advocacy of violence bad science beta males crackpottery creepy cuck empathy deficit entitled babies feminist dudes incels men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny pro-genocide rape rape culture rape is good actually transphobia

Incels: Force “beta cucks” to become women so we can have sex with them

Incels wish they had FaceApp ray guns they could use on unsuspecting men

By David Futrelle

Yesterday, one of the regulars on the horrific cesspool of inhumanity known as posed a question to his fellow “involuntary” celibates: “Should beta cucks be turned into women?”

Not only did most of his colleagues agree, they thought it should be mandatory.

CroMagnonBoy, the lovely fellow who posted the poll. explained why he thought his out-of-the box proposal could solve pretty much every problem incels face.

“In this hypothetical situation,” he wrote,

the technology for turning men into full biological women exists. The vagina and ovaries can be grown using your own DNA, and feminizing effects take place within a month at the most.

Clearly Mr. CroMagnonBoy isn’t burdened by any actual knowledge about, or understanding of, contemporary medicine or, really, how any of this actually works.

We all know that these spineless, ball-less losers are beyond saving. These same losers advocate for women to have total and full dominion over men. Although they are for the most part small, pathetic, and harmless, they are a step above women due to the small presence of testosterone in their blood.

Er, actually everyone has some testosterone in their blood, but never mind, as this inaccuracy is possibly the least egregious thing about CroMag’s proposal.

And what makes this slightly more concerning is that they make up a majority of men, and hold positions of power. They are responsible for everything to do with feminism and female empowerment. In other words, they are our worst enemy. They caused our inceldom with hypergamy and dysgenics.

We “cucks” are responsible for what now?

Since we as incels crave females, and there are plenty of failed “men” , how would you feel about turning these low t losers into cum-sluts on a mass scale?

Somehow I suspect this dude reads a lot of Hentai.

If you think about it, these cucks would love being a woman. They love being submissive [weird sex crap deleted] Wouldn’t that be just perfect on a woman? A girl who wants to watch you [weird sex crap deleted].

I’ll just summarize the censored material by saying that CroMag has some very specific plans for what to do if his plan ever comes to fruition.

It would also solve the gender ratio hugely. Since it would convert so many “men” into women, men would hardly ever have troubles getting a girlfriend.

Weird how these guys who hate women so much, who think they’re lazy parasites, who are convinced that only men can STEM properly, or really think at all, would be so eager to have so many more women around. But hey, I guess they’re into pretty much anything — even if it’s a bizarre, hypothetical sci-fi scenario — that might make some women so desperate they’d actually agree to let one of these assholes touch them.

So what happens to any “beta cuck” who refuses to go along with this rather drastic plan? In the comments, CroMag suggested he would be happy for them to be transformed into, er, organic fertilizer instead.

Though an overwhelming majority of those who answered CroMag’s poll thought his plan was a good one, there were some critics.

Some felt it didn’t go far enough. “These new women would be even more wicked than normal women,” wrote forum regular Robo Sapien. “[E]xterminate them.”

“Put them into gas chambers instead,” agreed the aptly named Evildoer. “Cheaper and better.”

Others didn’t like the idea of sex with someone who wasn’t born a “real” female. As “fuck chad” saw it,

Even though they are completely women I still wouldnt want to fuck something that used to be a man. especially a man that was a complete beta cuck. it would be easier to just kill them all

LiterallyASoyBoy agreed, throwing a transphobic slur into the mix,

You can’t change your physical body from male to female, tr***ys only LARP as women. So it’s moot for now

The Great Cel had a simpler solution:

Turn beta cucks and male feminists into eunuch slaves

Profligate wondered if any medical procedures were even necessary:

Aren’t they already? Some of these cucks are so low T that you can’t even tell.

All of these different opinions, and all of them awful!

I wonder, again, if any of those who think we as a society need to do something to “redistribute sex” to these guys has ever actually looked at the sorts of things these guys talk about all day. These guys are too angry, too hateful, too dangerous for anyone to fuck. Hell, they’re dangerous to simply be around, and not only to the women they want to have sex with, as this creepy little discussion reminds us yet again.

H/T — Thanks again to @Justincelthings, who highlighted this horrible thread on Twitter

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EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
6 years ago

@Buttercup Q. Skullpants:

When he said “beta cucks”, I honestly thought he was referring to the incel community.

Nonono, you see, they’re not cucks. Not cucks at all. They’re just having their women stolen from them by other men. That’s very different from being a cuck.

I think.

6 years ago

‘…grow (female genitalia) from their own DNA..’ (sorry, can’t replicate the exact quote.)

Let’s hope they don’t find out about androgen insensitivity syndrome.

