By David Futrelle
Last November, Reddit banned the Incels subreddit for inciting violence against women; most of those incels who stuck around on Reddit now post in the more carefully modded, if still awful, Braincels subreddit. But on the much smaller MaleForeverAlone subreddit, some of Reddit’s most extreme incels regularly post things as horrific as anything that could be found on the original incels subreddit.
I’ve been highlighting some of these posts. Here’s one from today posted by Holyheavens, one of the subreddit’s moderators, explaining why he thinks that only “chaste women” can be truly harmed by rape.
He starts by setting forth his criteria for distinguishing “chaste women” from “promiscuous sluts.”
A chaste woman is either a virgin, a married woman who’s only partner in her life has been her husband or a remarried widow. In each of these instances, no fornication took place.
I define the promiscuous slut as a woman who’s had sexual relations with more than partner in her life safe for remarried widows as mentioned above.
I’m lenient on premarital sex only if it’s done with her one and only lifepartner.
Just to be clear: the percentage of women who meet Holyheaven’s definition of a “chaste woman” is a tiny one. These days, only about 5 percent of women who marry are virgins on their wedding day.
Moving on the topic of rape; a distinction should be made on the severity of punishment depending on whether the victim falls in one of either categories.
And this is where Holyheaven’s post starts to get really ugly.
The chaste woman can be considered to have been truly traumatized in case of rape, because she has been sullied and bereft of her dignity she was taught to uphold.
The promiscuous slut has no dignity or principles to speak of in the first place. It can barely be considered human because it immediately acts on lust like a wild beast without considering the consequences.
Literal dehumanization. Calling the alleged “promiscuous slut” an “it” is a nice touch.
Such a creature ought best to pursue a career of prostitution, considering it has no value as a mother or wife. It’s not much different from a sexual object.
And now he’s reduced her to a thing.
The most it loses when being raped is a couple of minutes. What is one dick more after having been penetrated by various others?
A rapist who’s raped a woman in the first category must receive a heavy punishment. Chaste women should be protected from being dirtied at all costs for they are the (future) wifes of moral men. So the death penalty is fitting.
So even “chaste women” only have value as wives or “future wives” for men.
A rapist who’s raped a woman in the second category must pay a fine to the raped slut. A slut is not much different from a prostitute -except that she gives her c*nt out for free to various men which could be considered as even worse than prostitution- so why not at least pay her to keep things fair and treat her for the whore she is?
Really not grasping the concept of “consent,” huh? Or at least denying that it applies to the allegedly beneath-human-creature-objects who make up the vast majority of women in the United States.
The single commenter in this thread somehow makes it worse.
“I wouldn’t even give the 2nd rapist a fine to be honest,” writes someone called 7339er. “She should think of [the rape] as repayment for that male incel’s taxes paying for her free abortions and birth control.”
NOTE: At some point while I was writing this post, one of the moderators of r/MaleForeverALone deleted Holyheaven’s post — and then when I checked again, it was back up. (This is why I archive and screenshot.) Apparently the mods of the subreddit can’t decide how worried they should be about the subreddit being banned. And frankly, given Reddit’s continuing reluctance to crack down on even blatantly hateful subreddits until they begin to be a PR problem, I’m not sure either.
Why do these pathetic creatures call their blog “Braincels”? That implies they possess brains.
Jockeying for a leadership position in some future real life Gilead? He’s too stupid to even a Commander’s driver.
One wonders why they’re forever alone with such woundrous personalities such as theirs /s
The most these assholes lose when their subreddits are banned is some vile pixels. Somehow, that doesn’t compare with the trauma of having unwanted sexual penetration forced upon one, regardless of how “chaste” one was beforehand. (Newsflash: Experienced women are still just as traumatized by rape as the most intact of cloistered virgins, you fucking asswipes.)
Right? I feel like referring to every one of these guys as an “it”. The pronoun best befitting a mindless, brainless, perpetually defecating anus, in other words.
I hope someone chops their dicks off with garden shears; that surely won’t be at all traumatic to them at all!
It’s because they haven’t even gotten as far as taking off a woman’s bra.
Does giving one’s d*ck to various women count as prostitution too?
