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GrinGate: Jordan Peterson fans cry conspiracy after an unflattering pic of their hero tops the search results

Is this photo a left-wing hate crime against Jordan Peterson?

By David Futrelle

You have to give Jordan Peterson fans credit for at least one thing: they are unafraid to confront the most challenging questions of our postmodern age. Like, for example: is the slightly unflattering photo of Jordan Peterson that tops the potted biography Google gives you when you search his name evidence of a devious conspiracy by leftist Google goons desperate to make this very serious thinker look a little bit silly?

I mean, take a look at the PROOF of this dastardly hate crime against this HERO:

You’ll be pleased to know that the good people (but mostly dudes) of the Jordan Peterson subreddit have taken up this important issue in not one, not two, but three separate threads, the biggest of which garnered some 425 upvotes from 425 true patriot lovers. One of the OPs laid out his concerns:

When you Google Jordan Peterson... (self.JordanPeterson) submitted 3 days ago by duskdoor ...the main image of him that appears has changed, it’s now a screencap of him smiling in a rather unhinged image I’ve seen used in articles that are very much on the anti Peterson side of things. Given that this a rare image of him not looking his usually poised self, I find it odd that this is the image used to represent him. Google Sarah Jeong and the first two news articles that appear are from Vox, explaining why her tweets are not racist. These have been Google’s top stories for the last couple of days...but I find it hard to believe that they have been the consistently most popular stories in that time. I have a feeling that the left leaning culture of Google is manifesting itself in its search engine, and I find it concerning. Has anyone else noticed things like this?

Other Lobstery Bois came to similar conclusions:

MacVogt[S] 15 points 3 days ago Seems the idea is to make him look like a clown. I wonder what kind of calculus goes into that, if they ask ah, are we powerful enough to set this narrative or will people see us as deliberately shaping the conversation, eroding trust? Or perhaps, liberals will be further binded to us if they see it, the right already hate us! Or is it some lone employee who did it on the sly?

In another comment, MacVogt expanded on his conspiracy theory:

]MacVogt[S] 1 point 3 days ago I think Google is protecting its own ideological echochamber as represented in the broader culture. I'm not upset for Jordan Peterson's sake, but that these kinds of insulation tactics is exactly what has made the collapse of the left so agonizingly slow, hindering their ability to pivot, rethink and reformulate its core beliefs, innovate and find their footing again.

Someone called ChadRedPill thought this was Google’s way of striking back against a critic of the company’s firing of anti-diversity-maniifesto-manifester James Damore:

ChadRedpill 7 points 2 days ago JP defended the guy who google fired. This is googles revenge.

Or perhaps this was the doing of some sinister Google artificial intelligence?

Basketofcups 2 points 3 days ago* Google is radical left and has the most money and then think about their A.I, as just a reflationary of their viewpoints. The A.I also infiltrate subs and downvote. Some full account are actually a.i., comments and all . Someone posted once how to tell, something having to do with sending them something and seeing some sort of protocol, but their spin is this materialistic arrogant in ignorance gaslighting propaganda

Er, what?

Basketofcups 1 point 3 days ago Yes definitely more than two people with an inspired plan to promote an agenda and/or cause harm (not Webster’s, auto generated condensed version of the definition of conspiracy) there’s evidence and content out there about it, but gotta stay discernment oriented bc there’s much lobbying nonsense conspiracy talk obviously

Did … did a bot write that?

Bots charging bots with conspiratorial comment writing in bot-written comments?

I dunno. All I know is that Jordan Peterson is VERY SERIOUS so clearly if I’m seeing a picture of him smiling it must be the result of SOME sort of conspiracy. Damn you, Google leftists, with your SMILE AGENDA!

In case you want to see the sort of pictures that Jordan Peterson Redditors consider flattering, here’s a carefully drawn set of portraits with his head swollen up like a balloon. I bet these will never make it to the top of the Google results! Must be a conspiracy.

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6 years ago

Jim Jeffries interviewed him and not only caused him to realize he was wrong about supporting the “rights” of religious bakers to turns down gay clients, but Jim Jeffries also made the guy laugh a couple of times {spoiler alert: “furor” and “Führer” sound alike}.

