creepy domestic violence empathy deficit entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny playing the victim warren farrell

Now that women have jobs, men can’t control them with money any more: A MGTOW’s lament

Man controlling woman with money … or woman controlling man with sex? Only the MGTOWs know for sure

By David Futrelle

Searching through the archives on Yahoo Answers’ Gender Studies section — which, because the internet is the internet, has been completely overrun with angry lady-haters — I found one anonymous fellow asking a slightly ungrammatical but easily answerable question: “Why women hate MGTOW?”

I can’t speak for women, or even for that relatively small portion of women that even know what MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) means, but I’m guessing the first answer that pops to mind for most MGTOW-haters is: Because MGTOWs keep promising to go their own way, but they never seem to actually do it.

Our anonymous MGTOW friend doesn’t agree, though his attempts to further explain the question inadvertently provide an answer before he gets around to offering his own explicit answer (which happens to be wrong).

He begins by sketching out a vision of sexual and romantic relationships between men and women that is not only oversimplified to the point of absurdity but also rather chilling.

If women control men through sex and attraction then it could be said that men control women through access to resources.

Well, that’s a scary way to look at relationships — as a perpetual war for control in which women manipulate with sex and men with money. And if women control men with their sex appeal, what happens when they hit, say, age 80? Do their husbands cash in their remaining retirement savings to so in search of a younger model?

When women didn’t work men controlled women by controlling the purse strings. Now women have jobs so men can’t put money over women’s heads.

Women have always worked, of course, but apparently it’s unfair to men for women to earn their own money from work because then men can’t control them?

And society doesn’t accept and allow violence so men don’t really have control over women in modern society.

Fucking hell. Why does every MGTOW (not to mention every MRA, every incel, every Red Piller) seem to think like an abuser?

Women are free to do whatever they want.

The horror!

Women of course still use their looks and appearance to attract and manipulate men and society doesn’t see this as against the law. It’s just a harmless lie right?

Women’s “looks and appearance” (which are apparently different things) are a LIE? HOW? Because women wear makeup to look sexier than they “really” are? Because they wear clothing that doesn’t completely hide their body but don’t offer said body to every man who wants to have sex with them?

And how would one go about making it illegal for women to look attractive to men? Would especially “hot” women have to get plastic surgery to look worse?

But men are waking up to this and realizing we don’t have power in relationships and our dealings with women so why bother if all we do is give and all women do is take. 

If this is how you think relations between (straight) men and women work. I’m pretty sure very few women will be terribly troubled if you stop bothering about relationships — or, more to the point, bothering them.

And why are many women in the western world unsatisfied what we men do every single time? If we reject a woman, her friends would also take it personally and attack the man.

Has this ever happened in the history of MGTOWism? I mean, for real, not in their fevered imaginations. It’s hard for me to imagine a woman who wouldn’t be relieved to be “rejected” by one of these creeps.

You know that if we go our own ways in life, you are no value to us. Of course, that is a threat to women.

Insofar as you guys pose a “threat” to women, this isn’t it. I’d be glad to see you guys truly go your own way — preferably far away, like desert island far — and so would every woman I know who even knows what you guys are. The only threats you pose to women is that you won’t go — that you’ll stick around to harass and threaten women online and off, to inflict violence on women, or ever to follow some of your incel brothers by outright murdering people.

Just please go already.

Perhaps even more chilling than this MGTOW’s weird little post is that fact that he has simply stated — albeit in a crude and overly schematic way — what many leading Men’s Rights Activists think. It was Warren Farrell, you may recall, who warned his fellow men of the “miniskirt power” and “cleavage power” women are said to have over even the most powerful men — and who put a naked women’s ass on the cover of the 25th Anniversary edition of his book The Myth of Male Power to remind men of the allegedly fearsome power of  a shapely lady dumper.

These aren’t fringe ideas amongst misogynists. They’re central to their worldview. And that — not the attempts by a subculture of angry dudes to boycott the so-called sexual marketplace  —  is a real threat to women.

