empathy deficit entitled babies incels irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny rape rape culture rape is good actually redistribution of sex

Incel: “Women should not be allowed out without a man”

Uh oh! This one’s escaping!

By David Futrelle

On, a hangout for some of the internet’s most hopeless involuntary celibates, one young fellow has come up with a simple yet ingenious answer to the Woman Question — that question being “why do these women keep having sex with guys other than the angry woman-hating weirdos who populate sites like”

His answer: because they are allowed freedom of movement. His solution?

[Serious] Women should not be allowed out without a man. Thread starterJackAutismo Start dateToday at 12:24 PM JackAutismo JackAutismo Recruit - Today at 12:24 PM#1 Women are dangerous whores who will have sex with Chad unless they are escorted by a man all times. If a roastie goes out unescorted and an ugly Male looks at her, she will accuse him of having raped her. Women are like adult bodied children and should thus not be allowed out without a chaperone to protect men from their degenerate sluttery.

Amazingly, one of the commenters actually has an issue with this plan, wondering if keeping women locked up and/or chaperoned 24 hours a day might actually make it harder for incels to have sex with them. But JackAutismo has an answer all ready, and it sounds a bit like that “enforced monogamy” we’ve been hearing so much about.

JackAutismo Recruit - Today at 1:38 PM#10 Henry de Montherlant said: How are you supposed to end involuntary celibacy by suppressing all celibate female presence in the street ? Low IQ as fuck. Women would be assigned a man to be their husband and would only be allowed to go outside with him- if she went outside alone and got ‘raped’ it would be declared that she was trying to decay society and she would get the death penalty.

Say what you will about the tenets of inceldom; at least it’s an ethos.

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weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I don’t think Saudi Arabia or any other time or place with a highly religious patriarchal society would please them either. The manosphere wants all the privileges of those cultures, but none of the responsibilities. They want women subjugated but they do not want to financially provide. What they want is impossible. A woman with no wants or needs or opinions who will pop up out kids that require no time or money to raise. Even the manosphere fantasy of human women being replaced by sexbots and artificial wombs won’t do it because the sexbots would require maintenance and the artificial womb children won’t raise themselves.

No wonder they’re so angry.

6 years ago

This reminds me of something I saw about FLDS – that’s the Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints. Remember their leader, Warren Jeffs?

I watched an interview of a woman who had been brought up, and married, in that cult. She had the requisite 10 kids or so. She described how the church’s edicts got stricter and stricter, until it came to pass that women and their children weren’t permitted to leave their houses.

As you’d expect, it was very difficult for women to keep their children content and well-behaved while they were cooped up indoors all the time.

Long story short: She and her husband finally left the cult.

Another, unrelated anectode: In the early 1960s, the University of Connecticut had a curfew for the coeds living on campus (archaic term, I know) but not for the young men.* I think they locked up the wrong sex, TBH☺

*According to a friend of mine whose parents attended UConn.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

@ dormousing it

a curfew for the coeds

Probably everyone here is familiar with Golda Meir’s response when something similar was proposed in Israel.
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6 years ago


The lives Wives in HT were based on the lives of very wealthy and aristocratic women of the Victorian era.

Their husband managed the lands they owned or the business they owned, could meet with a wide bunch of friends, and while not exactly socially acceptable, there was limited social pushback for hanging out with men of almost any social class, as long as they were reasonably discreet about it. They were allowed mistresses under the same conditions and could have boyfriends at the extra cost of a bit more discretion. They could have hobbies. In fact the basic work of science that we all stand on today was done by those rich Victorian men who were free to let their creativity and intelligence run free. Science was a hobby in those days.

Thier wives had literally nothing it was socially acceptable to do. They were allowed to visit friends during certain limited times of day, but the higher the status, the fewer peers they had, and thus the fewer friends they were allowed to have. They “managed” the household, but in reality they had butlers who were in charge of that. They might be allowed to play the piano, as long as their husband approved and they kept away from the more “passionate” music. They were allowed to “dabble” in painting, but their works were never shown to anyone but their friends and was never taken seriously by anyone.

Oh, a few managed to break out of that prison and managed to DO things, but those were the extraordinary women, and they were very much looked down on. The ordinary women sat in their comfortable, well-appointed houses and went batshit. The was pretty much the only thing they were allowed to do.

6 years ago

I am pretty sure that all this has been covered by A Handmaid’s Tale’. Two things that have ruined it a bit for me are the incredibly violent scenes that are almost salacious at times, and the incels apparently wanting that society for real.

