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Incels lose it (even more so than usual) after woman jokes about the “aborted girlfriend” meme


By David Futrelle 

Incels aren’t really very good at the whole “humor” thing. Last week, I wrote about the “Imaginary Girlfriend” meme in which an earnest stick-figure woman declares that if she hadn’t been aborted she could have grown up to be every incel’s dream girl. “Sorry I couldn’t be there for you,” she says. “But my mom had other plans … would have liked to have a lot of kids with you.”


To me, the meme looked more like the work of a troll doing a pitch-perfect parody of incel logic than an actual incel meme, but a lot of other people thought it looked real, and it certainly could be. One of these people tweeted this:

Well, long story short, some incel found the tweet and posted it to the Braincels subreddit. And the incels there, not all of whom knew what she was referring to, lost their shit.

fuckbitchesman 36 points 1 day ago Baby killing whore. Burn in hell. permalinkembedunsavereportgive goldreply [–]Zyklon_Bae 23 points 1 day ago Women are soulless Golem. permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]Bobodzadza 14 points 1 day ago Fact

Detoxified- 19 points 1 day ago Daily reminder that women's rights were a mistake.

vrcodemonkey 27 points 1 day ago All woman's thinking is sick. They are a disgusting degenerate creature. Guarantee she finds another Chad and gets fucked first night and eventually aborts another. Horrible horrible fucking nasty creatures

AyeThatsAGoodNaggercucked beyond recognition 17 points 1 day ago Supporting abortion is the epitome of female illogic, narcissism, emotionalism, sexual incontinence, and unwillingness to accept the consequences of their own actions.

Huh. Not having a baby when you don’t want to have a baby seems pretty logical to me.

One fellow fantasized about beating her up — and her liking it.

futmut 11 points 1 day ago I would love to hear her jokes from her mouth while i punch her face like a sack of shit as she is...who knows, she might even get excited from that?

This lovely fellow suggested genital mutilation:

HailSatancel 3 points 20 hours ago She should get her pussy sown shut tbh

Still others reminded us that most incels are only a step or two away (if that) from being straight up Nazis.

based_meme 2 points 1 day ago Is this what you want , Western civilization? Is this this the kind of degenerate filth you want perpetuating society?

Inceller 5 points 1 day ago Women are subhuman trash. Lower than insects


Naturally she gained some new fans on Twitter as well, some of whom also appear to be Nazis or near-Nazis.

I’m still not sure why posting a picture of a delicious looking Arby’s roast beef sandwich, intended to suggest that a woman is a “roastie” who has had so much sex that her labia have mysteriously grown larger and more roast-beef-like, as if that’s really a thing, is considered an “own,” even by these idiots. Sex is good; Arby’s roast beef sandwiches are good. The two of them together would be fantastic, with the only real drawback being the slight danger of getting horsey sauce on a tender area.

It remains funny to me, in a sad sort of way, that incels — whose personalities are basically a collection of red flags — have managed to convince themselves and each other that women hate them for their looks.

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weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
6 years ago

I love it when reactionaries try to appropriate progressive humor. They always fail so badly. Because they didn’t understand the joke in the first place.

See, right wingers actually do things or support policies that harm themselves simply because it “owns the libs.” Like ending net neutrality. Coal rolling. Thanking Putin for attacking our elections. Etc.

Clearly this woman did not actually get an abortion to own incels. She got it for whatever other reason. Probably because she didn’t want to have a maybe right now. She joked after the fact that it owns the incels after seeing an incel meme whining about it. Since abortions after 20 weeks are extremely rare, she probably did not even know if the embryo was even female.

Nobody is getting an abortion for the sole purpose of upsetting incels. I guarantee it.

Anyway. My original point was going to be, what if an incel, inspired by Saints Elliot and Alek decided to commit a mass murder and one of his victims was a Stacey who is pregnant with a future incel dream girl? In fact, shouldn’t it be forbidden to kill any pre-menopausal people with uteri pregnant or not? After all, they might someday become pregnant with a submissive HB10 girl. Quite a conundrum. I’ll have to ask our next incel troll about it.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

some of whom also appear to be Nazis or near-Nazis.

