aggrieved entitlement crackpottery empathy deficit entitled babies incel irony alert jordan "slappy" peterson men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny rape rape culture redistribution of sex sex sexual inequality

Incels: We shouldn’t pay taxes because women’s bodies are a “public good” that we don’t get access to

How incels see taxes

By David Futrelle

Pity the poor incels, who are not only oppressed by snooty women who refuse to have sex with them just because they’re “pretty sure this guy would murder me and use my skin to make a fedora,” but also have to pay taxes.

Now, because of that first thing, incels think they shouldn’t have to do the second thing. Like many of their manosphere brothers, you see, incels are convinced that women live lives of ease, heavily subsidized with the money that Big Daddy Government extracts from hardworking male taxpayers like them (assuming they’re not living the incel dream, sitting pretty in mom’s basement without the bother of a job).

But at least non-incel men get to have sex with the women they supposedly subsidize with their tax dollars. Since these women (aka femoids, aka foids) are basically living off the government, their bodies are a “public good” that incels are unfairly being denied access to.

On, the largest incel forum outside of Reddit, one unhappy taxcel recently demanded what he sees as justice:

The text:

Robo Sapien:

Since wagecuckcels are funding a public good that we don’t get access to, who else here thinks that verified incels shouldn’t be taxed? Or at least given prostitutes as fair compensation for state programs that go to foids? Let me know your thoughts gentleman.


We should either not be taxed at all or given weekly prostitutes.

Robo Sapien posted a little poll, and those who clicked on it overwhelmingly agreed:

Aggrieved entitlement in action!

The unfairness of taxes is a longtime obsession of incels. In a thread last December, someone calling himself Dry Spell argued that women should have to pay higher taxes than men because

it’s too easy for them to make money. Women can literally flash (part of) their boobs on youtube and make easy money. They don’t even have to be super attractive.

Another commenter had a slightly more radical idea. “Women must not pay taxes,” wrote Incelman. “Thye must have sex with an incel instead.”

In another December thread, a regular commenter called wandercamp suggested that women should be forced to pay a “sex tax” — not a tax on having sex, but a tax in the form of sex — in order to prevent the sexual frustration that he thinks leads incels to seek “retribution” through mass killings.

“What would have saved the lives that ER ended?” he asked.

Sex. Thats it. 20 minutes and all of those young women would be alive.

But apparently thats too much to ask after a weekend long cock train that your average sorority sister rides each saturday.

So its simple, we make it mandatory for women to sleep with incels.

>b-but thats oppressiv…

Shut up. You wont put out for 20 minutes to save the lives of 7 people?

>we need to examine his mental state
>our culture led to this

who cares? We want to save lives. Put out. Its that simple. You can spend 50 years researching sexual culture to solve the problem of homicidal virgins or you can put out.

>but sex is personal

Obviously not if you defend casual sex

>its enslavement

No its not. You work a certain amount of hours each week to pay taxes, and you dont call it enslavement. Requiring some of your sex to be with incels should be no problem

Stated this baldly, these various proposals to combat alleged “sexual inequality” by giving incels tax breaks and/or forcing women to have sex with them are obviously deeply offensive and completely absurd. But as I’ve said before these spurious solutions — and the perverse logic behind them — are not that far off in spirit from the more carefully worded “solutions” to so-called sexual inequality that have begun to seep into the popular discourse.

Like wandercamp here, George Mason University economist Robin Hanson thinks that “involuntary celibacy” fuels mass murders and that reducing the celibacy would reduce the murders. Like so many incels, he sees sexual inequality is fundamentally analogous to income inequality and his proposed, er, solutions seem to come straight from the incel playbook. “Sex could be directly redistributed,” he wrote in a now infamous blog post after the Toronto van attack, “or cash might be redistributed in compensation”

That’s pretty much exactly what Robo Sapien was suggesting. But Hanson isn’t an anonymous commenter on an incel forum; he’s a tenured professor whose blog post on the “redistribution of sex” inspired a New York Times column that reached millions.

Meanwhile, psych-professor-turned-self-help-guru Jordan Peterson — the most influential representative of the so-called “intellectual dark web” — also thinks that men turn violent when they can’t have sex, and wants us to essentially reorganize society in such a way that women are essentially forced to marry the guys who now call themselves incels (though he now insists that his vision of “enforced monogamy” will somehow managed not to involve force, which makes one wonder why he used the word “enforced” in the first place).

Though both would vehemently deny it, both Hanson and Peterson are de facto apologists for incel terrorism. Their ideas are as dangerous as those of incels like Robo Sapien and wandercamp; unfortunately they are much more influential.

