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Wherever there’s a “gracious female presence,” Chad has been there first (The MaleForeverAloneFiles)

Bad Boy Chad is everywhere, even in the arms of Great Prim Congress Woman Linda Miles

By David Futrelle

The MaleForeverAlone subreddit is every bit as hateful a place as the banned Incels subreddit was, but it’s small enough that it seems to have flown under the radar, avoiding the ban that would be sure to follow if it started to give Reddit the same sort of bad publicity that r/Incels did.

So I’ve been highlighting some of the lovely content that can be found there. Today’s entry in the MaleForeverAlone Files is a bit milder than most; I’m including it to show how deeply the evil Chad has penetrated into the minds of many so-called “involuntary celibates.”

The guy who posted the comment I’ve pasted in below evidently thinks about Chad every time he sees a woman he finds attractive. And, well, let’s just say this OP has a very vivid imagination, especially when it comes to a certain substance that is a standard byproduct of Chad-related sex.

Oh, and by the way, when this fellow refers to “normans” it is a reference to “normies” – that is, everyone who isn’t an incel. And while I’m oh by the way-ing, ignroe the downvotes on this comment; pretty much everything in the subreddit, including posts by the mods themselves, are heavily downvoted by outsiders.

Chad really gets around, huh?

Here’s the text of the comment with a few little reactions from me:

BlindedbyOnanism -13 points 2 days ago 

Cool name, dude!

In order to show the normans the true light they need to walk a mile in your shoes so to speak. I would suggest that you have your friends try this simple mental exercise every time they go out:

When you go shopping, you acknowledge that the cashier you’re using still has Chad’s c*m leaking out of her ass as a leftover from last weekend. When you talk to a female therapist, you realize that she has gargled on some bully Chad’s c*m when she was in her prime.

Why, why, why are incels so obsessed with Chad gravy? Yes, dudes, most adult women have had sex with a man before — though not as many as you imagine have had sex with the kind of guys you like to call Chads. And yes, some have had anal sex — though probably with a condom — and quite a few more have performed oral sex. Get the fuck over it. Unless you have sex with Chad yourself, the chance you will ever encounter Chad’s sperm in real life is basically nil. Women aren’t sperm storage facilities.

When you do group assignments at school, you perceive that the females are dying to get rid of you as fast as possible so they could go fuk their current Chad.

If you’re an incel, it’s safe to say that this is not the main reason women want to get rid of you. It’s much more likely they want to get rid of you because you’re the type of guy who spends his whole day bitterly and obsessively imagining women having sex with Chad , and then getting mad about all the imaginary sex in your head. Which means that the vibe you give off is a creepy one indeed.

If you’re trying to pursue a girl to get a date, it dawns on you that she is responding to your desperate messages while fuking Chad, who gets her without any effort.

Wait, she’s literally tapping away on her phone while Chad “fuks” her? Is this some new kink I don’t know about?

Any crush you have at any moment is more content having a four-way with two other females and Chad than even kissing you, and you understand this when fantasizing about them.

To be fair, there are a lot of things women would rather do than kiss the sort of asshole who posts comments in MaleForeverAlone. Undergoing root canal, being audited by the IRS, pouring a small container of bees into their pants. So, yes, most women would probably prefer a FFFC (Female, Female, Female, Chad) foursome over kissing you. For what it’s worth, group sex is much more a male fantasy than a female one; one recent survey of Canadian college students showed that more than 80% of male respondents thought threesomes were cool as opposed to only about 40% of their female counterparts. So BlindedByOnanism is projecting, as incels are often wont to do.

If you fuck a prostitute, it’s apparent that she, before ending up as a prostitute, has given much better, loving sex along with her virginity to a dominant Chad.

Yes, it’s true that prostitutes tend to prefer sex with their boyfriends (Chad or not) than with the random and often quite sketchy dudes who pay them for sex. There’s a shocker.

Wherever there’s a gracious female presence, it is overshadowed by the obscene reality of Chad’s cancerous sexuality. No corner is left unravaged by the ugliness of Chad, it’s all ruined.

I think it’s much more accurate to say that no corner of the incel imagination has been left unravaged by Chad.

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6 years ago

Wow. I suddenly feel much better about my life choices. Thanks for sharing this, David.

Victorious Parasol
6 years ago

I continue to be amazed by how these bonkeyheads think they know every woman’s sexual history just by looking at them.