6 years ago

Oh, and by the way, I just read this dreadful article on Vox about how incels just need therapy, you guys! Ugh. It almost made me vomit. No, incels don’t need help or therapy. They need to be shunned and isolated from society so they can’t harm anyone but themselves.

(Link to the article in question: )

6 years ago

Welp, I think I messed up the link in the last post. I’ll just post it here:

Full Metal Ox
6 years ago

@ William Hooper: I actually used to enjoy the bratty impertinence of South Park, back when it was possible to read as over-the-top transgressive satire–but it’s become far less amusing now that an overgrown Eric Cartman occupies the White House.

6 years ago

@Cindy : I don’t see a connection between them needing help or not, and them needing to be shunned and isolated. The latter is only linked to them being a danger to other.

The actual reason to not give them therapy is that in almost all cases, no therapy will help them. They won’t change as long as they don’t want to change.

6 years ago

@Knitting Cat Lady:

Did those dudes never hear the phrase ‘I wouldn’t sleep with you even if you were the last man on earth!’?

I imagine they hear it quite often – they just never listen.

PS – your icon rather reminds me of my younger cat.

6 years ago

The actual reason to not give them therapy is that in almost all cases, no therapy will help them. They won’t change as long as they don’t want to change.

Indeed. In a surprising number of ways, they remind me of North Korean citizens in that they’ve been conditioned to believe that the world is drastically removed from what observable reality and hard evidence would suggest – but unlike the poor North Koreans they’ve deliberately chosen wilful ignorance.

What’s strangely fascinating is seeing how the same core ideas and tropes recur again and again, despite them being… well, they’re not worth debunking in any detail because any reasonable person can instantly see that they’re not true. By “wilful ignorance” I really do mean ignorance, and they seem to revel in it.

But the intriguing part is why they choose to adopt a mindset that will surely achieve the exact opposite of what they claim to want, by repelling pretty much any woman who comes anywhere close to their orbit. Is it some kind of masochistic impulse? Or an extreme form of self-preservation, even if it means deliberately turning away from what they claim to desperately want?

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
6 years ago

@EJ – Ah, now I see! And they’re not beta either, just because 99% of humanity would need to be brutally suppressed, physically reconfigured, or eliminated in order for them to rise to the top of the hierarchy. Nothing is more self-confident or respected than an incel.

Thanks for clearing that up!

OT: this has me shaking with rage. Prisoners at Guantanamo received better treatment than these children. They didn’t have to sleep on concrete floors under foil blankets. Suspected terrorists got bathrooms, sunlight, translators, and access to medical care. Children get blacked-out Walmarts and dog kennels, and are being forcibly injected with anti-psychotic drugs:

There is no bottom to this. Just newer levels of hell.

Also, Trump announced plans yesterday to combine the Department of Education and the Department of Labor. It would require Congressional approval, but it’s been a Republican pipe dream since Reagan to get rid of the DOE, and now they’ve got the cowardly rubber-stamp majority they need. There’s no good reason to merge the two agencies, unless you are a corrupt, power-addicted party that needs kids to be obedient, dull little worker bees, not study science and history and facts and learn to organize and think for themselves. Because that only creates Democratic voters.

6 years ago

Great plan, so, all of the beta cuck incels get turned into women, and then they can reject any remaining incels

6 years ago


“The actual reason to not give them therapy is that in almost all cases, no therapy will help them.”

I agree. That’s why I said they should be isolated instead – therapy won’t help them, all that can be done is harm mitigation. Isolate them so, at the very least, they can not harm others and spread their cancerous beliefs.

Ivory Bill Woodpecker
Ivory Bill Woodpecker
6 years ago

Since hentai was mentioned:

comment image

Akari be like: “What WAS that crap?”

Ivory Bill Woodpecker
Ivory Bill Woodpecker
6 years ago

Test post

6 years ago

He isn’t original, sadly.

Enforced transitioning has been prescribed, and in some cases legally mandated, as a “cure” for male homosexuality in Iran, Egypt, Morocco and Thailand, and probably elsewhere.

6 years ago


When he said “beta cucks”, I honestly thought he was referring to the incel community.

That was the first place my thoughts went, too. I was like, “But the Venn diagram for incels and cucks is just one big circle!”

Then I thought it over a bit more, and realized that as much as becoming what they despised might be a fitting punishment for these assholes, women (cis OR trans) would rather not be sharing a gender with them. And neither, for that matter, would gay men, crossdressers, “effeminate” cis-men, and the list goes on…

I think I’d better stop my train of thought on this track, before it arrives at a very inhumane station.

6 years ago

You know, when I look at nonsense like this, I think about this charming little CBC clip I remember seeing on YouTube around the time GamerGate blew up:

This is what they thought the potential of the internet was back when it became commercially viable. All this pure power of communication and technology the likes of which the philosophers of old could only dream of… and this is what they do with it?

