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GrinGate: Jordan Peterson fans cry conspiracy after an unflattering pic of their hero tops the search results

Is this photo a left-wing hate crime against Jordan Peterson?

By David Futrelle

You have to give Jordan Peterson fans credit for at least one thing: they are unafraid to confront the most challenging questions of our postmodern age. Like, for example: is the slightly unflattering photo of Jordan Peterson that tops the potted biography Google gives you when you search his name evidence of a devious conspiracy by leftist Google goons desperate to make this very serious thinker look a little bit silly?

I mean, take a look at the PROOF of this dastardly hate crime against this HERO:

You’ll be pleased to know that the good people (but mostly dudes) of the Jordan Peterson subreddit have taken up this important issue in not one, not two, but three separate threads, the biggest of which garnered some 425 upvotes from 425 true patriot lovers. One of the OPs laid out his concerns:

When you Google Jordan Peterson... (self.JordanPeterson) submitted 3 days ago by duskdoor ...the main image of him that appears has changed, it’s now a screencap of him smiling in a rather unhinged image I’ve seen used in articles that are very much on the anti Peterson side of things. Given that this a rare image of him not looking his usually poised self, I find it odd that this is the image used to represent him. Google Sarah Jeong and the first two news articles that appear are from Vox, explaining why her tweets are not racist. These have been Google’s top stories for the last couple of days...but I find it hard to believe that they have been the consistently most popular stories in that time. I have a feeling that the left leaning culture of Google is manifesting itself in its search engine, and I find it concerning. Has anyone else noticed things like this?

Other Lobstery Bois came to similar conclusions:

MacVogt[S] 15 points 3 days ago Seems the idea is to make him look like a clown. I wonder what kind of calculus goes into that, if they ask ah, are we powerful enough to set this narrative or will people see us as deliberately shaping the conversation, eroding trust? Or perhaps, liberals will be further binded to us if they see it, the right already hate us! Or is it some lone employee who did it on the sly?

In another comment, MacVogt expanded on his conspiracy theory:

]MacVogt[S] 1 point 3 days ago I think Google is protecting its own ideological echochamber as represented in the broader culture. I'm not upset for Jordan Peterson's sake, but that these kinds of insulation tactics is exactly what has made the collapse of the left so agonizingly slow, hindering their ability to pivot, rethink and reformulate its core beliefs, innovate and find their footing again.

Someone called ChadRedPill thought this was Google’s way of striking back against a critic of the company’s firing of anti-diversity-maniifesto-manifester James Damore:

ChadRedpill 7 points 2 days ago JP defended the guy who google fired. This is googles revenge.

Or perhaps this was the doing of some sinister Google artificial intelligence?

Basketofcups 2 points 3 days ago* Google is radical left and has the most money and then think about their A.I, as just a reflationary of their viewpoints. The A.I also infiltrate subs and downvote. Some full account are actually a.i., comments and all . Someone posted once how to tell, something having to do with sending them something and seeing some sort of protocol, but their spin is this materialistic arrogant in ignorance gaslighting propaganda

Er, what?

Basketofcups 1 point 3 days ago Yes definitely more than two people with an inspired plan to promote an agenda and/or cause harm (not Webster’s, auto generated condensed version of the definition of conspiracy) there’s evidence and content out there about it, but gotta stay discernment oriented bc there’s much lobbying nonsense conspiracy talk obviously

Did … did a bot write that?

Bots charging bots with conspiratorial comment writing in bot-written comments?

I dunno. All I know is that Jordan Peterson is VERY SERIOUS so clearly if I’m seeing a picture of him smiling it must be the result of SOME sort of conspiracy. Damn you, Google leftists, with your SMILE AGENDA!

In case you want to see the sort of pictures that Jordan Peterson Redditors consider flattering, here’s a carefully drawn set of portraits with his head swollen up like a balloon. I bet these will never make it to the top of the Google results! Must be a conspiracy.

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Podkayne Lives
Podkayne Lives
6 years ago

He actually looks better to me in that photo than he usually does. The sober-faced look-at-me-I’m-such-an-intellectual thing makes him look dull and pretentious. The animated smile is more flattering.

6 years ago

Seems the idea is to make him look like a clown.

Peterson has always been a clown.

PeeVee the Tired
PeeVee the Tired
6 years ago

Oh, FFS.

This is what he looks like when he smiles.
So fucking what?

Did these assholes think he never smiled?

JFC, everything has to be drama to them.