6 years ago

These dudes’ immense bitterness pervades even their sexual fantasies, it seems to me. They must enjoy wallowing in misery. If they weren’t such awful people, I might feel a little sorry for them.

I wonder how the name ‘Chad’ got picked as a designator of a young, built, so-called alpha man. It’s not the name I would have chosen.

@Victorious Parasol:

I’ve noticed the same thing. It’s as if they believe women are a monolith. I suppose it’s a byproduct of their inability to see women as full-fledged human beings.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
6 years ago

Isn’t this the subreddit that our last incel troll tried to claim was non-misogynistic?

Victorious Parasol
6 years ago


Yeah, and I think it also feeds into their need to be superior. THEY can detect these things. Fersure. We’re just not cool enough to detect what THEY can clearly see. Or something.

6 years ago


No, that one was “Incels without hate” (an oxymoron if ever there was one).

I have honestly never come in contact with Chad semen even once, but if it will keep the incels away from me, I’m happily claim I take a piping hot Chad bukake shower every morning. It’s great for your skin, you know, and it saves on water.

6 years ago

Worst cover of “Mr. Brightside” ever.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

In order to show the normans the true light they need to walk a mile in your shoes so to speak

Um, no thanks. Chad already spooged in them.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

When you go shopping, you acknowledge that the cashier you’re using still has Chad’s c*m leaking out of her ass as a leftover from last weekend.

Are…are you implying that she didn’t wash her ass after getting bareback anal from Chad?

Are you implying that she hasn’t showered since last weekend??

comment image

Dude, if that’s true, that lady has bigger problems than some weirdo skeeze imagining her fucking Chad on the weekends while he’s “using her” at the grocery store.

Also, can we talk about how gross that phrasing is? You’re not “using” the cashier, broham. You’re going through THEIR line. They’re doing THEIR JOB.

Unless you’re imagining the self-checkout machine getting pounded by some Chad technician over the weekend.

F is for 'Fro'
F is for 'Fro'
6 years ago

I’m having a really hard time grasping the overarching Incel lore– it continues to get more broken with each telling.

6 years ago

@Paradoxical Intention

Clearly, OP doesn’t believe that girls poop.

6 years ago

That should have been phrased as “Clearly, OP believes that women don’t poop”.

(My first comment got eaten by the WordPress Monster. First time it’s happened to me, so…yay?)

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
6 years ago

This is off topic, but it is about misandry, so it’s actually on topic.

So, I’ve been on an Asian horror movie quick lately. I’ve been watching my old favorites as well as ones I haven’t seen.

You know how manospherians always go on about how horrible western women are and how great Asian women because Asian women are all submissive and stay virgins until marriage and because Asian countries aren’t yet caught in the grip of misandry?

Well, I have bad news for them. I’ve been noticing some patterns. Lots of Japanese and Korean movies feature female protagonists who are divorced single mothers. Now I don’t know how the rates of divorce in Korea and Japan compare to the rates in the US, Canada and the UK, but I’m guessing they’e a lot more comparable than the manospherians would like to believe. So, apparently Japan and Korea are misandry.

But that’s not all! I’ve watched a few Thai movies too. Thailand is definitely one of the countries the manospherians love. Even more so than Japan and Korea because it is poorer and there is nothing they love more than vulnerable poor women they can take advantage. There is absolutely no misandry in Thailand, a country known for sex tourism, right? Wrong! One of the movies I saw has female doctors in it. All of the movies that I’ve watched so far – which to be fair is only three so it’s a small sample – have a common theme in them. That is that men are scum. Thai horror movies always seem to feature a cheating and/or predatory man and a vengeful female spirit. Almost like shitty behavior on the part of men isn’t a-ok with all women there!

It warms the cockles (or should I say cuckles?) of my cold feminist heart that the entire world was filled with misandry all along. I just thought I’d spread the good word.

In all seriousness, I always thought it hilarious that these guys fetishize Asian women but always seem to know absolutely nothing about any Asian culture. To the point of not grasping that there are lots of separate cultures. They also seem to have never spoken to an Asian woman in their entire lives. Although we haven’t had a post in which a MGTOW declares that he will shun western women and move to Asia or Eastern Europe in a long time. So maybe they have finally figured that all the women in these regions aren’t actually submissive, permanently young and fond of raging misogynistic assholes. So sad for them.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
6 years ago

Okay, so half an hour later and my comment isn’t up yet so I’m posting it again.