Hey be careful, wouldn’t want to defame Mr Zyklon_Bae


6 years ago

Sometimes I feel like I should be more sympathetic to pro-lifers. After all, if you really believed something was murder you would be wrong to ignore it, right? Then I see this shit and remember that it’s all based in misogyny and they don’t give a shit about babies. I also forgot the that for these guys it’s also racist (abortion = white genocide). I guess I give the incels some credit for being more honest about their horrible beliefs. They’re pretty obvious about the fact that this is just about hating women who won’t have sex with them. Actually, I don’t believe in giving people credit for being honest about their horribleness, fuck you Incels.

6 years ago

It always astounds me when anti-abortion people don’t seem to understand that nobody actually likes abortion. People don’t get abortions because they enjoy abortions, they get abortions because they’re necessary in some sense. Sometimes I wonder if these people think people go out and get abortions just for the hell of it.

6 years ago

Sometimes I wonder if these people think people go out and get abortions just for the hell of it.

It really seems like some of them do think that. In the case of these guys, they also hold a multitude of other outdated views, like that only “sluts” would get an abortion.

6 years ago

Another reason to oppose anti choice. To piss off the incels. It was never about compassion it was always about hate.

6 years ago

The fact that so many of them immediately leap to anti-genetic dogwhistling is both unsurprising and unnerving.

Jane Done
Jane Done
6 years ago

Not ONLY did they post a confusingly delicious image of an arby’s sandwich, they chose an image of the arby’s bacon ‘n cheddar, the most amazing roast beef burger known to humankind.

But yeah, top comment with 300+ votes is lamenting how twisted her views are “even if it was a joke” cause y’know abortion is a horrible, dreadful thing that should only be done as the absolute last resort. Despite the fact that abortions happen spontaneously all the time and that 83% of all abortions are naturally occurring.

6 years ago

It always astounds me when anti-abortion people don’t seem to understand that nobody actually likes abortion.

I like it. In the same way I like any medical procedure. It’s a good thing that helps people live happy, healthy lives.

6 years ago

After all, they might someday become pregnant with a submissive HB10 girl.

The way I see it, an unborn fetus itself is the perfect mate for these guys. They can’t talk so he will never have to listen, and they are as young as possible! The perfect woman!

6 years ago

Women are soulless Golem.

Golems can’t get pregnant. They’re crudely fashioned out of clay (typically), in a vaguely humanoid shape, and they possess no genitals. They can grow a sort of ersatz soul, though, which I suspect would make these incel assholes jealous if they weren’t so ignorant.

Speaking of which, I’m pretty sure golems originated in Jewish mythology. The quoted turd’s username suggests that they’re probably unaware of that fact, and that they would be upset if they learned that.

I hope they learn that. I hope it hurts their precious Nazi fee-fees, like getting stomped on by a lead golem.

6 years ago

I like it. In the same way I like any medical procedure. It’s a good thing that helps people live happy, healthy lives.

Fair enough, but I don’t think anyone actually enjoys the process being done. It’s not something people do for its own sake.

6 years ago

Fash Kermit?

Is THAT Jordan Peterson’s tweeter account there?

6 years ago

They did, and I’m pretty sure Zyklon_Bae is aware of that. Golems are Jewish creations, the Nazi shithead is suggesting women are as well.

Which is a bit weird considering the story, the Golem of Prague killed a bunch of anti-semites. Maybe don’t compare your hated enemies to a unstoppable slayer of your fellow travelers?

6 years ago


It always astounds me when anti-abortion people don’t seem to understand that nobody actually likes abortion.

Put me down as another person who likes abortion. 100% pro-abortion here. None of this ‘oh, it’s a dreadful, weighty choice, but women should still have the option to choose’ wishy-washy-ness from me. I’m sure that for some women, it is a hard and possibly heartbreaking choice to make, but it definitely would not be for me if I ever have the misfortune of becoming pregnant.

I mean, obviously it would be better if women could magically choose exactly when they wanted to be pregnant, if they ever wanted to be. Sure. Obviously it would be better if we never needed to perform surgeries or use casts or use medicine to treat people and they could magically decide to never become sick or injured, too.

No one liking needing to have an abortion in the first place, that I’d generally agree with.

@twitter dipshits

Is this the kind of degenerate filth you want perpetuating society?

I thought the whole point of abortion was that you weren’t ‘perpetuating’ anything?

