alt-right anti-Semitism chad thundercock creepy cuck empathy deficit entitled babies incels men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism rape culture rape is good actually soyboys tyrone

Incels: We’d enslave women tomorrow if it weren’t for those meddling cucks!

If women were enslaved, I’m sure the incels would start complaining about having to pay for them.

By David Futrelle

On the forums, a bunch of the regulars recently had a little debate over slavery. Not whether or not the enslavement of women (or blacks, or whoever) is morally wrong; they didn’t care. No, the main question on the table was why men haven’t already enslaved women, given what a great idea it is.

Someone called lesbianwalrus — but who presumably was neither — started off the “debate” with this lovely post:

lesbianwalrus twistedcel - Jun 4, 2018#1 We have a choice between spending endless amounts of time and energy courting them and just straight up enslaving them. Enslaving them would free up men's time to focus on more constructive goals like curing diseases, developing technology, ect. It would be effortless too. Women are too weak and incompetent to put up a fight. And given that we live in a godless world we don't have to worry about moral justification or any other baseless normie assumptions about the universe. Might is right. Men only have to will it and then it is done. As Schopenhauer said, women are a constant stimulus to men's ignoble ambitions. Let's just do away with them and be done with it.

I’m not sure if that bit at the end was a reference to abolishing women’s basic human rights, or an outright call for genocide — it’s so hard to tell with these guys! — but the other incels who replied stuck with the issue of slavery. All but one thought that enslaving women would be great for guys like them, though there were a few different explanations as to why men haven’t just gone ahead and done it yet.

According to longtime member Newbite the problem is that “soyboys are too powerful.” Mentalcel lamented that “western civilization chose cuckery and political correctness.” Imbored21 declared that “men are pathetic betas” and that “[w]omen have us by the balls.”

But not everyone blamed men — or even soyboys —  as a whole. ElliotRodgerHere, reminding us once again that bigotries flock together, pointed his finger of blame at a familiar target: The Jews,  — or, as he put it, that “small parasitic tribe” that runs the world and “decides these things for us.”

Damn those evil Jews for preventing us from enslaving women! Is there no end to their depravity?

A few commenters conjectured that re-enslaving black men would help incels like them by cockblocking the “Tyrones” — the black equivalents to the evil white Chads who allegedly steal all the women who would otherwise be forced to date incels.

But the creepiest post of the bunch came from someone ominously named The End, who suggested that incels might not have to wait for all women to be enslaved to have a sex slave of their own.

The End Captain - Jun 4, 2018#8 I've wondered this myself. I think maybe we have gotten too cultured. We see everyone as autonomous individuals, and trapping them in such small paradigms seems morally wrong. I agree, it is morally wrong to force women to be sex-slaves - but they were like that for hundreds of thousands of years for a reason. I don't think we can go back to dominating women, but it would probably help humanity as a whole (if implemented right; don't forget to look at ass-crack middle east). I've thought many, many times of capturing a girl to use as my plaything. Maybe that is a natural and ordinary desire.

Well doesn’t that just make your skin crawl? And The End isn’t just some drive-by troll. He’s made nearly 2000 posts to since joining in April. Evidently he’s found a welcoming home on, which is nearly as sickening a thought as his comments about capturing himself a “plaything.”

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6 years ago

Re: FB post stalker

I am so, so done with people like the few in the thread who express sympathy for this creep with excuses like “just trying to court her” and “not trying to be creepy.”

Why exactly are they ignoring the part where he uses an app to PREVENT her from blocking his texts? Evidently he anticipated that his contact would be unwanted and took active measures to get around it. That is not an honest mistake by a poor naive loveshy who doesn’t know any better. It’s fully fucking intended, premeditated harassment. Read: her feelings did not matter (except as an obstacle to be bypassed).

Dollars to donuts guys crying pity all over threads for creepers like this don’t spare an ounce of sympathy for children and families suffering actual human rights abuses at the border.

6 years ago

When I first heard of “incel” it was way long ago. I came close to claiming the title because I technically fit the description at the time and I didn’t know just how full of sunshine these dudes were at the time. I’m so glad I didn’t lol.

