By David Futrelle
Yesterday, one of the regulars on the horrific cesspool of inhumanity known as Incels.me posed a question to his fellow “involuntary” celibates: “Should beta cucks be turned into women?”
Not only did most of his colleagues agree, they thought it should be mandatory.
CroMagnonBoy, the lovely fellow who posted the poll. explained why he thought his out-of-the box proposal could solve pretty much every problem incels face.
“In this hypothetical situation,” he wrote,
the technology for turning men into full biological women exists. The vagina and ovaries can be grown using your own DNA, and feminizing effects take place within a month at the most.
Clearly Mr. CroMagnonBoy isn’t burdened by any actual knowledge about, or understanding of, contemporary medicine or, really, how any of this actually works.
We all know that these spineless, ball-less losers are beyond saving. These same losers advocate for women to have total and full dominion over men. Although they are for the most part small, pathetic, and harmless, they are a step above women due to the small presence of testosterone in their blood.
Er, actually everyone has some testosterone in their blood, but never mind, as this inaccuracy is possibly the least egregious thing about CroMag’s proposal.
And what makes this slightly more concerning is that they make up a majority of men, and hold positions of power. They are responsible for everything to do with feminism and female empowerment. In other words, they are our worst enemy. They caused our inceldom with hypergamy and dysgenics.
We “cucks” are responsible for what now?
Since we as incels crave females, and there are plenty of failed “men” , how would you feel about turning these low t losers into cum-sluts on a mass scale?
Somehow I suspect this dude reads a lot of Hentai.
If you think about it, these cucks would love being a woman. They love being submissive [weird sex crap deleted] Wouldn’t that be just perfect on a woman? A girl who wants to watch you [weird sex crap deleted].
I’ll just summarize the censored material by saying that CroMag has some very specific plans for what to do if his plan ever comes to fruition.
It would also solve the gender ratio hugely. Since it would convert so many “men” into women, men would hardly ever have troubles getting a girlfriend.
Weird how these guys who hate women so much, who think they’re lazy parasites, who are convinced that only men can STEM properly, or really think at all, would be so eager to have so many more women around. But hey, I guess they’re into pretty much anything — even if it’s a bizarre, hypothetical sci-fi scenario — that might make some women so desperate they’d actually agree to let one of these assholes touch them.
So what happens to any “beta cuck” who refuses to go along with this rather drastic plan? In the comments, CroMag suggested he would be happy for them to be transformed into, er, organic fertilizer instead.
Though an overwhelming majority of those who answered CroMag’s poll thought his plan was a good one, there were some critics.
Some felt it didn’t go far enough. “These new women would be even more wicked than normal women,” wrote forum regular Robo Sapien. “[E]xterminate them.”
“Put them into gas chambers instead,” agreed the aptly named Evildoer. “Cheaper and better.”
Others didn’t like the idea of sex with someone who wasn’t born a “real” female. As “fuck chad” saw it,
Even though they are completely women I still wouldnt want to fuck something that used to be a man. especially a man that was a complete beta cuck. it would be easier to just kill them all
LiterallyASoyBoy agreed, throwing a transphobic slur into the mix,
You can’t change your physical body from male to female, tr***ys only LARP as women. So it’s moot for now
The Great Cel had a simpler solution:
Turn beta cucks and male feminists into eunuch slaves
Profligate wondered if any medical procedures were even necessary:
Aren’t they already? Some of these cucks are so low T that you can’t even tell.
All of these different opinions, and all of them awful!
I wonder, again, if any of those who think we as a society need to do something to “redistribute sex” to these guys has ever actually looked at the sorts of things these guys talk about all day. These guys are too angry, too hateful, too dangerous for anyone to fuck. Hell, they’re dangerous to simply be around, and not only to the women they want to have sex with, as this creepy little discussion reminds us yet again.
H/T — Thanks again to @Justincelthings, who highlighted this horrible thread on Twitter
Wow. Just…wow.
“Yeah, let’s turn men into women so there will be more women for the rest of us!”
Dudes, there’s nearly a fifty-fifty split of cis women to cis men. The idea of women being “in low supply, high demand” isn’t the issue.
And even if it WAS the issue, I’d bet cash money that none of these “beta cuck male feminists” would touch y’all’s nasty asses.
The issue is you.
Not the lack of women, you.
Not “beta cucks”, you.
Lord, I’ve had enough.
I’m with Paradox and seconding that gif (john freeman who is gordon freeman’s brother is right wat)
Can’t say anything else.
From a fundamental misunderstanding
To a purposeful played-out slur
So rough it can’t benefit from sanding
Even though it digs in like a burr
But we’re told by these fellows
That the cowardly and mellow
Would be best turned into what they hate
Bizarre enough to think, makes you want to take a drink
Even without knowing that what they say they look for is a mate
Where’s the balance? It’s already done
The ratio’s pretty much one to one
But it don’t matter, no it don’t matter, never gonna matter to them
Dynamic balance put on a riser
Then suggest the converts turn to fertilizer
Oh, better scatter, no, better scatter, y’all scatter ’till the A.M.
Well if that isn’t the sweetest thing a fella has ever said to me.
I do wish it was as easy as that “imbecel” thinks it is.
Oww my comment got eateded. Anyway, I agree with Paradox and John Freeman who is Gordon Freeman’s brother.
You can’t actually turn cis men into women by forcibly giving them a vagina. That’s not how gender works.