6 years ago

Warning: Comments are chock full of Peterson fans thinking that the video was made to make Peterson look bad.

6 years ago

No image could possibly be more perfect for the man known as Ol’ Slappy.

6 years ago

Some people thought that Wikipedia has a leftist bias, so they made Conservapedia.

The better example because it was such a huge failure was Infogalactic.
First step copy Wikipedia.
Second step replace some pages with your idiology.
Third step forget that the world moves on and have a completly out of date encyclopedia, which hasn’t even the right prememister for Great Britain.
It is a hillarous disaster.
(And shows how much work there is in wikipedia)

Our newspaper had an interesting article on page 3 about Charlotsville and the American (ultra)right today, and some very shocking numbers on page 1.
It postulates that 1 Million children and teens are sexualy abused in Germany (18 Million in Europe). That number is extremly high, exspecially considering the numbers the police has.

the real cie
the real cie
6 years ago

Oh, for the carefree days when I had never heard of this douche.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
6 years ago

Jordan Peterson usually looks the way my father sounded when he led us kids in the Lord’s Prayer: full of himself, ponderous, desperately hoping that his young children — whose brains were still developing — would confuse him with God. Hahahahahaha.

dust bunny
dust bunny
6 years ago


He is. He only eats meat. The only way he isn’t constipated 100% of the time is if he has bouts of diarrhoea.

Violet the Vile, Moonbat Screech Junky
Violet the Vile, Moonbat Screech Junky
6 years ago

The devil…the prowde spirite…cannot endure to be mocked.

Thomas Moore

I often think of that quote.

I wouldn’t be bothered by a picture of one of my heroes smiling, why would I? People smile. It’s nice that they smile.

But to all the Nazis/incels/misogynists/fascists/general douchebag Blue Meanies of the world, any sign of humour or fun is an attempt to laugh at them, it’s undermining, and it means people aren’t taking them seriously. No-one should be laughing or smiling because life is SERIOUS GODDAMNIT and we are SERIOUS PEOPLE!

It’s true of them, it’s true of fundamentalists of all stripes tbh, that grim certainty of rightness and truth and the need to stamp out any opposition (especially opposition that involves laughter). I think this one of the things which characterise real evil – the inability to accept looking silly occasionally, coupled with a total lack of a sense of humour.

Sure, Dr Peterson looks a bit silly here. This does not in any way affect the validity (or otherwise, haha) of his intellectual arguments and why would it? I think this is one of the most depressing posts I have read on here. For heavens’ sake, grow up and get a sense of proportion.

6 years ago

re: Hugo and Jake
they might not have been as shitty as a lot of other YT atheists, but they had a lot of awful people on as guests, and I’m not okay with that, so I stopped supporting them.

6 years ago

Better video: “Man Thoughts With Peter Jordanssen: Mastering Your Universe” 20 minutes of pitch-perfect satire.

6 years ago

@Violet the Vile

I wouldn’t be bothered by a picture of one of my heroes smiling, why would I? People smile. It’s nice that they smile.

Exactly. If you do an image search for “Corbyn reading children” you should get some pics of him reading (the brilliant) Michael Rosen’s “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt” to some primary school kids; I like the way he is obviously into what he is reading – and is used to reading to kids – and totally does not give a stuff about looking undignified. This page has got one of the pics:

Alexis Filth
6 years ago


Clearly it’s gonna be called Ask Goebbels.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
6 years ago

@dust bunny,

Yep, and now his daughter’s started her own grift – sorry, I mean website business, where you can buy diet advice. She claims that a purely red meat diet cured her of depression and an auto-immune disease, and it’s all couched in the “doctors had no idea so I researched it myself and came up with this radical approach no-one had ever thought of before” type shtick.
On her own, she’d be just another internet oddball. But her dad has been promoting her fiercely, and she’s getting interviews and coverage all over the place.
Srsly, even if I wasn’t vegetarian, I’d side-eye a red meat diet, for so many reasons. Ew.
Also, just like her father, she does not take kindly to people questioning or criticising her, and that’s putting it mildly.

