By David Futrelle
Today, another misogynist comparing women to cattle. I found this one on the always informative Incels.me forums, and it turns out he knows as little about cattle as he does about women.
UBERCEL, a prolific poster who has contributed some 2600 comments to the Incels.me forums, started off his post “how women should be treated” by explaining just how dumb and helpless cows are:
Let’s take look at the case cattle.
Raised in small restricted areas all their lifetime, yet they think they have all the freedom.
They know nothing about tourism and the existence of such exotic animals.
Damn those cows and their lack of knowledge about *checks notes* tourism!
They don’t know how to take care of themselves, we have to clean them, feed them, milk them, and supervise in case of an emergency to call a vet.
Dude, you realize that cows can actually survive without people, right? The aurochs — the wild cattle that we domesticated some 10,000 years ago — somehow managed to live for roughly two million years without humans cleaning them, feeding them, milking them, or taking them to the vet. And there are wild cattle today, and they survive, because animal species cannot actually come into existence without being able to survive and reproduce. It’s kind of the most basic fact about evolution and, well, life itself.
Humans have higher intelligence and counsiousness, hence we understand what they don’t, we percieve what they don’t, make solutions for what they don’t even know was a problem.
We also confine them in dirty, overcrowded pens and kill them for their meat. I mean, people don’t generally raise cattle as a hobby; they raise them to exploit.
But hey, enough about cattle, because UBERCEL has some even more insightful comments about human females.
Among the two genders exist a very huge intellect gap. 99.9% of the time the inventor or a scientist is a man, yet these foids want to take the seats of a man in a college for equality without achieving results.
Weird, because these women “stealing men’s seats” in college are studying harder and getting better grades than men. Also, they’re not actually stealing seats from men. If anything, it’s the other way around, with college admissions offices giving male applicants a boost, admitting many with grades and scores lower than their female counterparts in an attempt to increase the number of men on college campuses.
But again, like cattle, we can’t blame them.
We have to treat foids and control them in a similar pattern to the cattle, while they know how to shower and eat by themselves, they can’t work to get the money or ingredients for such tasks.
Uh, most women work, and they currently make up the majority of the workforce. They buy their own groceries and pay their water bills. What planet do incels live on, anyway?
The pussification of the male and the masculinization of the female is increasing nowadays. And will still increase till the collapse of society again if we do nothing.
The blessed Babylonians and Mesopotamians found out about this long ago and became the most powerful and scientifically advanced empire in the world.
Huh. I’m no expert on the ancient Mesopotamians, but I’m pretty sure that while their laws restricted women in various ways, Mesopotamian men didn’t actually treat women like cattle.
Tldr; control females, create civilizations
Not … exactly. In fact, that’s pretty much exactly backwards. Female hunter-gatherers played a critical role, if not the critical role, in the invention of agriculture, which is what made civilization possible in the first place.
Naturally. most of those who responded to UBERCEL’s post on Incels.me thought it was a work of genius.
“High IQ post,” wrote UndertakerCel, a self-described “18 year old truecel.”
Females should stay at home since teenagers and have sex with their pre-decided grown husband
UBERCEL enthusiastically agreed:
The predecided husband should be a good person to be able to take care of the cattle to be able make them fulfill their puropse(childbearing, child caring, and household chores)
Hence improving society
It remains rather astonishing to me that these defiantly ignorant Dunning-Krugerheads, who can’t even figure out how to use spellcheck, actually consider themselves to be the genetically superior philosopher-kings who should be running the world we live in.
Then again that all describes Donald Trump as well, and he actually is running the world we live in, so never mind, I’ll just be here banging my head slowly against the wall. Happy Friday!
Y’all haven’t ever been around cows, have you?
@ Victorious Parasol
Or women.
Some of these incels are so ridiculously young. What, you haven’t had sex by eighteen? That doesn’t make you the exception, you know. You’re in the same situation as, like, 20 % of eighteen year-olds. If not more.
Of course, it’s not like I don’t remember being a teenager and agonizing over going to die a virgin when I was seventeen (and I’m a woman, btw, because women can have a hard time romantically too). Yet, now, looking back, I can recognize that those feelings where… a bit overly dramatic, even if they were real and overwhelming at the time. I never took this normal teenage angst and channeled it into something as hateful as inceldom. I just very nobly, and again, dramatically, resigned myself to spinsterhood, lol.
Question, if women are too stupid to work and go to college, why do you want them to raise your children? Producing stupid children is not going to help anyone “build civilizations.”
