By David Futrelle
On Incels.me, a hangout for some of the internet’s most hopeless involuntary celibates, one young fellow has come up with a simple yet ingenious answer to the Woman Question — that question being “why do these women keep having sex with guys other than the angry woman-hating weirdos who populate sites like Incels.me?”
His answer: because they are allowed freedom of movement. His solution?
Amazingly, one of the commenters actually has an issue with this plan, wondering if keeping women locked up and/or chaperoned 24 hours a day might actually make it harder for incels to have sex with them. But JackAutismo has an answer all ready, and it sounds a bit like that “enforced monogamy” we’ve been hearing so much about.
Say what you will about the tenets of inceldom; at least it’s an ethos.
Yet another man who has never actually talked to a real woman.
If you want to live in Syria, go live in Syria. Sure, things will change there, eventually; but for a few years at least you’ll have the sweet dystopian nightmare for which you long.
Incels are a bunch of bush league wannabes. The Taliban already did this way better.
What if I just pick a Chad to escort me at all times though?
…I probably really don’t want to know the answer to this, but is this shitstain proposing that his “solution” would fix incel’s woes by assigning them a wife, or by granting them the right to rape unaccompanied women with impunity?
(It’s both, isn’t it.)
Congratulations, Jack — you just reinvented Saudi Arabia, while tarnishing all genuinely autistic people by association with you at the same time. :/
Yikes. JackAutismo looks like he’s 12. Turn off the computer and go outside, Jack.
How are these women supposed to get the grocery shopping done, so they can be making sammitches in the kitchen? We all know these incel types aren’t going to stoop to doing that work.
So which men are doing the escorting? It can’t be Chads, because apparently us women are already constantly having sex with them as soon as we walk out our front doors. It can’t be incels because, well, it’s in the name and apparently we’re also accusing them of raping us if they look at us, so who is it? It must be men who are in between lookswise (at least that seems to be how JackA****** categorises men) so is there some sort of committee who assign men to their correct grouping? And who is on this committee? So many questions.
BS and his four fluffy kitties : 12y old are rarely that hateful. And anyway, turn out most shitheads on the internet aren’t young.
@Axecalibur, Middle Name Danger
Excellent photo choice!
Why doesn’t anyone ever propose that the men shouldn’t be allowed outside without a handler? The men are the ones doing the raping, so they should be the ones restrained. I propose that men should not be allowed outside without being restrained in strait jackets and masks a la Hannibal Lecter. When seeing a woman inevitably sends them into a sex-crazed fury, they will only be able to struggle and scream for sex as their handlers wheel them come to placate them with porn. You also won’t have to worry about ugly men being accused of rape, because they will also be restrained, making it impossible for them to have raped anyone.
Upset at the prospect of having your freedoms restrained under the guise of keeping the streets safe, Jack? Now you know how the women feel.
@TB Tabby
But but mens are people and feeeeemales are just things!!!1!! /s
But seriously if it does not hurt women they are opposed to it even if it would dramatically improve their lives they would be opposed to it unless it also hurt women,
by this same logic they are for anything that hurts women even if it hurts them as well.
That was one of the more intriguing defences of James Gunn’s “jokes” about raping children – that he was young and foolish and didn’t know any better.
He was already past forty when he posted them.
Similarly, in my day job I had a regular correspondent who was annoying as hell, but I found him strangely endearing because his writing style (all BLOCK CAPS and multiple exclamation marks!!!!!!) strongly suggested that he was only about sixteen or seventeen, which also explained his somewhat emotive and fact-free approach to criticism. I recognised myself at that age, and might well have been like that too if I’d had the opportunity to go online, and so I said to myself “well, at least he’s got the fervour and enthusiasm, so when he finally grows up he might be able to put it to more constructive use.”
Turns out he was in his late thirties.