This is off topic, but it is about misandry, so it’s actually on topic.

So, I’ve been on an Asian horror movie quick lately. I’ve been watching my old favorites as well as ones I haven’t seen.

You know how manospherians always go on about how horrible western women are and how great Asian women because Asian women are all submissive and stay virgins until marriage and because Asian countries aren’t yet caught in the grip of misandry?

Well, I have bad news for them. I’ve been noticing some patterns. Lots of Japanese and Korean movies feature female protagonists who are divorced single mothers. Now I don’t know how the rates of divorce in Korea and Japan compare to the rates in the US, Canada and the UK, but I’m guessing they’e a lot more comparable than the manospherians would like to believe. So, apparently Japan and Korea are misandry.

But that’s not all! I’ve watched a few Thai movies too. Thailand is definitely one of the countries the manospherians love. Even more so than Japan and Korea because it is poorer and there is nothing they love more than vulnerable poor women they can take advantage. There is absolutely no misandry in Thailand, a country known for sex tourism, right? Wrong! One of the movies I saw has female doctors in it. All of the movies that I’ve watched so far – which to be fair is only three so it’s a small sample – have a common theme in them. That is that men are scum. Thai horror movies always seem to feature a cheating and/or predatory man and a vengeful female spirit. Almost like shitty behavior on the part of men isn’t a-ok with all women there!

It warms the cockles (or should I say cuckles?) of my cold feminist heart that the entire world was filled with misandry all along. I just thought I’d spread the good word.

In all seriousness, I always thought it hilarious that these guys fetishize Asian women but always seem to know absolutely nothing about any Asian culture. To the point of not grasping that there are lots of separate cultures. They also seem to have never spoken to an Asian woman in their entire lives. Although we haven’t had a post in which a MGTOW declares that he will shun western women and move to Asia or Eastern Europe in a long time. So maybe they have finally figured that all the women in these regions aren’t actually submissive, permanently young and fond of raging misogynistic assholes. So sad for them.

6 years ago

@weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
Just want to say thank you for taking the time to watch some Asian cinema. It’s always a blast to watch films from other countries.

6 years ago

Okay, so….
How is this going to help normies see the light?

Where’s the simple mental exercise?

Because, unless you already believe this crap, there’s nothing to acknowledge. If you presented these thoughts to a non-incel, I’d wager that they’d echo the comments: wait, she didnt shower and/or poop since the last weekend?
Like, an overwhelming number of “normies” isn’t going to think of their own messages as “desperate” and that the recipient is fucking Chad while answering. Because they know that while she might not be interested, they don’t think she’s evilly withholding sex units – she’s exercising her human right of choice….

This is a terrible idea, little incel. Try again. (or: try this simple mental exercise where you treat women like three-dimensional beings worthy of respect)

Full Metal Ox
Full Metal Ox
6 years ago

@ WeirwoodTreeHugger:

I wonder if the yellow-feverish sort of manosphereans think that PSY’s douchebag persona in “Gangnam Style” and “Gentleman” is supposed to be a role model?

6 years ago

I’m not certain, but I think that “Chad” may have come from a running gag on from around 2007-2014 (after which it faded out, possibly naturally or possibly because terrible people were co-opting it like they had “Kek”). In the Cracked articles, especially from the absolutely wonderful Chris Bucholz, “Chad” was the stand-in name for “that asshole, again”. The joke being that you expect certain stereotypes from certain names, like Madison being an upper-middle-class, preppy girl, or Hubert being a weird, overweight guy. Chad represented the kind of solipsistic dick who would steal your lunch, park in the handicapped spot, and just be a terrible person in general. Many jokes would be capped by the phrase “Fuckin’ CHAD.” I found this extra hilarious because almost every single Chad I’ve known in real life has been a dick to a greater or lesser extent. Apparently based on the comments, lots of other people agreed and echoed this. I’m sure some of them brought that into the incel community. Please don’t blame Cracked for this, though– there will be comment posters on every article from the last 5 years who bitch about how the site has “sold out to the PC agenda”, by which they mean didn’t go along for the ride to the same dark path some of the old fans went.

6 years ago

Ugh. They want “normans” to see things from their point of view, but their point of view is so divorced from reality. And I don’t see them trying to see things from other people’s point of view.

Hanging Chad
Hanging Chad
6 years ago

Chad means many things as does Norman or Normie. First, looks:

Chads are the males who are 8-10’s in looks. Period.

