By David Futrelle
Well, you have to give the MGTOWs credit for one thing: they do tend to have very vivid imaginations. Over on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, a fellow calling himself MGTOWrath recently worked himself into a lather over women who think men are “oppressive, power-mad, sexist, etc.”
If men really were all of these terrible things, he wondered, wouldn’t they have completely subjugated women by now? His mind quickly filling with extravagantly violent fantasies, MGTOWrath suggested that all men would have to do to regain the upper hand would be to
beat the living crap out of every woman we come across, drag them by the legs out of the nice comfortable houses we built for them, lock them up in chains and stick them in pigpens and stables and clamp machines over their tits and stick probes inside their c*nts to extract eggs and milk.
Well that escalated quickly. This is a rather weirdly specific vision of a future world, almost as though Mr. MGTOWrath has been working out the details in his mind for some time.
The world would be run far more efficiently that way. We would only need about 1% of the current female population in order to propagate the growth of civilization and breed future generations.
Yes, I’m sure a society made up almost entirely of angry incels would work out great. Also, how exactly are you going to “propagate the growth of civilization” if only one percent of the population is capable of bearing children? Is each woman supposed to have a hundred babies? Or will you somehow have to conjure up some cheap and reliable artificial wombs before you can launch your little revolution?
A few thousand women locked up in concrete prisons chained to milking machines, while the rest of the earth belongs to men who will continue to build skyscrapers, technology, new sciences, etc.
And with basically no women left to bitch at or about, a whole host of angry Youtubers would have to get real jobs for once. So I guess that would be progress of a sort.
It would be the dawn of a new age of prosperity and peace, with only men around to sustain everything that works and women to fulfill the role of functioning like the proper c*ntholes they were always meant to be.
What an inspiring vision!
And yet, not one single peep about this very easily feasible model of society out of men.
You mean, aside from all the MGTOWs and MRAs posting their fantasies about how much better the world would be without women — or at least with women reduced to chattel in some male-dominated postapocalyptic wasteland?
Nope, you only see women talk about eradicating an entire gender and reshaping society for the benefit of only one demographic.
I don’t know where you’re hanging out, dude, but I don’t really see very much of this myself.
Who the fuck they trying to fool?
Who the fuck are you trying to fool, Mr. MGTOWrath? You’re the one sitting around thinking about how cool it would be to kidnap all the world’s women and hook them up to milking machines.
Here’s a little proposition for you and all your fellow MGTOWs: prove to us how much more peaceful and prosperous a male-only world would be. Get yourselves together, find yourselves a little island somewhere far from the prying eyes of women, and set up your own little MGTOW utopia. I’ve even prepared a handy list of islands for you to check out.
Come on, dudes. You know you want to. You can build skyscrapers together, develop new technologies, worship a pig’s head on a stick. It’ll be fun!
@dustydeste: No Google translation fromy me,little twit,but as for your being a Boring Canadian: You have my most insincere Sympathies !
Dammit, we finally get a troll to toy with after that loooong drought, and of course it’s a lame-ass boring one. 🙁
See, I knew he was being insincere! Do let the record show that I called it.
Anyways, he definitely is boring as trolls go – I just broke a toe today so I suppose I’m feeling a bit feisty. That said, perhaps it’s a sign I shouldn’t be kicking a man while he’s already down, even though I do so enjoy it on occasion.
@Ooglyboggles :
I Agree,Ooglyboggles that I have erred in fallng into the plastic Jungle of Comments and replies of prepubescent,tweenage Twits with severely arrested development like yourself.
Mea Culpa !
Have a Nice Day,Ooglyboggles,prime Turd !!
Countdown until we get “poopyhead” as an insult used in earnest by someone purporting to be a full-grown adult?
That said, I think I’ll ship the snark and head to bed – it’s a more rewarding snoozefest than poking this troll.
Well that would just be rude! Everyone knows that’s PZ Myers’ nickname!
But not you, MGTOWrath. You wouldn’t be achieving anything impressive in this milking machine dystopia you fap to. There’s a whiff of mediocrity about you, so you’d still be just another disposable cubicle drone in that world. You’d still be the creepy guy that your colleagues try to avoid as much as possible.
…out of the houses “we” built for them, he says…?
This must be the migtoe version of the royal “we”, wherein one takes credit for accomplishments that one actually had no part in and only share a very superficial characteristic with the person or people who actually did the thing in question. It’s closely related to the white-supremacist royal “we”, I suspect.
I have doubts that all the miggies on the internet put together could built a liveable house in twice the time it takes actual house builders to do it, even if they had all the materials right there, separated and laid out neatly, ready for cutting and nailing and insulating and spackling. Very few if any of them probably have even tried to build anything or be constructive in a physical way. It’s probably a bit hard to find the time to learn how to do anything like that when you have spent this much time fantasizing and badly calculating about how to murder or enslave half the planet’s population, and describing that plan in great detail.
I too am unaware of any plans to enslave malekind. Last I checked, we just wanted to be left alone, especially by people who want to enslave us and are very vividly clear about how they’d like to do that. Why, oh why do these guys project so much? When the heck are they finally going to GTOW and leave everyone else, both female and male-not-invested-in-their-nonsense alone?
If I ever start a band, the name will be Goal Post Boogie
I’ve heard some TERFs and radfems take the position that men need to be subjugated, but they’re few and far between. People who want to enslave the opposite sex are the exception among feminists, but they’re the rule among anti-feminists. There is no equivalence.