6 years ago


The experience of enslaved mothers who cannot choose whether to have children and cannot protect or save the ones they have: it’s nightmare fuel.

Yep. It’s a central part of the history of the United States. For 86 years enshrined in US law, practiced as British colonies for 157 years before that. It continues indirectly to the present day in terms of access to birth control and disproportionate state seizure of brown and black kids into the foster care system, if not outright killing them.

Not just nightmare fuel, but the stuff of living memories and lived experiences of too many people today.

White women are freaking out about The Handmaid’s Tale. With good reason. Yet black and native women are saying that’s not dystopic fiction, that’s our history.

(A)utonomous Escapist
(A)utonomous Escapist
6 years ago

@Dormousing_it: Most of Europe did pick up the Ariel Castro-case, and many drawing parallels to Fritzl. We don’t get that many extraordinarily gruesome cases in Scandinavia, so most media do pick up anything out of the ordinary compared to all the euphemistically named “family tragedies” where men “suddenly and unexplainably” murder partners/expartners/children, but ya know, it’s not like we have a masculinity-problem or anything.

6 years ago

Well slave rebellions are nothing new, and can grow to large proportions. The three Servile Wars during the latter stages of the Roman Republic tell us that. I guess historical and cultural factors are the reason why the third rebellion (under Spartacus) is the best known.

Slavery. A really bad idea. I sometimes wonder why it took thousands of years to be formally abolished in most places.

6 years ago


I’d love to see links to the discussions by disillusioned Red Pillers.


Sorry, I don’t know if I’m too late I just saw your comment.

I meant to type r/exredpill not r/redpill

If you go on that sub it’s got a bunch of guys trying to detox from that shit. Some of them come off as a little self absorbed with how it’s been affecting them, (nevermind the women in their life) but I get a little shot of hope seeing that people really do reemerge from the redpill/blackpill cesspool and there are so many sensible people on the sub offering advice for deprogramming.

6 years ago

Yet black and native women are saying that’s not dystopic fiction, that’s our history.

I would very much imagine that white women know it’s their history – and all too often their current reality as well. My (white) grandmother was one of the first to be ‘permitted’ to have contraception by her doctor. She had 1 child dead of infectious disease, 4 living, of which one had a disability. She could barely feed the three of them (the disabled one was essentially taken from her by the state for the entire school year), let alone any more. She was aged about 25 and would most definitely have had another 10 or so on the way.

6 years ago

@Doormousing: Yeah Swedish media covered the Castro case too.

Like, obviously men who do stuff like that are a very, very small minority. But you never hear about women kidnapping men and keeping them as sex slaves. Because the idea that this could be a way for a woman to get a male companion isn’t even hinted at in our culture, whereas the opposite is.

I haven’t seen the Almodovar movie “tie me up, tie me down”, but I know it’s about a stalker who kidnaps a woman so that she’ll fall in love with him and it works. Just as an example.

Diego Duarte
Diego Duarte
6 years ago

OFF-TOPIC: Lo and behold! Just a few days after Milo calling for journalists to get shot, a massive shooting just happens at the Gazette offices in MD:

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

The shooter is in custody, so I’m assuming he’s white, but so far I haven’t seen any info about motive.

6 years ago

Incel = Immoral Narcissist Criminal Evil Losers. They make a mockery out of their freedom of speech.

Full Metal Ox
6 years ago

@ Dvärghundspossen: It’s a statistical rarity, but offhand, I can think of at least one female-against-male abduction and rape, between expatriate Americans in England (and note the media’s flippant coverage of the incident as if it were a lurid porn fantasy, as well as the reason McKinney wasn’t charged with rape per se):

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

Rightwingers’ latest whine: that thugs of the regime can’t hide the fact that they are thugs of the regime from restaurant hecklers and Tinder left-swipers:

6 years ago

@Full Metal Ox

The media used the case as comedic relief. Ugh. But when you consider only people that get people across nation borders, there are a lot of kidnappers in the world.

Podkayne Lives
Podkayne Lives
6 years ago

The shooter is in custody, so I’m assuming he’s white, but so far I haven’t seen any info about motive.

