By David Futrelle
Yesterday, one of the regulars on the horrific cesspool of inhumanity known as Incels.me posed a question to his fellow “involuntary” celibates: “Should beta cucks be turned into women?”
Not only did most of his colleagues agree, they thought it should be mandatory.
CroMagnonBoy, the lovely fellow who posted the poll. explained why he thought his out-of-the box proposal could solve pretty much every problem incels face.
“In this hypothetical situation,” he wrote,
the technology for turning men into full biological women exists. The vagina and ovaries can be grown using your own DNA, and feminizing effects take place within a month at the most.
Clearly Mr. CroMagnonBoy isn’t burdened by any actual knowledge about, or understanding of, contemporary medicine or, really, how any of this actually works.
We all know that these spineless, ball-less losers are beyond saving. These same losers advocate for women to have total and full dominion over men. Although they are for the most part small, pathetic, and harmless, they are a step above women due to the small presence of testosterone in their blood.
Er, actually everyone has some testosterone in their blood, but never mind, as this inaccuracy is possibly the least egregious thing about CroMag’s proposal.
And what makes this slightly more concerning is that they make up a majority of men, and hold positions of power. They are responsible for everything to do with feminism and female empowerment. In other words, they are our worst enemy. They caused our inceldom with hypergamy and dysgenics.
We “cucks” are responsible for what now?
Since we as incels crave females, and there are plenty of failed “men” , how would you feel about turning these low t losers into cum-sluts on a mass scale?
Somehow I suspect this dude reads a lot of Hentai.
If you think about it, these cucks would love being a woman. They love being submissive [weird sex crap deleted] Wouldn’t that be just perfect on a woman? A girl who wants to watch you [weird sex crap deleted].
I’ll just summarize the censored material by saying that CroMag has some very specific plans for what to do if his plan ever comes to fruition.
It would also solve the gender ratio hugely. Since it would convert so many “men” into women, men would hardly ever have troubles getting a girlfriend.
Weird how these guys who hate women so much, who think they’re lazy parasites, who are convinced that only men can STEM properly, or really think at all, would be so eager to have so many more women around. But hey, I guess they’re into pretty much anything — even if it’s a bizarre, hypothetical sci-fi scenario — that might make some women so desperate they’d actually agree to let one of these assholes touch them.
So what happens to any “beta cuck” who refuses to go along with this rather drastic plan? In the comments, CroMag suggested he would be happy for them to be transformed into, er, organic fertilizer instead.
Though an overwhelming majority of those who answered CroMag’s poll thought his plan was a good one, there were some critics.
Some felt it didn’t go far enough. “These new women would be even more wicked than normal women,” wrote forum regular Robo Sapien. “[E]xterminate them.”
“Put them into gas chambers instead,” agreed the aptly named Evildoer. “Cheaper and better.”
Others didn’t like the idea of sex with someone who wasn’t born a “real” female. As “fuck chad” saw it,
Even though they are completely women I still wouldnt want to fuck something that used to be a man. especially a man that was a complete beta cuck. it would be easier to just kill them all
LiterallyASoyBoy agreed, throwing a transphobic slur into the mix,
You can’t change your physical body from male to female, tr***ys only LARP as women. So it’s moot for now
The Great Cel had a simpler solution:
Turn beta cucks and male feminists into eunuch slaves
Profligate wondered if any medical procedures were even necessary:
Aren’t they already? Some of these cucks are so low T that you can’t even tell.
All of these different opinions, and all of them awful!
I wonder, again, if any of those who think we as a society need to do something to “redistribute sex” to these guys has ever actually looked at the sorts of things these guys talk about all day. These guys are too angry, too hateful, too dangerous for anyone to fuck. Hell, they’re dangerous to simply be around, and not only to the women they want to have sex with, as this creepy little discussion reminds us yet again.
H/T — Thanks again to @Justincelthings, who highlighted this horrible thread on Twitter
If the Incel Loonies weren’t Real,they’d make a Hilarious episode of South Park_As would the Trump administration !
Incels are the EPITOME of this “beta cuck” they keep baying about.
Pat on that makeup and open up those legs lads, time to do away with that member. For true “alpha chads” only. C:
@William: Comment policy.
Jokes on them I’d still be a grump Asian Chick who wouldn’t touch them with a 49 and a half foot pole.
What the hell. Read the comments policy, would you?
William Hooper, please try to abide the comments policy as well. (Edit- oops, got half-ninja’d by Surplus)
Their hands don’t work?
They are so far out there they’re into the absurd.
Find something else to do.
Go hump a tree stump or something.
Even if a large portion of cis men were forced into transitioning, the majority of them still wouldn’t want to have sex with men. And even the ones that are attracted to men probably wouldn’t want to touch the incels with a 10-foot pole, because those bastards are nuclear-waste levels of toxic, no matter what gender you identify as.
Increasing the amount of vagina-havers on the planet is not going to increase the number of people willing to have voluntary sex with incels at all. And if the incels are fantasizing about forcing women into being sex slaves (and they are), then what’s the point of forcing cis men into transitioning? So that there will be more sex slaves for each incel?
These guys fail so hard at everything. Thinking. Life. Even writing crappy pulp science fiction. And they want participation trophies at any price, even a totally unrealistic one like this, just for being born with an average amount of testosterone and an unremarkable twig ‘n’ berries?
