alt-right andrew anglin creepy daily stormer entitled babies irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism sex

Daily Stormer: Girlfriends are for sissies! Real Neo-Nazis only use women for sex and/or babies

Not quite sure it works like this in real life

By David Futrelle

Andrew Anglin of the Daily Stormer isn’t just some dude who spews out seemingly dozens of posts a day for his rancid neo-Nazi website; he also fancies himself a bit of a self-help guru, regularly offering his male readers (and they’re almost all male) advice on how to live their best lives.

Yesterday, Anglin dropped a lengthy post filled with advice on how his readers could be, as he put it,  good men. Many of his specific suggestions were surprisingly anodyne — eat healthy food, don;t dress like a slob, keep your word — though some of the seemingly uncontroversial assertions reflected something of a Machiavellian spirit. In a section urging men to “Be Generous,” for example, he declared that

[p]aying for people’s meals is a demonstration of power, and it is something that is respected. Being stingy is a sign of weakness, and is viewed as pathetic.

And then there’s his advice on women. Let’s just say he’s not much of a romantic. In one section of the piece, he tells his readers they should “Not Ever Believe That Any Woman is Above You.” After all, he says,

Biology has determined that all men are superior to all women. You should never view a woman as above you. You are better than she is because you are a man, and men are superior to women. …

Do not ever believe that you need any woman. …

Women exist only to serve men. They have no other purpose. 

Worst. Tinder. Bio. Ever.

In another section, Anglin offers advice on dating: don’t. As he sees it, men have no need for girlfriends, and should view women only as portable sex holes … or as white baby factories. (It goes without saying that he doesn’t want his readers getting involved in any way with women who aren’t white.)

In Anglin’s view,

“Romantic love” is a hormonal function of young teenagers. Grown men engaging in this behavior is on the same level as grown men playing with toy trucks. …

You do not need a woman to be your friend and roommate, as is generally the modern concept of a “girlfriend.” This is pathetic.

It’s far better, in Anglin’s mind, for men to see women not as partners or friends but as biological resources to be exploited. As he sees it, the only time it’s appropriate for men to interact with women is when they are either

  1. Trying to have sex with her with as little energy expenditure as possible
  2. Interviewing her as a potential mother of your children

I’m not quite sure how Anglin handles, say, talking with his mom, or asking a question of Siri, or what he does when he has to mail a package at the post office and the clerk happens to be a woman. I can only wonder: would he turn down life-saving emergency surgery if the only doctor available to treat him was a woman he didn’t want to bang?

Somehow I suspect Anglin hasn’t thought this one through all the way.

But he has given a bit more thought to the issue of what to do about dudes who are already living with women — at least if it looks like they’ll ultimately marry.

I understand that part of the modern social paradigm is that a woman becomes your girlfriend and then may potentially become your wife. I obviously do not approve of this, and would prefer a traditional framework wherein a father gives you his virgin daughter for marriage, but I am not so silly as to believe such a thing is possible.

So then, if you do the live-in girlfriend thing as part of the process of working toward marriage, as is now the custom, there is no shame in this. But you should only do this in situations where you genuinely believe that there is a high chance that this relationship will result in marriage and children.

Not that marriage is without its perils. In an aside, Anglin urges his fans to take whatever steps they need to in order to protect themselves financially and otherwise from evil golddiggers trying to seize their assets (and their children) in a divorce. This includes collecting what Anglin calls “kompromat” to blackmail any woman with the gall to file for divorce.

Yes, that’s right: don’t marry a woman unless you can blackmail her.

He then takes up the question of how exactly a non-dating man might be able to get his dick wet once in a while.

Satisfying basic sexual needs outside of marriage is best done through the use of prostitutes, although I understand that this is illegal in all feminist countries.

I’ve rarely seen a Madonna/Whore complex expressed quite this literally.

Anglin ends with a bit of advice for any of his readers who might somehow manage to convince non-prostitutes/non-future-wives to have sex with them.

Casual sexual encounters with non-prostitutes should not involve any more emotion than is involved with a sexual encounter with a prostitute.

In other words: keep yourself from developing any human feelings towards women you sleep with by thinking of them as basically less than human. (These guys hate literal prostitutes even more than they hate the sexually active women they so regularly call “whores.”)