It gets depressing thinking of the all the animal based names women get called chicks, cows, foxes etc.
But see, only the girl children will be stupid; all the boy children will be genius civilization-builders who hunt mammoths and nobly tend herds of feeeeeeeeeeeemales.
…what do you mean “citation needed”?
[Edited to add: I’m removing that last bit, because it sounded better in my head, where the deep social history of gendered insults was completely absent; my apologies for any offence. It was most certainly not intended.]
I think that the bit about how cows don’t understand tourism is meant to be a cleverly glancing reference to UBERCEL’s belief that cows don’t know that non-cow animals can be dangerous, because how could they know it if they’ve never been attacked by a non-cow, or seen it happen to another cow? I would invite the young man to take a stroll through a cow-pasture and see if the cows know how to properly react to an “exotic animal” in their space. But of course, what he’s actually driving at is a reference to the online misogyny chestnut about women voting for acceptance of immigrants who then turn around and assault them, so accurately making an analogy to bovine behavior is beside the point. Does it strike anyone else that these guys sometimes move beyond code-words and code-phrases to entire “code-metaphors”?
Treat incels like shit, because they’re clearly full of nothing but.
And, that said, I have to go clean out the catbox. Whose contents will still be more useful — and less stinky — than what incels clog up the internets with.
What makes him think that cows believe they’re free? Everyone I’ve talked to who grew up on a farm has said that cows and other lifestock quite often do figure out what’s going on. Their intelligence is a big part of why I stopped eating them.
Seen somewhere on the internet earlier this afternoon:
I would pay cash monies for these dumbshits to actually take a course in Ancient Civilizations. They might actually learn something about what they’re babbling about.
I’m sorry to have to do this, but citation desperately needed that any of these fuckstains have the capacity to learn anything.
Good point. They’d probably just accuse the prof of being a Cultural Marxist or somesuch crap.
Add animal husbandry to the list of things incels are completely ignorant about. Someone could write an encyclopedia about the topics that incels don’t actually understand.
@Mexican Hot Chocolate
I think that encyclopedia of things incels don’t understand already exists. I believe it’s called “World Book” or something like that.
I guess I got my answer about college admissions boards fiddling the test results like Japan. If we’re so dumb, why are there complex social tactics to limit our education, employment opportunities and growth?
As for the whole Evo Psych aspect of this, I always laughed when people simultaneously tout the idea that stupid women did all of the boring, easy, generally useless gathering while men worked in teams with weapons doing the much more important hunting but men went ahead and invented agriculture anyway. Sigh.
I’m sure you all know that anthropologists think both that gathering provided about 80 percent of the calories and that work back in the long ago was most likely much less gendered than the forces of social control, I meant the Evo Psych experts contend. We probably had to work as a team no matter what was on the agenda for the day.
“Females should stay at home since teenagers and have sex with their pre-decided grown husband.”
Attempting to decipher this “sentence” is painful. So much for the “superior intellect” of Incels.
I hope that no feeemale is ever fool enough to help this creature breed.
The conservative Nazi warning bit was funny, except for this tired old rhetoric:
” include smoking, obesity, ”
Neither smoking nor having a certain reviled body type are precursors for behaving like a jackass. There are plenty of people who smoke and plenty of people with larger body types who are not, in fact, mindless jackasses. I for one am quite tired of body shaming and pointing the finger at people–sometimes very intelligent people–who have an addiction that is difficult to break free from.
The push for people to have an extremely toned and youthful appearance has its roots in Nazi ideology.
Ableism, healthism, and appearance shaming are not progressive. However, many people calling themselves “progressive” engage in these unfortunate attitudes.
Galaxy Brain: Never checking google. Guess facts have an anti incel bias.
I lost my virginity* at 19. I had it even worse than our boy 18 year old truecel up there. Where is my government-issue house steersband? (It’s like a husband but it’s a steer; get it???)
*by some definitions. Virginity is such a useless concept.
James Herriot wrote several books on his life as a vet in rural Yorkshire before and after WWII. He had the greatest respect for the intelligence of farm animals, and lovingly retold the story of the cow who hid her new-born calf in a ditch because she did not want to have him taken away like the others.
So young females should only have sex with their “pre-decided grown husband.” So I guess they mean their adult husband. If so, they have ironically eliminated themselves and a good portion of the whining, self-absorbed incel community.
Oh, please, incels. I didn’t have any form of sex (with another person) until my late thirties. I out-incel you, and I at least didn’t choke up the air with incessant whining until that happened.
Cows are also much more pleasant company than you, as well.