Honestly, if you issued them all Fleshlights, the toys would magically develop the capacity to scream and run. In no time.
The problem with incels isn’t loneliness, it’s that sex is a grotesque revenge fantasy for them. They don’t seriously want beta cucks as girlfriends. It’s about punishing them for being gender traitors.
I love how, instead of simple solutions like “turn off the computer, go outside, find some activities and friends who make you feel good about yourself”, they propose the most convoluted shit as the magic panacea to all their problems, and then proceed to act as though the implementation will be incredibly simple. Beta cucks can just grow ovaries and uteri from their own DNA! *snap*
Because that would be so much easier than not being a dingleberry.
… I’m certain that this will go over swimmingly with my beta cuck of a husband. My 6’4″, mild-tempered until pushed too far, beta cuck of a husband.
Part of me wants to see them try it. Because god knows both of us have a lot of pent up frustration and aggro from the last year and a half and we’d like to use it.
Did those dudes never hear the phrase ‘I wouldn’t sleep with you even if you were the last man on earth!’?
I’m asexual. I won’t sleep with you. Ever. No matter your gender. It doesn’t matter what you do. I’m not into that kind of thing.
Extreme Science Fail.
Incels would be incredibly dangerous if they weren’t so stupid. Diabolically evil plans are what they stay alive for.
Actually I wouldn’t want ovaries at this stage. I’m not sure I could justify bringing more children into this benighted hellscape. I’m exaggerating, but it is getting that way.
Mine’s 6’8″. I’m sure he’ll be positively thrilled. And at least I’ll get a laugh out of the expression on his face.
To think of such a nonsensical and illogical plan even for incel standards I swear the OP just came from reading hentai.
pls tell transwomen about this method of yours
The rest of the world laughs at the incel as they go about their hopeless, useless, futile plucking, dyeing, dieting, showering, shaving, curling, straightening, purchasing sexy underwear, working out, adopting hobbies, enrolling in charm school, taking night classes in Italian, volunteering to walk dogs at an animal shelter, practicing the bossa nova (the dance of love), minding their p’s and q’s, learning the latest jokes, keeping up with music and movies and games, signing up for tour groups to Rome, advertising in the personals, going on blind dates with a co-worker’s offspring, asking cute baristas on first dates, signing up for matchmakers, et cetera.
* * *
Meanwhile the industrious incel is creating women who worship him and obey his every whim.
* * *
Ha, ha! Who’s laughing now!
I was also wondering what made the incels believe that the “new women” they want to create, will want to have sex with them. But I guess, when “turned to women”, these men would loose their agency over their own bodies. They would cease to be people, and like women, become a resource that is owed to the incels.
These guys are the types that complain that they want a woman, but if they ever get one, would be disappointed as they discover that she has a soul.
If sex change was a one month process, in addition to trans life being an hell of a lot easier, I am pretty sure I would consider saving money for a possibly temporary switch. Somehow, I suspect I wouldn’t be the only curious one.
Thoses guys are gifted to make utopian technology look like a nightmare.
I’ve long since lost track of who I’m supposed to be in these scenarios. Am I a “Chad” because I had multiple sexual partners in my teens and twenties, or a “beta cuck” because I then got married to someone who, like me, wasn’t a pure and innocent virgin?
Doormouse: Well, they think women are horrible and evil and hate them for that, but they also think women have all the privilege and all the power in society, so they think it would be kind of cool to be that evil and have all that power rather than, as they think they’re now, be on the receiving end of evil.
As Catalpa says the majority of these tranwomen would not even want to have sex with men.
Such a thing would result in MANY more lesbians, as gender reassignment does NOT change sexual orientation. I have personally known quite a few (10+) transwomen who are lesbians as they were hetero previously.
But the calls for genocide are pretty strong, and presumably these idiots will not want to have sex with the very small number of hetero transwomen who were previously ‘beta cuck low testosterone males’, so this beyond ghastly scenario makes no sense even within the realms of this sick sick boy/mans view of the world.
My sons are the living embodiment of proof that Incels are just a pile of crap. Both are good looking young men, 6′ tall, heterosexual, white, ablebodied with no MH issues. Neither has ever had a girlfriend.
I am sure ONE DAY they will, but they both recognise that a woman just doesn’t fall into your lap because YOU would like that. One of them has told me his experiences of being turned down. The women have been very nice about it, clearly not wanting to hurt my sons feelings. No spiteful bitches enjoying a young mans humiliation!
Wetherby: Clearly you were a weak Chad who was tempted to the Dark Side by a spiteful Harpie!
I don’t know what world that dude came from what’s got all that fantastic medical tech, but I kinda wanna go live there, ‘specially since he clearly ain’t there at the moment.
*picks up jaw*
This sounds like Ed Wood directed it
Omg I love bad taste movies. I would totally, totally watch it. Especially if Divine is in it strapping beta cucks in corsets into vintage dentists’ chairs before the injections –
oh wait you’re serious
Well, I’m still going to steal that idea and sell it to the Soska sisters. We can call it “Plan 9 from Outer 4chan”
You know all those cages that Trump is keeping refugee children locked up in?
What if we were to use them to lock up incels instead?