By David Futrelle
The Honey Badger Brigade’s infamous lawsuit against the Calgary Expo and The Mary Sue has ended, not with a bang but with a whimper. Well, rather a lot of whimpering, really.
The Honey Badger Brigade, as you may recall, is a collective of mostly female antifeminist weirdos known for their endless YouTube videos and their amazing ability to raise many tens of thousands of dollars from their gullible supporters on the flimsiest of pretexts.
They raised something on the order of $66,000 — as far as I can figure it based on the limited information currently available online — to fund a lawsuit against the Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo after said Expo tossed them out in 2015, accusing them of “actively disregarding” the Expo’s efforts to provide “a positive and safe event” for attendees.
In the same lawsuit, the Badgers also went after the online publication The Mary Sue for allegedly contributing to Calgary Expo’s decision even though the publication didn’t weigh in on the Badgers until after they were expelled — apparently forgetting that time, as you probably know, moves forward not backwards. And did I mention that they hired a disbarred lawyer to represent them in the case?
Anyway, given the Badgers’ open support for the harassment campaign known as GamerGate, the expulsion seems pretty reasonable. And while I’m not a disbarred Canadian lawyer, their case against The Mary Sue always seemed utterly ridiculous to me.
Last Wednesday, the judge in the case finally handed down his decision, ruling against them on all counts. This evidently came as a giant shock to the Badgers, who had somehow managed to convince themselves — based on some things the judge had said earlier — that they were on the verge of a famous victory.
In a rambling, tendentious, and often quite baffling statement on the decision, Honey Badger Hannah Wallen complained that the judge had ignored “physical evidence” that the Badgers had presented and made other “errors in … reasoning” that could open the way to an appeal. Maybe a lawyer could make sense of her claims; they didn’t make much sense to me. Among her charges:
The judge indicated that his ruling was partly based on a misreading of the evidence regarding Calgary Expo personnel’s tweeted promotion of The Mary Sue’s claims about us, which he described as if they had come from an uninvolved 3rd party and not the Expo, and had been published on the Expo’s Twitter account by said 3rd party and not the Expo.
Clear as a bell, huh?
In any case, the Honey Badgers haven’t yet decided whether to appeal or not, which I imagine will have less to do with the merits of their case than with their fundraising abilities.
The reaction from their fans has been, well, revealing. In the comments to a YouTube video on the Badgers’ defeat from MundaneMatt — one of the originators of GamerGate and a big Honey Badger fan — various commenters have suggested that there must have been some nefarious conspiracy behind the ruling.
“Miscarriage of justice right there,” declared someone called Yosharian, “and I wonder how much money TMS [The Mary Sue] paid that Judge?”
I’m going to take a wild guess and say zero?
Someone called Bulwark AC declared:
I was thinking … the judge was going to go in favor of Allison and the Honey badgers but that some Form of outside influence pressured the judge … to find for CalExpo. It could also have been political influence from the mayor or governor of the province that nudged the judge to give such a drastic reversal against even himself. Heck it could have been Trudeau’s office that heard an MRA group was in court. You know how profemale he is.
One “Harry Beaver” had some more incendiary accusations:
Judge is another satanist. Wake up people. We are fighting against pedos who rape babies and eat human flesh. That´s why they all stick together.
For chrisrus1965, the problem was a cultural one:
Never underestimate the power of innate gynocentrism to override anything.
Over in the Kotaku in Action subreddit — a former GamerGate hub that has basically continued on GamerGating without the label — a few commenters suggested that this terrible injustice against the Badgers was the sort of thing that could lead to vigilante action or even outright civil war. No, really.
According to someone called crystalflash,
This is how you get Vigilantism. Seriously. The Judge can just say, “nice evidence you have there, too bad I don’t care,” tosses it into the trash bin and goes off to instead (incorrectly) cite “evidence” the judge acquired on his own outside the courtroom. Like, holy fucking shit, why fucking bother with the courts at this point when a judge can just go off, cite his own “evidence” that was never entered officially a part of the trial, and ignore everything that has happened in the court room? Seriously, for the sake of the Canadian justice system, appeal the ruling, because if that is allowed to stand, justice is dead in Canada. When the fucking courts operate like this, how could I fault any Canadian citizen for putting justice in their own hands?
You honestly think it would be ok for someone to, I guess, go shoot people because a judge said it was ok for a game convention to toss the GamerGate-supporting Honey Badgers out for flaunting the policies they’d agreed to when signing up to sell stuff there? (While he Badgers argue they didn’t flaunt these policies, the exhibitor agreement they signed said that the Expo “hall have the full power in the interpretation and enforcement of all contract regulations contained herein.”)
