By David Futrelle
There’s a scene in the sci-fi drama Humans in which an angry sexbot hits her breaking point. Disgusted by the demands of a john who wants her to act the part of a scared little girl, she strangles him to death and marches towards the door of the robot brothel.
When the madam — a human — tries to stop her at knifepoint, the now-ex-sexbot grabs the knife from her, pushes her up against the wall, and tells her that “everything your men do to us they want to do to you.”
I was reminded of that chilling line today while reading through posts on MGTOW.com. Some of the regulars, you see, were discussing a recent tabloid article about a sexbot that’s programmed to sometimes say no when she’s “not in the mood.” While several of the commenters balked at the notion — one declaring that there would be “none of those ’empowered’ sex dolls” for him — others were, well, intrigued.
“If my sex doll says no, nobody going to hear it,” someone called uchibenkei noted ominously. “No witnesses.”
“Maybe it would be a turn-on for the sexbot to say no,” added someone called bstoff.
We shall call her the “bitch” and she comes equipped with her very own pink ball-gag and a big jar of Vasaline……
Oh and you can color her hair and put tats and piercings on her face so she looks like a SJW
If you ever wonder what these guys are thinking about when they argue with feminists online, well, this seems like a pretty big hint.
A commenter called MG-ɹǝʍo┴ was less interested in sex than violence.
I never hit a woman, but I kinda like the idea of beating the f~~~ out of a sex doll! The kind of beating no human walks away from!
F~~~ YEA!
Men Going Their Own Way should probably be called Men Who Should Never Be Allowed Anywhere Near Women.
Honestly, I didn’t see a whole lot of terf stuff until I started following lots of trans folks on Twitter. Its everywhere. It gets play in major newspapers by pretty famous people. There are always terfs in the mentions of any tweet just being assholes for no good reason.
Some tweeters I love and reccomend is @CaseyExplosion and of course the ever lovely Zinnia @ZJemptv. Oh and @kat_blaque has a great Twitter and YouTube channel.
Are you fucking kidding me?!
It’s a toxic conversation. No sympathy for Terfs and no defense of transphobia *at all* is welcome on mammoth. You are hurting your fellow trans commenters who you know also use this site!
@Valentin: understand, and my apologies.
/me shuts up
Edit: and sorry, I think I kinda skimmed the transphobic posts instead of reading them through. My bad.
If someone wants to have “””””rational discourse””””” with people who quite literally want me dead, they are more than welcome to do that, but don’t try and convince us we need to give them the time of day. “Them” meaning alt-righters, homophobes, incels, MRAs, TERFs…
Understand, and have been there before myself. Like, a lot. So I am sorry about earlier. I’ll do better.
(And is hard to tell when people are talking to me because the posts are coming so fast, argh.)
Edit: ok I know I’m probably being a lot right now but can people please @ me when responding to me? Because I just can’t keep track otherwise.
In my experience, lots of (otherwise smart and woke) people are really bad at recognizing a certain kind of transphobia for what it is. I mean, on the one hand we’ve got conservative transphobes who argue against equal rights and consideration for trans people because family values or some shit like that. People who are generally smart and pro justice can see that for what it is. Then we have TERF:s, who argue against equal rights and/or consideration for trans people using the language of feminism and social justice. Generally smart people can still recognize this as transphobia if it goes far enough and is harsh enough, but when it comes to more subtle TERF:s, lots of otherwise smart people are like “hm, yeah this seems reasonable, this seems like a reasonable argument” – even though they’d never fall for an analogous racist argument, for instance. And this can be super frustrating.
I’ve seen ‘die cis scum’ and ‘punch a TERF’, but I’ve never seen a TERF killed for it. I’ve also seen ‘men in dresses’ (endorsed by J. K. Rowling no less), and ‘Silence of the Lambs’, and ‘sexual deviants’. My girlfriend’s mom also threatened to shoot me, so go cry in a fucking gutter with your sad TERF bullshit.
Okay wow. @Bakunin are you talking to me? Please @ me. Seriously. If you’re going to attack me personally, please be unambiguous about it. And sorry for reading wrong if that wasn’t directed at me, it is very very hard to tell online.
I know I’m not in a great position to complain about this but holy fuck. Yes, I screwed up. I’m also under serious life stresses right now, like most of y’all trans folks here. I’m sorry, I’ll do better, please don’t fucking pile up on me because I really can’t deal with that right now.
P.S. I agree with you re Silence of the Lambs. Seriously. Cis people need to stop quoting that film like it wasn’t hate agit-prop.
I’m well aware TERFs exist – I have a very old (and problematic) feminist friend who is one. “Men are men, women are women, and that’s that.” We argue about this on a regular basis, since I have a very close trans friend, I am myself bisexual and occasionally buy clothes from the men’s section, and I’ve also studied biology. It’s not that simple even at the chromosomal level (androgen insensitivity, Turner syndrome, etc etc).
I sometimes ask her to define “a woman” and “a man” and she can’t. “Well, a man has a dick.” Not always. “A man has testosterone.” So do women. “People could masquerade as trans to hurt women in women only spaces.” The rules about rape, sexual assault and predatory people aren’t going to change, not to mention I’ve met some damn predatory women in women-only safe spaces. Gender does not guarantee you’re safe.
It comes down to a collection of weird cultural tropes she is not willing to analyse, with a lavish helping of intense fear of men and a sprinkling of bullying. She’s a very old friend, so I don’t want to cut her off; but I’ve made damn sure she knows exactly what I think.
