By David Futrelle
The Gender Studies section of Yahoo Answers is a cesspool of Men’s Rights Activists and MGTOWs and other angry Red Pillers raging about feminism. But last night I came across one of the locals challenging a core tenet of Red Pill theory, wondering aloud if “a woman [can] look better when older [30’s] than she did when in her 20’s?”
“Don’t give examples of celebs,” he added, “they use too much makeup/surgeries.”
The answers were surprisingly reality-based, with most commenters acknowledging that yes indeed, some women do in fact look better in their 30s than they did in their 20s.
But no one was quite so effusive in their praise than the anonymous fellow who began his reply with a hearty “[y]ou bet they can.”
He elaborated:
Comes a time when a woman loses that flat, soulless beauty of the mass produced Barbie doll and starts to gain a little character in her features. Provided she pays attention to her overall conditioning and health, she can be gorgeous in her 30s, 40s, 50s and beyond. Far surpassing the beauty she possessed in her teens and 20s.
Ok, that stuff at the top about the soulless Barbie dolls is a bit judgy, but at least he’s not your typical manosphere asshole obsessed with teenagers, right?
It’s at this point that his comment takes a bit of a turn.
Provided she doesn’t shave her head and become a strident, screaming bltch of a feminist good only for inclusion in a can of dog food, if you don’t care what happens to your dog.
Wait WHAT!? How did we get from talking about the gorgeousness of women in their “30s, 40s, 50s and beyond” to talking about — if I’m reading this right — grinding up feminists and using their, er, meat for dog food?
It’s times like this I begin to wonder if the internet was a mistake.
The tone to me is “Yep, she may have some mileage on her, but with routine maintenance, rub her down with a chamois once a week and she’ll be as good as the when you drove her off the showroom floor.”
The tone to me still seems “Yep she may have some mileage on her, but with regular maintenance, rub her down with a chamois once a week and she’ll be as good as when you drove off the showroom floor.”
To me the tone is still “Yep, she may have some mileage on her but with routine maintenance, rub her down with a chamois once a week, she’ll look as good as the day you drove her off the showroom floor.”
That took a sudden turn from sexist into Batman supervillain territory.
That’s exactly what it sounds like. Too bad, too: I had hope for this one.
Well, that escalated quickly.
So, it’s bad to conform to beauty norms because then you’re a soulless Barbie. But it’s also bad to not conform to beauty norms because then you’re a strident, screaming bitch of a feminist.
Anything a woman does is wrong. What a revolutionary concept!
“shave her head and become a strident, screaming bltch of a feminist”
Gods though, these guys are horrible! “Normal” male possessiveness and dominance stuff already strikes me as uncomfortably close to a serial killer’s mentality, but this is a whole other level.
This is off-topic, but I just read the Questions Requiring Answers to the right of the Reddit comment thread. One of them was “If a man’s sperm is supposed to swim up to meet a woman’s egg, then why does it drip out?”. There are a few other gems there.
I hope the people asking these questions are very young, or the questions are meant to be a joke.
Also off-topic: Does anyone on here tend to get headaches when the weather is damp? I feel like a human barometer today.
Remember, ladies, we’re either used cars or cartons of spoiled milk once we reach a certain age. Men, on the other hand, are fine wine, better with age. The ones who live in their parents’ basements age particularly well, due to the climate controlled, cellar-like environment.
And that’s my erudite bit of social science for the day, courtesy of mansplanations all over the ‘net.
Sub-par dog food, even.
I wonder how many missing person cases could be solved by searching this creep’s backyard. Or fridge.
wwth – So what he’s saying is that he wants a Cool Girl!
Well, Cool Woman, I guess.
Oh yay, another toxic bloviating boner heard from.
I hope you die involuntarily virginal at 90, Mr. Dogfood.
PS to @Dormousing_it: Yup, I’m a human barometer too. All my joints ache, and I can hardly lift my head to groan.
Feminists: Ugly, shrill, harbingers of the downfall of Western civilization, AND poisonous to dogs! How awful.
Oh, Yahoo Answers. I remember a few years ago I stumbled onto someone innocently asking what you call a human/demon hybrid.
The top-rated answer was not “It’s a cambion, here’s the wikipedia page.”
It was instead “Nothing, because demons DON’T EXIST!”
I wonder how much fun that person and those who upvoted them are at parties.
“Hey, did you guys see the new movie with the flying, fire-breathing reptile, whaddaya callit…”
“Nothing, because flying, fire-breathing reptiles DON’T EXIST!”
“Who would win in a fight between Superman and Goku?”
“Nobody, because aliens DON’T EXIST!”
Thanks! I always appreciate it when a guy puts down other women in order to say I’m not like that.
Some celebrity gossip seems relevant here
An MIT professor supposedly rejected Brad Pitt for a billionaire. Alpha fucks, beta bux, amirite?
I guess this invalidates the manosphere hypothesis that all women are attracted to Brad Pitt and only Brad Pitt though.
Yes, I do this on a regular basis. From personal experience, I’m pretty sure the humidity and air pressure put pressure on the sinuses and cause the headaches.
I am guessing that he realised his previous comment didn’t have sufficient hate and references to the murder and mutilation of women.
I’d be remiss in pointing out how close this mirrors what a lot of guys complain about when it comes to social media body shaming. Twitter is rife with this crap (particularly towards adult performers): “Great body ruined with tattoos!” “Lovely face, but hate the shaved head!” Don’t even think about showing a whit of armpit hair, ladies, you’ll have umpteen assholes coming out of the woodwork to demand you shave it.
It’s like nobody learned anything from all the body shaming August Ames received before her tragic suicide and just treat women as some kind of commodity to be evaluated as any other kind of commodity (like a car as in thinwhiteduchess’ example). Look how quickly Ames went down the memory hole.
Personally, I’m entirely sold on the half-shaved look myself, just as I’m not sold on tattoo sleeves or man-buns. But that’s just me; I like symmetry. Other people’s bodies are their own business.
But I also find it fascinating that they’re merging that look with the stereotype they have of the angry feminist (see: Chanty Binx). Reminds me of the “man-hating dyke” drawn by Banky Edwards in Chasing Amy.
So basically, decades old pop culture tropes continue to haunt us, much like Dennis Rodman.
Yeah, one of the best indicators of how much these guys hate women is the vitriol they spew towards those whose work fuels their masturbatory fantasies.
And before August Ames there was Stella Ann. I don’t even remember who went before her.
Sinuses. You can get Flonase over the counter these days, though it is expensive (so for those times when your headache is really bad). Otherwise, get a bottle of nasal saline, found in the same aisle, with other allergy stuff (tends to be on the very top or very bottom shelf). It’s salt water in a squeeze bottle and costs about a buck fifty. Snort it. As often as you like. It helps reduce the swelling in your sinuses without drugs and works pretty well for all but the worst cases of sinus headaches.
Oh, and as for the OP, the most beautiful woman I ever saw was at least 70 and possibly older. I admit that, as a mostly straight woman, I find older women far more attractive than women in their 20s, though.
For instance, I say mostly straight because I do find the occasional woman sexually attractive. Lucy Liu turns me on like whoa. She didn’t when she was younger, but now she’s pushing fifty and I’d do her in a second if she was interested (she wouldn’t be, of course).
Wasn’t the August Ames case a special kind of complicated, though, too? It wasn’t just people body-shaming her, but other people infuriated with her due to her public refusal to work with any guy who had also done gay porn, and her calling out other actresses who would. I’m not saying what happened with her wasn’t tragic, but not all of the people who ended up contributing to her suicidal depression were doing so out of malice.