the cattle, while they know how to shower and eat by themselves, they can’t work to get the money or ingredients for such tasks.

Uh, most women work, and they currently make up the majority of the workforce. They buy their own groceries and pay their water bills. What planet do incels live on, anyway?

The pussification of the male and the masculinization of the female is increasing nowadays. And will still increase till the collapse of society again if we do nothing.

The blessed Babylonians and Mesopotamians found out about this long ago and became the most powerful and scientifically advanced empire in the world.

Huh. I’m no expert on the ancient Mesopotamians, but I’m pretty sure that while their laws restricted women in various ways, Mesopotamian men didn’t actually treat women like cattle.

Tldr; control females, create civilizations

Not … exactly. In fact, that’s pretty much exactly backwards. Female hunter-gatherers played a critical role, if not the critical role, in the invention of agriculture, which is what made civilization possible in the first place.

Naturally. most of those who responded to UBERCEL’s post on thought it was a work of genius.

“High IQ post,” wrote UndertakerCel, a self-described “18 year old truecel.”

Females should stay at home since teenagers and have sex with their pre-decided grown husband

UBERCEL enthusiastically agreed:

The predecided husband should be a good person to be able to take care of the cattle to be able make them fulfill their puropse(childbearing, child caring, and household chores)
Hence improving society

It remains rather astonishing to me that these defiantly ignorant Dunning-Krugerheads, who can’t even figure out how to use spellcheck, actually consider themselves to be the genetically superior philosopher-kings who should be running the world we live in.

Then again that all describes Donald Trump as well, and he actually is running the world we live in, so never mind, I’ll just be here banging my head slowly against the wall. Happy Friday!

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Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

the cow who hid her new-born calf in a ditch

I’ve lived on a couple of dairy farms, and one of the saddest things is when they take away the calves from their mothers. The mothers cry out all night. It’s a heart rending sound. And they break out and go looking for them. The farmers have to put barricades up everywhere to keep them from escaping.

And cows can get out at the best of times when they want to. I used to come downstairs to this a lot in the mornings.

comment image

But that is one of the things that tipped me veggie.

6 years ago


That’ll learn ’em.

6 years ago

I guess we can also add history of farming to the things that inceldom doesn’t have a Scooby-Doo about. Y’see, the aurochs, from which modern cattle stems, was an ornery beast. The cows as well as the bulls were aggressive and quite able to do some serious damage to any foolish ape that came too close to them, especially at calving time. It took millennia to turn the meaty and ornery aurochs into the docile cattle we have today. And of course it’s important to point out that cattle raised for meat differs quite drastically from cattle raised for milk. Basically, when a city-slicker like myself knows more about animal husbandry than you, you’re in for a bad time. (I have visited a dairy farm, though, so I have seen firsthand what sort of animals dairy cows are. One of them crapped on my leg and foot, and I can tell you that I was mighty glad of wearing my rubber boots!)

I’ll go back to lurking now… *waves*

Pagan Reader - Misandrist Spinster
Pagan Reader - Misandrist Spinster
6 years ago
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy

David, I was about to warn you against banging your head on the wall (your migraine, remember? don’t do it!) but then I read this:

Females should stay at home since teenagers and have sex with their pre-decided grown husband

And I think I’ll join you. Make room, please.
Cows are lovely (as are pigs, and chickens, etc.) which is one of the reasons I stopped eating them.

Incels, I “lost my virginity” (i.e. had first PIV sex) when I was 14 or 15, and that was late compared to most of my high school peers. It was fun, but astonishingly, it made little to no difference on my life, or how I saw myself. Weird, that.

Also, hi Monzach! *waves, grins*

6 years ago

People freaking out about Hillary didn’t start in 2016. More like 1992.

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
6 years ago

@ calmdown”

Question, if women are too stupid to work and go to college, why do you want them to raise your children? Producing stupid children is not going to help anyone “build civilizations.”

don’t waste your time arguing logic…

incel /= intel…

these folks are very well schooled in the conservative (il)logic proofs:

“everybody knows”

6 years ago

They also don’t understand raising children or cows so they think that parenthood is the easiest job ever and even a bon-bon eating housewife can do it.

Michael Suttkus, II
Michael Suttkus, II
6 years ago

Not to agree with an incel *ugh*, but I’ve been told that modern dairy cows are actually not capable of taking care of themselves, because without regular artificial milking, they actually produce so much milk so fast that they will rupture their own milk-glands, leading to infections.

I don’t believe women have this problem, but I admit that I’m not the most knowledgeable of women or cows.

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
6 years ago

modern dairy cows are actually not capable of taking care of themselves

Most highly bred domestic species suffer this same problem. They are selectively bred for human exploitation… “if they can’t walk, so what… they’ve no where to go”

6 years ago

My experience with cattle is mostly with market (meat) cattle, and they are by no means dumb or incapable of caring for themselves. Cattle are actually very self-sufficient. Turn them loose in a decently-sized pasture with an accessible source of fresh water and you really don’t have to do much else.

They’re nowhere near defenseless either. When I was a small child of about three, I went to help my grandma feed her cattle. I wandered out of her sight and, against her warning, walked behind a calf, which kicked me hard enough in the chest to knock the wind out of me and leave a hoofprint on my shirt. If it had been an adult cow and not a heifer, it surely would have killed me. And that’s not even getting into highly aggressive bulls with sharp horns.

