By David Futrelle
Today, another misogynist comparing women to cattle. I found this one on the always informative Incels.me forums, and it turns out he knows as little about cattle as he does about women.
UBERCEL, a prolific poster who has contributed some 2600 comments to the Incels.me forums, started off his post “how women should be treated” by explaining just how dumb and helpless cows are:
Let’s take look at the case cattle.
Raised in small restricted areas all their lifetime, yet they think they have all the freedom.
They know nothing about tourism and the existence of such exotic animals.
Damn those cows and their lack of knowledge about *checks notes* tourism!
They don’t know how to take care of themselves, we have to clean them, feed them, milk them, and supervise in case of an emergency to call a vet.
Dude, you realize that cows can actually survive without people, right? The aurochs — the wild cattle that we domesticated some 10,000 years ago — somehow managed to live for roughly two million years without humans cleaning them, feeding them, milking them, or taking them to the vet. And there are wild cattle today, and they survive, because animal species cannot actually come into existence without being able to survive and reproduce. It’s kind of the most basic fact about evolution and, well, life itself.
Humans have higher intelligence and counsiousness, hence we understand what they don’t, we percieve what they don’t, make solutions for what they don’t even know was a problem.
We also confine them in dirty, overcrowded pens and kill them for their meat. I mean, people don’t generally raise cattle as a hobby; they raise them to exploit.
But hey, enough about cattle, because UBERCEL has some even more insightful comments about human females.
Among the two genders exist a very huge intellect gap. 99.9% of the time the inventor or a scientist is a man, yet these foids want to take the seats of a man in a college for equality without achieving results.
Weird, because these women “stealing men’s seats” in college are studying harder and getting better grades than men. Also, they’re not actually stealing seats from men. If anything, it’s the other way around, with college admissions offices giving male applicants a boost, admitting many with grades and scores lower than their female counterparts in an attempt to increase the number of men on college campuses.
But again, like cattle, we can’t blame them.
We have to treat foids and control them in a similar pattern to the cattle, while they know how to shower and eat by themselves, they can’t work to get the money or ingredients for such tasks.
Uh, most women work, and they currently make up the majority of the workforce. They buy their own groceries and pay their water bills. What planet do incels live on, anyway?
The pussification of the male and the masculinization of the female is increasing nowadays. And will still increase till the collapse of society again if we do nothing.
The blessed Babylonians and Mesopotamians found out about this long ago and became the most powerful and scientifically advanced empire in the world.
Huh. I’m no expert on the ancient Mesopotamians, but I’m pretty sure that while their laws restricted women in various ways, Mesopotamian men didn’t actually treat women like cattle.
Tldr; control females, create civilizations
Not … exactly. In fact, that’s pretty much exactly backwards. Female hunter-gatherers played a critical role, if not the critical role, in the invention of agriculture, which is what made civilization possible in the first place.
Naturally. most of those who responded to UBERCEL’s post on Incels.me thought it was a work of genius.
“High IQ post,” wrote UndertakerCel, a self-described “18 year old truecel.”
Females should stay at home since teenagers and have sex with their pre-decided grown husband
UBERCEL enthusiastically agreed:
The predecided husband should be a good person to be able to take care of the cattle to be able make them fulfill their puropse(childbearing, child caring, and household chores)
Hence improving society
It remains rather astonishing to me that these defiantly ignorant Dunning-Krugerheads, who can’t even figure out how to use spellcheck, actually consider themselves to be the genetically superior philosopher-kings who should be running the world we live in.
Then again that all describes Donald Trump as well, and he actually is running the world we live in, so never mind, I’ll just be here banging my head slowly against the wall. Happy Friday!
Man, everybody talking about how dangerous cattle are is making me side-eye my childhood. My grandparents were dairy farmers and I’d play with the cattle every year when we went to visit. A ten-year-old girl off playing in the pasture with the cattle.
The steers were always very curious and skittish. If a human they didn’t know so much as walked by they would all group up to take a look. You could get the whole herd to take a couple steps back just by making a sudden movement toward them.
The calves were always either very skittish or very affectionate. We would always visit long enough after calving that they had already been separated from their mothers and they were used to my cousins feeding them.
The cows were the most ornery. A couple enjoyed having their faces scratched, but for the most part they ignored me, and either moved away if I got close to them or made squaring-off body language that I wasn’t dumb enough to ignore.
Now that I think about it, running around with the cows was actually really dangerous. I’m surprised my parents let me – they were really protective in most other situations. I guess since it’s how my mom grew up she didn’t even think twice about the possible danger.
