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Young Men’s Rights Activist who delights in “making feminists’ spines crawl” is baffled that he can’t get a date

Dating a feminist is dangerous business!

By David Futrelle

If you’re having girl problems I feel bad for you, son. Just don’t go to the Men’s Rights subreddit for help.

Consider the case of one lonely high school student and budding MRA who recently asked his fellow Men’s rights Redditors for some advice: how can he find himself a girlfriend who isn’t one of those awful feminists?

“I have a lot of problems with feminists,” he explained,

but one of my biggest comes to dating and all of their drama. It’s amazing to me that feminists believe they’re entitled to a good man like me when they’re entitled to trash. With their false rape accusations, lack of honesty, lack of respect, lack of significant value in cultures, customs, and traditions, and just simply acting so brash and out of line, dating a feminist would be an absolutely hellish experience.

Dude, I really don’t think you have to worry much about feminists begging you to date them.

I have never had a girlfriend before and the big reason I’ve somewhat restrained my endeavors in romance is because of the feminists I always have to share classes with.

I’m sure they were equally thrilled at having to share a classroom with you.

I’m a traditional, conservative, southern, country boy … I’ve been disrespected and verbally assaulted by women before in my college and high school classes for me fighting back when they said something I disagreed with or I even just simply wanted to talk to them and strike up conversation.

Yeah, I’m sure those, er, conversations were an absolute delight for the women too.

I even made a controversial slideshow presentation about red pill dating and that got me all sorts of hateful comments and text messages. The fact I rocked that project with an A and made every single feminist’s in the class spine crawl is one of the greatest memories of my life. In total, I’ve probably asked out 30 some girls since around the age of 16 and I’ve not had luck in finding love.

Gosh, why oh why would someone who delights in making feminists’ spines crawl have trouble getting a date?

Despite how men lack so much on the rights in marriage, sex, and paternity, my heart still longs and I wish to find love but it must be with the right person. It’s fair statement that I am red pill or for more accurate definition, a dark purple piller. I want to be able to find a girlfriend who is not just only NOT a feminist but perhaps a men’s rights supporter herself.

Dude, once again I would like to reassure you that you are in no immediate danger of ending up with a feminist girlfriend. I mean, it’s kind of amazing that there are still feminist women who are willing to be in the same room as you.

I’ve been taken advantage of by women in the past and it’s made me at some points, turn cold and extremely cynical of the opposite sex but I cling on to hope I will find someone.

How can I find this person who is elusive to me? Where should I go? Where should I look? I would appreciate the help! Thanks!

Naturally, the denizens of the Men’s Rights subreddit had lots of thoughts on the matter. The advice he got was varied and often contradictory, but most of it still managed to be very bad.

“Don’t date anyone you meet online,” warned someone called Edumakashun,

and you’ll want to avoid women with odd hairstyles or hair colors, unnatural-looking make-up (especially eyes and lips), and horn-rimmed glasses. Look for a woman who dresses like a woman. You’ll have the best luck with working class women, since they have WAY bigger responsibilities than writing catch phrases on posters and shaking them at people.

In a followup comment, he practically shouted:

Divorced with kids SCREAMS daddy issues. They fight for sole custody of their children so they can continue to control the man who divorced them, and so that no one can EVER fully LEAVE them, and they also need a man that they can control in their day-to-day lives. Or they marry some guy who will control them and beat their children.

Yeah, dude, I don’t think the high school student asking the questions is going to be dating any divorced woman with kids any time soon.

Someone called Calliopenis started off with some not-terrible advice, but alas it went south before he got to the end of his first sentence:

The odds get better with age, so work on yourself and build yourself a life that you consider fulfilling, and just hang on until 30.


You’ll have money, you’ll have freedom, and you’ll find that the percentage of feminist haters declines with every year after university. They cannot maintain that level of hate, face to face, with brothers, male cousins, male friends, co-workers, and not ultimately drive themselves out of society, or re-imagine their stances.

Not … exactly. While it’s true that women in their mid-thirties to their late-forties are less likely to call themselves feminists than younger women are, according to a 2016 poll by the Washington Post/Kaiser Family Foundation, women in their fifties and early sixties are much more likely to label themselves as such. The odds are good, in other words, that Calliopenis will end up a bitter old man surrounded by feminists he hates.

Furchfur had a grab-bag of suggestions. “I would go to another country. Non westernised,” he began. “Or do a sport, most feminists I have met do not do sport. Get a girl who does a job many feminists object to. Dancer, beautician.”

EricAllonde had some career-related advice as well:

Today feminism is completely entwined with victimhood culture. So if you look for a woman who isn’t a professional victim, she’s probably not a feminist either.

You can find non-victims by looking for women who are going out and achieving things in fields where there’s no benefit to being a feminist. So rule out the media, academia, acting etc.