But remember, we’re supposed to feel sorry for these poor, poor people.
First up, @Bina – great taste in music. Mr. Parasol wooed me with XTC lyrics, and I still have the card he made me with Andy Partridge lyrics.
Second, thank you, William Hooper, for volunteering to be the ball of another round of troll bakklewheep. I’m afraid we have higher standards for trolls than you display, so better luck elseweb!
@Dustydeste – I totally agree that “Nonsensicle” sounds like a good name for a ska band, or preferably ska-punk (which, as a general fan of pop-punk, I tend to like quite a lot. Go Aquabats!) – can totally imagine it, including the poster art you mentioned. Love the idea. They’d wear matching jackets and have three trumpets on stage, and sing weird little funny songs that are really fun to dance to.
Maybe if I had any musical talent I’d go for it. 🙂
Also, agree with others that Hooper is boring. I actually tried addressing his supposed point, for some reason, but since by that stage he’s already degraded to schoolyard insults, just got called arrogant for it? Jeez, talk about low effort. Starts off all “Oh this is a good and addictive site but aren’t you a bit too sensationalistic my good man, I’m just worried for your reputation of course, harrumph” or whatnot, but can’t keep up with that for more than one message before starting to just call people names. Meh.
And he didn’t even say anything about the baby sloth!
(Also, he kinda sounds like he’s trying to apply to be a ghost-writer for Trump’s twitter. Kind of an odd place to do so.)
W..elco?me~ To, The Plastic Comment Jungle
:::… ,,,,,,,-_______o
Where…C!olorless – Green!@$ Troll’s Type Furiously/..!
Here’s a Few Extra Commas and Ellipses in Case you Run Out
Is William the latest persona of either MRAL/seagull boy or the Chaucer conspiracy theorist? Has a whiff of returning troll sock, but I’m too sleep deprived to sort it out right now.
Anyway, on topic.
I also wonder who’s going to raise the children. Won’t the men be too busy STEMlording? The women being chained to machines in a concrete cell won’t be able to do it. Also, what will they do with the girl babies? I’m not sure I want to know.
Another thing unconsidered is how much more difficult it will be bringing healthy pregnancies to term in the conditions they describe. The infant mortality rate will skyrocket as will the rate of maternal mortality. The surviving boy children will also frequently have health problems and cognitive development issues. Not really conducive to their fantasy of breeding future generations of Galt’s Gulch geniuses. Come on dude, there’s a reason pregnancy in the modern world involves tons of doctor visits, special vitamins, and careful diets and there’s a reason that pregnant people who can afford those things have healthier children who do better in school.
Miggies really do think that there’s no effort at all involved in birthing and raising children, don’t they? I guess that’s why they’re so offended by child support and stay at home moms.
Buttercup: I lolled. You’re aware that in the UK green ink is associated with Letters to the Editor from cranks and conspiracy theorists?
I had a nonsensicle earlier but it melted.
Re TrollyMcPoopypants – golly, the ways the concept of “creative” can be misused!
If I had to hazard a guess, I’d say William Hooper has been indulging in every narcotic known to man(and one or two that aren’t).
My guess was malfunctioning Russian bot trained on manospherian troll scripts.
Yeah, this troll sucks. He ain’t no Mgtowabunga. Remember:
“Abunga is Among Ya”? Wherever you are, Abunga, I light a misandric scented candle for you.
Awww, we were talking about mral a few threads ago, and an incarnation came to visit us.
I would pay money for an encyclopedia of whtm trolls. It would be such good reading.
Meanwhile, over in comicbookland a bunch of racist creeps are upset because Anna Diop has been cast as Starfire in the upcoming live action Teen Titans series. Their problem? She’s not white, like Starfire is.
The Starfire who’s from the planet Tamaran. Who has orange skin. Who isn’t human, and whose people won’t easily fit into Earth’s conceptions of race.
I actually predicted some years ago that something like this might happen, after seeing a piece of Starfire fanart. I hate being right.
I saw that preview. I was more upset by the way they seem to be writing Nightwing. I don’t mind the swearing. I mind the deadly violence.
Oooh, free association troll.
snaps fingers
Seriously, though, @William Hooper, you do yourself an absolute disservice. You prevent your own growth and betterment by this off-hand dismissal with nonsense reasons. You’re talking at professional adults with well-formed thoughts, they just don’t happen to align with yours.
And, well, let’s just say that the evidence of your own thoughts being well-formed is not as strong. So, do yourself a favour, drop the act and engage honestly. It’s good for you.
On the original topic – these guys really are getting all of their ideas from fetish tropes and anime, aren’t they? Like, that’s literally a fetish thing. Just like pretty much all of their other ideas involving women – violent, fetishistic, pornographic ideas.
Is part of this from the much greater accessibility of pornography, and niche, fetish pornography, in the modern day? Huh. Things to think about.
I was hit on yesterday at the pool.
I wasn’t wearing my glasses, so I can’t really say how old he looked, but I’d guess late 20ies or earlie 30ies.
From his asking me if I moved for school or work I inferred that he thought I was in my late teens or early 20ies.
When I mentioned that I had my current job for almost 10 years and had been working full time for 11 he blurted ‘You must be older than 25 then!’
Gave me laughing fit where I almost inhaled half the pool.
Told him that I’ turning 35 next week.
Well, he talked at me some more until finally getting to the point.
At least he took my turn down with grace.
But anyway. He approached me thinking I was about 15 years younger than I am, and the guy was probably my age.
In hind sight, that’s a bit skeevy.