alt-right anti-Semitism chad thundercock creepy cuck empathy deficit entitled babies incels men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism rape culture rape is good actually soyboys tyrone

Incels: We’d enslave women tomorrow if it weren’t for those meddling cucks!

If women were enslaved, I’m sure the incels would start complaining about having to pay for them.

By David Futrelle

On the forums, a bunch of the regulars recently had a little debate over slavery. Not whether or not the enslavement of women (or blacks, or whoever) is morally wrong; they didn’t care. No, the main question on the table was why men haven’t already enslaved women, given what a great idea it is.

Someone called lesbianwalrus — but who presumably was neither — started off the “debate” with this lovely post:

lesbianwalrus twistedcel - Jun 4, 2018#1 We have a choice between spending endless amounts of time and energy courting them and just straight up enslaving them. Enslaving them would free up men's time to focus on more constructive goals like curing diseases, developing technology, ect. It would be effortless too. Women are too weak and incompetent to put up a fight. And given that we live in a godless world we don't have to worry about moral justification or any other baseless normie assumptions about the universe. Might is right. Men only have to will it and then it is done. As Schopenhauer said, women are a constant stimulus to men's ignoble ambitions. Let's just do away with them and be done with it.

I’m not sure if that bit at the end was a reference to abolishing women’s basic human rights, or an outright call for genocide — it’s so hard to tell with these guys! — but the other incels who replied stuck with the issue of slavery. All but one thought that enslaving women would be great for guys like them, though there were a few different explanations as to why men haven’t just gone ahead and done it yet.

According to longtime member Newbite the problem is that “soyboys are too powerful.” Mentalcel lamented that “western civilization chose cuckery and political correctness.” Imbored21 declared that “men are pathetic betas” and that “[w]omen have us by the balls.”

But not everyone blamed men — or even soyboys —  as a whole. ElliotRodgerHere, reminding us once again that bigotries flock together, pointed his finger of blame at a familiar target: The Jews,  — or, as he put it, that “small parasitic tribe” that runs the world and “decides these things for us.”

Damn those evil Jews for preventing us from enslaving women! Is there no end to their depravity?

A few commenters conjectured that re-enslaving black men would help incels like them by cockblocking the “Tyrones” — the black equivalents to the evil white Chads who allegedly steal all the women who would otherwise be forced to date incels.

But the creepiest post of the bunch came from someone ominously named The End, who suggested that incels might not have to wait for all women to be enslaved to have a sex slave of their own.

The End Captain - Jun 4, 2018#8 I've wondered this myself. I think maybe we have gotten too cultured. We see everyone as autonomous individuals, and trapping them in such small paradigms seems morally wrong. I agree, it is morally wrong to force women to be sex-slaves - but they were like that for hundreds of thousands of years for a reason. I don't think we can go back to dominating women, but it would probably help humanity as a whole (if implemented right; don't forget to look at ass-crack middle east). I've thought many, many times of capturing a girl to use as my plaything. Maybe that is a natural and ordinary desire.

Well doesn’t that just make your skin crawl? And The End isn’t just some drive-by troll. He’s made nearly 2000 posts to since joining in April. Evidently he’s found a welcoming home on, which is nearly as sickening a thought as his comments about capturing himself a “plaything.”

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6 years ago

Women are too weak and incompetent to put up a fight.

Try me.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
6 years ago

“Too weak and incompetent.”

I know a 70-something Marine who would chuckle at that. She can still put a bullet in the gold, too.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Women were sex slaves for hundreds of thousands of years? Um…

citation needed.

tim gueguen
6 years ago

Hopefully these nasties have never heard of John Norman, and John Norman has never heard of them.

6 years ago

Incels are a mistake of humankind.

6 years ago

“Women are too weak and incompetent to put up a fight.”

“Try me.”

Kupo I like your attitude.
Not that it makes them any less dangerous (as we’ve unfortunately seen) when they are behind a wheel or a gun, but these punks are weak cravens of the highest order. I think their weakness is in direct proportion to the extravagance of their disdainful fantasies

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

It’s things like this that make me believe that none of these barely-sentient, nickel-plated loofahs have ever actually sat down and spoken to a woman. Or picked up a damn history textbook.

Women are too weak and incompetent to put up a fight.

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To paraphrase my grandma: You might be bigger and stronger than me, but you gotta go to sleep sometime. And if you don’t think I wouldn’t take my chance to fuck you up beyond recognition, you’re clearly too incompetent to “enslave” me.

I cowed before an abusive POS man once in my life. Once. Never again.

6 years ago

In better news I was on r/redpill today looking at posts by guys who have managed to get some of the wool out of their eyes and come to grips with the fact that women just don’t seem to actually reflect what TRPers and MGTOWS and incels say about them.
There’s doofuses on there trying to rationalize redpill stuff too but a lot of them are seeking advice for shaking off the lingering programming and insecurity that that stuff has given them. There were some really interesting personal reveals from guys about how one or more of those mindsets groups managed to nail them with their particular insecurities as a foothold

epitome of incomprehensibility

Dear “lesbianwalrus,”

1. Enslaving people on a large scale wouldn’t just be evil, it also wouldn’t be easy.

2. You don’t seem to be even starting to think about constructive goals. Why would that suddenly change if women were enslaved?

3. All women are weak and incompetent? Compared to what? And how do you prove that?

4. Atheism doesn’t equal a lack of morality. That’s just silly.

5. “Men only have to will it.” First you’re a cold-hard (pseudo-) rationalist and two sentences later you’re all about magical thinking. Okay.