Chadlites are males who are 7’s. I guess I’m a Chadlite though I lived a very Chadly life.

Normans or Normies are males who are 4-6 in looks.
4 is low tier Norman
5 is medium tier Norman
6 is high tier Norman

High tier Normans are considered to be nearly Chad-like in their possibilities.

1-3’s are incels, Omegas, or whatever you want to call men who are not attractive.

Normies also means any man who is not an incel, and most incels do not hate Normies at all, nor do they even hate Chad. More likely they look up to them, emulate them and almost worship them. They also want advice from them on how to get women.

Chad’s origin is in a legend. The legend is Chad Thundercock, the studliest man on Earth. He travels all over the world all the time, and he fucks all the women in the whole world at one time or another. He’s sort of a Platonic pure concept than an actually existing being, of course.

6 years ago

Re misogynists and their fetishization of Asian women… There used to be a blog called Creepy White Guys. Seems to have disappeared from the internet now. But anyway, Asian girls would post horrible misogynistic and racist messages they got from white guys on dating sites on the blog.
One time there was even a white girl posting. She had a profile on a dating site where she wrote about her company and how her hobby was to climb mountains. She got this really long, really angry rant from a guy about how no one would ever want her, since she was clearly destroyed by feminism, having her own business and climbing mountains and all that, men don’t want that, men prefer Asian women who are real women…. It was the longest rant and he kept coming back to how she had her own business and liked to climb mountains over and over again. In the end he wrote that she’d have to settle for some pathetic ugly Asian man since no white man would want her.
She sent this long rant to the Creepy White Guys blog also pointing out that ironically, she did meet a Chinese-American guy through that dating site with whom she was now getting pretty serious, but somehow she didn’t feel like she had “settled” for him because she couldn’t have angry-rant-dude.

Violet the Vile, Wielder of an Ideologically Weaponized Vagina
Violet the Vile, Wielder of an Ideologically Weaponized Vagina
6 years ago

If girls are texting while actually having sex with Chad, I think it’s safe to say that he’s awful in bed

Also…why is it all these women do is have sex?? They just hop from Chad to Chad, and they don’t even wash in between, apparently. Chad clearly is not very discerning about women’s personal hygiene, and neither are they and it just makes me think GERMS

….Incels literally think all women do is have sex with other men at them, don’t they?

Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
6 years ago

Also…why is it all these women do is have sex?? They just hop from Chad to Chad, and they don’t even wash in between, apparently. Chad clearly is not very discerning about women’s personal hygiene, and neither are they and it just makes me think GERMS

….Incels literally think all women do is have sex with other men at them, don’t they?

Partly yes, but I think there’s also a miscommunication. Misogynist men tend to have this strong feeling that having sex with other men defiles women in way that can’t be washed away. They struggle trying to explain it in normal language terms, like that fellow who offers these ill-construed thought experiments for “normans”.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
6 years ago

To be fair, there are a lot of things women would rather do than kiss the sort of asshole who posts comments in MaleForeverAlone. Undergoing root canal, being audited by the IRS, pouring a small container of bees into their pants.

Whew, lots to unpack here.

1. Assuming that kissing an incel was my only interaction with him (in other words, it was one kiss that lasted no more than one minute, and yeah, maybe even included some French kissing — but I didn’t have to talk to the incel or listen to him or have lunch with him or anything else), then I think that I might prefer that to getting a root canal, being audited by the IRS, or pouring a small container of bees into my pants.

2. On the other hand, let’s say I’m pretty sure I’ll feel better after the root canal. In that case, I’ll do that instead of kissing an incel — even if it’s just on the cheek, and I don’t have to talk to him, etc.

3. Getting audited by the IRS? Maybe I’ve realized that the IRS owes me money! In that case, nah, I definitely wouldn’t kiss an incel.

4. Pouring a small container of bees into my pants? I know that if a large number of bees stung me, I’d probably die. I also know that I probably wouldn’t die if just a few stung me. But if I weren’t wearing the pants — for example, maybe I waded out into a lake, ripped off my pants, poured a small container of bees into the pants, and then quickly swam away — I might not get stung at all. Might not. In that case, bring on the small container of bees. But if we’re comparing the stings of, say, 10 bees, to a kiss from an incel — no talking or listening or lunch involved — I’m probably going to go with the kiss.

5. If I have to talk to or listen to or have lunch with this incel who’s kissing me, all bets are off. I’d rather die!!!!!1!

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