@Alan Robertshaw,
A real-life Ferdinand! 😀
Also, I’ll try to remember that bull running tip if I’m ever chased by one in a field that has hills in it. Which, given my current lifestyle, is extremely unlikely, but weirder things have happened.
@Monzach – Cows don’t have four stomachs, they have multiple chambers in their one stomach.
There is lots of great information here, but I guess a warning for pictures of the insides of the different parts of a cow’s stomach? Just in case that sort of thing is not something you’d like to see.
@ Alan
That’s the one! Definitely a Chris Packham bit. I have vivid aural memories of his voice. Something about it upsets my aural sensitivity, unfortunately. Because he’s come to Lincoln to do talks at uni and I haven’t been able to go to them.
I’ve heard about the Chillingham cattle too. Aren’t they similar in the ‘not being particularly domesticated’ sense to New Forest and Dartmoor ponies? Occasionally they get rounded up and checked over but are generally left alone?
Alan – That bull must be from Switzerland! By way of explanation, here’s a verse from a novelty song I used to hear on the Dr. Demento show way back in the 70s:
I’d like to be a cow in Switerland
Where the sky is always blue
Where the bulls like Ferdinand are meek
And so shy because the mountains peek (peak)
Where the bulls are all such gentlemen
So gently they go moo
I’d like to be a cow in Switzerland
I’ll bet that you would, too
Rhuu – Thanks for the heads up. I’m not generally terribly squeamish, but those particular pics put me in mind (without having seen them, even!) of cows that have had a “window” surgically inserted in their sides so that the digestive process could be observed. I first encountered this on a school field trip in (I want to say) second or third grade. Freaked me out then and still freaks me out to this day! Seemed a horrible thing to do unnecessarily to the poor thing. >:/
I will freely admit that most women can probably look after themselves better than I can, and that I would probably be completely screwed without my partner’s help (my partner is trans NB/male, but somehow I suspect that distinction would be lost on these idiots)
God, that poor cow.
There’s a good discussion of why you see cows like that (and what else it’s good for besides looking inside the cow) here:
I’ve always found cow breath rather wonderful, fragrant as hay. Mind you, those were free grazing cows.
I wonder whether bad breath in a ruminant is a sign they’ve been fed all kinds of stuff (the ground up remains of other cows was a particularly bad idea).
The tendency of steers to follow you and gawp while sticking their tongues up their own nostrils is rather off putting.
I seen to recal some national park (in Denmark or the Netherlands) put in a herd of bullocks to deter people from getting it on in public.
All the talk of cows has me thinking back to my first visit to The Royal (Toronto’s Royal Agricultural Winter Fair) last year. It’s kinda surreal to see all these gigantic animals just sitting there while people bartered over them and discussed how they had been engineered. That said, for the small farms, events like that are basically their livelihood, and it was interesting to talk to not only the farmers, but also the animal welfare personnel who inspect the farms and how much of the regulations are pretty much arrived at based on consensus rather than any hard standard.
There was actually a recent newspaper “debate” in the Star about how effective the vegan advertisements are. Personally, I’ve certainly come to appreciate the inherent absurdity of seeking out human characteristics to establish empathy towards animals, but ultimately, I find the action items lacking.
We live in a late-capitalist world with severe inequalities and often the less expensive choices are the ones with more cruelty attached. But more than that, the less expensive choices are also the ones with more cruelty associated with them.
I’ve struggled with my weight for years and broadly speaking, made peace with being a heavier guy. However, my liver specialist has advised me that weight loss is necessary to keep fat off the liver and as much as I’ve been more active, it didn’t do as much to reduce my weight as I thought, so I’ve recently made it a point of avoiding carbs later in the day and I’ve lost 8 kilos over the past two months just not eating as much high-carb foods for dinner. Chicken, eggs and cheese have been a huge part of that. I need protein from somewhere and animal products are really good source. I do my best to opt for cruelty-free eggs, but they’re just not the most affordable things in the world and not always available either.
In short, I think these ad campaigns can only take you so far. If we had a good sense of what our bodies needed and reasonable alternatives to animal products were offered, the culture shift needed would pick up steam. Because the USDA food pyramid was what I remember being taught in school, and 6-11 servings of breads and grains is ridiculous.
Nequam – Thanks for that, it makes me feel better. Also, back in the second/third grade, the fistulas were made of glass and metal (this was the late 60s) and looked like miniature ship’s portholes. I just about died when the tourguide (?) opened it!
Women don’t know anything about tourism?
Uh, industry figures on gender identity of the workers say that’s ridiculous. The majority of tourism workers in most countries are women. I myself am one. We know way more on, say, the Highland “Coos” of Scotland than these incels do on cows in general.