By David Futrelle
Well, you have to give the MGTOWs credit for one thing: they do tend to have very vivid imaginations. Over on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, a fellow calling himself MGTOWrath recently worked himself into a lather over women who think men are “oppressive, power-mad, sexist, etc.”
If men really were all of these terrible things, he wondered, wouldn’t they have completely subjugated women by now? His mind quickly filling with extravagantly violent fantasies, MGTOWrath suggested that all men would have to do to regain the upper hand would be to
beat the living crap out of every woman we come across, drag them by the legs out of the nice comfortable houses we built for them, lock them up in chains and stick them in pigpens and stables and clamp machines over their tits and stick probes inside their c*nts to extract eggs and milk.
Well that escalated quickly. This is a rather weirdly specific vision of a future world, almost as though Mr. MGTOWrath has been working out the details in his mind for some time.
The world would be run far more efficiently that way. We would only need about 1% of the current female population in order to propagate the growth of civilization and breed future generations.
Yes, I’m sure a society made up almost entirely of angry incels would work out great. Also, how exactly are you going to “propagate the growth of civilization” if only one percent of the population is capable of bearing children? Is each woman supposed to have a hundred babies? Or will you somehow have to conjure up some cheap and reliable artificial wombs before you can launch your little revolution?
A few thousand women locked up in concrete prisons chained to milking machines, while the rest of the earth belongs to men who will continue to build skyscrapers, technology, new sciences, etc.
And with basically no women left to bitch at or about, a whole host of angry Youtubers would have to get real jobs for once. So I guess that would be progress of a sort.
It would be the dawn of a new age of prosperity and peace, with only men around to sustain everything that works and women to fulfill the role of functioning like the proper c*ntholes they were always meant to be.
What an inspiring vision!
And yet, not one single peep about this very easily feasible model of society out of men.
You mean, aside from all the MGTOWs and MRAs posting their fantasies about how much better the world would be without women — or at least with women reduced to chattel in some male-dominated postapocalyptic wasteland?
Nope, you only see women talk about eradicating an entire gender and reshaping society for the benefit of only one demographic.
I don’t know where you’re hanging out, dude, but I don’t really see very much of this myself.
Who the fuck they trying to fool?
Who the fuck are you trying to fool, Mr. MGTOWrath? You’re the one sitting around thinking about how cool it would be to kidnap all the world’s women and hook them up to milking machines.
Here’s a little proposition for you and all your fellow MGTOWs: prove to us how much more peaceful and prosperous a male-only world would be. Get yourselves together, find yourselves a little island somewhere far from the prying eyes of women, and set up your own little MGTOW utopia. I’ve even prepared a handy list of islands for you to check out.
Come on, dudes. You know you want to. You can build skyscrapers together, develop new technologies, worship a pig’s head on a stick. It’ll be fun!
I am so happy that the snake-infested island is on your list of suggestions. Your thoroughness is still, and always, appreciated!
The few times over the years I’ve stumbled across that scenario, it was in the context of kink/erotica stories. Not something to be done for real, like this this guy’s proposing.
A little too fond of early Piers Anthony, are we?
[Actually, a gender-flip version of this scenario might be even more efficient in growing a population, as was rather grotesquely played out in the movie version of A Boy and His Dog]
So, he’s seen Mad Max: Fury Road, but decided he prefers the beginning to the end. I’m shocked, Shocked!
Problem (Leaving aside the generally Difficulty of posting comments here,AND that while replies to my replies and my repies to those have VERY OCCASIONALY appeared,NONE of my original comments Ever appear !!)
Well intentioned as We Hunted the Mammoth appears to be,and, as Addictive as reading it is: TOO Often,this site seems to go for the Sensationalism,the More Extreme the better_a kind of Leftist’s voyeuristic verbal porn. Opposite in intention[I Hope] of the National Enquier & other tabloids and of Paranoid Conspiracy Monngering Newsletters/Sites like Barber’s “Barbwire News” ,Beck’s “the Blaze”,Breitbart,Infowars,Patriot News Daily,N.W.D.,etc.,etc.,Nauseatingly ETC.