White, male, 20s. So about what you would have presumed. But he’s refusing to identify himself.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago


The shooter is in custody, so I’m assuming he’s white, but so far I haven’t seen any info about motive.


“A white male in his late 30s living in Maryland has been arrested and is being questioned.”

And it’s not just another rando disgruntled ex-employee going postal:

“Police said it was a targeted attack on the newspaper, which had recently received “violent” threats through social media.”

Right-wing threats? Now comes the really disturbing part:

“The New York City Police Department (NYPD) later said it had deployed counterterrorism teams to media organisations in and around New York City as a precaution.”

How easily things could slip from those “counterterrorism teams” being there to protect employees from armed terrorists to them being there to make sure they publish the correct opinions of Trump, the correct (omissions of) information about the effects of his policies, and the correct (alternative) facts about matters in general … I don’t know about you, but I don’t like the idea of armed officers of forces known to have been widely infiltrated by white supremacists looming over the rank-and-file workers of the Fourth Estate in any (supposed) democracy …

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Don’t know if he was a Trumpkin or inspired by all the attacks on the media by right wingers, but he was an incel type

Every time there’s a mass shooting you can bet it’s either a Nazi, a misogynist, or both. Has there ever been an exception to this?

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

Aside: what is it with Twitter’s UI and cropped rectangles of unreadable text? “Ook, you’ve probably gotten a friend hool classmate” indeed! I’ve seen similar things a few times, usually after following links from here. Is this just Twitter’s version of how social media sites generally act dickish to people who view public stuff there but haven’t signed up for an account?

6 years ago

Hopefully these nasties have never heard of John Norman, and John Norman has never heard of them.

John Norman writes better.

6 years ago

Dear incel creepers, permit me to refute you point by point. I’m sure you’ll find this edifying. And heaven knows you’re in need of edification. Ready? Let’s begin:

“We have a choice between spending endless amounts of time and energy courting them and just straight up enslaving them.”

Oh really? Do you? Seems like an awfully narrow range of choices to me.

“Enslaving them would free up men’s time to focus on more constructive goals like curing diseases, developing technology, ect.”

Actually, it would force men to spend a LOT more time and energy on keeping women enslaved, because we don’t fucking WANT to be any man’s slave.

Also, you might want to spend some time on more constructive goals, such as learning to spell “etc.” Because not only do we not want to be your slave, we also don’t want to be slaves to such fucking idiots as can’t spell perfectly simple abbreviations.

“Women are too weak and incompetent to put up a fight.”

Not the ones in my Wen-Do class, ha ha. Every one of them, from the tiny 12-year-old to the skinny grandma in her late 70s, learned how to break a board that took twice as much force to shatter as a human collarbone. Without your collarbones, your arms are useless no matter how big your biceps. You can’t wield a knife or shoot a gun if you can’t lift an arm, either.

Also, this “weak and incompetent” woman here corrected your shitty spelling. I’d say that makes me stronger and more competent mentally than you. Good luck with that enslavement shit!

“And given that we live in a godless world we don’t have to worry about moral justification or any other baseless normie assumptions about the universe.”

Actually, you do, because we’re still gonna judge the hell out of you, religious beliefs or no. And you might be interested to know that people who don’t believe in your patriarchal gods, also don’t believe in masters or slavery. So that undermines your fiendish plan rather badly.

“Might is right. Men only have to will it and then it is done.”

Bullshit is bullish, and also shitty. Your will means nothing. And if you try to impose it by force, you will be met with much greater force. Bank on it.

“As Schopenhauer said, women are a constant stimulus to men’s ignoble ambitions. Let’s just do away with them and be done with it.”

Well, if he said that, he was full of shit. And if we bother you so much, there’s a very simple solution to your problem: Fuck off to a desert island. All of you. There, you’ll soon be too busy struggling to survive to devote any more thought to your toxic ideas about us, and there won’t be any internet for you to do it on, either.

And you won’t have to do away with anyone but your shitty selves, either.

6 years ago

And furthermore:

“I think maybe we have gotten too cultured.”

You? Incels? Perish that thought. No, really, PERISH IT.