6. Perhaps you cite Schopenhauer because his works could explain the apparent contradiction you just made? Oh no, you’re just quoting him because he said something against women. Okay.

7. “Let’s just do away with them and be done with it.” Unclear antecedent. It sounds like you want to get rid of ambitions (the closest plural noun).

2/10. A no-sell (cel?)

6 years ago

Ok, happy to debate this, but I need to sleep soon, so I may not be back for up to 15 hours. But initial thoughts…

Societies have tried to do this. Ancient Athens said women had to stay in their private sphere. Rome didn’t recognise women’s testimony (geddit?), it wasn’t until the 19th century that UK law recognised that married women retained their own property. And I was sexually active (I’m 45) before UK law recognised my right to sexually refuse a husband.

So tell me again that sexual slavery hasn’t existed in the past, and doesn’t exist now.

Where it all collapses is that most men like women. Sometimes they love them. Most men are fond of their mums (US edition – moms). Individual men are better than this, but they have to function within the system. So we still see men refusing to do domestic chores. Plus a load of other nonsense.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Somebody just finished Baby’s First Philosophy Course.

I have a hard time believing these nihilistic fuckwitted garbage barges would be out there discovering cures for cancer, if only they were allowed to enslave women. Most of them can’t even describe basic human anatomy correctly.

Also, pepper spray is a thing.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

I think these guys have always been around. Until the availability of incels fora made them visible, they stewed away invisibly like ticking bombs until one day making the evening news. You know the kind of stories:




“He was quiet. Kept to himself. I never would have imagined…”

I sincerely hope David reported that last post about “capturing a girl” to the cops.

Ivory Bill Woodpecker
Ivory Bill Woodpecker
6 years ago

“Women are too weak and incompetent to put up a fight.”

Uh, don’t bet your gonads on that, Lezwalrus…

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Ivory Bill Woodpecker
Ivory Bill Woodpecker
6 years ago

I can’t seem to post here lately. Have I offended the host?

6 years ago

Damn those evil Jews for preventing us from enslaving women! Is there no end to their depravity

Remind me to thank a Jew!

Seriously, I think women were the ones who fought hard to free women from the repressiveness of the patriarchy. Of course, many men fought alongside us, and no doubt some of those were Jews. But my grandmother was not Jewish….and I would dare any of these men to try to enslave her, my mother, my sisters, or myself. Separate or apart, we are mostly able to protect ourselves (though we are not invulnerable and do not have magic lassos).

Malice W Underland
6 years ago

Against my better judgment, I’m a little bit glad that the NRA has been aggressively marketing its brand to women. (Okay, I’m in Canada, but we have gun nuts too and I’m sure there’s some crossover effect.)

Also, when exactly did incels start disdainfully accusing other men of being betas? I thought incels built their whole identity around being the pitiable bottom of the heap. Has there been a major cross-pollination lately with other manosphere sects, or was I missing something all along?

And how TF does it make sense that “betas” run everything? Doesn’t that make them alphas? Is this one of those cult psychology things where they teach a deliberately outrageous or self-contradictory doctrine so that you have to turn off your faculties of critical thinking in order to “understand” it?

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago
Steven I Dutch
Steven I Dutch
6 years ago

When I saw “Women have men by the balls” I immediately thought of the legendary, maybe apocryphal military officer who said “When you got ’em by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow.”

My father, who was neither liberal nor liberated, had the philosophy that if someone needed help, you pitched in. There was no nonsense about men not doing household chores.

In a somewhat more compassionate vein, I recently saw speculation that a lot of these guys are on the autism spectrum. That would explain (though not excuse) a lot.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
6 years ago

We have a choice between spending endless amounts of time and energy courting them and just straight up enslaving them. Enslaving them would free up men’s time to focus on more constructive goals like curing diseases, developing technology, ect.

Might I suggest that you learn how to use Spell Check before you focus on curing diseases or developing technology or other terribly worthy ventures?

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
6 years ago

I’d love to see links to the discussions by disillusioned Red Pillers.


Bob Dole
Bob Dole
6 years ago

I think maybe we have gotten too cultured. We see everyone as autonomous individuals[.]

When you skimmed part of the Wikipedia article on Nietzsche.

6 years ago

In a somewhat more compassionate vein, I recently saw speculation that a lot of these guys are on the autism spectrum. That would explain (though not excuse) a lot.

I’m on the autism spectrum and I’ve never once thought about how nice it would be to enslave another human being. So what exactly would this internet-diagnosed autism explain, again?

6 years ago

Steven I Dutch
In a somewhat more compassionate vein, I recently saw speculation that a lot of these guys are on the autism spectrum. That would explain (though not excuse) a lot.

No, no it really wouldn’t. Assholism and an inflated sense of entitlement are not hallmarks of ASD.

Edit: Ninja’d By Catalpa

Malice W Underhand
And how TF does it make sense that “betas” run everything? Doesn’t that make them alphas?

In incel philosophy, men “run everything” on sufferance of feeemales, who, by control of access to sex, hold the real reins on power. So they’re not truly alphas. Only when every man, the argument goes, is issued with a compliant HB10 will all men finally live up to their potential instead of wasting time pursuing sex.

6 years ago

@Steven I Dutch
When are you going to fuck off already?

6 years ago

@Steven I Dutch
Fuck off with your ableist bullshit.

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