alpha males beta males chad thundercock cock carousel entitled babies evil sex-having women evil sex-rejecting ladies incels irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA rape culture rhymes with roosh

Has-been “pickup artist” Roosh V sounds more like an incel every day

Sad fact: Women only want to date The Beatles

By David Futrelle

Pity poor Roosh! It seems like only yesterday the alleged pickup artist and semi-ironic rape legalization proponent was basking in a worldwide wave of adulation hatred as he trotted around a portion of the globe on his “Roosh World Tour,” bringing his message of “neomasculinity” to his small but fervent fanbase and generating headlines at every stop.

Three years on, Roosh is decidedly old news; traffic on his websites has fallen and his attempts to provoke the media beast have been generally ignored — and he has dropped his pickup artist schtick almost entirely, instead posting grouchy post after post lamenting what he sees as the terribleness of modern women and his inability to land himself a sweet virginal hottie wife.

Yes, the dude who won fame teaching men such innovative “pickup” techniques as  following drunk women home from bars and never telling them your real name is angry that evil “Chads” are bogarting all the women.

It seems, in other words, that this former PUA has now become something of an incel.

In a recent blog post with the petulant title “All That’s Left For Normal Men Are Rotten Women,” Roosh blames evil alpha males for ruining women for ordinary guys like himself. Sounding more than a little like a commenter from some egregious incel forum, he complains that “the most attractive women are being taken out of circulation to either join alpha male harems or participate in degenerate lifestyle choices,” rendering it nearly impossible for most men to snag themselves “a mentally stable and cute woman in her prime.”

“In the modern Western world,” he grouses,

a single famous man can command the sexual attentions of dozens—if not thousands—of women in their sexual prime, spoiling these women for normal men who don’t have the ability to tingle their vaginas with the same intensity.

It’s a little weird to see a guy who once made a living off his reputation as a primo lady-killer seemingly admit straight up that he can’t “tingle … vaginas” to save his life.

How many actors, musicians, and sports athletes are trying to plow through as much prime pussy as possible? How many Hollywood directors and music producers are leveraging their positions for sexual gain? How many club owners, restaurateurs, Arab sheikhs, and politicians are doing the same? Each one is taking way more beautiful women out of circulation than men like my grandfather [who Roosh says had three wives], all while elevating their standards to such an extent that no average man can ever gain their love, let alone two hours—or even two minutes–of their uninterrupted attention.

Two minutes? Is Roosh confessing that he’s a two-minute man? Well, as Jemaine Clement of The Flight of the Conchords once famously sang, “two minutes in heaven is better than one minute in heaven.” Except he was joking.

We also have to account for female lifestyle choices that are designed to delay or prevent pair bonding and marriage. The biggest is career. Most girls, while embarking on a career, balance out the boredom of working a meaningless job by hopping on the cock carousel and banging at least a few men every year.

He’s actually angry at the very notion that a women might have sex with … more than one or two men over the course of a year?

By the time a girl hits 25 years old, any man who meets her will have to deal with a walk-in closet of emotional issues and hang-ups from being pumped and dumped as much as a 1930’s brothel whore.

Apparently brothels in the 1930s weren’t exactly doing land-office business, if the women working there only had two or three customers a year.

Then there is the Instagram and Facebook lifestyle that creates crippling dopamine addiction, which causes a girl to only be satisfied if dozens of men are actively thirsting for her every day. I estimate that if a girl has over 500 followers on Instagram, she is so used to attention from throngs of men that the love of one man cannot possibly satisfy her.

Apparently Roosh can’t compete with Instagram “likes.”

We must also throw in the growing “travel blogger” lifestyle where, instead of using only her body to get attention, a girl uses pictures and video from exotic locations to enhance her beauty.

I’m beginning to suspect that Roosh spends most of his time following Instagram models and muttering angrily to himself each time one of them gives him a boner.