Actually, Syria is a vile dictatorship, but women are not, and under that dictatorship have not been, confined in the way Jack Arseholo proposes – it’s ruling ideology is Ba’athism, which is explicitly secular and supports women’s social and economic rights to a limited extent. You’re perhaps thinking of Saudi Arabia. If either Daesh, or the rival Islamist rebel groups in Syria backed by Saudi Arabia and in some case the USA had prevailed, Syria would have become much more specifically misogynist, as has happened in Iraq post-Saddam. The only side in the multi-sided Syrian conflict worthy of support is the primarily Kurdish SDF (Syrian Democratic Forces), which has had some American support but is under attack from the Turkish regime, and is likely to be abandoned as soon as that is politically convenient to Trump.
Incels and Taliban – politics does make strange (away from-) bedfellows
@Wetherby : recently, two people from the french 4chan (jv.com, who have several forum by age, the most infamous one being the 15-25) were judged for harassing a journalist who accurately described that forum as a sewer and a shithole.
To the surprise of some people, one were 25 or so, the other in his thirty. Part of their defence was that they didn’t think it could have real consequences. I guess you may say they still were children in their head, but children actually understand the internet better than that.
@CleverNameHere ironically, this one of the things the Handmaid’s Tale kinda deals with. Wives have pretty much nothing to do because Handmaids are the ones who run the errands (in pairs, so they don’t get up to anything) and Marthas do all the housework. Which means if there’s no child in the house, there’s no reason for Wives to really exist and they go really stir crazy.
Incels want to put women into these totally artificial restrictions that could never work and even though they imagine that was what things were like in the past, never would have worked then either. You want a woman to “handle the house”? Congrats, you have to make sure she has enough autonomy to accomplish that.
For example, while my granddad handled the money, grandma was the one who did almost all the purchasing so they had a specific place she’d drop receipts/checkbacks in so he could add that to the spending log. That way they had the kind of spending record he needed for budgeting while she could do the chores her way. Collaboration: it makes good relationships.
Yeah, the whole white guy-extended adolescence thing is way past its sell-by date. White men in their thirties get endlessly excused for bad behavior because “he’s a good boy” and didn’t know any better (39 year old Donald Trump Jr. ) or was just having a bout of youthful high spirits, the little scamp (32yo Ryan Lochte, Brock Turner). Meanwhile underage black children get murdered and tried as adults all the time, and women are expected to be responsible for men’s behavior.
If whiny white dudes are going to keep pulling out the “just a kid” card every time there’s trouble afoot, then let’s take them up on it. I propose that incels should not be allowed on the internet after 9pm, and they must be accompanied by a chaperone. Before their posts are allowed through, they must get reviewed and approved by an employer, a teacher, or an adult guardian. Finally, they must spend one month acting out their proposals for restructuring society, but role-playing as a woman, and report back on their conclusions. (This step can be skipped if they build one skyscraper all by themselves, John Galt style, before posting. That includes mining and smelting all the materials by hand, and designing and building all the cranes and construction equipment.)
All the talk of milking machines and chaperones would end real fast.
Nice Lebowski reference 🙂
I remember someone made that excuse for Trump’s “grab her by the pussy tape.” The tape is not that old. He was what, in his sixties? Apparently a grandfather who runs his own very large corporation is still not a full adult responsible for his own behavior if he’s a rich white man.
To expand on Buttercup’s point. The privileged group is always too young to face consequences even for the worst behavior, the person in the group the privileged group is hurting is never too young to have any mistake or perceived flaw excused. Trayvon Martin was an actual kid but deserved to be murdered because George Zimmerman thought he looked like a thug, fourteen year old girls deserve to be raped by adult men because they looked older or flirted. Toddlers from Central America have to see immigration judges by themselves because they’re totally capable of defending themselves in court. Or they have to be put in jail because they might be in MS-13. Yet the same people who are for treating refugee children this way believe that their own children will be traumatized for life if they see a same sex couple holding hands.
You know, I almost said Saudi Arabia, but since women are allowed to drive there now, I switched it at the last minute.
As long as whiny white men are making social policy, I don’t look for any of this to change much….
I think this incel should watch what he wishes for because this is the first step down the slippery slope that results in the creation of eunuchs.