A slut is not much different from a prostitute—except that he gives his d*ck out for free to various women which could be considered as even worse than prostitution.
So what you’re saying, guys, is that the only legitimate way a woman can have sex with more than one man is if she kills each guy before moving on the next one?
Sorry, couldn’t resist. These people are terrifying.
Question: have any of them started acting out because the MPR raccoon turned out to be female?
“repayment for that male incel’s taxes”… So he thinks this hypothetical rapist to be an incel? Is he being self aware of their movement without realizing what he is saying?
Wow, this is another case of misandry on top of misogyny. Apparently, sex with multiple men “sullies” women. What does that say about men??
Come join the Slut Nation, everyone!
I can see that what Holyheaven has written is hateful and (inexplicably) arrogant and condescending, but I’m short on details because he hasn’t bothered to edit his terrible expression of his terrible, terrible ideas: “with more than partner in her life safe for remarried widows” is incomprehensible.
No doubt he figures that everything about himself, including his writing, is perfect. There’s no need to reread and edit — that’s for losers.
I certainly appreciate this guy’s lenience.
Apparently the subject of this sentence can never be male, even though many men act on lust without considering the consequences.
Also, I’m left wondering what exactly is his problem with wild beasts.
Is it because he himself is a really sorry specimen of humanity?
Yes. Yes, it is.
@ Ooglyboggles
‘Woundrous’ – love the new portmanteau word. Brilliant description of the incel mind set.
This is why incels shouldn’t be dismissed as “crazy” or otherwise treated like outliers completely unconnected from the culture as a whole. The notion that you can’t rape a woman who has had premarital sex is hardly a new one. It’s the whole reason we had to have rape shield laws.
Incels just take everyday misogyny to its logical extreme and it’s foolish to pretend otherwise.
It actually makes sense given the pattern:
wristcel -> rejected by women for having inadequate wrists
heightcel -> rejected by women for having inadequate height
braincel -> rejected by women for having inadequate brains
@Podkayne Lives
You brought the adorbs MPR raccoon to my attention.
I’m fascinated by the fact that this creature was widely labeled male by default — until proven otherwise. Take that, entire “men’s rights” “movement”!
My own theory is that she was doing her best to break the glass ceiling.
It turns out that you’ve got to work inside the system (in this case, the UBS Plaza tower) in order to break said ceiling. Who knew! Nobody knew. But now we all know, thanks to Ms. Raccoon.
By this dipshit’s logic, wouldn’t only the first person to rape a “chaste” woman be considered deserving of the death penalty? A woman who has been raped has had sex with someone who is not her husband, and therefore falls into the “slut” category. There’s no point in protecting a sex object that has already been tarnished, after all.
What a disgusting viewpoint. I hope that he and all his ilk on braincels never interact with any woman ever. If they aren’t rapists yet, they’re definitely aspiring to become one.
Somebody needs to go Seal Team Six on these assholes. I’m not kidding.
Is it wrong of me that my first reaction to reading this headline is “Welp, we know how long you last?”
Answer: Yes. Yes it is. But at least it’s the sort of insult this dipshit might actually understand.
@rabid rabbit
I had the same inappropriate thought, lol
“Holyheaven” is THE most extreme case of Virgin/Whore Dichotomy I have ever encountered. He makes Taliban/ISIS-level Islam look like extreme feminism.
From his handle “Holyheaven” and his definitions of “chaste woman” and “promiscuous slut”, he’s either lunatic-fringe Fundagelical Christian or posing as such.
As for whether he’s for real or a poser going “See How Clever I Am?”, you can’t afford to take the chance he’s not for real. Not when he’s talking that crazy. In an Age of Extremes like today, as far out and over-the-top and crazy you can get in trolling, there’s going to be a True Believer out there twice as far out, twice as over-the-top, twice as crazy, and DEAD SERIOUS. (Case in point, “Holyheaven”s only commenter.)
Way to earn that “forever alone” sobriquet. Because these men surely will be.
@Headless Unicorn Guy
Here, we don’t insult the mentally ill by comparing them to incels or any equivalently horrendous characters. Please refer to the comments policy.
Oh, well done, you!