For example, I met my very non-feminist wife when she was already an entrepreneur running her own business. She got her start by just going out and starting businesses; no “patriarchy” ever tried to stop her and her income depends on nothing except how successful her businesses are. She thinks feminists are pathetic and their “women are oppressed” narrative is stupid. Whenever I show her the sort of idiocy feminists say, she shakes her head with contempt.

Is it wrong that I hope she divorces him and moves in with a feminist?

EricAllonde also suggested that our high school student put off dating for a long, long time:

Right now I think you should be focussed on getting established in whatever career you choose and making yourself a success.

Jesus, dudes. The kid hasn’t even been to college yet.

Here’s my advice for the kid, for what it’s worth: Go to college. Let yourself learn a thing or two. Actually listen to women, in class and out of it. Stop being a dick, pull the stick out of your ass and give up your fixation on making feminists’ spines crawl. If you can do all that, you might end up an actual datable human being, and not the future incel you now seem bent on becoming.

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6 years ago

“feminists believe they’re entitled to a good man like me when they’re entitled to trash” …and furthermore, I DEMAND a good wife who does everything I want because I DESERVE it, dammit!

Castrating Harpy
Castrating Harpy
6 years ago

I’m pretty sure that Furchfur guy has never met a feminist, let alone a woman. Feminists don’t do sports!? Oh, honey.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Furchfur had a grab-bag of suggestions. “I would go to another country. Non westernised,” he began.

It’s interesting that all the men are poor oppressed coal miners, yet they can all afford to travel abroad and wife shop.

“Or do a sport, most feminists I have met do not do sport.

Bad new, bub. I was a swimmer and a diver and also a feminist. I don’t know how many girls on the teams I was on were explicitly feminist, but I never heard anyone say anything anti-feminist either. Also, I guess he missed how gymnast Aly Raisman has become an activist against the sexual abuse of girls. She also promotes body positivity a lot. Again, I don’t know whether or not she identifies as feminist, but her goals have been very feminist. I find the idea that you’ll find a submissive anti-feminist in a population of women that value strength and competiveness kind of bizarre.

Get a girl who does a job many feminists object to. Dancer, beautician.”

Since when do feminists object to these things? Also, women in these fields tend to be artsy and artsy people tend to be more progressive than the general population, not less.

I would think the financial or law enforcement fields would be better for finding right wing women to date. Or better yet, attend a right wing mega church.

Moon Custafer
Moon Custafer
6 years ago

Can I just say how annoyed I am that “Calliopenis” decided to call himself a name that’s a portmanteau of the muse of epic poetry, and (presumably his own) dick?

I mean, he presumably did that on purpose to annoy me, but ignoring them doesn’t help, so—

6 years ago

I even made a controversial slideshow presentation about red pill dating and that got me all sorts of hateful comments and text messages. The fact I rocked that project with an A

I’m absolutely sure that really happened.


6 years ago

Hmm…he says he got an A on that assignment. Why does this remind me of the antivaxxers who make up stories about ‘converting’ their pediatricians to their cause? Oh, it’s because neither one actually happened.

6 years ago

They fight for sole custody of their children so they can continue to control the man who divorced them, and so that no one can EVER fully LEAVE them

Uh, sounds like they’re trying to make him fully leave. You know, like go his own way or something.

6 years ago

He’s “been taken advantage of” by women in the past? Would these be the thirty women who wouldn’t date him?

6 years ago

@Hippodameia Maybe he’s talking about some girl who “friend-zoned” him. Took advantage of his good nature and help, then didn’t put out like she was expected to.

Heirloom Roses
Heirloom Roses
6 years ago

and you’ll want to avoid women with odd hairstyles or hair colors, unnatural-looking make-up (especially eyes and lips), and horn-rimmed glasses.

No hipsters, got it.

Look for a woman who dresses like a woman.

I guess no cross-dressers?

You’ll have the best luck with working class women, since they have WAY bigger responsibilities than writing catch phrases on posters and shaking them at people.

Choose woman who are so busy supporting themselves they can’t take time to fight for their rights.

Just what these women need, a man who is “cold and extremely cynical of the opposite sex.”

Iseult The Idle
Iseult The Idle
6 years ago

Yeah, none of this ever happened, except that he may have “asked out” (see also: stalked) a girl or two and got told.

Also, if that one dude thinks feminists aren’t into sports, I have some bad news for him about the softball team.

Schnookums Von Ghostface Fancypants Killer
Schnookums Von Ghostface Fancypants Killer
6 years ago

“I even made a controversial slideshow presentation about red pill dating and that got me all sorts of hateful comments and text messages. The fact I rocked that project with an A”

That is the coolest of cool stories, bro.

16 Cats and Counting
16 Cats and Counting
6 years ago

I love the line, “just simply acting so brash and out of line,” Translation, women aren’t acting exactly the way I personally mandate and thus they’re worthless. What a charmer!

