By David Futrelle
Considering how little they actually ever talk to the, er, “femoids” that they constantly obsess over, it’s kind of remarkable how confident so-called “involuntary celibates” are that they understand the secret desires of women better than women themselves do.
Case in point: A thread on the Incels.me forum today devoted to discussing the proposition that “Women like animals proportionate to how big the animals dick is. Women do not care about small dick animals.”
The OP explained his hypothesis thusly:
In a series of followup comments, MilkTeaPill elaborated on one longtime obsession of internet lady haters — the notion that a significant portion of the human female population is having sex with dogs.
YEP every female that chose to get a dog and lives on her own is fucking that dog. And about 60% of girls that have a family dog have done something sexual with the dog.
He did not cite a source for this statistic. In fact, the percentage of women who have sex with animals is probably closer to 2 percent, according to the only survey I was able to find that seemed even vaguely reliable; the same survey suggested that men were more than twice as likely as women to have sex with animals. I would imagine that the percentage of zoophiles who actually let horses penetrate them is a tiny fraction of this, given that it can quite easily kill you.
But MilkTeaPill went on to insist that for many, er, “foids” — the favorite incel term for women — dogs were no longer enough. Be warned that the quotes that follow may spoil your dinner if this hasn’t happened already.
dog dicks aren’t big enough for foids these days. They need that BHD (Big Horse Dick). 1-2 feet of horse dick pounding their insides. …
They can’t get enough of that multi foot dick stretching out their human pussy. They love it when horses cum liters of horse seed into them. This is literally every foids dream. …
Horse dick is the new standard that is the point I was making. … Soon enough there will be horse get aways were hundreds of foids go to a ranch for a weekend to get HORSED.
Many of MilkTeaPill’s fellow incels thought there was a good deal of merit to this argument.
Self-described AfrikanCel declared that Milk’s post was “High IQ,” and that “[f]oids disproportionately love big penis animals for this reason.”
“I remember one horse girl in class got questioned about stallions and she blushed hard,” wrote someone called HarvesterOfInceldom. “You knew she was fucking it.”
A few of the regulars were skeptical, noting that women often choose cats and rabbits — animals not exactly known for their gargantuan members — as pets. One even pointed to a survey suggesting that women prefer average-sized penises over (figuratively or literally) horse-sized dicks.
But Milk’s defenders had rebuttals. According to AfrikanCel, women love cats because they serve as substitute babies. But someone called Curious0 had what he saw as a better explanation:
They like male horses so they get fucked and female cats to get licked since most (all) women are bisexual.
There is so much wrongness packed into that sentence I think I will just give up and stop right here.
H/T — I found the strangely relevant horse cartoon on the @PanelPulp twitter account
Ah yes I was indeed. It’s funny though that you post that. I’ve on occasion been tempted to comment about it when we’ve had discussions about tactics, and especially recently with the ‘harassing’ of GOP associates. It brought up a few issues; so perhaps this is as good a time as any to relate.
As you can imagine we were outraged when that bill was passed; but things organised quickly. A list of those who’d voted in favour was complied and disseminated.
Either via groups, or just some individuals acting spontaneously, the MPs who’d voted in favour were contacted and our collective displeasure made clear.
Now for me it was tricky. My local MP voted in favour; but she’s a woman, and I’m more than aware of the shit women get merely for existing on the net.
I sought guidance from the very nice people on the Mammoth Discord as to how to contact and what to say. In the end I just posted something to my MPs Facebook page, linking to a relevant article and saying I thought she was vile.
But of course with a bill saying animals aren’t sentient and can’t feel pain, the protests write themselves. However, there’s that implicit threat in there when you’re posing the (not necessarily rhetorical) question or making statements, as to whether politicians can feel pain.
Most people in the animal rights movement aren’t violent of course; but some of them are. And that must be playing on politicians’ minds; especially in a post Jo Cox era. And to an extent, whether gladly or reluctantly, you’re taking advantage of that.