Other girls, with nothing substantial to offer the world, decide to showcase pictures of pets or their tasty overpriced meals, but even that puts them on a dopamine loop that ruins their future interactions with men.

Now he’s mad at women who post pics of their fucking DOGS or the sandwich they had for lunch? Honestly, dude, this is getting embarrassing.

Roosh goes on to complain about “sugar babies” and porn stars, then declares:

The Western world is a sinkhole for women. The prettiest of the bunch fall into the hole and get spit out years later an entitled #MeToo hag who can never be happy, making the Islamic four-wive rule seem downright egalitarian.

Yes, he said “entitled #MeToo hag.” He evidently thinks that women who are raped and/or sexually harassed are somehow … privileged.

The sad truth is that if you meet an attractive girl today, she was pumped and dumped by numerous sexy men, prefers to nurture her career than children, is addicted to attention via the internet, and has participated in some kind of scheme to exchange social status or cash for her pussy. She’s more than suitable for a bit of fun, but would it be wise to seek a relationship with her?

Yes, those lady grapes are definitely sour.

But take heart, ladies! Roosh is still a romantic at heart, and would be happy to settle for one of you!

Even with the obesity and short-hair epidemic, I still see a bountiful supply of cute girls I would happily reproduce with.

Great news for all human females!

I would love them, let them caress my beard, and lay my seed deep within their vaginal guts …

You would do WHAT in their WHATS!? Ewwwww.

… but the problem is that those guts are not for me—they are for the Chads who would never marry her, the beta orbiters who await her newest selfie as if it were a source of food, or the rich and lonely men who would sponsor her for thousands of dollars a month.

Dude, you’re honestly saying that you can’t compete with a woman’s “beta orbiters?” I thought pickup artists were supposed to be the alphas every woman years for.

They’re taking her out of circulation at the time I want her most, and by the time they are done with her, I no longer want her.

I’m pretty sure the feeling is mutual.

I guess I’ll try to weasel in a bang or two when she is not yet fully degraded, and enjoy the fleeting pleasure that comes from it as much as I can.

You’ll :try to weasel in a bang or two?” Dude, you give weasels a bad name.

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Marshmallow Stacey Maximal (formerly bluecat)
Marshmallow Stacey Maximal (formerly bluecat)
6 years ago

The line “weasel in a bang or two” sent me to look up research into weasel and stoat reproductive strategies.

Apparently it has some bearing on variable weasel skull length.

For goodness sake don’t let the incels know, or that’s another one to put with “canthal tilt”!

6 years ago

I notice people talking about mediocre pizza. I don’t know why people are talking about pizza, and I didn’t actually check, but “making mediocre pizza” reminded me of a simple, quick, inexpensive and delicious pizza meal I came up with one day when i was feeling lazy, that is now a staple in our house.

1. Get a pack of Puff Pastry Shells (the kind with the lids)
2. Cook the pastries then remove the lids and let them cool
3. In the meantime, saute some mushrooms, onions, garlic
4. Mix your veggies with some pizza sauce
5. When the shells have cooled, line the insides with havarti cheese
6. Pour in your sauce and veggies into each shell
7. Put the lids on, then cover with a thin strip of either provolone or mozzarella (or both if you wanna live dangerously), and broil.
8. Remove from the oven and cover the shells with the remainder of the sauce
9. Eat a buttery, cheesy, saucy piece of heaven.

6 years ago

Funnily enough I thought of Roosh only yesterday, wondering when he might rear his ugly head again.

Whether he has sex with women or doesn’t have sex with women he still hates us with the same intensity.

At least this way he harms fewer women.

Schnookums Von Ghostface Fancypants Killer
Schnookums Von Ghostface Fancypants Killer
6 years ago

You’ll :try to weasel in a bang or two?” Dude, you give weasels a bad name.

Weaseling is what separates us from the Animals. Well, except for Weasels.

That, and product placement.

