advocacy of violence civility empathy deficit entitled babies fan mail homophobia incels incoherent rage mass killing men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny

Notes from the Civil: Some of the nice comments I get from people who hate me

Men are by nature extremely polite

By David Futrelle

Now that we’re having a lovely national debate about “civility” and how we on the left shouldn’t ever yell at people or call them names, even if they’re literal Nazis, I thought I would share some of the thoughtful comments I regularly get from Men’s Rights Activists, National Socialists, and other gracious gentlemen who sometimes take issue with things I write.

Let us start with a gentleman calling himself Boogerslut, who has some thoughts about my weight:

It’s cute when fat, mediocre men get worked up over misogyny. Many women will remember your efforts.


Balls of Steel offered these lovely compliments:

I googled David Futrelle. Saw him. Everything was clear to me.

Feminist, estrogen-overloaded Soyboy

This nice fellow called Spencer apparently thinks I’m some sort of “hiawatha,” which I guess is a compliment, although I have to confess I have no idea what he means by it.

Wow, what a hiawatha. This feminist moralfagging OP causes MRAs to grow stronger and closer together. The more people hate us the faster we grow, and articles like this feminist bull sh#t just educate us on exactly which buttons to press to make these fat and short red haired feminazis ragequit and burn out from their internet tirades. SJW snowflakes…

One regular commenter whose comments will remain forever in moderation offered this assessment of my leisure activities:

David Footroll is a crotch muppet with a extra side order of scabies. I’ll bet he sits on dildos while fapping to clips of male mantises getting their heads eaten. He is creepy and should not be left around dogs unsupervised, unless you want to see him lie down and open his mouth every time one of them hocks their leg. He exposes himself to the mentally-challenged. He takes rides in hot-air balloons so that he may indulge in his childhood fantasy of being a bird as he shits on windshields.

How did he even find out about the hot-air balloon thing? I always wear my Big Bird suit.

Someone called tuputamulder had this insightful question about my negative reaction to incels hailing Toronto van killer Alek Minassian as a hero:

On a scale from 0 to my vagina is bleeding, how butthurt are you rn, chap?

IMPERIVM_NOW has some words of praise for a recent piece of mine published elsewhere:

Getting published in Broadly must really slay pussy bro

Here’s Man Splainer with some thoughts directed at the commenters here:

I’m a man. I don’t give a crap what you think. I don’t care about your feelings, either. I’m sure the feeling is mutual, bitches. So go fuck yourself. And while you’re at it, blow me.

Yeehaw also has some kind words to share with the commenters:

What a shithole of a page filled with these ugly troglodyte looking ass retards lmao

More praise for the commenters from someone whose name I will keep hidden:

The only thing that anyone around here “deserves” is a goddamned slap in the kisser for being a bunch of piss-idiotic dullards.

And finally, another fellow who shall remain nameless had these kind thoughts about someone connected to this blog:

Go swallow a cheese-grater … you crusty dollop of pungent smegma being suffocated by the warted foreskin of a leprotic gypsy sodomite. Get drunk, pull a trash bag over your fucking repulsive turkey mug, and go rollerblading on a treadmill. I would pay good money to see someone bury you up to your herpes-inflamed maw in dirt and slather your head with peanut butter and bird seed, you serpent-crotched dung dweller. You’re a fucking goodie two shoes moonbat who’s too deaf to hear its own window-shattering screams. I would slap you happily. Screech junky.

I would like to commend all of these lovely fellows for their respectful tone — for as we all know, politeness is the very essence of democracy.

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6 years ago

Wow, what a Hiawatha

Do you think “Spencer” was trying to call you “a Pocahontas” in reference to the dumpster’s jab at Elizabeth Warren?

6 years ago

I love how that last one stole his insult from Jordan “I’d slap you happily Peterson”.

6 years ago

6 years ago

I’ll bet he sits on dildos while fapping to clips of male mantises getting their heads eaten.

Someone spent waaaaay to much time thinking about that.

He is creepy and should not be left around dogs unsupervised

… which is funny, is given the amount of time various bit of the manosphere spend thinking unhealthy things about dogs. But congrats for failing to write a single paragraph without a big helping of projection in it.


I would slap you happily. Screech junky.

Hands up everyone who is surprised that seagull-boy is a fan of of peterson? Anybody? No?

6 years ago

I’d be offended on your behalf, but I’m more bemused. Did they just pour all their words into a jar and pick them out at random?

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago


So the civility thing, is anyone else starting to think the political and media establishment are starting to fear a civil war? Or some sort of violent resistance developing? Something to shake them out of their comfortable routines and lives?

My magic 8-ball says: “my sources say yes”.

Sources like:

Something is definitely brewing, and I don’t think it’s coffee.

Or they can scold the left for its incivility and hope we’ll be shamed into shutting up, the Trump regime will decide it’s gone far enough and everything will eventually go back to normal.

Because that sort of appeasement strategy worked so well the last time, in 1920s and 1930s Germany.


