By David Futrelle
Last November, Reddit banned the Incels subreddit for inciting violence against women; most of those incels who stuck around on Reddit now post in the more carefully modded, if still awful, Braincels subreddit. But on the much smaller MaleForeverAlone subreddit, some of Reddit’s most extreme incels regularly post things as horrific as anything that could be found on the original incels subreddit.
I’ve been highlighting some of these posts. Here’s one from today posted by Holyheavens, one of the subreddit’s moderators, explaining why he thinks that only “chaste women” can be truly harmed by rape.
He starts by setting forth his criteria for distinguishing “chaste women” from “promiscuous sluts.”
A chaste woman is either a virgin, a married woman who’s only partner in her life has been her husband or a remarried widow. In each of these instances, no fornication took place.
I define the promiscuous slut as a woman who’s had sexual relations with more than partner in her life safe for remarried widows as mentioned above.
I’m lenient on premarital sex only if it’s done with her one and only lifepartner.
Just to be clear: the percentage of women who meet Holyheaven’s definition of a “chaste woman” is a tiny one. These days, only about 5 percent of women who marry are virgins on their wedding day.
Moving on the topic of rape; a distinction should be made on the severity of punishment depending on whether the victim falls in one of either categories.
And this is where Holyheaven’s post starts to get really ugly.
The chaste woman can be considered to have been truly traumatized in case of rape, because she has been sullied and bereft of her dignity she was taught to uphold.
The promiscuous slut has no dignity or principles to speak of in the first place. It can barely be considered human because it immediately acts on lust like a wild beast without considering the consequences.
Literal dehumanization. Calling the alleged “promiscuous slut” an “it” is a nice touch.
Such a creature ought best to pursue a career of prostitution, considering it has no value as a mother or wife. It’s not much different from a sexual object.
And now he’s reduced her to a thing.
The most it loses when being raped is a couple of minutes. What is one dick more after having been penetrated by various others?
A rapist who’s raped a woman in the first category must receive a heavy punishment. Chaste women should be protected from being dirtied at all costs for they are the (future) wifes of moral men. So the death penalty is fitting.
So even “chaste women” only have value as wives or “future wives” for men.
A rapist who’s raped a woman in the second category must pay a fine to the raped slut. A slut is not much different from a prostitute -except that she gives her c*nt out for free to various men which could be considered as even worse than prostitution- so why not at least pay her to keep things fair and treat her for the whore she is?
Really not grasping the concept of “consent,” huh? Or at least denying that it applies to the allegedly beneath-human-creature-objects who make up the vast majority of women in the United States.
The single commenter in this thread somehow makes it worse.
“I wouldn’t even give the 2nd rapist a fine to be honest,” writes someone called 7339er. “She should think of [the rape] as repayment for that male incel’s taxes paying for her free abortions and birth control.”
NOTE: At some point while I was writing this post, one of the moderators of r/MaleForeverALone deleted Holyheaven’s post — and then when I checked again, it was back up. (This is why I archive and screenshot.) Apparently the mods of the subreddit can’t decide how worried they should be about the subreddit being banned. And frankly, given Reddit’s continuing reluctance to crack down on even blatantly hateful subreddits until they begin to be a PR problem, I’m not sure either.
Back up, back up – this genius thinks we get free birth control and abortions? Since when!?
The free birth control and abortions come in the welcome basket you get when you join the shadowy global feminist cabal. Did you miss it somehow? We’ve been having some issues with people not providing the correct forwarding address. Proceed to your nearest shadowy feminist headquarters and request a replacement.
What the actual fuck?
I’m opening a betting pool. When do the concentration camps for immigrant children start becoming concentration camps for anyone who dissents? Think they’ll try and wait until after the 2020 election in hopes Trump can win/steal a 2nd term? Or they going to do it sooner?
Since I don’t have much in the way of finances right now, I’m afraid the winner only gets an unlimited supply of cute animal pictures of the species of your choice. Centipedes excluded.
Admittedly, the first thing I thought of when I saw the title was a (hypothetical) variant of Seven Drunken Nights that ends:
Well, it’s many a day I’ve traveled
A hundred miles or more
But an incel who could last for two
I never saw before
Some small consolation, I suppose, is that she got duly ratioed: 14 kComments, 945 Retweets, 2.5 kLikes.
If it happens, and it’s looking ever more likely by the day, I can’t think that he won’t wait until he wins a second term. My date is probably about March 2021, provided he wins again.
By that same logic, it wouldn’t be that much of a crime if I kidnapped this guy, sedated him and amputated his limbs in case he’s voluntarily had medical procedures done before.
Also, it’s funny how extremely wide his definition of a “slut” is. I know some people think you shouldn’t use the word “slut” at all… Personally, I can say things like I was a real slut when I was young without really putting any value judgment into it. What I mean by that is just that I used to have a lot of one-night-stands, and that I’ve slept with strangers.
Obviously there’s no sharp agreed-upon definition, but I’ll go out on a limb here and say that if a woman has slept with three people in her entire life, two long-term boyfriends and the person she eventually married and is still married to today, and you call her a slut on account of her having had more than one sexual partner, you’ve just misunderstood what the word means.