As it happened the campaign worked. The bill was reversed within 48 hours; with the government acknowledging it had been as a direct result of the furore. Of course they couched it in terms of ‘we listened’ rather than ‘please don’t hurt us’.
As for my MP, well the government posted a very nice video to my Facebook, saying that they loved animals really and it had all been a misunderstanding.
(I did post everything in my own name; if I’m having a go at someone it’s only fair I do it openly)
So, this happened:
So much for the free press and the Fourth Estate. Where do I put the hands on the genocide/fascism doomsday clock now? Three minutes to midnight? Two?
I didn’t see that it had been reversed. That’s good news anyway.
Yes it was; we were all very happy and relieved. Thanks for posting that; and it was a nice jumping off point for what I’d been meaning to bring up for a while now.
I’m glad everyone liked it because I did just pull it out of my…uh…well, you know. XD
I mean, you’re not wrong? I would absolutely have my way with the Windows 7 burger they had in Japan.
And then I would follow it up with the extra, extra, extra small side of fries from McDonald’s.
Japan’s fast food advertising is fuckin’ great y’all.
Well, I mean, sex is good exercise, and fast food has a LOT of calories, so…Bow chika wow wow?
Ah, thanks for the correction Jo! I’m a city slicker at heart, but even when I lived in a rural area, it only seemed like richer people owned horses. Forgive my ignorance, as that was my bad.
Speaking as a part-time furry: This.
Saaaame. Like, I’m more interested in human-ish creatures with animal characteristics than the other way around, yanno?
There’s actually a really nice orc dildo I want to get from a site that I can’t recall the name of, but they also got a good looking trent…Off topic, but Canadian bigot Lauren Southern has been denied an entry visa to Australia because she filled out the wrong form.
Hi Gang:
As far as the opening topic? I know it shouldn’t, but the hatred combined with the absolute ignorance of women as anything even approaching human? This really horrified, upset and scared me.
It doesn’t help that I am becoming more aware all of the time about the misogyny that is still so prevalent in even ‘normal’ men. The double standard still firmly in place is one area, women as not fully human is another. I really don’t want to fear half of the human race, and I know there are good men, but this stuff is really scaring me – especially as it builds up to how we treat animals and the planet and each other full stop. Anyway.
@Alan Robertshaw
Kudos to you for helping get the animals as not sentient rolled back. I have never understood this, from the time I was a little girl, granted, I tend to be a bit of an animal empath, but if they don’t have emotions and feelings than we don’t either.
As for this:
Ok, so Trump puts tariffs on China. China retaliates by putting tariffs on US soy; putting US farmers in jeopardy. But China needs soy; so where does it turn to instead…
I am not surprised, in fact I was expecting it based on the posturing and the nonsense beginning with the campaign. What absolutely floors me is that not only the hardline Trump supporters, but many other people are going to interpret this as Trump actually doing something. Well, he is doing something. He is hurting the very people he promised to help even more than they were already hurt. Soy is a huge crop. Farmers are already under attack.
Why, why, can people not see this? This is what is challenging my own reality matrix as another poster mentioned. Things have gotten so bizarre and people believe things that you wouldn’t think they could possibly believe under any circumstances. And the corruption and destruction of the country and the world for the short term benefit of just a few is no longer hidden even a little. I honestly don’t understand how so many people are still blind to it.
Then I remember that the other part of the propaganda machine is keeping everyone’s hatred and entitlement and sense of grievance at the very front of their consciousness. This keeps the divisions in place.
Our eighty year war cycle is coming up – any prognostications on how the belligerents will shake out? Even back in the days of the campaign, I couldn’t see how pissing China off was going to do anyone any good at all. It is like the powers that be are consciously trying to destroy the western empire. I know we have warped into an evil empire just lately, and I know there is the bigger picture view of history, but I don’t really want to live through it or die in it. Not to mention that it is my personal opinion that the next war cycle isn’t going to go well for anyone.