6 years ago


Jeez, I didn’t even notice the name Zyklon_Bae. So along with FashKermit that’s two explicit nazi references. Then we’ve got the name with “Nagger” in it, which is one of the Daily Stormer’s favorite ways of using the n-word while not using it.

Plus all the dudes talking about “degeneracy,” and there were more that I didn’t quote.

Really, a lovely crowd.

And they wonder why they’re not getting any, and blame the circumference of their wrists and the angle of their eyeballs? Oh those sweet summer children!

6 years ago

Thanks for phrasing that so well. It’s a medical procedure that’s it. It’s no more a moral issue than blood transfusions are. Both may have some religious beliefs against them, but I’ve still never heard anyone say that blood transfusion is a difficult decision that each patient must weigh heavily.

6 years ago

Speaking of usernames, the fact that the Twitter user in question has eight digits after theirs makes me faintly suspicious.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

I’ve also never heard of religious objectors to blood transfusions going beyond a) not consenting to receive one themselves and b) choosing not to donate blood themselves. Not a one has, to my knowledge, lobbied to outlaw transfusions or blood donation or blood banks, let alone shot a transfusion doctor or blown up a blood bank.

But then, outlawing or terrorizing blood banks wouldn’t help patriarchal men regain control over women’s bodies, would it?

6 years ago


Sometimes I feel like I should be more sympathetic to pro-lifers. After all, if you really believed something was murder you would be wrong to ignore it, right? Then I see this shit and remember that it’s all based in misogyny and they don’t give a shit about babies.

Yeah. Some people go “if you don’t like abortion, just don’t have one, it’s your choice”, but that doesn’t really work as a reply to someone who claims that abortion means murdering innocent babies. You can’t say “if you don’t like murder, just don’t kill anyone yourself and it’s all good because then your own hands are clean”.

However, I think you can point out how disingenuous people are who claim that abortion kills, because if they honestly believed that (I do think a lot of people believe that they honestly believe that, if that makes sense, but if they were to dig a little deeper into their own motivations they’d find that this wasn’t quite true), they’d want to do things that could actually drastically lower abortion rates. And we know that merely making it illegal doesn’t have that effect. This makes abortion very unlike regular murder (pretending for the moment and for the sake of argument that it is a case of murder), which still happens even though it’s illegal, but it’s a relatively rare crime.

You’d be at the very least willing to, in addition to making abortion illegal (which you’d probably still want to do if you honestly believed it was murder), make birth control super accessible and free. Or even more drastic, strongly encourage every young man to get sterilized (after saving some sperm for future planned pregnancies through insemination). Or even more drastic than that, make it mandatory! Sure, that would violate bodily autonomy, but so does an abortion ban (and if you think people should “face the consequences of their actions”, think about rape victims, who’d still be forced to give birth if abortion is recognized as the killing of an innocent being).

Someone whose opposition to abortion was truly rooted in concern for fetuses should embrace something like this, because even if they have no concern for women having unsafe abortions (they’re baby killers, so if they get hurt or die they just have it coming) they should still feel sorry for the babies getting killed in unsafe abortions and want to put a stop to that.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
6 years ago

Being a retard who doesn’t use contraception then being proud of killing your own child is seriously twisted

All woman’s thinking is sick. They are a disgusting degenerate creature. Guarantee she finds another Chad and gets fucked first night and eventually aborts another.

Horrible horrible fucking nasty creatures

>Taking herself out of the gene pool in order to stick it to those LE EBIL INSULS

Gentlemen, Femoid logic

Uh-huh. Women are twisted, disgusting, and illogical. Gotcha.

And all of you are furious that women won’t have sex — a highly intimate experience — with you.

Who are the twisted, disgusting, and illogical ones again?

Gentlemen (I use that term loosely), incel logic.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
6 years ago

Excellent points!

6 years ago

If an unborn child was destined to be trapped in a likely abusive relationship with an incel (presumably under threat of death if they try to leave), is that even a life worth living? Abortions can be mercy killings, and that would qualify in my book.

6 years ago

Nobody is getting an abortion for the sole purpose of upsetting incels. I guarantee it.

They can’t grasp this because they are so self-involved that everything is about them. “Somebody did something I don’t like, so they must have done it to be mean to me.” The incel can’t grasp that a person has wants, needs, or motivations that doesn’t revolve around what he wants.

After all, this started because they made the fact that someone didn’t want to have a child all about them.

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