actual activism racism sexual abuse sexual assault trump

PROTEST Donald Trump’s Unconscionable Immigration Policies TOMORROW June 30th!

Go to to find an event near you

By David Futrelle

If Donald Trump’s immigration policies make you sick to your stomach, join with thousands if not millions of other Americans and PROTEST tomorrow. There are literally hundreds of events planned across the country, in every state.

You can find one near you at the MoveOn site, where there’s an interactive version of that map there at the top of the page.

If you can’t make it in person there are many other ways to help. For example, CALL YOUR REPS about this issue — 5 Calls has all the numbers you need and helpful scripts. And remember, you can call more than once about immigration over several days. 5 Calls has scripts and advice on how to call to urge your reps to:

  • Abolish ICE
  • Demand Family Reunification
  • Demand accountability for the sexual abuse of immigrants
  • Block the indefinite detention of immigrant families — adults and children
  • Demand the resignation of Stephen Miller
  • Demand the resignation of DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen

And more.

And while you’re at it, demand that no Supreme Court nominee be considered until after the midterm elections. Mitch McConnell straight-up stole a Supreme Court seat for Trump and we shouldn’t give him another pick while he’s under investigation for possible (well, a lot more than possible) collusion with a hostile foreign power.

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6 years ago

Is there something I can do to help, being outside the US?

I’m in Germany and I find the atrocities committed by that man and his cronies absolutely abominable.

The tone in European politics and especially its treatments of refugees has grown much, much harsher in the last few year, which I mainly blame on the rise of the alt-right and the political left not doing enough to stop it.

We’re all in the same boat. If Trumpism triumphs, we’re all fucked.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Looking forward to mine. I have no idea how many people are attending though. I can’t find info on the number of RSVPs anywhere.

In other news, I somehow got injured by a chip crumb. I didn’t think such a thing was even possible. I was digging the little broken chip pieces out of the bottom of the bag of Tostitos and somehow a crumb got wedged into the skin on my finger. Like a wood splinter. I feel really stupid.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

While we’re demanding resignations, why not:

* Demand the resignation of Donald Trump.
* Demand the resignation of Mike Pence.


6 years ago

If anyone’s in Toronto, there’s one in front of the US Consulate (360 University Ave) from 9:30am to noon (and one the following day at one of Canada’s immigration holding centres on Rexdale Blvd., but that location’s trickier to get to).

6 years ago

I had signed up for the one in my city, and then I got an email today from the organizer saying it had been cancelled…

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee


Did you check to see if there’s a different one in your area? In my area, there were three that went up right away and then they all got cancelled to consolidate it into one event at a different location. If you haven’t already, I’d go to the site and reenter your zip code to see if there’s another one nearbye.

6 years ago

I would take part but I’m several miles too far away and I promised my father I’d pay a visit. If we were at war this would be a war crime. Just stay safe everyone.

6 years ago

Been away for a few days visiting family, and have troubles accessing this place.

So… have the incels claimed the Annapolis shooter as one of their own yet?

6 years ago

Better than invoking McConnell’s unethical & immoral nonsense – a president who is under investigation should not be allowed to nominate the person who may decide his fate. No one gets to pick their own judge and neither should he. No nomination until the investigation is finished and he’s either cleared (ha!) or convicted.

Saw a great post on this yesterday:

6 years ago

If we were at war this would be a war crime.

We are at war.

Seconding what WWTH said. The event I RSVPd for got consolidated with another and the time and location were updated.

6 years ago

Since I can’t travel. I’m there in spirit!

Laugher at Bigots, Mewling Mouseman

My well-wishes are with everyone protesting tomorrow. For a variety of reasons, I cannot attend one myself.

Brazilian Sigma
Brazilian Sigma
6 years ago

And maybe, in 6 months, we in Brazil will have our own mix of Trump and Duderte 🙁 . Research about Bolsonaro

Bananananana dakry: Short-Haired, Fat, and Deranged
Bananananana dakry: Short-Haired, Fat, and Deranged
6 years ago

My sense of outrage and my introversion are fighting. Right now intending on going with the hushuman to the one in Irvine, CA. I just hope I have the energy for both marching and for dealing with people. I’m trying to remind myself that if I don’t protest this horribleness now, I may have that right taken from me later. And other people are having their rights fucked with now, for no other reason than nationality and ethnicity.