(Also, Alpha Male Harem is now the name of my Procal Harum cover band)

6 years ago

There is so much wrong with this, I don’t even know where to start. And doesn’t Roosh have a dopamine addiction from seeking attention on the internet? At this point I think he’s starting to Jones.

I’ll leave you all with Robin Williams thoughts on virgins.

“So, the terrorists go to heaven and get 78 virgins? Translation can be a problem with theses old text, wait we meant 78 sultana raisins. But Anyone who has actually slept with a virgin is going I dunno.”

Podkayne Lives
Podkayne Lives
6 years ago

I’d also just like to state as I usually do that I fucking hate Roosh on a personal level, because his ‘world tour’ thing came, through Tumblr, to the attention of a sensitive and socially aware student of mine (eighth grade) who was scared to death that San Francisco was about to have rapists roaming the streets out of control, just when some friends of hers were planning to go there.

I can laugh at him. She was twelve, and he made her think her friends were going to be attacked and harmed. I owe the asshole a hard kick in the balls.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

If I’m understanding Roosh’s complaint correctly, by the time the average woman is 25 she has slept with a minimum of one Arab sheikh, one Hollywood producer, one famous restaurateur, and one sport athlete (as opposed to a non-sport athlete).

Makes perfect sense. High school girls who don’t live in big cities cross paths with celebrities all the time.


Also, Alpha Male Harem is now the name of my Procal Harum cover band

A whiter shade of wail…

6 years ago

So Roosh, who alternated between citing his ancestry as a gotcha against the SJWs and courting racists, now exploits his infamy as a PUA to spout incel/MGTOW drivel… Big Brother would approve.

6 years ago

“I would love them, let them caress my beard, and lay my seed deep within their vaginal guts…”

Aaugghh! I think my entire reproductive system just shriveled to the size of a walnut and froze solid.

Sheila Crosby
6 years ago

Roosh must be nearly 40. I wonder what age women he’s chasing? Dear Lord, I hope they are women, not underage.

Podkayne Lives
Podkayne Lives
6 years ago

If I’m understanding Roosh’s complaint correctly, by the time the average woman is 25 she has slept with a minimum of one Arab sheikh, one Hollywood producer, one famous restaurateur, and one sport athlete (as opposed to a non-sport athlete).

The core of this, and related incel assertions seems to be the idea that wealthy and powerful men are having sex with so many women that there literally aren’t any other women for average Joes to have sex with.

Dudes. Hugh “Spiders Georg” Hefner was an outlier, and should not have been included in the study.

Does anyone else experience just…frustration…at how passionately these guys seem to believe in a social structure that doesn’t exist? That anyone should be able to see doesn’t exist?

Yes Roosh. It’s hard for a fortyish guy with limited resources and the personality of a moldy bowl of tuna salad to find a hot, submissive, uneducated virgin who really wants to marry him and caress his beard. I hear you. But that’s not because every woman who might have fulfilled that role is busily fucking dozens of celebrities. It’s because you’re awful.

6 years ago

In regards to the two major topics of this thread, I’ll leave you all with this famous quote:

“Sex is like pizza – even when it’s bad, it’s good.”

I can’t really comment on how accurate it is.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

Sex is like pizza

Indeed. If I take longer than 30 minutes I give you a pound back.

Full Metal Ox
6 years ago

@Sei Shonagon:

But when do *I* get to be in the alpha male harem? That sounds great! ?

I demand one hot dude occasionally and the helpful companionship of several women!

In short: you’d sign up for a timeshare of Prince Genji?

(And, yeah, I know Sei Shonagon was Lady Murasaki’s literary archrival.)

6 years ago

ooooooh! he’ll let them caress his beard! isn’t he GENEROUS!?

6 years ago

I’ve had both which were so bad I decided not to finish.

6 years ago

Talonknife – I used to say that sex is like coffee because bad coffee is still better than no coffee!

I’ve since kicked the sex habit (not because I was trying to) but am still on the best of terms with my favorite caffeinated beverage!