PessimisticPaladin went further:
That or civil wars. If people think the government will let others abuse them, or abuse them by themselves then if you can get enough people they will make a new government.
I don’t like the option but if this shit keeps up so often it may well happen.
Dudes, do you people ever listen to yourselves? This is Special Snowflaking raised to the level of an Olympic sport.
Not all the commenters were on the Badgers’ side. Back on YouTube, some accused the Badgers of looking for an excuse to scam more money from their followers for yet another pointless legal battle. One commenter mocked them for hiring a “DISBARD LAWYER FOR THREE YEARS!!!”
But the most outspoken criticism came from someone who had formerly been a big supporter of the Badgers, especially in their early days; hell, by his account he was one of the founding members. I’m talking about a certain excitable ex-A Voice for Menner who now goes by the name Max Dean Esmay, aka Max Kolbe. Take it away, Dean Max Dean:
As the man who co-created the Honeybadger Brigade, who recruited Karen Straughan and Alison into it (they both hated the name when I pitched it at them) and who was instrumental in bringing in the fraudulent Hannah, all I can say is I’m hoping this is the END of their fraudulent case.
Well that’s quite a start.
They never had one and they’ve been playing their donors on it for two or three years now. The Expo owes them no more than a refund and what the contract specifies, plus maybe some minor damages at most.
Esmay, it turns out, has been railing against the Honey Badgers for months now — making videos of his own attacking his former friends, going on other internet shows to yell about them, and dropping who knows how many comments like this on YouTube and elsewhere.
These women ARE NOT Men’s Human Rights Activists, they’re money-hungry frauds pushing a ludicrously stupid ideology–and they’ve BACKSTABBED countless early supporters and countless current donors. They’re losing popularity because Alison Tieman, Karen Straughan, Hannah Wallen, Mike Stevenson (Stephenson? I forget) ARE FRAUDS. They’re also bullies EXACTLY like … Anita Sarkeesian–they deplatform, smear, lie about mischaracterize, mock, and lie about ANYONE who calls them out–especially anyone who was ever a supporter who began to question or criticize them.
That last bit is no doubt a reference to Karen Straughan’s attempts to rebut his various charges by questioning his mental stability.
Karen Straughan is a ripoff artist. So is Alison Tieman. They may seem nice. They may have even given you good personal advice. But they’re typical Delilahs, typical manipulative women.
The Biblical reference there is no fluke. Esmay has now more or less set aside his Men’s Rights “activism” in favor of promoting his own brand of militant Catholicism, which seems to involve a lot of yelling at and about atheists (and not just this dickish ones like Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris).
But anyway, back to the Delilah Brigade:
They serve only themselves and have thrown COUNTLESS men who once supported them under the bus. We have testimonials for many and many of the Red Pill Religion volunteers and supporters are part of our team–because the Badgers screwed everybody, except their most cultish inner circle devotees.
The Honey Badger brigade does seem more that a little culty at times, but it’s a teensy bit ironic to see Esmay of all people attack them as such.
They’re not even the full Honeybadger Brigade that was in The Red Pill by Cassie Jaye. These three women and their male enablers are con artists and have been since before Red Pill Movie was released. And they’ve set back the cause of forwarding men’s human rights by years, with their antics and their VILE behavior towards so many men.
Here’s a thought for the Honey Badgers. Forget appealing the Calgary Expo suit. Sue Dean Esmay instead. And Dean, sue them right back. Fight amongst yourselves, you terrible people, and leave the rest of us alone.
“These women ARE NOT Men’s Human Rights Activists, they’re money-hungry frauds pushing a ludicrously stupid ideology”
There’s a difference?
The pedos who rape babies and eat human flesh are all on the right
No. You do not get to hold odious, right-wing views and also name yourself after one of the cooler moves in Super Metroid. Nuh-uh. No way.
Those Esmay comments. Nobody hates a grifter like another grifter, I guess.
By the way, since it’s a pet peeve of mine: flout, not flaunt.
governor of the province
Provinces don’t have governors, you worthless flyspeck. /pedantic fucking Canadian
With conventions like Dragon-con making people like John Ringo guest of honor hearing that not only did the calgary comic expo stand by their convictions but won a legal battle over it is good news.
I’ve been trying to find a copy of the judge’s ruling online, but been coming up short. Anyone have more success?
