By David Futrelle
Yesterday, one of the regulars on the horrific cesspool of inhumanity known as Incels.me posed a question to his fellow “involuntary” celibates: “Should beta cucks be turned into women?”
Not only did most of his colleagues agree, they thought it should be mandatory.
CroMagnonBoy, the lovely fellow who posted the poll. explained why he thought his out-of-the box proposal could solve pretty much every problem incels face.
“In this hypothetical situation,” he wrote,
the technology for turning men into full biological women exists. The vagina and ovaries can be grown using your own DNA, and feminizing effects take place within a month at the most.
Clearly Mr. CroMagnonBoy isn’t burdened by any actual knowledge about, or understanding of, contemporary medicine or, really, how any of this actually works.
We all know that these spineless, ball-less losers are beyond saving. These same losers advocate for women to have total and full dominion over men. Although they are for the most part small, pathetic, and harmless, they are a step above women due to the small presence of testosterone in their blood.
Er, actually everyone has some testosterone in their blood, but never mind, as this inaccuracy is possibly the least egregious thing about CroMag’s proposal.
And what makes this slightly more concerning is that they make up a majority of men, and hold positions of power. They are responsible for everything to do with feminism and female empowerment. In other words, they are our worst enemy. They caused our inceldom with hypergamy and dysgenics.
We “cucks” are responsible for what now?
Since we as incels crave females, and there are plenty of failed “men” , how would you feel about turning these low t losers into cum-sluts on a mass scale?
Somehow I suspect this dude reads a lot of Hentai.
If you think about it, these cucks would love being a woman. They love being submissive [weird sex crap deleted] Wouldn’t that be just perfect on a woman? A girl who wants to watch you [weird sex crap deleted].
I’ll just summarize the censored material by saying that CroMag has some very specific plans for what to do if his plan ever comes to fruition.
It would also solve the gender ratio hugely. Since it would convert so many “men” into women, men would hardly ever have troubles getting a girlfriend.
Weird how these guys who hate women so much, who think they’re lazy parasites, who are convinced that only men can STEM properly, or really think at all, would be so eager to have so many more women around. But hey, I guess they’re into pretty much anything — even if it’s a bizarre, hypothetical sci-fi scenario — that might make some women so desperate they’d actually agree to let one of these assholes touch them.
So what happens to any “beta cuck” who refuses to go along with this rather drastic plan? In the comments, CroMag suggested he would be happy for them to be transformed into, er, organic fertilizer instead.
Though an overwhelming majority of those who answered CroMag’s poll thought his plan was a good one, there were some critics.
Some felt it didn’t go far enough. “These new women would be even more wicked than normal women,” wrote forum regular Robo Sapien. “[E]xterminate them.”
“Put them into gas chambers instead,” agreed the aptly named Evildoer. “Cheaper and better.”
Others didn’t like the idea of sex with someone who wasn’t born a “real” female. As “fuck chad” saw it,
Even though they are completely women I still wouldnt want to fuck something that used to be a man. especially a man that was a complete beta cuck. it would be easier to just kill them all
LiterallyASoyBoy agreed, throwing a transphobic slur into the mix,
You can’t change your physical body from male to female, tr***ys only LARP as women. So it’s moot for now
The Great Cel had a simpler solution:
Turn beta cucks and male feminists into eunuch slaves
Profligate wondered if any medical procedures were even necessary:
Aren’t they already? Some of these cucks are so low T that you can’t even tell.
All of these different opinions, and all of them awful!
I wonder, again, if any of those who think we as a society need to do something to “redistribute sex” to these guys has ever actually looked at the sorts of things these guys talk about all day. These guys are too angry, too hateful, too dangerous for anyone to fuck. Hell, they’re dangerous to simply be around, and not only to the women they want to have sex with, as this creepy little discussion reminds us yet again.
H/T — Thanks again to @Justincelthings, who highlighted this horrible thread on Twitter
As a trans woman who wants to have children one day, I fucking wish that level of transition tech existed.
Say it with me kids: Bigoted Asshole is NOT A MENTAL ILLNESS.
I think incels want to force the sex change and perform a lobotomy. A living sex doll.
I’ve seen enough feminization fetish porn to recognize a feminization fetish when I see one.
@ Buttercup Q. Skullpant
Please read up on Guantanamo. I understand raging about the treatment of these children. I am absolutely livid and nauseous too. But prisoners at Guantanamo did not receive better treatment unless you believe the fairy tales of the Bush administration. They were tortured, beaten, some were imprisoned in complete isolation for months and years without sunlight, some were caged outside in the blazing Cuban sun and had to sleep on the gravel, some were denied proper medical care… And no, they weren’t all terrorists. It’s well known that the majority were innocent. But I guess Muslims don’t really matter, right?
…Sorry if I sounded overly aggressive. It’s just that Guantanamo is a really sore subject for me.
For everyone reacting to
he’s not quite as dumb as he sounds. If you read the line about it (different font) it includes the words “In this hypothetical situation”. So he knows that’s not how things work *now*, it’s just how he wants them to work.
@ sky
Well, they don’t know what hypergamy means, so they may not be any better with hypothetical. 🙂
Sounds like OP was horny on main if ya ask me.
But isn’t it always about sex with these dudes?
Still incredibly inhumane – it illustrates how deep the US has sunk under Trump. These kids are being held in conditions that don’t even meet the minimum UN standards for treatment of prisoners.
Also, note that I said “suspected terrorists”, not terrorists. I’m aware that far too many innocent people were unjustly detained there.
Meanwhile, on one of the most consistently good (and hilarious) corners of the internets, we have:
Lurking menzers, migtoes and volassholes, please take note. THIS is how satire is done.
Boy, do I wish transitioning was that easy. Although something tells me that people like these do more to prevent the advance of technology and medicine with their prejudice than advance it with their myopic imaginations.
I used to be against eating children. Then I saw how uncivilly the left demanding that people stop eating children and was driven to become a child eater. Don’t blame me for eating children! It’s all the fault of the angry left!
I blame the parents. They’re the ones having the children that I eat.
I blame the children. Why are they incarnate if they don’t want to be eaten!!!!!!!!1!
The woods aren’t sending their best, anyways. Only the most hardened criminals go for walks outside.
Incels, is there anyone they do not want to rape? Other than each other that is.
Are you sure they wouldn’t rape each other?
Personally, I have my doubts.
The obvious solution would be for Incels to have consensual sex with one another. They do not care about that option. Admitting to want to rape each other, which admittedly could come to their mind, would interfer with their sense of community.
I would agree with you if they were like most communities, but this is not a community that values it’s members’ sense of belonging. In fact, they’re constantly trying to out one another as volcels and trying to outdo one another in the world’s worst pissing contest by comparing how ‘ugly’ their wrist circumferences are.
I think they don’t talk about wanting to rape one another because it’s about status, not sex. They want to violate women and betas. They don’t see any social status gain in doing so to each other.