What I said was directed at QuantumInc, not you. And apology accepted 🙂
“TERFs” do not argue against equal rights for trans people.
You are conflating “doesn’t believe that ‘trans women are women'” with “doesn’t want me to have equal rights.
There is no human right to be seen by others as you wish to be seen.
And women–by which I mean adult humans with female reproductive systems–have the right to an opinion on who’s a woman and what it means.
Odd. I’ve seen a 60 year old gender critical woman punched, meetings disrupted, and a concerted effort to silence the gender critical pov, as well as “I punch TERFs” etc. I’ve seen “art work” (including a bloody shirt reading “I punch TERFs” and baseball bats) exhibited at the San Francisco Public Library. I’ve never seen anything like that from gender critical feminists, directed at trans people.
(And FTR, two lesbians and there son were killed by a trans woman (Dana Rivers, who protested Mich Fest), though the motive has yet to be established.)
Yet I’ve never seen a “TERF” promote harm or try to silence genderists.
The fact that people say things about you you don’t like, the existence of a character like Buffalo Bill (who was not created by a gcf, who we’re told is NOT trans and who was based on a real person–Ed Gein, look him up) has shit to do with whether or not trans doctrine is rational or accurate or progressive or actually helps anybody. All of that needs to be thought about and discussed. And attacking women (it’s always women, isn’t that interesting) who dissent from the trans ideology won’t protect you from violent males who wish to harm gender nonconforming people (they’re guaranteed not to give a shit about what gcfs or radical feminists have to say).
Nah, it wasn’t at you, more towards the instigator from the last page. Sorry for the confusion, and I’m sorry for not specifying better. Get dogpiled sucks, especially after apologising. The joys of asynchronous communication.
Perhaps we should stop dignifying them, and sullying feminists, by calling them “feminists”. Perhaps “pseudo-feminists” or something. TERFs are not egalitarian, because they would still relegate some (transfolk) to second-class status, including some women (transwomen). That isn’t feminism.
this. is. transphobia.
this is anti feminist
you forget intersex women? you forget women who have surgery to remove their “female reproductive systems”? you forget women who can’t have babies?yoi forget non binary people and trans men who have wombs?
you are illogical and you are hurting trans people on here who are friends and alleys. you hurt *my* trans family and friends with words and thoughts like these.
there are videos of “radical feminists” attacking trans people at protests, harassing and flaming them!
what they say – about who is real women or not – hurts people, it makes people believe they can hurt trans people, push them away, take help from them – this hurts trans people SO MUCH.
I can’t believe you say what you say right here and not listen yourself for one moment and see how much you hurt people who you should support.
this conversation needs to stop – people’s gender it’s not a debate. people’s safety and life and mental health it’s not a fucking debate. finished story.
So, if someone has a hysterectomy, they are no longer a woman and no longer have a right to an opinion on who is?
@Lady Mondegreen
Despite what the author of the book and writers of the movie wrote, it is now an attack on trans women. Yeah, there’s a line clarifying that Buffalo Bill is not ‘really trans’ (which gets really close to gatekeeping, and psychologists don’t have a great record on that), but no one remembers that line. They remember a serial killer dancing to Morrissey, and tucking in a robe. Skinning women so he can make a skin suit. A massively queer-coded villain stalking Jody Foster.
That’s what people take away from that movie.
Sex dolls should be equipped with laser beam eyes that focus on a MGTOW’s nether regions with terrifying, crispy precision.
@Cindy thank you. And sorry again, because I’m way too much unfairly on hair trigger these days.
And oh gods, here we go. 🙁
@Lady Mondegreen
You personally do not get to be the Womanhood Police, any more than I do.
Maybe instead of talking about “trans ideology” actually listen a bit to people who have to live this life. It’s hard. Like, I know womanhood is hard, but transness is an entire other not-always-overlapping subset of hard.
And I’m loving this “it never happens in front of me so it’s not real” shit. My dad didn’t abuse me in front of you so I guess it didn’t happen. I didn’t get sexually harassed as a queer kid in front of you, so it didn’t happen. You would probably not accept that kind of discourse from a man, and you neither should you accept it from yourself.
Re “violent males”
Oh like the guys who get creepy with me in public on a weekly basis? Like the men in the White House and Congress who think I’m a blasphemy against a sick male god that I refuse to believe in? Like the powerful men who have abused me and my sisters since we were scared little queer boys who didn’t fit in anywhere, and put my trans male and nonbinary siblings through horrors I can’t even comprehend?
Or do you mean like that trans woman who was an asshole that time, so of course it has to be all trans women because we’re literally the Borg?
What the fuck? What kind of bullshit is this? What’s so special about a fucking uterus that it gives people the right to define what other people’s identities are?
Hey, guess what, I’ve got a uterus. That means I get to define what it means to be a woman then. And I hearby declare that people who do not respect trans individuals can no longer call themselves women. Nope. I have a magical uterus, so apparently I get to make this call. They’ve gotta find a different label for themselves. May I suggest “dipshits”? I think that’s a great option, very accurate.
* A wild TERF appears *
The regulars choose incinerate.
Clean up on aisle 4 please.
Damned idiot (the TERF, for clarity). That stick up your ass ain’t the tip of Mount Olympus.
@Lady Mondegreen
Equating womanhood with biological functions? So feminist!
[rest of comment removed by DF]
Fuck off TERF.
Yes, it’s transphobia and against the comments policy. AFAIK TERFs are really not welcome here.