As for mainstream media – I think they’re still smarting from the election. I think they thought they were warning us about Trump during the election, not realizing that all the negative coverage they were giving him was just solidifying the idea in his supporters’ minds that the news media were out to get him, that the news was the enemy.

Oh, it’s much worse than that. All the negative coverage they were giving him solidified the idea in the minds of rightwingers that all the people they hated, hated Trump. So they all went out and voted for the enemy of their enemy.


Cat got your tongue? Or some sort of tech malfunction? Kaswell
6 years ago

Wow! Looks like all folk who disagree, to any degree, with the right-wing, misogynistic, racist, vicious, cruel, war-mongering, child-abusing, vile, evil, loud, soul-crushing, nasty, money-grubbing, Dickensian, life-hating, planet-killing, lying, thieving, criminal (I could add so much more!) Republican assholes are now to be treated like women have been treated for millenia. In otherwards, we are ALL to be nice, quiet, polite, obedient to the will of our “betters,” soft-spoken, thoughtful and kind. We are to shut up or else!

Speaking loudly and clearly to evil, pointing out the truths of their behaviors and the effects of such on life itself, and insisting – with strength, courage and focus – that those responsible for criminal actions and the horrific pain they cause be subjected to the same laws to which they hold everyone else is just beyond the pale!

No…better to find some hungry and frightened child to enslave in a private prison (which is exactly what they are doing!) to take the blame.

6 years ago


Do you think “Spencer” was trying to call you “a Pocahontas” in reference to the dumpster’s jab at Elizabeth Warren?

Seems like a bit of a stretch… don’t recall David ever mentioning indian ancestry. Also, the female counterpart to Hiawatha would have been Minnehaha, and I’m sure an erudite and well spoken individual such as Spencer would be familiar with the Song of Hiawatha, right?

But anyway, urbandictionary, my usual go-to source to find out the meaning of the current slur of the week, doesn’t turn up anything meaningful when searching for hiawatha. Even encyclopedia dramatica doesn’t help. Stop trying to make hiawatha happen, Spencer. It isn’t going to happen.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
6 years ago

He takes rides in hot-air balloons so that he may indulge in his childhood fantasy of being a bird as he shits on windshields.

Er, what???

Insults aren’t supposed to make the insultee sound like a hilariously awesome supervillain.

6 years ago

I found this amazing Twitter thread in the Wonkette non-comments and I had to share:

I highly recommend the whole thing (and this is a particularly poignant thread to me given that I have a Filipino co-worker who supports Duterte), but I did want to highlight this particular quote that I think really lays bare the bias that the right takes advantage of:

And here’s the kicker: YOU KNOW THEY’RE NOT CIVIL. That’s why it’s the liberals you keep appealing to for decorum and politeness. You know you’re not going to get most Trumpsters on board anything amounting to basic decency.

The subtext of every “this is why Trump won” comment from every concern troll is always, always “Look, you know these people are stupid and hateful that they can barely chew, so it’s up to you to be the adult in the room.” It’s a complete abdication of any and all personal responsibility and autonomy on the part of theoretically adult human beings! So fuck that buck-passing shit: this is on them. They’ve been setting fire to every flammable fabric in this metaphorical democracy house for decades; at the very least, they deserve is a good tongue lashing, followed by a time out from participating in democracy until they’ve learned to act like grown-ups. And seeing as that won’t happen, the only solution is to outwork and outvote them until society refuses to tolerate their antics.

Seriously, I want this to be the reaction when a Republican enters a room:

No more benefit of the doubt, no more “oh, deep inside, he’s a good person”, no, I want them to see that there’s nobody that’s going to validate their bullshit as just a “difference of opinion.” I want them to see people’s backs.

These people only find validation in groups. If they’re alone with an unreceptive audience, they’re not going to get far:

Silence can be deafening. I’m under no illusions that Juror number 10 walked out of that room with the same attitudes and same voting habits, but he probably came to realize that other people don’t share those attitudes as much as he thought. That was enough to keep him quiet.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
6 years ago

Fred Clark had a good comment on the whole notion of ‘civility’, starting with a reference to an article about the movie Bull Durham, where he points out that despite the article saying it was timeless and could have been set back in the sixties, no it couldn’t, because the black players wouldn’t have even been allowed on the same bus as the white players in North Carolina back then.

At the end, he sums up the whole bit about ‘politely’ denying someone’s basic humanity with:

The linguistic and cognitive acrobatics involved in all of this are incredible (in every sense of that word). The very people enforcing the pervasive politicization of every aspect of life for non-white people were simultaneously insisting that they were avoiding politics. This tortured pretzel of a lie was what “polite” meant. It was what “civil” meant.