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weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Same old, same old. It’s terrible for women not to work outside the home because she’s mooching off men. It’s terrible for women to work outside the home because then she might forget her place.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

Women of course still use their looks and appearance to attract and manipulate men

They say this like attraction isn’t a two-way street, as if hetero women are not affected by the looks and appearance of men.

And in the next breath they complain about how women are always drooling over Brad Pitt but won’t give them the time of day. Or was that incels? Or is there really a meaningful difference?

And how would one go about making it illegal for women to look attractive to men?

“Emulate Saudi Arabia” would seem to be the obvious answer. MGTOW heaven … if MGTOWs weren’t also uniformly Islamophobic racists.

6 years ago

Fucking hell. Why does every MGTOW (not to mention every MRA, every incel, every Red Piller) seem to think like an abuser?

Because anyone who isn’t an abuser, will take one look at these ideologies and keep walking.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
6 years ago

I’m surprised they didn’t complain about women who make more money than men. Perhaps that’s next week’s rant. They have a schedule for recirculating this crap, don’t they?

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

David Said: Women have always worked, of course, but apparently it’s unfair to men for women to earn their own money from work because then men can’t control them?

Come now David! You can’t really expect MGTOWs to have a decent grasp of history outside of old TV and heavily doctored history textbooks! That’s tantamount to misandry! How very dare you ask the big strong mayunly men of the MGTOW movement (not much movement going on, but you get the idea) to do women’s work like research and a basic Google search! [/sarcasm]

Katherine the Adequate
Katherine the Adequate
6 years ago

For men who don’t need women in their lives, miggy toes spend an awful lot of time obsessing over women. They never really go their own way, do they?

Dan Kasteray
Dan Kasteray
6 years ago

Did these assholes accidentally be honest for once?

6 years ago

More women are remaining single (and in some cases celibate) than at any time previously in history, as far as we can tell from statistics. Because women can survive financially without a male relative nowadays, more and more women are choosing to… you could almost call it… go their own way… than deal with abusive men, or even men who are just jerks, or tie themselves to a man they don’t wholly love, because tea, knitting and cats are just better alternatives.

I’ve said it before: incels and MRAs and all think the sexbot arrival is going to save them. It’s not. It’s going to doom every man who isn’t Chris Evans. “Well I can date this unemployed jackass who thinks feminism is cancer and lives in a basement, or I can live with my best friend, adopt some puppies, and have sex with my handsome robot whenever I need it. Decisions, decisions.”

6 years ago

I’m honestly a bit surprised that the MGTOW didn’t also have a paragraph ranting about how rape is criminalized now (even within a marriage, the horror!), and that means that men no longer have any options to have sex on their own terms!

Though I suppose he kind of does, with that “men can’t use VIOLENCE to get women to be with them any more, waaaaaah!” whine. Just not quite as blatantly.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

So, just in case anyone was thinking the US was going for the gold in the race to the bottom all by itself

So we’ve got at least two so called democracies showing signs of going down the genocide path and bringing back memories of the Holocaust and millions are starving in Yemen due to the Saudi/UAE/US blockade which is bringing back memories of the Bengal famine.

I think this gif sums up my 2018 mood so far
comment image

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Since I’ve been too much of a Debbie Downer the past few days, have some corgis

comment image

Pretty Pink Punanni Princess
Pretty Pink Punanni Princess
6 years ago

Yes, same old same old vile, violent ultra-control freaks who are of course riech-wing, authoritarian and so pent up with violence, they cry at not being able to “express” themselves. And by that, I mean brutalizing their wives and kids and keeping teenaged girls in their basements as they brutally sodomized their crushed, broken corpses with impunity.

Of course. Also, can you believe that there are people out there who got a problem with us posting these realities of these people in the mainstream? Say it’s “bullying.” Like we should feel “pity” for them. Erm…. do these people have amnesia? Do they honestly read these posts and posts like them?
I am a woman and have every single right in the world to know of and expose these people. It’s my duty to let other women of the world know as well. I am the target of their ire, and to be in the dark about it is stupidity at best and self-sabotage at worst.
Let me say something, if we all were replying in fear, locking our doors, getting back to our “places”, staying silent and giving into their demands and wearing burkas while exposing these freaks of nature, they would smile all smug and righteous-like. They had accomplished their goal: Implanting fear.