Also, as with any incel policy proposal, I have questions.
How is beta cuck status determined?
How is this paid for?
If beta cucks have the numbers and the positions of power, how is this going to ever be enacted and enforced?
this is beyond lampooning. these are literally the ravings of lunatics.
you tried, David, you tried… but really it’s even beyond you to properly satirize this.
it’s mindblowingly insane.
excuse me while I hit my head with a hammer until I forget I ever read it.
Turning me into a woman would probably just make me hate incels even more. This plan could only backfire.
When he said “beta cucks”, I honestly thought he was referring to the incel community.
Edgelords inhaling their own farts isn’t exactly the most alpha thing ever.
I look forward to Incels paying for my magic gender changing! Unfortunately for them, I will make a remarkably unattractive woman, so they won’t want me, and I’ll still have a brain, so I won’t want them.
I remember reading something in the comments on a Return of Kings article, about how gender reassignment from male to female was worth a try. This was around the time when Caitlin Jenner was getting a lot of media attention, when she had the Vanity Fair cover.
I was quite surprised to read it. I’d assumed being female was the lowest of the low to these guys, worse than death, almost unthinkable to them.
It’s a fantasy of mine, that these misogynists should spend, I dunno, a month or so as an average woman. Better yet, a middle-aged average woman.
Oh, Troubelle, if I only had your talent! And, just a bit of your youth. My youth was wasted, in more ways than one.?
I suspect CroMagnonBoy learned everything he knows about gender reassignment from transgender fetish porn.
This is off-topic, but my cat just dropped a live mouse on my bed! This is the fourth time she’s done this in the past year. I’ve never had a cat who liked to do this sort of thing before. Holy crap.
Well, this is a weird enough post from these guys that I actually commented…
And like Buttercup, I thought they were talking about themselves…they have been dividing dudes into Chads and Incels. Presumably Chads are not ‘lowT’, so that leaves, er, them.
Uhhhh … he wants to fuck … dudes????
Ain’t that what gay dudes do and want?
Why don’t he just come out of his closet?
Just saying!
@Paradoxical Intention:
But but but hypergamy!!1
She’s treating you like a kitten. In the wild, the mom feline brings injured but still lively prey home and lets the kids practice. In other words, it’s a sign of affection. She’s giving you something to play with.
We had a cat when I was a kid. A big Siamese male. We took him camping with us. In a campground, of course, with the car right there. He would go out at night and hunt, and in the morning we would all find half a mouse next to our sleeping bags. The back half, for each of us. They looked like they’d been cut in half with a knife. Mind you that was my mom and dad and all five kids. Seven mice. My mom always made a point to not let him see her throwing them away.
I’ve had other male cats lay a line of dead mice in a neat row on the back porch, tails all stretched out and heads all pointing the same direction.
Male cats show off their hunting prowess. Female cats bring home something for you to play with.
I have gotten three baby snakes this spring. One was dead, the other two seriously injured. I feel lucky that they didn’t wind up in my bed. I did wind up with a dead rat in my bed. It was a _Sigmodon hispidus_ the Cotton Rat, a very common native rat here in Texas.
My cats love me, it seems.
As an actual trans woman…. I wouldn’t have sex with them for a magical wish…. no no no no… and no.
Sure it is! Clearly we feminists haven’t been spending literal fucking decades talking about gender and actual fucking psychologists haven’t been talking about it as a legitimate social construct and how it affects individuals and society as a whole, it’s all as simple as someone deciding one day that they’re an attack helicopter, because that’s what anti-feminists on the internet told me they were talking about! [/sarcasm sarcasm sarcasm]
Don’t we all? However, I’m bored, so…*adjusts tinfoil fedora and adds a ton of sarcasm tags* I might have some answers!
It’s clearly going to be a very precise, scientific process, involving clear SCIENTIFIC traits of your average beta male.
Very similar to the old draft physicals of yore, we drag all suspected beta cucks into a tent, and we take their important measurements! Wrist size, canthal tilt, muscle mass, and so on and so forth. We then put the betas through their paces by putting them in a room full of women and see which of them cow before the femoids in a variety of social situations.
Those that don’t meet all the requirements and fail the exams are then subject to painful gender reassignment surgery and re-socialized to be
penis holeswomen!The government prints money, right? Asking for a friend.
Simple. The betas are men, so they’ll listen to lojik! All the incels have to do is to sit the betas down and
shout at and harasstalk to them and they’ll see how much better life will be asan incel’s sex toya woman!They just don’t seem to get it.
It has nothing to do with the “sexual market place”. No matter what the ratio of men to women is, no woman would want to fuck them.
Hell, it doesn’t even matter if they aren’t especially good looking. There are plenty of ugly men out there who can get laid almost any time they want, because they are great guys who are capable of being friends with a women, who like women, who treat women like humans, and see women as their equals. But these guys? They can all look like Chris fucking Hemsworth and they STILL aren’t going to get fucked.
Umm, no. No thank you. “Beta Cucks” do not belong among my kind, my gender. Maybe if all incel types are blasted to another planet, then they can try this stuff with each other, but only under those circumstances.
I wonder if incels.me is just a horrible failure of a humor site?
@TB Tabby I suspect CroMagnonBoy has a lot of “men turned into women without consent” images on his hard drive he’s lifted from Deviantart and elsewhere.
Oh the irony of incels calling other people losers