As for sex with animals, I can’t really add anything to what people have already said except in support of the sandpapery cat tongues. I have had many a gentle tussle with loving cats licking my arm or leg in their language of affection. I don’t want to hurt their feelings, but I can only take so much – and that is on arm skin, much less anywhere more delicate and less keratinized.
Then there is the idea of getting cats to consistently do what you want them to do, as opposed to what they want to do. And it isn’t lack of intelligence either. I had a cat once, of the dozens I’ve been privileged to care for in this life, that holds the title of the smartest and most singular cat I’ve ever known. Lifelong cat haters were converted by the charm and intelligence of this cat.
Among other things, Twain, as that was his name, wore an invisible kitty wristwatch that told him when it was food time. If I didn’t hop to with alacrity, he would get on the counter and use both paws to reach in and throw the cans of cat food onto the floor, making a racket that brought the household running and giving me an annoyed look. I won’t bore you with tales of what he would do to wake my son and I before dawn when he got a little peckish and needed opposable thumbs to open the cans – ours. Suffice it to say that this was not the work of a creature with no brains, sentience or emotions. Oh and a creature that was well aware of the emotions of others too. Animals have empathy!
I tried to keep him off the counter to no avail. And I swear, Twain knew exactly what I wanted him to do and just didn’t care to do it. I could see it in the expression on his face. “Yes, I love you and I know you want me to get down, but I don’t want to. I already do a lot of things I wouldn’t just in being a housecat. Count your blessings and get the Fancy Feast,” said Twain.
I will close with a quote from his namesake:
Of all God’s creatures there is only one that cannot be made the slave of the lash. That one is the cat. If man could be crossed with the cat it would improve man, but it would deteriorate the cat.
Samuel Clemens – Notebook, 1894
@Katamount – I hesitate to mention this given the opening topic, and that I don’t want to give these guys further fuel to their hatred and ridiculousness, but there is a pretty great story in one of Susie Bright’s compilations about sex between a human woman and a centaur. The writer could write too, so the urban fairy tale and dreaminess aspects of the tale are just as strong as the sexy aspects.
@tim gueguen
Basically she and Tomi Lahren have been angling for the “who can be a bigger racist attention-grabber” prize for several years and her stupid South African farmer doc is just the latest stunt. What she’s doing in Oz is beyond me.
But no wonder she’s spending so much time out of her own home country given how diverse it is. But even then, when ever somebody talks about how multiculturalism is so evil, I have to ask: what “culture” do they think is so damned different?
I can’t help but think of the one clip from Bromwell High that I actually found funny:
Seriously, with everything so damned homogenized in this global, internet-driven society, we all watch the same TV and do the same stuff with our phones day-in, day-out, so everybody might as well like 2Pac, KFC and text messaging.
It’d be nice if the “multiculturalism” dog-whistle was dropped and they just came clean with the racism.
@Scildfreja Unnyðnes
“For the love of Chad, Montresor!”
“Yes, for the love of Chad”
From my family one of the reason for having a cat instead of a dog, is that a dog is much more work.
One of my familymembers have now 2 cats and 2 rabids (they say the rabids were the idea of my soon to be 3-year old nice, not convinced)
I actually just remembered something. If certain French advertisements are anything to go by, clearly its the guys that have things for animals rather than the ladies:
Why that mountain lion was using Orangina as aftershave, I haven’t the foggiest, but I guess the Orangina marketing folks succeeded because I remember them because of it.
And that wasn’t the only one….
Seriously, they made a whole ad campaign out of this! Sexy animal people using a carbonated orange drink for random shit not related to drinking it! It’s as mind-bendingly nonsensical as it is strangely captivating! B-gah! Can’t wrap… brain… around… marketing… decisions… ARGLEBARGLE–!
Welp, I know who I want to win the World Cup… especially if it results in more furry advertising. 😉
@tim gueguen
Superior race amirite fellas
I usually can bitterly laugh at these stories, but this one, for some reason, has made me more depressed than anything else I’ve read here.
Completely OT but does anyone have any suggestions for wording to write on the mylar blankets we are taking to the anti-Trump demo in London on Friday?