I went on that Autismo boys profile and his most recent contribution on reddit is a discussion about the blackpill. Apparently that is when you want to kill everyone?! Isn’t there a clue here about why you are ‘incel’? If women are so ‘degenerate’ (their favourite polite word) and moronic HOW ON EARTH do we have the ability to discern between men who do not hate everyone and those who do?!

I am getting tired of their bizarre fantasy world because they are so repetitive – it just isn’t funny anymore.

(A)utonomous Escapist
(A)utonomous Escapist
6 years ago

@Iseult the Idle: I’m getting a slightly unpleasant anti-arab vibe from the way you write it, I hope it’s me seeing spooks, but there’s a degree of generalization and othering in your phrasing.

And removing anyones agency, yikes OP, get off the dystopian nightmare-train, you’re deading for rock bottom!

16 Cats and Counting
16 Cats and Counting
6 years ago

Wow! One of my real hot buttons has always been any suggestion that women should be restricted in anyway just because they are – heaven for fend – female!

I remember talking to a women who attended the super religious Pepperdine University in LA in the 1960’s. She explained that women students, but not men, had curfew. If a female student left campus, even in the middle of the day, she had to sign out, listing where she was going and when she expected to return.

When I asked why she explained that the school needed to know where the women were in case there was a family emergency!! I asked why it wasn’t equally important to know where the men were. Does being male mean u never have a family emergency? Naturally she could only hem and haw and change the subject fast! The schools apparently had all sorts of bullshit “reasoning” why women students needed to conform to these asinine restrictions.

Actually, there are plenty of web sites that detail how universities treated female students like children until the 1970’s. I remember the Univ. of Arizona used to require female students under 25 (25!) to get their parents’ permission if they wanted to live off campus. I’d have hated to give up college but I just couldn’t have survived in that god-awful atmosphere.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
6 years ago

More from that same discussion at

Foids should be on a leash.

With a muzzle to ensure the bitch doesn’t bark at you.

Incels, you can’t even bring yourselves to call women, women.

Yet these are the individuals who enrage you by not consenting to have sex with you.

Why would you want to have sex — an extremely intimate activity — with individuals of such low morals and IQ?

Illogic, thy name is Incel.

6 years ago

OT: Dad is visiting me and as I write this, he is listening to a podcast by Scott Adams. Dad is not a stupid person. He likes to flatter himself by thinking that he, unlike most people, is not bound by politically-correct dogma and is only interested in following the truth wherever it may lead him. (In other words, he subscribes to neoconservativism point for point). I just never thought this would lead him to listen to an idiot like Scott Adams.

This is very frustrating. Please pray for me, Mammotheers, or think good thoughts at me if you don’t like the idea of praying. Thank you in advance.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

@Otrame: Sounds very much like Rose and her mother in Titanic, with Rose being one who broke out.

@Buttercup: I’d like to apologize for some things I said after the Ford election debacle. I was in a low, low place that night but shouldn’t have been quite as bitter about it…

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
6 years ago


Sending you calming thoughts. Blue skies, fluffy clouds, serene music floating out from someone’s open window.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Just when I thought 2018 couldn’t get anymore 2018, we have a white supremacist who likes bigfoot erotica running for office

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Katherine the Adequate
Katherine the Adequate
6 years ago

Surplus, brilliantly stated! What these freaks propose sounds like a warped take on extreme Sharia law. And the idiot proposing it needs another nym. He insults people with disabilities.

6 years ago

I’m sure we both agree the Nazi part is the disgusting part of that.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

True, and I just liked that tweet a few moments ago. It’s just, if I traveled back 5 years in time and told 2013 me that a bigfoot fetishizing Nazi was running for office, and that was probably going to only last in the news cycle for a day or so because 2018 was just that bizarre, I’d figure that 2018 me was kidding around. I do sometimes have a weird sense of humor.

By the way, Bigfoot Settlers Claim My Butthole is the best out of those titles.

6 years ago

OT: Anyone need a good laugh? Read the replies to this tweet.

6 years ago

Is taken?

Marshmallow Stacy Maximal (formerly bluecat)
Marshmallow Stacy Maximal (formerly bluecat)
6 years ago

I lived in the United Arab Emirates twice: 2000 – 2003 and 2007 – 2010. Especially the first time round, that was standard for Emirati women, even though they’ve never had the ban on driving that Saudi has.

I remember going to an amusement park with a couple of friends, sisters in their 20s who were working and studying. We were “escorted” by their 12-year-old brother.