The tendency toward “clickbait” Sensationalism seems latey to infect Many Alternative,Left-ish Newsletters/Sites like Alternet and Salon,to name two.
My Point IS} Entertaining,Seductive,Titillating,and certainy addictive as this is,if “We” are as Cynicaly Manipulative,as Shallow as “They” on the Right: What’s the Gain,what is the Point ??
I love the hand-wavey “stick a probe up their ****” to “extract eggs”. And then do what with them, exactly? They’re not going to be fertile. Women typically release only one mature egg per month, unless they’re on an IVF regimen. That involves testing, weeks of downreg, a stim cycle with expensive drugs and ultrasound monitoring, a trigger shot, precisely guided follicle aspiration 48 hours later, and an embryology lab. That ain’t something you do in a barn.
Women also don’t generally produce milk unless they’ve just had a baby. If that’s the case, why would you keep the mother in a barn attached to a milking machine, when she could simply breastfeed her baby without all the expensive, complicated Rube Goldberg shit (and ensuing attachment disorders for the baby)?
Now I kind of want to see a skyscraper built by a guy who thinks women are some sort of hybrid cow-chicken, producing milk and eggs 24/7. I bet the blueprints will be in crayon.
Mr. Hooper, learn the rules of capitalization.
Also, quoting others is not sensationalizing.
Jon, Pyramid Island seems kinda cool, too. Miggies falling into the ocean can indeed be entertaining.
Mr. Hooper, brief and to the point makes for the best writing.
Back a few years ago my wife had some very serious medical problems and for about six months I spent much of my time flushing drains, changing ostomy bags, giving shots and IV’s.
Now it’s my turn, I was hospitalized with a very serious infection. I still have a piece of apparatus where no piece of apparatus should be. And I am wasted. So my wife has to cover a lot for me.
All of which leads to the question: do any of these f*****s have a clue what a real relationship is, where your partner has your back if something goes seriously south? (Rhetorical question. No. No they do not.)
That got me musing about my dating days. I never felt like I was losing out to Chads. Actually, long, long before Roosh V, probably before he was even born, I figured it out. Game. All I had to do was blather small talk about things that didn’t interest me in the least. And if I was lucky, I’d end up with someone who loved to prattle about nothing. Gosh, how could I resist? So I kept looking until I found a real person.
Oh, THESE fucking guys.
I try to keep some empathy for men… And then there are these guys, who make me understand very well where radfem separatists come from.
I can’t really say how I feel because violence and banhammer, but seriously, fuck these guys. By wanting to make women literal livestock they IMO foresake their own right to exist. I don’t have words to describe properly how much I despise them.
With the possible exception of those last two, all of those things have been done to actual women. (Look up the victims of Ariel Castro, Josef Fritzl, Wolfgang Priklopil, etc.) I’m not sure what the point here is, but male brutality to women is a fact of life, even within the nice comfortable houses you sure as hell did NOT build for us.
Also, those last two? You are one disgustipatingly perverted fuck, and that is NOT how it works (see Buttercup’s comment about egg harvesting above). If this is what you fantasize about, you’re not going your own way; you’re an incel, and you deserve to be.
And now, I feel a song coming on. Pay special attention to the lyrics, they’re quite applicable…especially that first verse.
And oh yeah, the band that cut this is all male.
Mr. Hooper:
Among other things, that’s what We Hunted the Mammoth is written for…
I mean, seriously, you didn’t think a weblog post mocking someone for saying that women should be greatful and give sexual favors to men because in the deep past men had hunted mammoths was.. what, an analysis of mainstream conservative thought???
It is, however, very much an analysis of mainstream incel/M.R.A. thought, and the article cited above by David IS ALSO an analysis of mainstream incel/M.R.A. thought.