Arrrgh. This is why I hate phone calls too. Introverts make lousy protesters.

I mean, it’s the first day of my vacation and Mr. Dakry is one week into his, I should move my goddamn ass on it. Between me fighting off a sinus infection and Mr. Dakry being formally diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, however, we’ve had some interference.

I’m just sick of rich old men destroying the rest of us for their benefit. And that’s what it all boils down to.

6 years ago

My problem was that the protest I was going to be at was going to be at the state capital (Topeka) where I live, right outside the capital building. Instant optics. The other one will be at Lawrence, which was founded on the concept of being Kansas’s liberal enclave (i.e. anti-slavery at the time), and has thus always been dismissed and blacked-out by the state media as a bunch of hippies that no one should ever pay attention to. So if I expend the gas money to get out there, I may be able to boost a sense of solidarity with the people I’m near, but I can guarantee you that no one else will be listening (aside from the Stasi).

(A)utonomous Escapist
(A)utonomous Escapist
6 years ago

@Maledicta: Depending on where you are in germany, I can guarantee that there are ways to get involved in the struggle against racist policies, they might not come from the political establishment though.

Trump’s getting plenty of attention where I am, but we kinda have the spectre of our own political environment pitching into a rightward spiral of undermining all social policy, blaming muslim immigrants and figthing any kind of knowledge-based policy, and this is infecting all of the political landscape basically.

Protest at every turn. Build infrastructure of resistance.

Chris Oakley
6 years ago

I’m going to the Boston City Hall rally.

6 years ago

@Surplus: they all need to go. Every single fucking one of them. I don’t want another situation like we had with the Nixon administration where we keep some of these assholes around. It’s far too much of a concession. Maybe they don’t all need to go to jail, but they need to at least be out of a job.

6 years ago

Bananananana dakry – Husbeast and I are going to the one in Moreno Valley.

After reading about protests being consolidated/moved/cancelled, I checked my email to see if that happened to ours. Thankfully, it’s still on and in the original location.

I was going to make a bunch of signs to take and give out to others, but I ended up spending way too much time* on just one, so Husbeast and I will take turns with the one I managed to finish.

*there are drawbacks to being a Graphic Design student and perfectionist. Ah, well. I learned a lot and will do better next time!

6 years ago

Hambeast, you may have only one sign, but I bet it’s the best-kerned sign at the protest!

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Seems like a lot of them are already going. Mine’s not until 2:00 central time for some reason. Looking forward to it and I hope we get some good speakers.

6 years ago

Really looking forward to the photos of these protests!

Moon Custafer
Moon Custafer
6 years ago

Managed two hours 9:30-11:30 am of the Toronto rally. It seemed to go well, despite the heat; several volunteers brought a big sunshade, to add to the trees.

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meanie
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meanie
6 years ago

I’d be willing(ish)* to go today, but I’m working both jobs today, and the nearest protest to me is 45 minuets away. Meaning I’d literally have just enough time to drive there, take a selfie, then go to job #2. ASSuming, of course, that I didn’t run into major traffic jams going in or out, found parking pretty close by, etc.

Best I can do is offer up prayers that things don’t devolve into a massive crackdown – now or later.

*I’d be a lone woman in a strange city, with no-one to watch out for me if things go south. Based on the protest advice Dieago gave earlier, that doesn’t seem like a real good idea for me to try that this round.

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, FemiNest Collective agent, Hell Toupee keeper, & Intergalactic Meanie
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, FemiNest Collective agent, Hell Toupee keeper, & Intergalactic Meanie
6 years ago

I’d be willing(ish)* to go today, but I’m working both jobs today, and the nearest protest to me is 45 minuets away. Meaning I’d literally have just enough time to drive there, take a selfie, then go to job #2. ASSuming, of course, that I didn’t run into major traffic jams going in or out, found parking pretty close by, etc.

Best I can do is offer up prayers that things don’t devolve into a massive crackdown – now or later.

*I’d be a lone woman in a strange city, with no-one to watch out for me if things go south. Based on the protest advice Dieago gave earlier, it just seemed the wiser course at this time, especially with my extremely tight time constraints. Sorry. 🙁