alpha asshole cock carousel evil sexy ladies memes men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny

MGTOW Meme Friday: Frogs in hot tubs and sex-having women

Yes, that’s EXACTLY how I picture feminists.

By David Futrelle

Friday used to be meme-day here on We Hunted the Mammoth, so today I thought I’d revive the tradition with a few (relatively) fresh MGTOW memes I found on Facebook.

As you’ll notice, two of these memes are basically self-defeating, so poorly designed that they basically make the opposite of the point they’re intended to make. And the other two seem to come from a planet other than our own, in that they do not reflect anything close to reality on this planet.

The first self-defeating meme is the one above, featuring two non-MGTOW frogs enjoying a nice soak in a special frog hot tub. Given how cheerful they both look, it seems pretty clear the water is a long way from its boiling point, giving them plenty of time to jump to safety if the water  gets too hot for their tastes. No boiled frogs here, just a couple of frog buddies letting their tension melt away.

This next meme offers a visual representation of the so-called “cock carousel” that all (Western) women supposedly ride in their twenties.

Ok, just a few questions: If the gal on the left is supposed to be the typical young women, and the guy on the right is supposed to be the typical guy, who exactly are all these guys the gal is, er, “riding?” Unless all the women in the world are fucking the exact same couple of dozen dudes, shouldn’t the sides balance out, with typical men having a roughly similar number of partners as typical women?

In real life, of course, they do. And the number, not surprisingly, is way way way lower than the number the MGTOWs have cooked up in their fevered dreams. According to the CDC, the median number of (opposite sex) partners that Americans between 25 and 44 had over their lifetimes (as of 2011-2015) was 6.1 for men and 4.2 for women. Other studies have found slightly higher numbers, though it’s hard to tell how reliable any of these numbers are. Why do men have higher numbers than women? Possibly because men tend to exaggerate their numbers and women to underestimate theirs.

Here’s another meme from yet another planet:

The notion that the government does the bidding of women because they’re a slight majority of the electorate comes staright from good old Warren Farrell, the intellectual godfather of the Men’s Rights Movement, someone who clearly has no idea how politics actually works — despite his PhD in political science. Our current president bragged about sexually assaulting women, joked about sexually assaulting Elizabeth Warren at his rally yesterday, and appoints white men to fill the vast majority of key jobs in his administration. Once he puts another white dude on the Supreme Court — the apparent front-runner for the pick is a white dude — the court is likely to overturn Roe Vs Wade or take other steps to effectively outlaw abortion in huge portions of the US. 65% of women oppose overturning Roe, according to a recent  Quinnipiac poll,

But MGTOWs (and many MRAs) honestly think they live in some sort of “gynocracy.”

Let’s end with this cute little meme:

Obviously. the point of the meme is to suggest that marriage is a trap for men. But, er, it’s generally the man who offers the ring to the women, so doesn’t this meme imply that that it’s really the woman being trapped?

MGTOWs can’t do anything right, can they?

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6 years ago

Mama mia, that’s a spicy gynocracy!

PeeVee the Tired
PeeVee the Tired
6 years ago

My eyes rolled so hard, I sprained the muscles.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
6 years ago

Blargh. More poorly designed memes.

Michael Suttkus, II
Michael Suttkus, II
6 years ago

The first meme represents the well known “fact” that if you put frogs in boiling water, they’ll feel pain and hop out, but if you put them in cold water and slowly bring it to a boil, they’ll never become aware that they’re boiling and stay in the pot and die. It’s not an unbelievable claim, but I have no idea if it’s true or not.

In any event, that’s why the frogs in the pot are still in the pot.

Nothing else in the meme makes the slightest bit of sense. Why is a male feminist doing the boiling? Why is the MGTOW frog about to crash his head into the wall that is certainly behind the stove? Why are feminists human and MGTOW amphibians? Where did the frogs get tiny ice cream, and how does it stay unmelted? Why is the frog enjoying dairy products when frogs are unable to digest lactose? MADNESS!

6 years ago

Because women are basically the Borh and vote exactly the same?
Warren Farrell, what an asshole. Is his middle initial T?

sylvia bath
sylvia bath
6 years ago

Haha these memes required so much explanatory text, these guys might as well have just written blog posts. An incoherent rant about how scary the female dominated government is next to a scary woman is not a meme.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

That last one is from “conservative memes.” I thought that conservatives wanted people to get (straight) married? I thought women were all slutty single moms? Now marriage is bad? I guess if their God Trump is bad at marriage, marriage must be bad now.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

That last one is from “conservative memes.” I thought that conservatives wanted people to get (straight) married? I thought women were all slutty single moms? Now marriage is bad? I guess if their God Trump is bad at marriage, marriage must be bad now.

6 years ago

The fact that the one frog is holding an unmelted two-scoop ice cream cone really pulls that whole thing together. Or something.

I do love the assumption by MGTOWs that girls are never bullied. Oh no wait, I mean I’d like to beat the shit out of every dude who thinks women never get bullied by anyone.