Yutolia the Green Hash Thing
Yutolia the Green Hash Thing
6 years ago

@ellesar: me too. I was hoping this meant the manosphere had forgotten about him. Oh well, dare to dream, I guess.

6 years ago

@ Rhymenocerous,

I mentioned crappy pizza on another thread here and pondered trying home made. I have been eating these (frozen, store) pizzas lately with these awful cardboard, neigh, linoleum, crusts.

Many thanks again for all the suggestions! 🙂

About Roody Doody,

This guy, ug.

Can’t add much here, had this thought: He has really painted himself into a corner. What else can he do now? He really can’t “re invent himself” because he’s too well known. His negativity will follow him, even if he wanted to give it all up and become a chiropractor or something.

So much for all that superior logic and whatnot.

6 years ago

It sounds like Roosh has hit the wall.

tim gueguen
6 years ago

The only reason to touch Douchebag V’s beard is in the vague hope money and/or jewelry has somehow become entangled in it. Even then latex gloves are advised, and a full blown HAZMAT rig is probably best.

6 years ago

He’s not saying that he can’t seduce those women for a night or two, he’s saying that after an initial one night stand, women are so addicted to:

1)trying to constantly look for ‘better and better’ (taller, better looking, more muscular, bigger dick)

2) the thirst and attention from her beta male friends who she’ll likely never fuc

3) rich guys who give her 1000s, again who she’ll never bang.

That they won’t want to form a bond with anyone.

He’s got a point there, and I know women who agree

Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
6 years ago

In short: you’d sign up for a timeshare of Prince Genji?

“Genji Polygatari”

(Sorry. I once tried reading an abbreviated English translation of Genji Monogatari, and boy it was boring.)

6 years ago


weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

He’s not saying that he can’t seduce those women for a night or two, he’s saying that after an initial one night stand, women are so addicted to:

1)trying to constantly look for ‘better and better’ (taller, better looking, more muscular, bigger dick)

2) the thirst and attention from her beta male friends who she’ll likely never fuc

3) rich guys who give her 1000s, again who she’ll never bang.

That they won’t want to form a bond with anyone.

He’s got a point there, and I know women who agree

Okay. The notion that one night of casual sex will destroy a woman forever and turn her into a slut who is also somehow a tease, turn her into a golddigger and render unable to form any bond ever is just ridiculous and needs some serious citations. Actual scientific ones, and not the pontifications of misogynists.

But for just a moment, lets say you’re right. Any woman who has a one night stand is ruined. Not only that, but all of Western civilization is now ruined because too many women have had a one night stand.

Aren’t Roosh and his website and the rest of the PUA community the biggest villains in history? If every woman that every PUA “seduced” is now ruined and civilization is threatened, then PUA has ruined civilization. The whole selling point of PUA is that it overrides women’s inclination to say no. That if we get “vagina tingles” we’re physically unable to resist. So it’s not really women’s fault if it worked. It’d be like hunting an animal to near extinction and then being angry at the animal instead of the poachers.

Instead of being angry at women, shouldn’t you be angry at the alphas and the practitioners of game? Shouldn’t Roosh be angry at himself instead of at women?

Why do men bear none of the responsibility for the supposedly rotten state of Western civilization? If men are so superior, shouldn’t you be the ones exercising restraint and not giving us inferior feeeemales that opportunity to slut it up?

Shouldn’t you also be supporting feminists in our fight against rape culture? I’m all the time hearing about how affirmative consent and MeToo is making men afraid to even be alone with us because they don’t want to be accused of rape. They always claim we’re ruining sex. Shouldn’t you then see us as allies in the fight to preserve the virginity of HB8-10 women? Why do you hate us so much?

Can I least hear how you propose to have a society in which men can have unlimited casual sex but women can’t have any? How would that work? Who would men have sex with? What would your ideal culture look like? I’m struggling to see how the math works. Help my inferior lady brain understand.