By David Futrelle
On Incels.me, a hangout for some of the internet’s most hopeless involuntary celibates, one young fellow has come up with a simple yet ingenious answer to the Woman Question — that question being “why do these women keep having sex with guys other than the angry woman-hating weirdos who populate sites like Incels.me?”
His answer: because they are allowed freedom of movement. His solution?
Amazingly, one of the commenters actually has an issue with this plan, wondering if keeping women locked up and/or chaperoned 24 hours a day might actually make it harder for incels to have sex with them. But JackAutismo has an answer all ready, and it sounds a bit like that “enforced monogamy” we’ve been hearing so much about.
Say what you will about the tenets of inceldom; at least it’s an ethos.
There is a British docu about Facebook which shows exactly this. FB rep denied it of course, but it is shown time and time again that far right groups will be tolerated if they get a lot of traffic, but a woman breastfeeding, well that’s just outrageous!
Horribly it will also leave up videos of child abuse and other violence using the excuse that it is to aid detection (example used: offender was already in prison), or if the caption is ‘condemning’ of what is happening (example used: caption was descriptive, there was no bias positive or negative).
I think that FB’s central sin, and the reason that it is going to continue to tolerate Nazis and otherhorrible authoritarians is… well, it’s the same sin as any other white patriarch. Nazis won’t hurt them. Pedophiles won’t hurt them. Abusers won’t hurt them. They can afford to be distant and abstract about those threats because they aren’t real to a wealthy white dude. They can feel free to have theoretical conversations about the right to free speech versus the threat of creeping authoritarianism, because these fuckers can consider everything an interesting theoretical conversation. They don’t know how to empathize.
S’why I have zero qualms about calling their problem a systemic lack of empathy. They don’t know how to feel empathy for others.
Not being “allowed out” –
I got barked at for doing paperwork wrong the other day. I try not to let these things bother me, you have to wonder if a guy would have to deal with the same BS. They don’t, studies have shown this.
I even correctly predicted that this (tax guy) was going to find something to lecture me about, he’s just looking for something to argue about, I guess that’s their form of “advice.” Yesterday I got barked at for paying something – a few days early. Seriously.
Another recent convo consisted of him lecturing me about “signing my name right” / “Don’t put your middle initial” / because “They” (the court system) “don’t like that”.
I think they try this BS on women more than men. It’s blatantly obvious that this guy is just looking to create drama about something.
You SIGNED!? your NAME!? with your middle initial???
I’m not even kidding you.
An interesting tale from our friend T here,
About the various J Peterson crap discussed, and pix of him, I remarked that he kind of vaguely resembles the actor Martin Landau.
Ah, sigh, more sad, T remembered some of her past legal things involving an atty who was a relative of Martin Landau. And he was a “brilliant guy, took care of everything, it all went 1, 2, 3.” And tales about just conversing with the guy, and how interesting he was.
Few months ago, she’s telling me about this guy, I said Wait! Maybe I could get this guy too! For my current issues. Which is why we looked him up and – he has passed away 🙁
Absolutely brilliant guy. – T
And I’m stuck with this slimy fool who reminds of the guy who does the lie detector tests on the Steve Wilkos show.
@Scildfreja Unnyðnes(about the opinion of Facebook beeing safe from Nazis):
Beeing safe because they aren’t the target is a dumb idea, if you have to do with Nazis. Shortly ago a list with 25.000 enemys was found on one hategroup in Germany. I am sure other list exist. (I am sure I did read a post about Day having such a list, could have been on this website) If someone looks at the history in Germany when the Nazis were in power, they did murder a lot of people who though they were safe. So nope you can never be safe from those guys, exspecially when they get to power.
It is allways the question when to ban people on a platform like Facebook or twitter (a ban of the Orange One will probably be very difficult and would possible good for him), but a place without rules will mostly only have the worst people left.
Back when Rob Ford was in power, I know I was saying that Ford’s attitude was basically Harris’ writ smaller and with fewer attempts to pretty it up: play on hatred of Toronto and focus on punishing Toronto so the people wouldn’t notice how the floor was being cut out from under them as well. Which was an interesting tactic for the Mayor of Toronto.
Doug Ford’s attempt to undercut Toronto City Council is getting a lot of pushback, including legal challenges based on the fact that preparation for the next election has already started, and this is the worst possible time to make the change:
Candidate seeks injunction to delay Ontario’s plans to slash Toronto city council
And, of course, today’s news is that Ford has already broken an election promise by cancelling the Basic Income pilot program that was supposed to run for three years, after less than a year:
Shock and anger in Hamilton after province says it’ll cancel the basic income project
Between neo-Nazis who fetishize Bigfoot, and Wahhabi-white types like our volasshole OP here, I don’t wonder that Sasquatches don’t want to associate with us humans. I’m just about ready to join them hiding in the most remote quarter of the woods, myself.
I kinda disagree with this, actually. They’re white, they’re wealthy, they’re socially dominant. They’re safe provided that they don’t do anything overtly threatening to the fascists.
The modern Nazis and fascists, just like the old ones, are careful. They don’t rock the boat too hard, because they don’t want the centrists to have a motivation to do something. So long as the economy keeps ticking over, the grocery stores are still full of food and the gas stations are full of gas, and they can all buy lattes every couple of days and iphones every couple of years, they’ll give the fascists all of the cooperation they want.
As with anything, the fascists won’t move against Facebook, the corporate world, or white middle-class suburbia, because they’re useful.
I know that’s pretty much what you’re saying, you’re just coming at it from another direction – you’re saying that Facebook will not be safe if they don’t toe the line. That’s the thing, really. They’re always gonna toe the line, because that’s the deal they’ve got. Keep your head down and enjoy the benefits of imperialism. Etc, etc.
I think it’s important to make the distinction here, though. Facebook’s chosen their side.
Yeah fuck no. We Germans still think adults having sexual relations with 14 year Olds is skeevy as hell, even if it’s not automatically statutory rape. The age of consent is largely meant to not punish teenagers having sex with other teenagers, and while somebody actually has to make a complaint for an adult to be prosecuted for having sex with a 14 year old, the power difference and difference in maturity, is definitely a reason to prosecute an adult for abusing a minor. Personally by now I don’t think there should be this gray area of the supposedly mature 14 yo that can actually make a consensual decision to have sex with an adult at all(cause that actually being the case will almost never happen, abuse of that argument to sexually exploit teenagers oth… Yep, that surely happens a lot) , but I’m still gonna say that that is NOT THE INTENTION AT ALL of setting the age of consent at 14 at all and that loophole should be closed. Or it is pedophiles winning out on our law here, in which case that’s certainly not something to be proud off and to bash the US over. Just to set that straight.