As far as him finding the submissive, adoring girlfriend of his dreams, I have to agree that scoping out a fundamentalist congregation might be the ticket. I spend a lot of time on Free Jinger and Love, Joy and Feminism and I’ve read plenty of spine tingling rants from super religious conservatives who constantly tub thump that women should be meek, modest, quiet, obedient etc. It turns my stomach, but I suspect our young southern gentleman might feel right at home!

6 years ago

hey, David: the original poster referred to “my college and high school classes,” so it would seem he IS done with high school, and could even be done with college.

6 years ago

He’s not in high school. He’s been to college, or at least is currently in it, because he says “in my college and high school classes.”

Not that this changes any of the points here, but at least it won’t be quite as long until he’s 30.

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meanie
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meanie
6 years ago

Perhaps. On the other hand, it is not unheard of for some high school students to attend college classes while still in high school. He could be referring to that kind of a set-up as well.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
6 years ago

They cannot maintain that level of hate, face to face, with brothers, male cousins, male friends, co-workers, and not ultimately drive themselves out of society, or re-imagine their stances.

I dunno. Reactionary male shitheads certainly seem to have no trouble with maintaining and stoking hatred against women throughout their entire miserable lives. See: Roosh, Paul Elam, Trump, the entire Fox Cable demographic.

I even made a controversial slideshow presentation about red pill dating

What class was this for?

What were his sources?

How did he explain his 30 rejections to the class, despite having discovered the secret of these immutable biotroofs?

a good man like me

made every single feminist’s in the class spine crawl

Why do these hucklefucks always think they’re one of the good ones? Is there a Dunning-Kruger equivalent for overestimating one’s appeal as a partner?

Katherine the Adequate
Katherine the Adequate
6 years ago

I think if he joins a cult in Utah, this boy will find an assortment of females who fit his description of the perfect One. Maybe he’ll be told to marry several. But it will be a dude who tells him that, so it will be okay.

And the females, of course, won’t have any say in the matter, and that will be even better. Some may even be underage, which would be a positive, too, because they won’t have any of that uppity-ness to handle.

the real cie
the real cie
6 years ago

I hope that my evil feminist ways are obvious when I say that I hope Junior MRA ends up alone, single, and living in his mom’s basement like Roosh V. I hope he is never able to victimize any of the low self-esteem girls that he’s likely to target.
Also, if he’s a “good man” and trash is the alternative, it sounds like trash is the way to go.

6 years ago

And we honestly believe EricAllonde’s totally non-feminist wife was able to go into business because she was a submissive, obedient woman, and that it had nothing to do with the fact that women’s rights advocates have opened up so many opportunities that some women are now able to take advantage of their work without ever stopping to realize that they might have gotten where they did, without someone trying to stop them, because of feminism. Right?

Right. Opening up businesses has nothing to do with feminism. Feminists so totally did not help that happen.

Dude, go read some history, okay?

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago


The odds get better with age, so work on yourself and build yourself a life that you consider fulfilling, and just hang on until 30. You’ll have money, you’ll have–


Wait, what? I had money at 30?

I do not remember this.

Moreover, I do not therefore remember spending it. Which means it must still be there!

Where is it? Where’s my money I automatically got for turning 30 that I never got properly notified about? How do I get at it? I’d like to make a withdrawal!

6 years ago

@Katherine the Adequate
The polygamists typically have problems with too many men, don’t think they’re taking converts. Turns out they still have babies born in pretty much the same male/female ratio as everyone else, and when the high-ranking elders get extra wives, the younger guys get excommunicated.

6 years ago

“I even made a controversial slideshow presentation”

Really, now? Do kids these days ( anyone under 50) even know what slideshows are, or rather, were?

Odds are our teen-aged would be lothario is a sad sack past his mid forties thinking he can cunningly convince the kids he is hep to with the millennial groove

tim gueguen
6 years ago

I suspect the kind of “non westernised” countries Furfurch would find acceptable, which is probably Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, and maybe mainland China, have a lot more feminists in them than he thinks. Or women who behave like them even if they don’t use the term. He might also be thinking of some parts of Eastern Europe. I doubt he’d find say an African country, India, or Pakistan, acceptable. As for dancers I would assume he’s actually referring to strippers, not ballet dancers or dancers who work in things like musical theatre.

Penny Psmith
Penny Psmith
6 years ago


He probably meant PowerPoint (or an equivalent) presentation. Those are still called “slideshows” in basically the same way that the email icon is an envelope or that the save icon is a floppy disk; at least in MS PowerPoint each of the presentation… errr, thingies is actually still called a “slide”.
So there’s no need to speculate extra dishonesty just because of that bit of language usage.

(He’s still awful, anyway.)

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