In more recent years, I took to raising cattle for a local youth livestock show until I aged out of the program at 18 (for reference, I start my second year of college tomorrow.) There’s a reason I finally settled on tanks as the naming scheme for my show calves (Sherman, Paladin, Panzer, etc.) We tend to think of cattle as stupid and complacent, but they’re actually very intelligent animals, and extremely dangerous when they get riled up. 22 Americans are killed every year by cattle.

6 years ago

[I think my comment was eaten, so just delete this one if it’s a double post.]

My experience with cattle is mostly with market (meat) cattle, and they are by no means dumb or incapable of caring for themselves. Cattle are actually very self-sufficient. Turn them loose in a decently-sized pasture with an accessible source of fresh water and you really don’t have to do much else.

They’re nowhere near defenseless either. When I was a small child of about three, I went to help my grandma feed her cattle. I wandered out of her sight and, against her warning, walked behind a calf, which kicked me hard enough in the chest to knock the wind out of me and leave a hoofprint on my shirt. If it had been an adult cow and not a heifer, it surely would have killed me. And that’s not even getting into highly aggressive bulls with sharp horns.

In more recent years, I took to raising cattle for a local youth livestock show until I aged out of the program at 18 (for reference, I start my second year of college tomorrow.) There’s a reason I finally settled on tanks as the naming scheme for my show calves (Sherman, Paladin, Panzer, etc.) We tend to think of cattle as stupid and complacent, but they’re actually very intelligent animals, and extremely dangerous when they get riled up. 22 Americans are killed every year by cattle.

6 years ago

Females should stay at home since teenagers and have sex with their pre-decided grown husband

Yeah, see, when I read this paragraph, I did not parse “pre-decided grown husband” as “assigned adult spouse”. I read it as “genetically engineered and vat-grown spouse”, like when a woman passes out of her teen years, a bunch of scientists quiz her on her desired characteristics in a partner, and then engineer and grow the husband according those pre-decided characteristics.

I like my interpretation better.

6 years ago

My dad’s family were dairy farmers for a time, so I can definitely co-sign on the bovine intelligence stuff being said here. They are, at the very least, smart enough to hold grudges. And wily enough to scare the shit out of humans if they’re so inclined.

And if these incels think we should be treated as badly as battery farmers treat cows, they can stop asking why nobody wants to boink them. Who the hell wants to have sex with someone who’s a straight-up asshole and misanthrope?

Also, this song applies to incels as well as migtoes:

6 years ago

Maybe I’ve asked this before on here but I wonder about it every time I see an incel post.
It seems very much like most incels are a new college students or a little younger than college aged, based on their extremely narrow life experience and goofy ideas that read like so much of the disjointed writing and allegory you get when you ask bloviation-prone students to write something with a thesis in it.
But I would be curious to see what would turn up if someone could finagle some broad and high quality data about age groups among

tim gueguen
6 years ago

UndertakerCel’s comment reads like it was written by someone whose first language isn’t English. Unfortunately there are probably more than a few people from outside the English speaking world who will take up incel talking points and terminology.

6 years ago

ah, inceldom. Where the line between misogyny and extreme bondage grows thin.

At this point i really am fairly certain that a good chunk of these incel guys have some sort of repressed fetish that they can only express through angry misogynistic rants on the internets. Like, I wouldnt be surprised if there was a furry comic somewhere with a variant of this plot. Probably sans the child marriage shit, because even furries arent that gross.

Perhaps, in an ideal future, some of these dudes can grow enough self-awareness and common decency to write a light novel about sexy anthropomorphized farm animals and leave real women the fuck alone.

6 years ago


Maybe don’t imply that the problem with incels is that they have weird and icky fetishes, instead of the problem being that they’re seething with hatred and misogyny and violence?

Plenty of furries and other kinksters are perfectly decent people who do not advocate for the rape, enslavement, and death of half of the population. They don’t deserve to be lumped in with the incels.

6 years ago


that’s not what i was trying to say, sorry. As a weird icky kinkster, i know we’re not all like this. And obviously it’s the misogyny that’s the main issue here. I just think some of these overly-detailed fantasies read like their author is trying to rationalise whatever repressed kinks they have as “the way the world should be”. I like bdsm, therefore all women should be chained up at all times. That type of thing. Its not about the kink being inherently misogynistic, it’s about the community they take part in causing it to manifest in the worst way possible.

I kinda got preemptively defensive there with the “arent furries gross lol” thing. Sorry about that.

6 years ago

@EpicurusHog : you should really talk with furries and be a bit, you know, knowledgeable about them before saying anything about them. And maybe you should be a bit more aware of porn in general, since women (or men) treated as cattle is a decently common scenario in porn in general. There’s no special overlap with furry, in the same way that furry aren’t more into BDSM than anyone else.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
6 years ago


Mr. Parasol approves of your taste in music.

6 years ago


That would’ve been funny, if not for the “smoking and obesity” bit. Especially the obesity bit.

It’s very disappointing to see otherwise progressive and “woke” folk who see no problem with body shaming.

Citerior Motive
Citerior Motive
6 years ago

Surplus to Requirements, the real cie: Having been involved in hard-left activism, I can report that smoking is extremely common in communist/anarchist circles.

6 years ago

Don’t mess with cows! They’re crime-fighters!

Florida Cows Herd Fleeing Carjack Suspect To Police

6 years ago

EpicurusHog wrote:

Like, I wouldnt be surprised if there was a furry comic somewhere with a variant of this plot.

There’s a whole field of hentai that deals with this – often with a furry bent – that’s usually referred to as “human cattle.” It’s about as misogynistic as you’d expect, since the cattle in question are invariably female.