Alek Minassian elliot rodger empathy deficit entitled babies incels mass killing mass murder is good actually mass shooting men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny

Incels celebrate death of 10-year-old girl in Toronto mass shooting: “Legit put a smile on my face”

The shooter (lover left) was caught on video by a local resident

[UPDATED with name of shooter]

By David Futrelle

Last night, a young man opened fire on people enjoying a night out in Toronto’s Greektown neighborhood. Numerous people were hit; two of his victims died — an 18-year-old woman and a 10-ear-old girl.

The shooter, identified as 29-year-old Toronto resident Faisal Hussain, was found dead shortly after a gunfight with police; it’s not clear if he was killed by the police or if he took his own life.

As of yet, we don’t know  the shooter’s motive, but given his choice of targets — people out socializing on a summer night in a neighborhood known for its many restaurants — it’s hard not to wonder if he was inspired by the incel van attack that killed ten pedestrians and injured many more on a busy street in Toronto in April.

On the message board — where many have made heroes of incel mass killers like Elliot Rodger and the Toronto van killer — some of the regulars are openly celebrating the shooting, with some taking special pleasure in the death of the ten-year-old girl.

Someone called /pol/cel, with more than 1499 comments to his name on the site, kicked off the celebration by declaring how glad he was that the shooting took place in Toronto:

/pol/cel Veteran - Today at 10:14 AM#14 Im glad this happened to be honest. Toronto is a festering, putrid shithole of a city. Its honestly IT in city form but 100000x worse.

“IT” is a reference to the IncelTears subreddit. devoted to mocking incels.

After one commenter took offense at /pol/cel’s glee over the murders, prolific commenter Getlooksordie took the discussion into an even darker direction:

Getlooksordie Veteran - Today at 10:20 AM#18 BlackOpsIIcel said: Fuck you. One of the victims was an 8 year old girl. Do you think you are funny? kek, that 8 year old girl likely bullies the incel looking guy in her class. Kids are even meaner than adults. I´m happy the cunt is dead.

And things got worse from there, with much of the rest of the discussion centered around the alleged crimes-against-inceldom committed by the murdered “8 year old girl” (who was actually ten).

JackAutismo Recruit - Today at 1:00 PM#41 It’s a good thing this happened; the shooter killed an 8 year old whore that would have grown up and become Chad’s cum bucket whilst bullying incels. We should, honestly, celebrate. You are a cuck if you disagree.

Getlooksordie Veteran - Today at 1:04 PM#42 JackAutismo said: It’s a good thing this happened; the shooter killed an 8 year old whore that would have grown up and become Chad’s cum bucket whilst bullying incels. We should, honestly, celebrate. You are a cuck if you disagree. reading that some 8 year old cunt got killed and her roastie mother is now mourning legit put a smile on my face. It´s like killing two roasties with one stone.

Somehow the discussion managed to get even more grotesque.

JackAutismo Recruit - Today at 1:08 PM#43 Getlooksordie said: reading that some 8 year old cunt got killed and her roastie mother is now mourning legit put a smile on my face. It´s like killing two roasties with one stone. To kill a person is easy, but kill their Satan spawn and they die a thousand deaths. Kek. The mother was probably giving her oral instructions on how to please all the school kid chads around there so yeah it’s a pleasure hearing this happen.

DeepSea Recruit - Today at 1:30 PM#44 BlackOpsIIcel said: Fuck you. One of the victims was an 8 year old girl. Do you think you are funny? Actually, the victim was 10 years old, not 8. Maybe she didn't look her age and the shooter mistook her for an older girl because of her sexualized appearance.

While a few commenters pushed back against the celebration of the murders, or simply dismissed their comments as the work of “edge lords,” the regulars who weren’t giddily joking about the murdered ten-year-old were much more worked up about one commenter who referred to the shooting as taking place in “America.”

These are men who insist they are “involuntarily celibate” — yet who are choosing of their own volition to be such utterly reprehensible human beings that no decent person of any gender would want to have anything to do with them.


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6 years ago

@ Marshmallow Stacy Maximal & epitome of incomprehensibility,

Yes. that’s a rather bizarre and yet weirdly funny story. I missed that comment about the end times bingo card LOL

I too am creeped out by ventriloquists dummies.

Margaret Pless
Margaret Pless
6 years ago

“That eight year old girl probably bullies the incel in her class”

How can eight year olds be incels? They haven’t even hit puberty.

Edit: “School kid chads”?! I know the incels always fear they’re missing out on all the great sex they think their peers are having, but do they really think they’re having it… in grade school??

Full Metal Ox
Full Metal Ox
6 years ago

@Margaret Pless:

I wish I could claim to be surprised that there are incels now setting the minimum age for the Cock Carrousel back to grade school; given the escalation inherent in edgelordship, I’m wondering how long it’ll take someone to reach the point suggested by John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester, in this verse on Nell Gwyn:

She was so exquisite a whore
That in the belly of her mother
She placed her cunt so right before
Her father fucked them both together.

(That said, Rochester, far from being an incel himself, was a notorious season-pass holder to the Cunt and Cock Carnival.)

Katherine the Adequate
Katherine the Adequate
6 years ago

Full Metal Ox,

That sounds like a fantasy incels would have of the unborn girlfriends they’re always writing about.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

What the hell species was Nell Gwyn, a tribble? It would go some way towards explaining a few things if incels mostly learned about the birds and the bees from Star Trek, though.

6 years ago

Okay, so am I supposed to be pronouncing mother “mether” or together “toguther”?

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