Many thanks for any succinct ideas.
Yeah, it can be scary to finally notice this. To finally see that this is still around, despite the vehement denial of men that it isn’t because they can’t see it.
No one here wants to view humanity as being guilty until proven innocent, but at the end of the day, we have to buckle down and do it for our own safety. It’s shitty, but that’s part of the reason why this blog exists. To warn other people that this is how some men feel comfortable acting. To hold up that mirror, and to show how other people do these terrible things.
The man who runs this blog, and a lot of the men who comment regularly on it, are slowly unlearning all the harmful things that they’ve been taught by society about women. They’ve taken a step towards understanding what we femme-presenting people have to put up with. They help us raise our voices in protest. And they understand that we have to have that fear for survival.
It is hard, but there will be people in your life, I hope, who would take the steps to prove that they’re capable of growing and changing and being a better person, if that makes sense.
Scottish protests have been a great source of inspiration for me personally (“Yer maw was an immigrant, ya great bawbag” is a personal favorite), but I would say anything promoting unity against his bullshit would be fantastic.
We have a campaign here (that might not apply to Londoners, unfortunately) that simply goes “Y’all means all”.
@Bearpelt wrote:
I usually can bitterly laugh at these stories, but this one, for some reason, has made me more depressed than anything else I’ve read here.
Me too. And I don’t entirely understand why. It isn’t like these folks lack for hatred on any regular Tuesday. Maybe it was the visual of some poor woman being torn apart by a two foot long – well you know.
Even worse after the recent discussion that a) penises don’t vary dramatically in size (at least intraspecies – can’t believe I am adding that caveat) and b) people who like the bepenised (still love that) aren’t that interested in the minute variations. We are actually more interested in the man.
Maybe it is the suggestion of rape worse than rape. Like those gangs in Africa that rape with objects once they finished raping with their penis because the penis can’t do enough damage.
Thank you for the laugh. I needed it. I’m thinking that the Orangina would be sticky on mountain lion fur, but it really does work as an ad. Makes you think that routine drug testing might not be a part of advertising culture doesn’t it?
No kidding the stuff said in this post made me want to go and hide under the bed.
Thank you for that one, @PI! 🙂
We have a couple of the blankets, I got them because of reading this kind of blanket was all they give the children separated from their parents at the border. One possible text we could write on them might just be something like “Kids don’t belong in cages” … ?
(PS disappearing now because time zones – I’ll check in again some time tomorrow. Good night mammotheers)
@Paradoxical Intention wrote:
Yeah, it can be scary to finally notice this. To finally see that this is still around, despite the vehement denial of men that it isn’t because they can’t see it.
Worse, it isn’t like I have been unaware and this is my big awakening. I am well versed in feminist theory and the like and try to be an astute observer of my world.
This is more subtle than that. This is realizing that men I talk to on the regular don’t really see me and worse a whole list of others. And of course I’ve encountered sexism and chauvinism before of the blatant and subtle varieties. As we all know that is more of a feature than a bug. But the casual – she wasn’t quite a person to us until recently – that I am picking up?
I know about othering but to me I guess I was missing a huge part of it. I understood the othering of black people or gay people, or trans people or Muslim people or whatever group you care to name. I am not arguing that this is a good thing by any means. But I still thought that even for hateful people that the operative concept was still people. Even if it was people who were different than whoever the subjective speaker was. Even if it was people who were hated.
And of course I’ve read, but apparently not understood the writing of any of the twentieth century genocides – and tried to understand without falling into the dehumanization trap myself. People did these things. I am a person. What circumstances could make me behave like this? Be vigilant.
I guess I thought it was rhetoric, not meant to be taken literally. What kind of a naïve moron are you AuntiMame? And mea culpa I guess. How could I have missed this? It is the dehumanization that is so assumed it is invisible that is getting to me. And yes, I know to do something really awful to people you have to dehumanize them to make it ok. It is just so….casual, accepted, so understood as a fact it doesn’t bear mentioning? All I know is that I feel stupid and dirty and hated and hating myself.