Yutolia the Green Hash Thing
Yutolia the Green Hash Thing
6 years ago

To me, that grin looks more like when non-human animals bare their teeth.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
6 years ago

You know what I find weird? That the lobster people haven’t yet made their way here, en masse. Breathe a critical word about Daddy on Twitter, for example, and you’ll be inundated with furious responses for the rest of the day. It’s on par with criticising Lauren Southern, or (at the other end of the spectrum), tankies.
Are new commenters being moderated more? I’m not necessarily complaining, by the way – just curious.

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
6 years ago

Gotta hand it to white righties… they’re part of a majority group that literally controls 95% of everything, yet they unironically paint themselves as an abused and oppressed minority….

Yutolia the Green Hash Thing
Yutolia the Green Hash Thing
6 years ago

Righty Whiteys!!!

6 years ago

@Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Same, it’s just weird that in the trickle of trolls we got recently none seem to be hardcore Jordan Peterson fans.

Jordan Peterson is so powerful that his own smile induces gloom and despair in his followers. Truly an intellectual.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

I think that’s quite a nice photograph.

I wonder though, as Peterson fans seem to be into all that evo-psych stuff, and tend to have ‘traditional’ views on gender, whether they’re applying that idea that women look more attractive when they smile and men look more attractive when they look prideful?

So they object to their hero being portrayed in a female way?

6 years ago

He looks like he’s about to be beaten up by Batman. Which makes sense when I think about it.

6 years ago

Is Jordan Peterson smiling the new Illuminati triangle now?

Yutolia the Green Hash Thing
Yutolia the Green Hash Thing
6 years ago

@Ooglyboggles: I wish he’d induce enough gloom to make them back away from the alt-right.

6 years ago

I think he looks better with a smile. To me, he looks sort of like he’s suffering from constipation in his “serious” poses.

Michael Suttkus, II
Michael Suttkus, II
6 years ago

There are also silly pictures of lobsters. Lobsters and humans both have melatonin. Therefore, silly pictures of Jordan Peterson are completely natural. You can’t just ignore powerful natural forces like that. His fans can complain about the pictures, but only by rejecting solid science.

6 years ago

Google is “radical left”? When did THAT happen???

Also: BERNT? His middle name is BERNT? That’s almost as funny as that horsey grin.

And yes, I do think it’s worth laughing at. Apparently, so do lots and lots of googlers. That’s all that’s pushed this “unhinged” picture to the front of the image search.

And if they think his “serious” pictures are better, they should see how silly he looks in a gangster suit and fedora. (Google that.)

6 years ago

Well I hate to say it but since I have never heard of Jordan who cares what he looks like. What is his claim to fame ?

flexitarian haruspex
flexitarian haruspex
6 years ago

Jordan Peterson is a professional smarmy twerp. That photo is completely accurate. Truly epic levels of smarm.

If anyone is curious about his book, but thinks reading it would be about as fun as an acid bath, there’s a Youtube channel doing a critical chapter-by-chapter deep dive. Hugo and Jake, the dudes doing the review, are neckbeard white dudes that are actually pretty dang woke (if crude and raunchy)–for neckbeard white dudes. They loathe Peterson and skewer his ‘self-help’ book through a progressive atheist perspective.

epitome of incomprehensibility

You don’t need sinister far-left Google AIs to make Jordan Peterson look silly. Peterson is a big boy. He can do that on his own.

6 years ago

Some people thought that Wikipedia has a leftist bias, so they made Conservapedia.

Some people thought that Twitter has a leftist bias, so they made Gab.

Both of those were, ahem, hugely successful! So, when will the right launch their own conservative search engine?

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

What will it be called?


Alt-right Vista?


Dick Dick Go?

6 years ago

I don’t know if that’s a real smile. If it is it strikes me as forced and creepy rather than cheerful.

@flexitarian haruspex

Did Hugo and Jake not go full asshole with the rest of the Youtube Atheists? I used to listen to them and I loved when the read the Chick Tracts, but I unsubbed a long while ago and been afraid to look at the channel again. There’s so few Youtube Atheists who aren’t Alt-Right now.

6 years ago

@Yutolia the Green Hash Thing
Same to be honest.

Laugher at Bigots
6 years ago

@calmdown, all

They are two of only about a half-dozen YouTube atheists I indulge anymore. If you don’t mind a little crude humour, I recommend them to you.

6 years ago

Double post but checking their channel so far they’ve been unboxing stuff and taking the piss out of Jordan Peterson’s book.
@Laugher at Bigots
I’m fine with a bit of crude. Better than bigotry.

6 years ago

@Ooglyboggles @Laugher at Bigots

Thank you, maybe I will resubscribe to them. I see they are still doing the Chick Tracts which were my favorites. 🙂

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