The very nerve that we don’t pity them, don’t take them seriously, continue on with our lives and that we got their number and have no issue standing up to them and speaking about them boldly is what ticks them off to their core. They hate that not every woman in America knows of them, are living happily and are not in the corner in the fetal positions sucking their thumbs. They really aren’t even looking for pity, as these are the same people who sneer at emotions and pity. They want one thing only from us: FEAR.
We don’t give it, it’s all for naught and the angrier they’ll become. Underneath it all is not the need to be accepted, pitied, loved or whatever… they are sordid, vile, pent up time bombs who are angry they have nothing in their lives to grasp and control. The pleas for acceptance, pity and love and simply switched out for worship, unquestioning adoration and fear. Nothing to slap around, brutalize, and own in every possible way.

That is at the base of it. In their minds, women are the key to more future boys who think and act like them and they are the key to the world they want. Take women out of the equation and from under their thumb and brainwashing system…they truly got nothing. Just a pile of hate and broken dreams of egotistic grandeur, destruction and glory.

6 years ago

Another example of why appealing to the manosphere is a waste of time. Damned if you do damned if you don’t by the misery addicts.

Miss Cobalt
Miss Cobalt
6 years ago

Misery addicts sums them up perfectly

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
6 years ago

When women didn’t work [outside the home,] men [who were power mongers] controlled women by controlling the purse strings. Now [many] women have jobs [outside the home,] so [these abusers] can’t [hold] money over women’s heads.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
6 years ago

@Ooglyboggles, @Miss Cobalt
The expression Misery loves company seems to have been coined for them.

They’re miserable.

And they want us to be miserable.

So they hatch their miserable plans for violence (which are usually just hot air but sometimes they carry out) on the Internet. I’m sure they’re hoping that feminists and so-called normies (snort) will read their odes to misery and mayhem, and freak the hell out. That way they won’t be alone in their misery.


Knitting Cat Lady
Knitting Cat Lady
6 years ago

You are right, David, my first thought about MGTOWs is indeed ‘Why are they still here? Can’t they just go already?!’.

They’re a textbook case of aggrieved entitlement…

6 years ago

@Knitting Cat Lady
I’d go say something like “jeez dude get a dog or something.” But that would mean subjecting a poor animal to the whims of these people. And frankly I wouldn’t trust them to take care of a pet rock.

6 years ago


I’d go say something like “jeez dude get a dog or something.”

There’s at least one incel who should absolutely not be left alone with an animal, and I suspect he’s unusual only in that he publicly admits what he wants.

6 years ago

As I’ve told you before, now when I’ve gotten a job with tenure and a high salary, Husband is gonna quit his old job that makes him miserable and instead study literature and creative writing at the university. He doesn’t seem to worry about the fact that then I’d be holding all of the power!!!!!!!

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
6 years ago

But Dvärghundspossen, how will he work in the bonbon mines when he’s busy studying creative writing?

Violet the Vile, Wielder of an Ideologically Weaponized Vagina
Violet the Vile, Wielder of an Ideologically Weaponized Vagina
6 years ago

Hey, everyone, who wants to help me start a crowdfunder to buy MGTOWs their own island??

Far, far away. With plenty of seagulls

6 years ago

@Violet the Vile

Can we just give them a few million plastic bottles and tell them to make their own? I could see fair to giving them milk jugs and suchlike too.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
6 years ago

The Great Pacific Plastic Patch would make a suitable MGTOW country, now that their chatter about “depopulating part of Puerto Rico” has become deeply unfunny in hindsight.

Doubtless, without the distractions caused by the presence of women, they’ll be able to work on the real problems that society faces, such as how to get internet in the middle of the Pacific.

Jarred H
6 years ago

@Dvärghundspossen I am delighted (and a little jealous) that that’s a possibility for your husband. I’d be stoked about it if I were in his shoes too.

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