flexitarian haruspex
flexitarian haruspex
6 years ago

Re: Hugo And Jake

I’m not gonna say I’ve seen their whole library, but there’s truth in the icky-guest accusations (people like Chris Ray Gun and Armored Skeptic) – I just haven’t watched those vids. The ones I have seen don’t seem alt-right crazy or I wouldn’t watch any more. I mainly started watching because of this series on Jordan Peterson’s book, though, so I’m no expert. But I like Hugo and Jake, and they seem like relatively progressive modern dudes. *shrug*

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
6 years ago


Michael Rosen! His books (with Quentin Blake’s illustrations) were firm favourites for myself and the boy (when he was a wee lad), and The Sad Book broke my heart.
Jude and I used to pretend that Rosen, along with Tony Ross and Mick Inkpen, was living in the bedroom closet 🙂

dust bunny
dust bunny
6 years ago

@ Mish

I honestly find it difficult to believe they’re still walking around under their own power if they’ve really been eating only meat for several months now. A true testament to human endurance, that.

Honestly one has to wonder if they sincerely believe this stuff or if it’s all just a cynical swindle. But it’s also really funny, apparently Peterson claims his voice becomes shaky if he eats salmon. This hypothesis fails to explain his voice after he quit eating salmon.

6 years ago

That’s actually kind of an endearing picture. It suggests a goofy charisma that Peterson doesn’t actually have.

If Google really wanted to ruin Peterson’s reputation, they could just show a ten-second clip of him pouting into the camera while droning in his nasal voice.

6 years ago

I second PocketNerd’s assertion. That photo actually makes Peterson look more human.

RE: Hugo and Jake

Same story as @Brian. Once they had Blargon Benjamin on their show, I was done.

OT, but I figured I’d sound off on a social justice-y topic, but Colten Boushie’s family is suing the guy who was acquitted of killing their son, and suing the RCMP as well. Given the racism this case has evoked and the obvious questions surrounding his death, I hope they win.

The circus of George Zimmerman-style excuses from white people in Canada defending Stanley (often coupled with hideously racist stereotypes) is nothing short of stomach-turning. Canada’s got plenty of racism, we just save it for aboriginals.

The details of the case are here:

6 years ago

For someone who supposedly lives exclusively on red meat, like a good paleo-diet fanatic, Peterson looks awfully anemic.

…Oh dear Lord and Lady, I just realized why. He’s a fucking VAMPIRE!

Now it all makes sense…terrible sense…but a lot more sense than his drivel ever made before.

Jeeves, fetch me my garlic. And a hammer and a sharpened stake.

6 years ago

It’s possible to survive on an all red meat diet so long as you eat whole animal, organs, marrow, and all. It’s an invitation to gouty arthritis, but it’s possible.

Sofia van de Linde
Sofia van de Linde
6 years ago

Ah so Jordan Peterson only eats meat, because he cannot get his hands on young virgins. This is a frustration he shares with incels.

Another mystery solved.

6 years ago

@Mish, Rosen has just been going up in my estimation even more of late – he’s funny in person, his writing is great (the adult stuff as well as the wonderful stuff for kids), he’s an articulate, compassionate, perceptive left-winger … what’s not to love? 🙂

Fascism: I sometimes fear…

I sometimes fear that
people think that fascism arrives in fancy dress
worn by grotesques and monsters
as played out in endless re-runs of the Nazis.

Fascism arrives as your friend.
It will restore your honour,
make you feel proud,
protect your house,
give you a job,
clean up the neighbourhood,
remind you of how great you once were,
clear out the venal and the corrupt,
remove anything you feel is unlike you…

It doesn’t walk in saying,
“Our programme means militias, mass imprisonments, transportations, war and persecution.”

(Michael Rosen. pub. 18 May 2014)

Cat Mara
Cat Mara
6 years ago

Cursed image

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

So, looks like the guy who started that ginormous fire in CA is a Qanon/Infowars fan

6 years ago

Oh, good grief. Why am I not fucking surprised.