And it still is.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

@ jenora

Totally o/t but I thought you might like this.

comment image

Two of my favourite things are standing stones and radio telescopes; and Goonhilly is a place with both. I like the juxtaposition but also the symmetry.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

The political press hand wringing over Alexandra Osasio-Cortez’s primary victory over incumbent 4th ranking Democrat Joe Crowley is definitely supporting my theory about the media fearing progressive populism more than Trump. She ran to the left of Crowley and won. They’re spinning it as bad for Dems and bad for Nancy Pelosi because this supposedly means she might be ousted as leader. However. There’s no real evidence that running on progressive issues is bad. In fact, Obama’s approval ratings used to go up when he would do or say progressive things. Plus, it’s the centrist Democrats running in red districts like Conner Lamb who are publicly distancing themselves from Pelosi. Not progressive candidates. So why is this considered a repudiation of Pelosi. Yes, people on the left wish she’d be more strongly leftist sometimes, but there doesn’t seem to be any personal animosity towards her from the left. It’s Republicans who loathe her.

As far as I can see, these progressive primary victories are a good thing for Dems. Especially given that it’s a lot of candidates who are women and/or POC winning these. It’s giving the party explicit permission to embrace social justice. It’s telling them not to be afraid to stand strong for progressive principals because that will get people out to vote. With a few exceptions for specific races, the Democrat’s Republican-lite strategy has been a losing one. There are fewer swing voters in the political center than there are people who are disengaged because they feel that neither party is representing them. The pearl clutching on the part of reporters has nothing to do with any facts and everything to do with their fear of the status quo coming under threat.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
6 years ago

That sort of thing is always an amusing juxtaposition. I think I may have mentioned before that one of Canada’s biggest radio telescopes is out in the middle of the Algonquin National Park, mostly because it’s such a nice radio-quiet zone. So you get pictures like:

If it weren’t for the fact that the contract under which they got access to the land required that they restore the land to its natural state when the radio telescope is no longer in use, it might have shut down years ago; as it is, it’s literally cheaper to keep it running than it is to shut it down and activate that clause.

(Wow, reading the ARO Wikipedia page is a blast from the past, considering I worked on a couple of the things mentioned.)

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

@ jenora

That’s a lovely site.

Re: radio telescopes and legal shenanigans. You may well know the history of Jodrell Bank; but if not it’s worth reading up on. Bernard Lovell nearly ended up going to prison because he ordered all the materials even though there was no funding. Luckily just as they were about to arrest him a benevolent donor fronted the cash.

6 years ago

The hypocrisy of these idiot commenters is incredible…they claim that they are superb gentlemen, and treat everyone in the world like filth, as seen in their barely coherent outbursts.

Of course, if someone even lightly criticizes them, they take massive umbrage at the massive assault. Unbelievable.

Their job interviews must be hilarious.

Podkayne Lives
Podkayne Lives
6 years ago

Hiawatha was the cofounder of a complex democratic government, and why his name should be used as an insult eludes me.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

@ nightflyer

Their job interviews must be hilarious.

“A Mexican stole my last job.”

“You mean the guys who are all drug dealers and rapists?”

“Yeah…no, wait!”

6 years ago

Who knew that being polite to Nazis doesn’t help the not Nazis /s

Also thanks everyone for giving the middle finger to the media, centrists and dem leaders telling us to be nice to Nazis. For a moment I thought I was caught in Appeasement Era.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

comment image

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
6 years ago

I’d heard some of that before. I think we actually had some equipment at Jodrell Bank (I believe they were one of the places that bought the S2 data recorder) though I never went there personally. I know most of Australia’s telescopes were using our recorders; it saved them from trying to develop their own. We were mostly working with the Russians and Japanese on their satellite radio telescope projects back in the 1990s, and both of them collaborated with the Australians pretty heavily for southern coverage. It tended to have a greater overlap with their local telescopes than Hartebeesthoek.

(The Japanese and Americans, of course, both developed their own data recording equipment and had ‘not invented here’ philosophies with regards to purchases. The Canadian equipment, being a fraction of the price, tended to sell well to a lot of smaller places that didn’t want to do that sort of investment. Granted, given the rapid improvement in disk drives by the end of the 1990s, and now with modern systems using fibre optic cables for relatively real-time analysis, the old tape data recorders aren’t used much anymore.)

(A)utonomous (E)scapist
(A)utonomous (E)scapist
6 years ago

I’d say that any time for civility passed long before Donald Trump. We’ve lived through maybe five centuries of the most destructive, exploitative and wholly unconscionable systems of subjugation this world has known, and if we’re truely looking for an equitable and progressive ordering of our lives, it won’t be enough to just elect the more palatable variant of heteropatriarchal capitalistic enabler-class and their toadies. A radical restructuring is essential, and anyone who believes otherwise needs to open their eyes to the interconnectednes of our struggles, and not settle for the next “Dems win!”.

Pagan Reader - Misandrist Spinster
Pagan Reader - Misandrist Spinster
6 years ago

David, could you censor g***y in the future? It’s a racial slur against R(r)oma and R(r)omani people.

6 years ago

Well, I’d never heard “hiawatha” as an insult before, but googling just brought up the definition “the noblest of [Native Americans]”

So it’s inacccurate (I assume, David) but also a pretty crap insult, what with being a compliment and all.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

To some people, I guess, any comparison to any Native American constitutes an insult. 🙁