4chan incels memes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny reddit TROOOOLLLL?

The “Aborted Girlfriend” meme will hurt your brain

By David Futrelle

So this is a thing that exists. Take a moment to soak it in. It’s perfectly fine if you react like this:

The good news? It’s probably a joke — a pitch-perfect parody of incel logic rather than an example of it. At least that’s my guess. The meme (a version of the “ideal girlfriend” meme) seems to have originated on 4chan — the reference to “anon” is a bit of a giveaway — and has made it to Reddit and Twitter as well.

So far the reaction on Braincels, the main incel subreddit, has been a bit muted; some of the regulars are befuddled by it, others see it, as they see every bit of “evidence” that life sucks for them, as “suicide fuel.” Though they may be joking when they say that too.

I haven’t seen it show up on — at least not yet.

Weirdly, the meme got a much more enthusiastic hearing in the ProLife subreddit.

“Not gonna lie, this got my all teary-eyed,” admitted someone called TheEmeraldCrusader.

“I’ve seen this popping up in some sections of social media that are probably less-visited by people in this sub,” wrote Yesofcoursenaturally,

and it’s been getting a good chunk of positive feedback.

Obviously there’s a layer of (dark) humor to it. But really, this is making some people think more about the issue in a good, if hard to describe way.

OnAllLevelsIAmBoJack agreed:

Anything that gets people talking about it, honestly. The government has “made up its mind” in my country. Anyone who dissents is considered a misogynist by default… That’s why it’s critical women share things like this

EpistemicClosure thought it might be an effective recruiting tool:

This will be good for attracting “incels” into the pro-life movement. They already lean sympathetic too, so it’s very fertile ground.

But not everyone on the subreddit was thrilled by the prospect of incels joining their movement.

“We don’t want them!” declared leathercanid.

“Yeah I don’t know if men who believe they’re entitled to sex and angry that they aren’t getting it are ones to seek out for a pro-life cause,” justtotossit suggested, noting that women tend to be “even pickier” when sex could easily lead to an un-terminatable pregnancy.

Incels don’t care about that. They don’t think they’re ever going to have sex anyway. They’re happy to support anything that hurts women, even if it (theoretically) hurts them too.

H/T — This tweet from @BenIsYourHero that alerted me to the existence of this thing.

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6 years ago

Welp, in local news, DoFo has pulled the trigger on another of his hideous campaign promises and scrapped the sex ed changes implemented by the Wynne government, effectively rolling the dial back to 1998 (conveniently before the legalization of gay marriage!)

Incidentally, satire newspaper the Beaverton has the best take on it:

Doug Ford replaces sex-ed curriculum with old copy of Playboy found in woods

I realize that it’s satire, but it’s really not far off from what tweens and high school will be using for sexual education: PornHub and Xhamster. That’s right kids, listen to your new sex ed teacher, James Deen! He’ll show you the proper choking technique for when you’re sexually assaulting your significant other!

And if that wasn’t bad enough, blogTO demonstrates the real rationale:

Religious groups like the Campaign Life Coalition were very vocal in their criticism of Ontario’s modern sex-ed lesson plan when it was introduced in 2015, calling it “radical” and decrying lessons about the “immoral practice” of masturbation and “the idea that being male or female is merely a ‘social construct’.”

The group also took up issue with schools teaching anything about the LGBTQ community, writing that such lessons would “normalize homosexual family structures and homosexual ‘marriage’ in the minds of 8-year-olds, without regard for the religious/moral beliefs of families.”

This is the core of it: wanting to keep the LGBT community, especially the T part of that community, as second-class citizens. They lost on gay marriage (at least for the time being), but that doesn’t mean they won’t do everything in their power to remind gay and trans people that they’re unwanted “deviants” that have to hide a part of themselves in the shadows where it’s easier to fall victim to the next Bruce McArthur. They want gay kids in the closet, they want trans kids to suffer their dysphoria in shame, they want license to at least ignore the ongoing changes to society like cowards or at worst indoctrinate their children into their own petty bigotries.