Anglin’s post is just another example of why, despite the fact that this country is filled with racist white women, the alt-right has a devil of a time actually recruiting any of them.

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Gretchen Koch
Gretchen Koch
6 years ago

I can only wonder: would he turn down life-saving emergency surgery if the only doctor available to treat him was a woman he didn’t want to bang?

I….kinda hope so?

6 years ago

What kind of father would want to give his virgin daughter to a MAGA man? They’re not kind or smart. Most of them are lazy, poor, shut-ins, or all three. Why would even a mercenary father – someone who doesn’t care about his daughter and just wants to sell her off – want a son-in-law without money or connections? These guys constantly over-estimate their appeal.

6 years ago

Satisfying basic sexual needs outside of marriage is best done through the use of prostitutes, although I understand that this is illegal in all feminist countries.

I think this pretty much demonstrates that this guy wouldn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground. I mean, I get feminist critiques of prostitution (particularly as how it often functions in a patriarchal society), but the fact is, the ‘green’ areas on that map are WAY more feminist-friendly, on average, than the yellow and red zones.

F is for 'Fro'
F is for 'Fro'
6 years ago

I always wondered how Alt-Righters couldn’t just hook up with racist women– but now I know why!

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

That was virtually indistinguishable from a red pill subreddit or Return of Kings post. It’s cute that their are still manospherians who are outraged when you compare MRA types to Nazis.

I saw a bio on Twitter the other day who (assuming she was real, who knows?) described herself as a red pilled Israeli woman and a Trump supporter. That’s some self hatred there. A Jewish woman identifying with two groups full of Nazi misogynists. Why? Why would you do that? I really hope she was actually a bot, but she may very well have been real.


Yeah, I don’t think feminist countries exist, unfortunately. But I’m really confused about why he would think that conservative and patriarchal countries are more likely to have it legalized.

6 years ago

No kidding. Can we all please move to the feminist country?

6 years ago

Trying to have sex with her with as little energy expenditure as possible
Interviewing her as a potential mother of your children

Bad lay and bad at finding women to be his broodmare.

6 years ago

How the hell do these shitstains plan to find a woman willing to bear their nazi spawn when they categorically refuse to treat any woman with any kind of basic consideration? (Oh, that’s right, by removing the rights of women to refuse.)

I sincerely hope that all these men are 100% upfront about how they view women and their expectations for any woman they are interviewing as a potential mother to their nazi spawn. First date should definitely include the phrase “men are inherently superior to women”.

6 years ago

Anglin urges his fans to take whatever steps they need to in order to protect themselves financially and otherwise from evil golddiggers trying to seize their assets

Like the three teeth in your head and the mobile home you share with your parents are worth taking.

6 years ago

Er, do we need to get classist?

sylvia bath
sylvia bath
6 years ago

I would NEVER endorse violence against Andrew Anglin, but we need to push for the emotional normalization of it. 😉

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Yeah, let’s not get classist folks.

6 years ago

Yes, yes we do. Fuck these people; concerns about classist rhetoric are wasted on such loud-and-proud class traitors.

6 years ago

Interviewing her as a potential mother of your children

This actually happened to me on a blind date one time. Not a Nazi, a libertarian. I was out of there. No, I did not complete the interview and have the desired baby, I said so long, sucker.

I am now married to a man who never interviewed me for anything, and treats me like I am….gasp…his partner, his friend, his lover, and his equal.

Guess he’d make a pretty lousy Nazi. (I have read quite a bit of history, and don’t remember the German Nazis having anything against wives or girlfriends, though).

6 years ago


I’ve been deep into this with a friend, but the chauvinist, hateful, Nazi type men are aided by the entire society in training women to believe that their chains are in fact their liberation. That being desired by a man and then serving him in various ways is the stamp of social acceptability with the real stamp of approval being marriage.

I noticed myself, marrying late (and the marriage was an abusive disaster thank everyone again for being kind) that I was treated both better and differently once married and then again when I managed to save myself. Imagine cartoon smoke coming out of my ears this makes me so angry. That I’m not judged or valued for myself but on my marital status. Ok, these aren’t people I’d consider close, but more than acquaintances.