Is there supposed to be any sort safeguard against guys leaving their faithful chaste wives so that they don’t just fall in a limbo, or do they get a permission to “widow” themselves?
Doubt it. You see, if you are faithful and chaste enough they would never leave you, would they?
So if they’ve left, it’s because you didn’t work at your one job of being every single thing they want (without instructions; if they have to tell you what to do, you’ve failed. You need to read their minds)
Ergo: they leave, you’re a slut. Enjoy your punishment.
Somehow I think that a certain group of women who have never had sex with men will not receive the ‘respect’ he is affording hetero virgin women.
Apparently, moderating hate groups on Reddit is like playing whack-a-mole, if there was some risk that the mole might actually run away and leave you jobless if you whack it too much.
The most this cretin loses if you cut his head off is some dead weight.
So what exactly happens to the “chaste” woman after she’s raped?
Catalpa pointed out that using their “logic” she’d be sullied and no longer suitable as a partner.
There is a conclusion drawn for her rapist while she seemingly ceases to exist after the rape.
Just further evidence that women aren’t even vaguely human to these featering pus bubbles.
*To further the Handmaid’s Tale references I picture the “virtuous” raped women scrabbling out an existence in the toxic and radioactive wastelands after being reminded of their luck to still be alive and of service.
@ Valkyrine
Those women are and always were sluts for having hypergamously chosen Chads. Women are responsible for men’s behaviour through having the power and obligation to only choose good men. Good men, those men women are allowed to choose as their one life partner, incels, are loyal and faithful. Probably they sleep with (includes rape) some sluts on the side, but they won’t leave their wife. Not unless she is an evil feminist harpy demanding rights and respect not due to her as a woman. But if she is, she naturally deserves every abandonment, rape, murder etc. coming her way.
Back when I was in college (back in the late ’80s), my group of friends decided that since “slut” was a gendered term, we needed a male equivalent. Since we lived in SF, we were familiar with Sloat street and decided that “sloat” would be a good term for that.
Pity it never caught on.
That’s about the worst case of “rape isn’t something that happens to the victims but to their owners” I’ve ever seen.
Mind you, it’s not that far from the attitudes my mother expressed when she was bringing us up.
To me: never never, never, have sex until you are married otherwise you’re a you-know-what and anything that happens to you after that is your fault. (And no it doesn’t matter that you don’t want to get married).
To my brothers: if a woman will have sex with you, she’ll obviously have sex with absolutely anyone.
Another thought just occurred to me. Under this paradigm, I bet that marital rape doesn’t exist, because there’s nothing for a “chaste” woman to need to protect from her
ownerhusband. Since the only value that a woman’s vagina has is to validate a man’s masculinity by only belonging to him, there’s no way for that man to “steal” any value from it and be considered deserving of punishment.Mighty convenient for the shitbags, that if they rape a woman who is not their partner, she’s a slut who deserved it, and if they rape a woman who is their partner, then it’s just their right as an owner of a woman. Almost like they don’t want to have to ever obtain consent at all.
…right, so, clearly feminism’s work is done! “What, you’ve got the vote, you get paid, what more do ya want?!”
A world free of future Marc Lepines like this guy would be nice. Sheesh, never has the tag “men who should never be with any woman ever” applied so well! If there is a merciful god out there, please let her keep this hideous person away from any woman, particularly vulnerable ones!
ForeverAlone used to have a faintly tragic ring to it. Now I find it reassuring.
It is an indication that I’ve read too much of this filth that my first thought was “oops he’s created a loophole by using too narrow a definition for slut”.
He forgot to codify how chaste women dress. As a result, raping a scantily clad lady is a form of Russian Roulette; the rapist has no way of knowing if his punishment is going to be death or a fine. Therefore would-be rapists will be deterred from raping some slutty ladies because they’re Schrodinger’s virgins.
Of course, nobody tell him, or he’ll close up that loophole before you can say “misogynists gonna hate”.
Oh weatherwax, didn’t think about that! You’re clever!
@Gaebolga: When I grew up in Sweden we did have the word “bock”. It literally means billy-goat, but it could be used about men who slept around “too much”. Don’t know if it’s still in use though.
Holy shit, what a bunch of fucking losers these guys are.
I was just thinking, “The prosecution would have to show beyond reasonable doubt that she is indeed a chaste woman. I smell a loophole for rapists”
Well, maybe the loophole wasn’t intended. Incels seem to have some trouble with understanding others’ position, and generally with thinkng things through.
Suppose, for example, that you want some public benefits for “verified incels”. You probably think your incel status is easily verifiable because you think it’s looks-based and because it’s so obvious and important to *you*. However, in reality some government clerk couldn’t just determine your dating market viability by glancing at you.
Back in 2014, did you note all the fellow incels who opined that ER wasn’t a legit incel because he was so good looking and wealthy? And that was *after* he demonstrated his desperation by going on a murder spree.
Or suppose the slutty woman in your head was real, and I was considering marrying her. Just like the hypothetical rapist and hypothetical court, how could I know if she’s a slut or not? You only know her backstory because you created it. Like most men, I don’t really care about her history – but if I did, she’d have a strong incentive in lying about it.
Hey errybody! Candace Owens stepped in some fresh shit!
As I pointed out in the non-comment section, her tweet gave me Karen Straughan flashbacks.