They just found more human remains in the ravine there on Mallory Crescent! I live within walking distance and passed by the place last March. Apparently there were still body parts mere metres from where I tread!

All this just after Pride Month ends, no less!

No, no, not having any of this bullshit and either will the LGBT community of this province. I guarantee that next year’s Pride parade is going to be a giant middle finger to Dipshit Doug! And that’s going to be after a year of pushback and organizing. Funny how all those “proud” corporate entities seem to evaporate the minute the calendar hits July.

Just as a side note, I have no idea what happened to Michael Coren, but I’m liking this mea culpa of his. He’s still got a ways to go, but keep it up, Mike.

6 years ago

@ Katamount

That lots of porn studios have blacklisted Deen encourages me. That lots of studios still hire him disgusts me.

Another industry in dire need of unionization.

On a porn-related note, Stormy Daniels was just arrested for a performance in a Columbus, Ohio strip club. Apparently Ohio has a law that performers cannot be touched, which a) has NEVER been enforced before, and b) would also require the arrest of the toucher, who has not been mentioned in any reports.

But I’m sure this is not a politically motivated arrest at all, nosireebob.

6 years ago

Yes, EpistemicClosure, embrace incels. That’ll definitely make people believe you hold the morally and ethically correct position on abortion.

Sasha West
Sasha West
6 years ago

Hey everyone,

I haven’t commented here before, but I just wanted to say that, if you’re in the UK, there are a lot of opportunities to protest right now.

I will be at the demo in Brighton this evening and protesting Trump in London tomorrow. There is also — and I think this is so important — a protest against Tommy Robinson (and Trump) this Saturday the 14th.

Tommy Robinson co-founded the racist EDL and many of his supporters will be in London on Saturday. There were thousands of them at a similar “Free Tommy” rally in June, and they were able to roam the streets harassing people. This time they won’t be unopposed.

If you are able to make it this Saturday, please consider coming out against both Trump and Tommy Robinson. We need to visibly challenge hate and division as it appears here in the UK as well.

6 years ago

Weatherwax: I suspect the embassy warning was a deliberate attempt to lower the number of Americans abroad showing up to support the protestors. It would be just like President Dumpsterfire to fear the idea that someone outside the country might realize that he’s not particularly popular among Americans. (Hence his constant reference to the Electoral College vote rather than to the popular vote–the latter shows just how weak his support in this country really is.)


Expecting intellectual consistency from pro-lifers is a fool’s errand. I’ve personally heard one shout to a counter-protestor, “No woman ever died from pregnancy; they died from complications to pregnancy.”

When you’re dealing with that sort of flailing desperation, it’s not surprising that you’ve got at least a portion of the pro-life community actively seeking incel support.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

Let me get this straight: Ohio has a law under which, if someone reaches out and proactively touches a performer, the performer gets arrested?

The fuck?

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
6 years ago

@Surplus to Requirements Well, she was askin’ for it , doncha know. /s

Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
6 years ago

On a porn-related note, Stormy Daniels was just arrested for a performance in a Columbus, Ohio strip club. Apparently Ohio has a law that performers cannot be touched, which a) has NEVER been enforced before, and b) would also require the arrest of the toucher, who has not been mentioned in any reports.

But I’m sure this is not a politically motivated arrest at all, nosireebob.

What, the patron slipped a fiver in her strings? Maybe it was just compensation for non-disclosure. Maybe it was his lawyer’s money.

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
6 years ago

@ Surplus:

Let me get this straight: Ohio has a law under which, if someone reaches out and proactively touches a performer, the performer gets arrested?

No, no, NO!!! The NON-tRUMP SUPPORTER gets arrested….

@ Katamount:

Shit just never ends….

6 years ago

I’m assuming Ohio’s law is an anti-prostitution measure that’s just being creatively and selectively applied, here. Since nowhere in the U.S. uses anything like the Nordic model, the usual fate is that the woman is almost invariably the one targeted for arrest.

Katherine the Adequate
Katherine the Adequate
6 years ago

I don’t think the never-born, imaginary girlfriends would want to be with these creeps, either, but once you indulge in a fantasy, everything goes the way you want anyway.