Internalized misogyny further makes it so that women don’t feel we can keep each other safe or supported or whole. If we even know what whole looks like. This is the kind of conditioning that gets in so deep it’s hard to even get it articulated so we can look at it.

White cis hey dudes assure me all the time that they aren’t receiving or perceiving any privilege, but based on the things that I’ve been clocking lately this just can’t be true.

In fact I’m beginning to think their experience is so different that it would have to be explained. For example, they own their own bodies in a way we can’t even imagine.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
6 years ago

[p]aying for people’s meals is a demonstration of power, and it is something that is respected. Being stingy is a sign of weakness, and is viewed as pathetic.

Unless you’re having dinner with a woman gold digger, in which case generosity is pathetic, stinginess is strength, and we have always been at war with Oceania.

“Romantic love” is a hormonal function of young teenagers. Grown men engaging in this behavior is on the same level as grown men playing with toy trucks.

comment image

Tell us more about adult behavior and personal responsibility, O grown man skulking in the shadows and hiding out from three federal lawsuits resulting from the lives you ruined.

6 years ago

Women exist only to serve men.

It’s a cookbook.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

concerns about classist rhetoric are wasted on such loud-and-proud class traitors.

No one is concerned about being nice to Daily Stormer people. It’s about not doing splash damage to working class people who are not Nazis.

Plus, white supremacy is hardly a thing that only poor whites are into. Wealthy white supremacists are just a bit more genteel about it. When we blame only working class white people for white supremacy we give cover to the genteel racists who actually have more power to do real damage.

6 years ago

What WWTH said.

Also, one tip: when people around here say “do we need to get classist” or “let’s not get classist” they are kindly asking you to stop being so damn classist.

It’s never ok to insult people for being poor.

6 years ago

Freemage: Yeah, I was immediately rolling my eyes about that, as well. For example, there’s parts of Nevada where prostitution is legal, and I find it very difficult to believe that Anglin would be unaware of such a thing– he seems like a high contender for being a Bunny Ranch client. Throughout most of the European countries that feminism has supposedly ruined, there are sections or even entire countries where it’s legal, as illustrated on your linked map.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
6 years ago

Do Not Ever Believe That Any Woman is Above You

Biology has determined that all men are superior to all women. You should never view a woman as above you. You are better than she is because you are a man, and men are superior to women. There are many reasons for this – men are stronger, smarter, more creative, more moral and capable of conscious thought and making rational decisions based on logic and reason rather than instinct – but it ultimately comes down to the fact that men do not need women, but women do need men.
Do not ever believe that you need any woman. And do not ever, under any circumstances, believe that any woman has a right to judge your value, or that any judgment of you made by a woman is of any value at all
Women exist only to serve men. They have no other purpose. Remember this in all of your interactions with them.

My own particular favorite argument from this Nazi is that men are “more moral,” although “smarter” and “more creative” are contenders for this top spot.

Never has a citation been more desperately needed.

6 years ago

Anybody who wants to see where Anglin’s formative ideas on women came from needs to read up on his father. His dad has been a “Christian counselor” for years, and is infamous for specializing in couples, and then targeting the woman in the couple for his own personal sexual fun.

6 years ago

@Hippodameia — I giggled

6 years ago

@Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile

Also, on that bit about “women need men, but men don’t need women,” isn’t that the exact opposite of the entire rest of his argument? You can’t make babies without a uterus, and last I checked, cis dudes don’t have those.

6 years ago

@Ambassador Kat:

My translation of the section you quoted has always gone something like this: “Women are smaller and generally physically vulnerable, especially when pregnant or when they have small children. Therefore the possibility of assault, rape or murder exists in the subtext of any interaction between a man and a woman. We can always hurt and control you with those things and maintain our entitlements as the superior sex and gender. Instances where variations of assault might be overkill and remove you as service providers have forced us to invent many other ways to control you and maintain our entitlement for personal and social gain.

@BD1 – Why am I not surprised? I’m betting that another aspect of his counseling was to blame the woman for all of the problems in her marriage during the counseling while also holding extortion power over her with the affair. Those poor women, how their heads must have spun.

OH boy, I need to go back to the Tiptree and calm down.

@Hippodaemia – I laughed too once I got it.

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