It is sensational, but it is also the social agenda of a growing and very dangerous subculture of the right-wing.
I love it that somehow all this is “easily feasible”.
Plus, what will they do with all these women when menopause comes? Do they have any idea what angry elderly women would do to them?
Apparently, biology isn’t incels strong point. These sites need to be reported for hate speech. Some nut will read this and kidnap women now to milk. It doesn’t take much to influence misogynists.
Piers Anthony’s “In the barn” was the first thing I thought too.
Incredibly disturbing short story. Terrifying MGTOW fantasy. This guy has completely lost touch with reality. I fear for any woman who comes into contact with this person.
This migtoewrath guy – the type where you spring for an extra thorough inspection of the cellar and crawl spaces if you buy his house.
Supposedly Anthony meant “In the Barn” as a rumination on factory farming, but given what we’d find out about his kinks later on, who knows? (William S Burroughs claimed the hanging scenes in Naked Lunch were supposed to be a condemnation of capital punishment but it’s less than convincing…)
OK, everything he said is bad, cos it’s bad… But also, like, my guy wouldn’t know how to fart efficiently, let alone run a society
1)Going into rage mode and tryna fight somebody every single time he sees a woman is gonna hamper any man’s ability to do… literally anything else. Not really economical
2)Leg dragging is a really inefficient way to relocate someone
3)Building homes to maximize ‘niceness’ and ‘comfort’ is a real waste. Basically, if you’re so bitter about people you don’t like living in big, ugly, environmentally unsustainable mcmansions, just stop building them instead of tryna enforce a ‘no girls allowed’ rule. Honestly, we, of all genders, would be much better off
4)Chain is not a good way to restrain people, there’s better tools for that
5)Attacking, abducting, and enslaving people tends to stress them out quite a bit. I know, wild, innit? And stress is strongly linked to reduced/delayed lactation and menstrual problems. So, way to make, as @Buttercup pointed out, a highly inefficient process (clamps and probes, I mean really…) even less fruitful
If they want efficiency*, I got an idea, why don’t we make equal use of 100% of our human resources, instead of keeping 50(+)% chained to milking machines… or to washer/dryers, or kitchen appliances, or… you get my point….
* (yeah, I know they don’t want efficiency, they want power)
There seems to be a lot of overlap between the manosphere “utopia” and a lot of dark fetish hentai and internet stories,
because there are two places I see the women as live stock trope creepy porn and these losers.
They even project femdom male-slavery/feminization dystopia fantasies on to their feminist opponents (despite those genres being dominated by male writers),
its like they want the world to run on porn tropes.
I guess they’re never gonna go their own way, are they?
Only %1 of the current female population for reproduction? Wouldn’t result in severe inbreeding? (If not feel free to tell me otherwise since I’m not a biology person) I don’t dare contemplate what the fate of the other %99 is supposed to be in the scenario.
@William Hooper
It hurt my eyes too much to read your post so I don’t know what it said. Please learn to type normally if you want anyone to understand you.
Some time back I read some of a series of erotic short stories that involved nonconsent and kidnapping. The guy who wrote them included a note at the beginning which not only included content notes, but also something to the effect of “Kidnapping young straight guys and making them into sex slaves is not something anyone should think about doing in real life, these are just fun stories, and if you’re thinking you should do something like this, SEEK HELP, OK?”
And I kind of smiled, because this seemed like a very earnest thing to tag on, and it seemed kind of over the top, but maybe he knew best.
I Don’t Quite Understand Complaining About. Sensationalism In Sentences That Resemble Attention-Grabbing Newspaper Headlines, But Okay
…So, I just did some rough napkin math for a single IVF…’scuse me, “egg harvesting” cycle for 1% of the world’s 18-34yo women, and it works out to about $330,000,000,000. That doesn’t leave much coin for shiny futuristic testosterone cities.