So the incels have even more reasons to mourn the non-existence of a sammich makin’ perfect sex partner. Good. Yet another plus for pro-choice.

6 years ago

She (Stormy Daniels) actually touched a, possibly undercover, police officer or two or three. But the law makes it illegal for a nude or partially nude performer to either touch or allow themselves to be touched by a patron. There is some questuon over whether it even applies to her because it was a special performance and also the law never gets enforced so it was obviously politically motivated.

6 years ago

Weatherwax: the state department recommends citizens stay out of anything political ever, or any parades, or … really, why don’t you all just stay home please?

I recall a mandatory pre-travel debrief by a State Dept critter, informing my group that we must not talk politics because it’s dangerous, and that the bathtub is the safest place if shooting or shelling breaks out. I was going to Montreal, staying with family, the safest city in North America (the rest of us debriefees were also going to Montreal, or to some equally innocuous place).

They did have one nice tip: wrap a rubber band around your wallet, to help slow down pickpockets. The rubber band will make it harder to slip the wallet out.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

The Guardian published a handy guide for Americans

Some highlights…

While you should indeed take care to avoid large gatherings that seem to be on the verge of tipping into violence, bear in mind that many UK towns and cities are like that most Friday nights.

In Britain, an overt display of friendliness is usually interpreted as a threat

6 years ago

I’d say see you tomorrow on the march, London-adjacent mammotheers, but I suspect the numbers might be a bit on the high side for that to be on the cards in practice 🙂
There are a lot of groups – almost too many – that I’d want to march with. Probably going to gravitate towards the Latin American contingent, as we were hanging out with a few people just recently who said there might be a sort of joint grouping marching together.
Here’s to a sunny day for expressing loathing of everything Trump stands for.

6 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw

+1 points for The Grauniad having a spelling mistake in its URL

-1 points for mentioning brunch in the URL and not delivering in the story itself…

…on second thought, that’s actually brilliant.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

Roosh tried to sneak into England but the UK authorities found out and had him arrested in Iceland.

6 years ago

The way I read this is: “Her mother had the obligation to carry her to term, but only so that I could find her and screw around with her head fifteen to eighteen years later.”

Somebody please tell me I’m wrong.

6 years ago

I’m hearing a lot of heavy military air traffic over London this evening. Just watched a prop aircraft I don’t recognise fly quite low over my flat. Thanks, Trump!


In Britain, an overt display of friendliness is usually interpreted as a threat

That’s not true in general. Now, if they’d said “London” instead of “Britain”, I could see that.

6 years ago

Ah, this was it, I think: a V-22 Osprey, heading north in north-west London a few minutes ago. Not something you see every day!

6 years ago


Here’s to a sunny day for expressing loathing of everything Trump stands for.

Not too sunny, I hope. I plan to be on the London march, so I’m glad that the heatwave is abating.

6 years ago


She (Stormy Daniels) actually touched a, possibly undercover, police officer or two or three. But the law makes it illegal for a nude or partially nude performer to either touch or allow themselves to be touched by a patron. There is some questuon over whether it even applies to her because it was a special performance and also the law never gets enforced so it was obviously politically motivated.

Straight from the authoritarian government playbook. And they’re barely even disguising it! If the government is this bold now, what will they be like after November?

6 years ago

I feel really bad for Stormy and for any woman in her position. I mean it’s just really upsetting to me to think about how she is being singled out that way.

6 years ago


I recall a mandatory pre-travel debrief by a State Dept critter, informing my group that we must not talk politics because it’s dangerous, and that the bathtub is the safest place if shooting or shelling breaks out.

Is that still useful these days? I remember watching our old bathtub get removed; it was a pretty weighty metal one, and I can believe it would do a good job of stopping incoming debris from the sides and holding together if stuff fell on it from above. The replacement is just a plastic thing, probably not even glass reinforced, and I suspect lots of modern places are the same.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
6 years ago

Apparently the charges against her have been dropped: