4chan incels memes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny reddit TROOOOLLLL?

The “Aborted Girlfriend” meme will hurt your brain

By David Futrelle

So this is a thing that exists. Take a moment to soak it in. It’s perfectly fine if you react like this:

The good news? It’s probably a joke — a pitch-perfect parody of incel logic rather than an example of it. At least that’s my guess. The meme (a version of the “ideal girlfriend” meme) seems to have originated on 4chan — the reference to “anon” is a bit of a giveaway — and has made it to Reddit and Twitter as well.

So far the reaction on Braincels, the main incel subreddit, has been a bit muted; some of the regulars are befuddled by it, others see it, as they see every bit of “evidence” that life sucks for them, as “suicide fuel.” Though they may be joking when they say that too.

I haven’t seen it show up on — at least not yet.

Weirdly, the meme got a much more enthusiastic hearing in the ProLife subreddit.

“Not gonna lie, this got my all teary-eyed,” admitted someone called TheEmeraldCrusader.

“I’ve seen this popping up in some sections of social media that are probably less-visited by people in this sub,” wrote Yesofcoursenaturally,

and it’s been getting a good chunk of positive feedback.

Obviously there’s a layer of (dark) humor to it. But really, this is making some people think more about the issue in a good, if hard to describe way.

OnAllLevelsIAmBoJack agreed:

Anything that gets people talking about it, honestly. The government has “made up its mind” in my country. Anyone who dissents is considered a misogynist by default… That’s why it’s critical women share things like this

EpistemicClosure thought it might be an effective recruiting tool:

This will be good for attracting “incels” into the pro-life movement. They already lean sympathetic too, so it’s very fertile ground.

But not everyone on the subreddit was thrilled by the prospect of incels joining their movement.

“We don’t want them!” declared leathercanid.

“Yeah I don’t know if men who believe they’re entitled to sex and angry that they aren’t getting it are ones to seek out for a pro-life cause,” justtotossit suggested, noting that women tend to be “even pickier” when sex could easily lead to an un-terminatable pregnancy.

Incels don’t care about that. They don’t think they’re ever going to have sex anyway. They’re happy to support anything that hurts women, even if it (theoretically) hurts them too.

H/T — This tweet from @BenIsYourHero that alerted me to the existence of this thing.

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6 years ago

But really, this is making some people think more about the issue in a good, if hard to describe way.

It’s actually quite easy to describe! “I’m opposed to abortion because an aborted fetus might have been useful as a live-in, unpaid cook/sex worker/baby factory for some man.” See? Easy peasy.

6 years ago

There are three and a half billion women in the world. If they all agree you’re a creep, the problem isn’t the absence of one more potential women that might have existed. The problem is you.

6 years ago

“Hey, we’re twins, let’s fuck(and make babies)!”

6 years ago

I wonder why incels assume the “GF” would go for them if only she’d had a chance to grow up. Isn’t the received wisdom that all girls raised in Western society grow up to ride the cock carousel? Why would the aborted girl be any different?

6 years ago

This one just kinda irritates me. A lot of people I follow on Twitter have been using this meme format to describe themselves and I thought it was kinda cute, but now this meme has kinda soured that. They really won’t let anything cute exist in the world, will they?

6 years ago


I know, right!? I love cute stuff! It should be allowed to thrive! Free of meanies and creeps!

Thank you for saying it. 🙂

Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
6 years ago

My only response to this meme was a “WTF” of pure confusion, and I don’t see myself coming up with a better one.

Knitting Cat Lady
Knitting Cat Lady
6 years ago


Sex selective abortion is a HUGE problem in India and China.

Because of the rampant misogyny in those cultures.

And the less women there are, the worse it gets.

Plenty of women in India are forced to have abortions by their in laws.

Still doesn’t change the fact that nobody, no matter the age, can use my body against my will.

6 years ago

Well, I for one fully support the idea of all incels being supplied with an Aborted Girlfriend. She’s perfect for them, after all. She’ll never get older, never stray, never ask for money or basic needs or common courtesy, never be anything other than exactly what they fantasize about. It’s easy to not have any flaws when you don’t exist. They can even have all the imaginary second generation aborted children their little hearts desire, since those children will also have no needs or flaws and will never be taken away by protective services.

The hot meal might be a little more difficult to get out of an Aborted Girlfriend, but maybe she can make her incel boyfriend a nice steaming plate of imaginary corn. I hear that stuff is delicious.

6 years ago


a nice steaming plate of imaginary corn

At the risk of seriously dating myself (or confusing a lot of people), may I suggest a bowl of hot grits instead?

6 years ago

Haha, it’s not like my imaginary corn Welcome to Night Vale reference was much less confusing. At least you provided context for yours!

I mean, if there’s any people who can drive imaginary, non-existent women into preparing a bowl of hot grits, it would probably be the incels.

6 years ago

“Congratulations, mrs Gatecrasher, the fetus you’re carrying will be a baby girl. And the technology has progressed that far, that we have these really cool future-seeing devices, and so we can predict your future daughter’s future! She’s going to be a HB10 without own feelings and thoughts, the perfect empty shell basically, so beautiful, and she’s going to marry this very sad and angry man who otherwise wouldn’t get any sex or romance, and live her whole life with him as his baby machine/sex slave! Congratulations yet again, mrs Gatecrasher!”

I think their logic is actually an argument for abortion.

occasional reader
occasional reader
6 years ago

Urg, maybe my work in computer science affects me too much, but when i read “aborted gf”, i think of an app which just had crashed… Sorry, i really miss social skills.

6 years ago

Alternatively, if these jerks had been aborted they wouldn’t be around to post creepy gross memes.

6 years ago

“You’re not eating healthy. I could have cooked you a hot meal…”

Wait, is this an imaginary girlfriend or an imaginary mother replacement?

Oh yeah, they don’t generally distinguish between the two.

6 years ago

OT but I have nothing to add to the above awfulness.

Today a certain Emblem Of All That Is Terrible arrives in the UK. The British people are rolling out the only appropriate welcome mat for him, by organising protests up and down the country.

I’ll be at the Women’s March tomorrow in London, if any Mammotheers are also attending. I may also go to my local one in Brighton this evening.

As you may have gathered, my reason for protesting is not limited to the man’s personal awfulness, his cavalcade of terrible policies, his slapdash approach to diplomacy and his normalisation of fascist beliefs in the US (all of which ought to be reason enough). I see him as an emblem of a rising tide of ugly hate-filled politics in the developed world (and maybe wider, but I’m pretty ignorant of much of world politics, so I’m trying not to over-generalise). Which is why I’ll be re-using the Audre Lorde quote* I made for a previous protest, but putting my favourite tweet on the back which, from memory, says:

“You know sitting in history, you thought if I was there, I would have –

What you’re doing now is what you would have done.”

That is why I’m protesting.

Bizarrely the US Embassy has suggested that Americans in the UK “keep a low profile” over the next few days. As if the protests are anti-American?!

* “It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognise, accept & celebrate those differences.”

6 years ago

How does an unwanted child grow up to be the perfect gf exactly? She will be subject to the same cultural influences as everyone else – she doesn’t grow up in a bubble, and indeed may have a harder childhood because she was unwanted.

And what about all those aborted boys? Don’t the incels give a shit about them?!

Knitting Cat Lady
Knitting Cat Lady
6 years ago

@Pie: And they don’t get this novel idea that they could, maybe, learn to cook and fix their own damn hot meals!

There’s this Italian movie called ‘Pane e Tulipani’. It’s amazing.

In it, a woman gets left behind at a rest stop by her family. She tries to reach them, but they don’t answer. So she says to herself ‘Fuck it, I’m going to Venice’ and tramps there.

Finds out that living live free of the demands of her husband and children is awesome. And decides to stay and build herself a life.

The best scene, however, is this:

Husband is hungry. And out of socks. So he asks his girlfriend if she could make him something to eat, and maybe wash his socks.

Her reply:

‘No! I’m your girlfriend and not your wife!’

6 years ago

Sex selective abortion is a HUGE problem in India and China.

And anti abortion people use that as a cosh to hit us pro choice people because it is apparently rank hypocrisy to complain about a specific gender being targeted.

It has actually caused some terrible problems:

Men outnumber women by 70 million in China and India. The consequences of having too many men, now coming of age, are far-reaching: beyond an epidemic of loneliness, the imbalance distorts labour markets, drives up savings rates in China and drives down consumption, artificially inflates certain property values and parallels increases in violent crime, trafficking or prostitution in a growing number of locations.

6 years ago


Bizarrely the US Embassy has suggested that Americans in the UK “keep a low profile” over the next few days. As if the protests are anti-American?!

Perhaps there are Americans planning counter-protests, and the Embassy is trying to preempt any ugliness that may arise from this. Or it’s out of genuine, if misplaced, concern that certain opportunists may try to carry out violence against Americans during this period.

6 years ago

I feel like this fawning sycophant is living in the wrong country:

We can’t have this carry on where all the American people see of their president’s visit is 50,000 people demonstrating against the man they democratically elected.

Won’t somebody, please, think of the american people?

6 years ago


Just wanted to share a word that you may or may not have. Things such as widespread abortion of female fetuses could be called ‘gendercide’.

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
6 years ago

They’re happy to support anything that hurts women, even if it (theoretically) hurts them too.

sounds like conservatives in general….

6 years ago

@ Ariblester

Perhaps there are Americans planning counter-protests, and the Embassy is trying to preempt any ugliness that may arise from this. Or it’s out of genuine, if misplaced, concern that certain opportunists may try to carry out violence against Americans during this period.

Perhaps. Or perhaps it’s an attempt to paint the protests as anti-American, rather than admit how out of step with liberal democracies Trump has strayed. When looking at press coverage afterwards, please note the distinct lack of flag-burning, the portrayal of popular symbols of the US (Uncle Sam, Lady Liberty) as Trump resisters rather than supporters.

I was on the Women’s March in London last year; a lot of Americans attended. The mood was entirely welcoming of them and I think they appreciated the opportunity to protest what was being done in their name, despite being abroad. I see no reason to believe tomorrow will be any different. Plus, as several Americans of colour have already commented online, they feel a lot safer in London (even in the middle of a heavily policed protest) than back home (not that British policing is perfect, but your chances of being shot are significantly lower).

Passagère clandestine
Passagère clandestine
6 years ago

Urg, maybe my work in computer science affects me too much, but when i read “aborted gf”, i think of an app which just had crashed… Sorry, i really miss social skills.

… I thought +++melon melon melon. Please Reinstall Universe And Reboot +++