“We see everyone as autonomous individuals…”

You say that like it’s a BAD thing.

“I agree, it is morally wrong to force women to be sex-slaves, but…”

But me no buts. It is morally wrong, period. And it will backfire on you badly if you try it.

“…but they were like that for hundreds of thousands of years for a reason.”

Citation needed. I see not one reputable anthropologist making any such assertions, so I’m going to go ahead and say ASSFAX.

“I don’t think we can go back to dominating women…”

You can’t. And you shouldn’t even try.

“…but it would help humanity as a whole…”

NO IT WOULD NOT. Half of humanity is still human, and all of it hates slavery, and will hate YOU for it.

“(if implemented right; don’t forget to look at ass-crack middle east).”

There is no “right” way to implement slavery. It’s wrong, remember?

Also, keep your asinine cracks about the Middle East to yourself, preferably up that crack in your own ass where you pulled them from.

“I’ve thought many, many times of capturing a girl to use as my plaything. Maybe that is a natural and ordinary desire.”

No. NO, it is NOT. And you really need a swift kick to the ‘nads for that.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
6 years ago

I’m beginning to think the Civil War has already started, and we haven’t realized it yet.

Instead of announcing themselves with a Fort Sumter event, they’re just going out and picking us off 8 and 10 at a time via mass shootings.

PeeVee the Tired
PeeVee the Tired
6 years ago

Apparently, the Capital shooter had a gigantic vendetta against that paper.

He also sued the paper for defamation, and lost.


@ lyserrrgic deleted it, stating that he found out it was fake.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
6 years ago

Slavery. A really bad idea. I sometimes wonder why it took thousands of years to be formally abolished in most places.

I always thought it was no coincidence that slavery began to be abolished worldwide around the time oil began to be extracted in large enough quantities for industrial use. One barrel of oil can perform the work of many slaves, cheaply. And it doesn’t need to be fed and housed.

So, maybe it’s not a coincidence that calls for slavery are on the increase again now that fossil fuels are starting to be depleted.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago


Who the hell is John Norman? I don’t recognize that name, and though it looks like you’re quoting something, the only occurrences of that name on this page (until my comment here) were the three in your comment. That comment thus appears to begin and end in mid-air. Clearly there’s some context accidentally omitted…


Same goes for lyserrrgic. Control-F finds no other mention on this page. He deleted what because he found out it was fake?


Close. Slavery seems to have been abolished, or movements begun in that direction, in most places around the same time the steam engine showed up in that place. In the US, for example, the Civil War and the use of the steam engine reaching the knee of the curve seem to have been contemporaneous. By the 1880s, locomotives were everywhere, as were factories that used steam power.

Slavery stops in formerly slave-keeping cultures when either the slavery-reliant elites are overthrown by an external force that is hostile to the practice, or when those elites find a substitute that lets them keep their lavish lifestyles while enjoying better optics. An internal overthrow won’t usually do it. The new elites will come from the same culture of slave-keeping as the old, most usually. Note that the US had both processes occur. Elites in the north didn’t, for the most part, keep slaves themselves but they certainly liked them some cheap cotton prices. Only with the introduction of the steam engine did abolitionism gain momentum outside the Deep South. And then it took a war upon the Deep South by the abolitionist North to end slavery there.

Slavery seems to be like a horrible, addictive drug in this way: once a society starts, it’s hard for it to quit, except by force or with the “methadone” of technologies that grant sufficient mechanical power. Even then, nasty after-effects linger, in the form of institutionalized racism, especially in the regions where slaves were actually held, and inside those regions there’s a general lack of cooperative and trusting norms, a legacy of centuries perhaps of fearing slave revolts and having had a constant us-vs.-them siege mentality on both sides. Even now the US Deep South is a place of extreme racism, religious extremes, a lack of civic spirit and public investment (to a far greater degree than in the rest of the US, even other red states), and gun-totin’ individualism. The southern part of Italy’s boot shows similar aftereffects … because the Roman Empire kept slaves in that region before it fell. Which it did 1500 years ago. Guess which part of Italy spawned the current resurgence of fascism there?