I remember when a new degree course in Education was supposed to have a component abroad, having meetings with the families where 14 year old boys stood up to say it was “not suitable” for their sisters to go abroad without a male guardian.

Of course, if any one woman’s “guardian” had come on the trip, none of the other women would have been allowed to go, because it would have meant “putting themselves under the protection” of a man not in their incest group, and that would be assumed to mean having sex with him. (Teachers didn’t count, for some reason, as they were not Emirati).

In the end, just one woman went on the foreign trip, with two teachers from the college. And it was fine.

And next year, everyone wanted their daughter or sister to go.

6 years ago

And more on bigfoot:

please understand thinking bigfoot is handsome is NORMAL but being a devil is not. this is slippery slope please judge based on character not on hardness around bigfoot WE ALL GET HARD AROUND BIGFOOT

Chuck Tingle is just too good for this world.

6 years ago

Okay, a few things about the OP I find hilarious.

1. The need to label the topic [Serious] as the quasi-ironic language these chodes use doesn’t leave room for somebody actually coming clean with what they think and believe.

2. They’re so insecure that they think any woman they have a relationship with will just leave them for a more attractive man at the drop of a hat.

3. They’re working in other anti-feminist talking points into their worldview, like the worst tinker-toys ever. The whole “women will just scream rape at a leer” is one of the things they tell each other to discredit sexual assault allegations. Now they’re incorporating it into their bizarre incel nonsense.

4. Standard double-bind double-standard against women. They can’t express themselves sexually without angering these guys, and they can’t be too prudish because then they’re denying incels “teh sex”, meanwhile it’s totally fine for men to be “pick-up artists.”

5. Ironically, a Christian fundamentalist actually made a movie where a guy made a promise never to be alone with a woman who wasn’t his wife because he was afraid of reverting to his younger slutty [read: amateur “Girls Gone Wild” date-rapey porno-making] ways.

Here’s a review!

It manages to be both hilariously inept and infuriating all at the same time. Kind of a remarkable feat for this Rik Schwarzwelder guy’s first full-length film.

6 years ago


Ironically, a Christian fundamentalist actually made a movie where a guy made a promise never to be alone with a woman who wasn’t his wife because he was afraid of reverting to his younger slutty [read: amateur “Girls Gone Wild” date-rapey porno-making] ways.

So, a documentary about Mike Pence?

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

@Surplus – Thank you, that means a lot to me 🙂 I know you had good reason to be so angry and despairing that night. 40% of the population are apparently fine with the idea of harming and killing the other 40%, so long as they get to feel superior for thirty seconds. It makes you feel like you’re constantly screaming into the void. Hard to turn that off sometimes, even when you’re among friends.

Anyway, I’m genuinely rooting for you to find peace and happiness, and I hope that you’ll be able to keep following your path despite all the obstacles.


The need to label the topic [Serious]

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(Yes, this meme is old as the hills, but I never get tired of this cat)

Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
6 years ago

That meat and bread bathroom sign thing reminds me of that embarrasing “Sausage Party” movie. :/

Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
6 years ago

I do not like the way “christians” fetishise women and call it the Jezabel spirit or some such nonsense which assumes all women are femme fatales using some kind of witchcraft to lead men into sin. Therefore, when a man does something despicable, he us absolved from blame and the blame falls squarely on his victim, as if he couldn’t help himself. The natural conclusion to this is banning men from having any contact with women (except the ones they own, namely wives) whatsoever.
I learned this the hard way. My cousin was my best friend growing up, but my family got deeply involved with the Open Brethren, a branch of the Plymouth Brethren, but somehow the more liberal ones. They were fine about my cousin visiting me until my father died, then as there was no chaperone, he was forbidden from visiting me or my mother (his auntie) as we were deemed to be single women who would lead him into sexual sin.
We haven’t spoken for 20 years. He lives with a man now, ironically, he married a woman but it didn’t work out as he was gay.

6 years ago


I like to imagine that the protagonist is Mike Pence 20 years ago. Only the movie ends with the woman realizing what a creepy weirdo he is and bolting.

And did I hear that Bigfoot erotica is getting its time in the sun?

(This is where I’d post the Cinema Snob review of this “film,” but it’s not available after his move from Blip.TV. I hope this is remedied at some point in the future because Snob’s review is hysterical. It literally ends with a fistfight between the hippies and Bigfoot, Bigfoot runs off and one of the hippies says “One day I’m gonna get that filthy animal….” and they just leave. The End!)

It is a proud, if less-than-noble tradition… apparently.