@AuntieMameRedux: I get what you mean, and there’s absolutely no need to feel bad about it. I find it’s always a little upsetting, really getting into someone else’s head, and much more so when their worldview is so alien and hateful. That doesn’t make you stupid.
Funnily enough, my own “big awakening” moment came from a Cracked article, of all things. I’d previously understood feminist issues very much in abstract, even economic, sense – as relationships between large, faceless social groups. Then I read this article, called something like “Five ways society teaches men to hate women”. It wasn’t a terribly good article, but it opened my eyes to the personal, visceral backing behind institutional misogyny.
First, thank you. Second I read that article! No kidding, it was one of the things that ultimately led me here in a chain of internet associations after punching ‘why do men hate women?’ Into a search engine as a joke a while back.
It is just the depth of the dehumanization that has me in a spin. And it is people I know. And one of the unpeople is me. I’ll assimilate the information.
Re Southern’s visit to Oz: I cheered in Australian when I read that on the Twitters last night. Of course her fans (and there are a lot of them here), are raging all over the internet about muh freeze peaches, and the end is nigh, and omg Australia is being run by PC police (that last is funny in a horrific way, given our current government’s ongoing lurch towards fascism).
Guys, she’s not being censored or silenced or banned. It’s not that windswept and interesting.
She filled out the wrong form.
Beware of her supporters on Twitter, btw. They’re almost as feral as Peterson’s. Speaking of Peterson, here he is claiming that a glass of apple cider kept him awake for 25 days:
(not making fun of food/drink allergies, I hasten to add – but awake for 25 days, seriously???)
Opposable Thumbs: I’d still go with “Seeking asylum isn’t illegal. Denying it is.”
Horses? Earlier today I was in 330 of them 🙂
Right, in, not on, a car which has 330 HP. My friend let me borrow her hot rod Benz. Modded 350 SLK. Yes. It’s fast. Very fast 🙂
I, the other Z, have a Nissan 350Z. Confused yet? Yeah I had to look up the HP, not bad either, low 300’s, other Z’s aforementioned car beats it.
Not that we engage in drag racing or anything. Because drag racing makes Baby Jesus cry.
Can’t afford that, gas alone, you can’t even afford to waste gas and if your touchy (and not all that great) car is either in the shop or you have to try to work on it yourself half the time ..
Our Miss T is interjecting about where they sell racing fuel at some gas station on Roosevelt rd.
Yeah. No.
Expensive pets you can barely afford to keep. No where near super expensive or ‘top of the line’ either. Most sports cars are touchy, and temperamental, and will drain your bank account. You had best know how to do most repairs.
Our Miss T wrapped a Lotus around a phone pole.
Our other Miss Z says (about her present car): I think I could get a Lotus 918 engine in it ..
WTF? Is WRONG with you? And: Why do I keep falling in with these people??
Well anyway, from us three lady gear heads alone, we have at least 1,000 horses between us 🙂
I attempted to do some research on this, and found a vaguely related video. It is certainly a thing.
Rubberbandits! “Horse Outside”! The single most Irish song ever recorded.
“He runs a bit like Shergar, and he jumps like Tir na nOg,
And he looks like Billie Piper after half an ounce of coke.”
And the boys are lookin jealous, as I lead yer one away
And just before I close the door I look at her and say
Would you be my girl, and she says I will of course
If ya grab me by the ponytail and ride me like a horse.
“Geh back you fool! That’s not a leprechaun! That’s Enda, he robbed the chemist’s with a hammer!”
“I Want To Fight Your Father” is also very good.
Ew. I don’t know what’s grosser, the very suggestion of that, this guy’s ignorant need to falsely and absurdly “explain” us women with demands of a false reality, or his apparent obsession with that fantasy.
“Women are all bisexual/all lesbians!”
“Women have sex with horses!”
“I MUST find an reason, no matter how bats*** crazy or ignorant, to explain why they won’t sleep with me and how the problem IS NOT me!”