It’s like… I haven’t been the savoriest user of the information superhighway… but as much as I use it to share drawings I’ve done of naked animal people and look at drawings other people have done of naked animal people… I don’t use it for this bullshit. This is just some of the stupidest gobbledygook I’ve seen strung together in the English language. I can barely comprehend the kind of mushy brain that one needs to possess to even form these what can charitably described as “thoughts.”

I’m under no illusions that the mush-brains on display here are somehow a new phenomenon, but there was something to be said for a time when they kept their “ideas” to men’s room stall doors.

Thanks Al Gore for your wonderful internet.

6 years ago


This is what they thought the potential of the internet was back when it became commercially viable. All this pure power of communication and technology the likes of which the philosophers of old could only dream of… and this is what they do with it?

Oh, the touching naïveté of the CBC. I became a regular Internet user that year or the one immediately after this report came out, and I just laughed out loud when that one geek talked about how lovely and free and polite it all was. I actually said, out loud: “That damn fool. He’s never been female on the Internet, has he?” Because as soon as I ventured an opinion ANYWHERE (dissenting or otherwise), I got that very string of cusswords that he was claiming never happened. I got all kinds of graphic, er, ADVICE on what to do with my genitalia, anus, etc. When I wasn’t being called names based on genitalia, anuses, etc. Flame wars were already a thing even BEFORE this report came out! And I was already getting my hair singed off, on the daily. But I guess you had to be a certain gender in order to really feel the heat, eh?

And the worst of all came whenever you tried to tell others that this was what it was like. Then the abuse just intensified. It was enough to make me wish, at times, that they had never invented this shit.

6 years ago


The video is blocked in the US. Too bad. I would have liked to see it.


I, too, sometimes wish it had never been invented. Sometimes, I’m overcome by waves of nostalgia for those distant pre-internet days. There was so much I was blissfully ignorant of. Of course, what am I doing right now? Communicating via the internet.

F is for 'Fro'
F is for 'Fro'
6 years ago




I wouldn’t make a very good woman at all, but everyone can rest assured that Incels would still be passed up.

The problem isn’t the amount of women– there are lots! I mean, I’m not good looking, but heck, even I get some interest.

…The problem’s the amount of Incels. Y’all creep as heck.

Schnookums Von Ghostface Fancypants Killer
Schnookums Von Ghostface Fancypants Killer
6 years ago

My only response to this is best borrowed/stolen from the review of FATAL:

“I spent some time trying to scream, but nothing came out but blood.”

James Baldwin is my hero
James Baldwin is my hero
6 years ago

My god, they’re eating their own.

6 years ago

“the technology for turning men into full biological women exists. The vagina and ovaries can be grown using your own DNA, and feminizing effects take place within a month at the most.”

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
6 years ago

@Bina, Katamount:
I’ve said it before. The Internet is great at building communities. A lot of fandoms pretty much only exist because the Internet allowed enough people to get together to hit a critical mass. The problem is, the Internet has no restrictions on what kinds of communities get built.

6 years ago


The issue as to whether or not therapy would be effective for self-defined incels is very much an onion. Therapy in itself will not extinguish misogynist thinking, particularly if the client doesn’t want to relinquish those beliefs. But there is no doubt deep-seated mental issues underlying many of the incel community’s members (which, ethics arguments aside, Douthat and Hansons’ calls for sex retribution and government programs would be failures from the onset – it goes way beyond just the act of sex for incels, there’s a desire of actually being chosen as a sex partner that many incels may not explicitly admit). The subjects in the Vox article are at the very least seeking self-help avenues. The effectiveness of such a self-help group is definitely questionable, though, particularly if it just acts as an echo chamber for its members and no real work is being done. It’s not a group being facilitated by an LPC or LSW but rather people in the same mental space. And it’s also not really the same as a 12-step group, like Alcoholics Anonymous or Al-Anon due to not having any guiding principles, literature, or really goals as I see. It wasn’t really clear from the article what the group’s aims consist of, but there would be a difference between a group attempting to cope with so-called involuntary celibacy and a group that attempts to treat individual thought patterns and behaviors associated within the incel community that lead to self-loathing and aggression. In my purview, the former is unhealthy and doesn’t help move anybody forward, whereas the latter can at least theoretically provide positive benefits.

While not a formal diagnosis, many of Elliot Rodger’s statements in his manifesto indicate the possibility of narcissistic personality disorder and psychopathy – getting laid was the least of his problems. That doesn’t mean that all incel community members fall into those categories. While the manosphere has a lot of which to be critical – it’s why we all congregate here to talk about it – I think discounting therapy for those who have the metacognition to recognize they need it and seek it out, is unwise.

6 years ago

Please read through the comments policy. We don’t attempt to diagnose mental health or attribute misogyny to mental illness here. Thanks.