By David Futrelle
Well, you have to give the MGTOWs credit for one thing: they do tend to have very vivid imaginations. Over on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, a fellow calling himself MGTOWrath recently worked himself into a lather over women who think men are “oppressive, power-mad, sexist, etc.”
If men really were all of these terrible things, he wondered, wouldn’t they have completely subjugated women by now? His mind quickly filling with extravagantly violent fantasies, MGTOWrath suggested that all men would have to do to regain the upper hand would be to
beat the living crap out of every woman we come across, drag them by the legs out of the nice comfortable houses we built for them, lock them up in chains and stick them in pigpens and stables and clamp machines over their tits and stick probes inside their c*nts to extract eggs and milk.
Well that escalated quickly. This is a rather weirdly specific vision of a future world, almost as though Mr. MGTOWrath has been working out the details in his mind for some time.
The world would be run far more efficiently that way. We would only need about 1% of the current female population in order to propagate the growth of civilization and breed future generations.
Yes, I’m sure a society made up almost entirely of angry incels would work out great. Also, how exactly are you going to “propagate the growth of civilization” if only one percent of the population is capable of bearing children? Is each woman supposed to have a hundred babies? Or will you somehow have to conjure up some cheap and reliable artificial wombs before you can launch your little revolution?
A few thousand women locked up in concrete prisons chained to milking machines, while the rest of the earth belongs to men who will continue to build skyscrapers, technology, new sciences, etc.
And with basically no women left to bitch at or about, a whole host of angry Youtubers would have to get real jobs for once. So I guess that would be progress of a sort.
It would be the dawn of a new age of prosperity and peace, with only men around to sustain everything that works and women to fulfill the role of functioning like the proper c*ntholes they were always meant to be.
What an inspiring vision!
And yet, not one single peep about this very easily feasible model of society out of men.
You mean, aside from all the MGTOWs and MRAs posting their fantasies about how much better the world would be without women — or at least with women reduced to chattel in some male-dominated postapocalyptic wasteland?
Nope, you only see women talk about eradicating an entire gender and reshaping society for the benefit of only one demographic.
I don’t know where you’re hanging out, dude, but I don’t really see very much of this myself.
Who the fuck they trying to fool?
Who the fuck are you trying to fool, Mr. MGTOWrath? You’re the one sitting around thinking about how cool it would be to kidnap all the world’s women and hook them up to milking machines.
Here’s a little proposition for you and all your fellow MGTOWs: prove to us how much more peaceful and prosperous a male-only world would be. Get yourselves together, find yourselves a little island somewhere far from the prying eyes of women, and set up your own little MGTOW utopia. I’ve even prepared a handy list of islands for you to check out.
Come on, dudes. You know you want to. You can build skyscrapers together, develop new technologies, worship a pig’s head on a stick. It’ll be fun!
OT: RBG, from your mouth to Katie’s ear
‘Flaming feminist’ Ruth Bader Ginsburg wants five more years – at least
The supreme court justice, a hero to liberals as Trump’s second nominee threatens a right turn, spoke in New York on Sunday
Huh. Somehow I missed out on the nice, comfortable house these jackwagons say they built for me. I live in a rundown mobile home without a working furnace.
Funny. He left that exact same comment on my blog months ago. Copy-paste. It doesn’t gain any more sense reading it a second time, but it is good to know there are so few of them they have to use sockpuppets and recycle postings.
So I recently had a trial of Kindle Unlimited and, being involved in the birth & parenting world, thought I’d check out the breastfeeding books.
Never, ever do that. At least, not without limiting the category. I suspect this guy may have discovered the hundreds of “hucow” books that have infested the breastfeeding category on Kindle Unlimited.
Bad enough for Piers Anthony to write a short story decades ago (the only short story I remember from the book, it was so disturbing), but for there to be so many books on the same topic is just…..I don’t even have words.
The thing is, if they really treated women like dairy cattle, they wouldn’t be using a probe to harvest their eggs (wow, these guys really don’t know how biology works! I thought men were supposed to be good at STEM!), they would be inseminating them with the sperm of “Chads” while all the incels/migtows/betas/whatever get castrated. That’s how they do it with cattle, racehorses, etc.
Because for breeding purposes, it’s the males that are the more disposable sex. Since you can have one male impregnate many females, the most “efficient” way to do it is to only breed the very best males to as many females as possible, and cull the rest of the males, not to reduce the female population to only 1% of it’s current level.
Again… I thought men were supposed to be good at math and science, but they don’t even know how to properly run a dystopic human breeding farm. Hrmph.
Juniper, that’s really objectifying…
??? bwoop bwoop bwoop ???
??? this is not a drill ???
What is objectifying about it? Juniper is just pointing out the scientific problems with the MGTOW plan. The MGTOW is the one being objectifying.
Mick, you can’t just use words you’ve heard progressives use and try to turn them against people. Words have meanings, so you’ve got to at least try to fabricate some sort of relevant context, you cuck.*
(*see, it doesn’t work)
Ahh, logic at its finest. So crisp, so clean.
“Because for breeding purposes, it’s the males that are the more disposable sex. Since you can have one male impregnate many females, the most “efficient” way to do it is to only breed the very best males to as many females as possible, and cull the rest of the males, not to reduce the female population to only 1% of it’s current level.”
If you don’t see how reducing men to breeding studs to be bred or slaughtered at women’s convenience is objectifying… then I fear that perhaps maybe even my mansplaining might not help you to see it?
– Ok, Mick out… carry on as you were…
Read the OP and then read the whole thread.
Juniper was not advocating for culling the male population and using them as breeding stock. They (sorry Juniper, don’t know your pronouns) were criticizing the MGTOW in the OP for believing that killing 99% of women and turning the rest into breeding stock was in any way the efficient plan he thought it was.
I do want to thank you though. This is some classic old school MRA trolling. So much than the typical incel trolling or civility trolling we’ve been getting the past couple of years. It feels like old times.
@ Kupo
Well, apparently the original plan was meant to enslave women only, so its efficiency in enslaving the whole humankind is technically a moot point. The double standard is so obvious that any dedicated troll would gladly jump at the opportunity of misunderstanding it.
Anyway, if the whole humanity was enslaved like this, then who’d be managing the whole thing and reaping the benefits ( and indeed, what benefits)? Space aliens? Now that’s where we get into creative fetish fantasy territory.