PeeVee the Tired
PeeVee the Tired
6 years ago


As it happens, yes. Farrell’s middle name is Thomas. ?

6 years ago

The “Marriage is a trap!” idea seems like it goes back several decades, calling your wife a “ball and chain” is something I’ve seen in old comedy. Of course it is technically true that your wife could prevent you from doing what you want to do, but that is largely just a quality of being accountable to someone else. It is the oldest news in feminism that marriage is supposed to be a victory for the woman, but in reality it is not. Ironically I think the “Ball and chain” talk lessened a generation after 2nd wave feminism.

For the first meme, obviously their whole narrative summed up. They really do believe that some minority of men are sexing up the majority of women. That’s the whole alpha male stereotype, which seems to pervade the whole manosphere to various levels.

6 years ago

So I saw the new Bad Religion song last night.
Oops. fixed now.

6 years ago

That top image is NOT how I remember my youth, adolescence, and/or young adulthood.

Also: I am white, 50% of my grandparents are first or second generation immigrants from Europe, and I still rarely have that many white people around me even within my own family.

Also also: I feel stupid even saying this after my first two complaints, but that top image has really, really shitty graphic design. Like, seriously, I’d expect something better on the cover of a 5th grade book report. Even one that was half-assed the night before it was due.

6 years ago

Okay but can we talk about the fact that these utter giblets seem to think that girls (literally talking tweens here) are fucking dudes on the reg? Because it is Absolutely Not The Norm to think that your average 12-to-16-year-old girl is getting it on. With more than one guy, apparently.

I’m not sure how much of this is delusion and how much of it is wishful thinking on their part (because let’s be real, the manosphere is… largely pedophile-adjacent, where it’s not just outright full of dudes shrieking that It’s Ephebophilia, Actually), but either way I’m pretty dang skeeved out.

Bananananana dakry: Short-Haired, Fat, and Deranged
Bananananana dakry: Short-Haired, Fat, and Deranged
6 years ago

Also note that all the women/ girls in that ‘meme’ riding the carousel are Attractive-By-Societal-Standards women. Meaning white, thin, and often blonde. No women of size, no women of color, so on.

If you needed any proof that anybody not in that incredibly narrow set is literally invisible to manospherians…

6 years ago

I’m pretty sure I’ve seen that chief somewhere before, probably in another terrible meme. Didn’t know he was moonlighting as Feminism.

Indeed. That part of the meme was especially disgusting, but sadly not surprising.

6 years ago

Yeah, not surprised, just extra disgusted.

6 years ago

Aside from the pedophiliac implications of that long meme, what’s even the point of it? That (thin, conventionally attractive, white) women bang a bunch of dudes and eventually settle down with a ‘simp’, while MGTOWs live lonely, miserable lives that end in suicide? Is that supposed to be a selling point for the MGTOW lifestyle? That can’t possibly be it.

…it’s intended to be ragefuel to get the MGTOWs to want to make other people miserable/dead before the MGTOWs end up miserable/dead, isn’t it? Seems more like an incel meme, but I suppose any manospherian philosophy overlaps with 95+% of the ideals of any other manospherian. (That being that women are evil and should be treated as subhuman, etc…)

6 years ago

That Bad Religion video…bad chills.

6 years ago

Feminists will here be a-played by the Pizza Ghost!

6 years ago

Also, where is the alpha cock carousel and when is it my turn to ride?

(I’m not actually a woman but I’m sure I’m a “female” to these guys, so where are all these hot guys I’m allegedly always finding who are so attracted to me?)

6 years ago

“Unless all the women in the world are fucking the exact same couple of dozen dudes…” Isn’t that basically the Incel conceit, concisely stated? They think there are a small number of men who are having lots and lots of sex with lots of women, and that’s the reason they’re not getting any.

Samantha Kaswell
Samantha Kaswell
6 years ago

You know, with Roe v. Wade likely to go under, we women are going to have to find other ways to both prevent and end unwanted pregnancies. Back in the soon-to-be-relived bad old days, I knew women, married and not, who went to great lengths to hide pregnancies from the fathers until they could end them.

I lived in Chicago as a teen and I remember seeing the lurid photos of women dead from botched, back alley abortions. I cannot help but think that this is something these men WANT to see happen, perhaps as a way to make us so fearful that we will obediently go through as many pregnancies as our “masters” want, producing soldiers and consumers…our lives fading away because of it.

How long are we going to allow men to have ANY say over our lives, our choices? How many women have to die for the pleasure of those who fancy themselves our owners? How long are we going to allow them to define us by our biology, telling us that the only justification for our very existence lies in our wombs? Why are they not defined solely by their testicles???

Tabby Lavalamp
Tabby Lavalamp
6 years ago

Look at those nerdy men in that cock carousel meme doing nerdy things! Nerds!

When I was playing Magic The Gathering tonight, I made sure to let all the guys around me know they were nerds and would never find love. The other women also playing there joined me and we formed a coven where we chanted “NERDS! NERDS! NERDS!” in between games.

6 years ago

Why is the blue pill frog missing another eye? Like, where is it?

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