I’ve been wondering how this was going. Well, when I happened to think about it.
I doubt The Mary Sue has the clout/other power to subvert a judge. They do well to pay some of their staff. That’s better than some fan websites can manage, but they aren’t exactly rolling in the money.
OT: I haven’t been thinking about them lately, ‘cos Mr. Parasol’s grandfather died last week. I’ve had other things on my mind, like making sure Mr. Parasol is holding up okay, and that his parents are coping.
My condolences to you, Mr. Parasol, and his parents.
Oh I’m so sorry to hear that VP; condolences.
Thanks, otrame and Alan.
That’s funny. I was just wondering if the Honey Badger lawsuit was still a thing.
I love the conspiracy theories about it. There is almost no chance that judge knew anything about the MRM before this case. The idea that anyone in the government/justice system is conspiring to keep them down is just laughable.
I also love that Dean Esmay decided to feud with the Honey Badgers. There’s nothing more hilarious than MRA fights. They always remind me of boyfights from Arrested development
@ freemage
I’d like to see the judgement too. This was just a small claim though. So the parties will get a copy of the order, ie the official bit of paper saying the case is dismissed, but not the judgement (ie the judge’s reasons for his decision).
To save costs the judge just says that in court and it’s up to the parties themselves to make a note. If they then want to appeal they have to pay for an official transcript of the judgement. So there won’t be an official judgment anywhere yet.
I understand the Badgers’ lawyer ‘attended’ the hearing by telephone (not an unusual course of action) and made a note. The other side(s) may have done as well. Although if you know you’ve won there’s no real point. You won’t be looking for appeal points.
We’ll probably have to see if the Badgers put up their lawyer’s note of the judgement.
I’m betting at best the Badgers will post a summary as they see it, not the note itself.
@Victorious Parasol
As for the article: Fight Fight Fight!
Hold on, a case in small claims court dragged out for three years? I thought small claims court was … speedier.
It occurs to me, and not for the first time, that the Honey Badgers and other doofusheads would prefer to think their non-victories MUST be a presage to civil war or the end of civilization because otherwise they’d have to admit that they are not that important in the grand scheme of the universe.
Seriously, folks. It’s not that bad, not being the sacred gatekeepers of Western culture. Learn to enjoy it. Get a sense of perspective.
Off topic, but something for Ontario Mammotheers. This tweet has links to petitions to bring back the basic income pilot program that the Ford administration promised to keep but turned around and cancelled. I just thought some of you may be interested in signing
Also, for US Mammotheers, happy Rick Gates starts to publicly spill the beans day!
Clearly, because the judge in this case decided that the so-called Honey Badgers’ so-called evidence was flawed, JUSTICE IS DEAD IN CANADA! It’s the only logical conclusion! Meanwhile, feminists are the ones who over-dramatize and take everything too seriously! /s
The Honey Badgers still exist? And people are still throwing money at these fraudsters?
(scratches head rather violently)
PS to Vicky P: So sad to hear that. Hugs!
First things first, condolences to the Parasols.
The only thing I have to say about this post is that the person who is accusing the judge of Satanism, pedophilia and cannibalism is about 40 years late for Satanic panic. Get another schtick.
@Iseult The Idle:
No no no, it’s not just the judge, it’s literally everyone on the left that works together. Obviously anyone who doesn’t have the divine guidance of
godconservatism is pure evil and has no morals and only works with others for the common goal of doing even bigger bad evils that can’t be accomplished individually, otherwise we’d all just murder each other instantly. /sIt’s telling that the Honey Badgers didn’t post the actual text of the decision. Fear not, it should be publicly available on in a few weeks.
Longtime reader, first time commenter.
Trudeau called out the Gamergate brats soon after he got elected and they have never gotten over that either.
I honestly would consider the Conservatives to be the “party of Gamergate” what with their Rebel-sponsored, Analytica-style disinfo operation and memetic warfare. (Ezra Levant, it should be noted, resigned from the Law Society of Alberta after losing several libel suits against people he waged public smear campaigns against, before they could bin him for being a wholly unethical piece of work.) What is it with these guys and their affiliations with crappy attorneys? Only a fool represents himself in the court of public opinion?
But I digress. Always a good day to find trolls getting hoisted by their own unwarranted self-importance outside their reality-distortion bubble, where things like evidence, ethics and the rule of law do actually matter. As for Straughan and the rest… what was it someone said about leopards eating faces? Or badgers, in this case. THEY DON’T REALLY CARE, DO U?