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weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I was born on the cusp of genX and millennial. So I got to be an aimless slacker in my teens and early twenties and now I get to be selfish and entitled. Best of both worlds!

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
6 years ago


@Pitshade I guess I missed it when the boomers were dissing us.

@Surplus to Requirements And here I am, cheering the Millennials on and wishing more (older) people were like them. 🙂

Miss Cobalt
Miss Cobalt
6 years ago


My money would be on the dogwhistling

6 years ago

Oh, I’ve just been assured that expecting men not to sexually harass their co-workers is ‘vilifying half of the population’, and ‘squeamish’.

I’m feeling more confident about my rejection of Lobsterology.

6 years ago

@Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Yay we get to conquer and watch as they turn older and more bitter.

Ray of Rays
Ray of Rays
6 years ago

It’s all the same old whine.

Is it, though? The generational whining feels a lot more vicious than I’d expect, or that I’ve read about (beyond maybe the height of the Vietnam War). It feels like it’s left “kids these days” sighing way behind in favor of “fuck these kids, they need to suffer.”

Or maybe it’s just because it’s getting signal-boosted by right-wing blowhards of all ages who use “millennial” in the same instances they’d use “libtard.”

Katherine the Adequate
Katherine the Adequate
6 years ago

“Wagecuckels”? Incels use a strange vernacular indeed. And since in the “poll” one of them posted few agreed they were citizens (therefore subject to tax laws), they should be deported immediately. I’d say shoot them into space and see what planet would take them.

Katherine the Adequate
Katherine the Adequate
6 years ago

Re: Generational wars, I was born on the cusp of Boomer and Xer. My younger brothers are Xers, and I seem to relate to them better. My offspring are Millennials. I love Millennials. I love their curiosity, and their openness to change and innovation. I have little patience for people who dismiss these things because “we’ve always done it this way!”, and I hear that refrain too often from Boomers. Even my late mom, who was a member of the Lost Generation (Depression baby), loved the internet and embraced technology. People are never too old to learn and adapt.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I think that as baby boomers and to a lesser extent genXers have watched things get worse and worse economically for everyone who isn’t in the upper classes and are just desperate to believe that it isn’t their fault. If they admit that the problem is tax cuts, deregulation, union busting, and those were the policies of the elected officials they voted in, then they are admitting that they fucked up. Nobody wants to admit that they wrecked the country. So they have to create this myth of millennials as almost monstrously self absorbed and entitled. It’s pure projection. Everything they’ve accused the younger generations of being, it’s what they are.

Hopefully all this will backfire big time and result in far more progressive policies when millennials finally start getting into higher offices. From what I’ve seen, millennials are mostly (alt right and manosphere) aside not buying into this notion that they’re horrible lazy brats if they don’t want to work until age 80 for little pay. Who would buy that? The bootstraps mythology worked on boomers and older genXers because they got to start careers and buy houses before things started to get bad for working and middle class people. They got theirs, and even if they lost in the great recession, they can tell themselves “hey, I worked hard and I got results.” They got enough economic privilege for the line that if you work hard and follow the rules you can prosper to ring true. Younger people followed the rules and didn’t get jack shit. So they’re the ones who’ll eventually change the rules. I hope!

6 years ago

@Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Why doesn’t Chad get the same deference as the 1%? Doesn’t he put in the effort to use deodorant and talk to (not at) women and go on dates and put in the hard work of LTRs? Why is it fair to steal his hard-earned harem?

Because they believe they’ll somehow, someday BE the 1%. They know they’re never going to be a “Chad”.

Cohen the Librarian
Cohen the Librarian
6 years ago

Like many academics, Jordan Peterson has learned the art of making his arguments hard to decipher so that they are also hard to refute. However, unlike most academics, he has a mass audience.

A former colleague of his spoken out:

“Shortly after Jordan’s rise to notoriety back in 2016, I emailed him to express my upset with his dishonesty and lack of intellectual and social integrity. He called in a conciliatory voice the next morning. I was reiterating my disappointment and upset when he interrupted me, saying more or less the following:

“You don’t understand. I am willing to lose everything, my home, my job etc., because I believe in this.” And then he said, with the intensity he is now famous for, “Bernie. Tammy had a dream, and sometimes her dreams are prophetic. She dreamed that it was five minutes to midnight.”

That was our last conversation. He was playing out the ideas that appeared in his first book. The social order is coming apart. We are on the edge of chaos. He is the prophet, and he would be the martyr. Jordan would be our saviour. I think he believes that.

He may be driven by a great and genuine fear of our impending doom, and a passionate conviction that he can save us from it. He may believe that his ends justify his questionable means, and he may not be aware that he mimics those figures from whom he wants to protect us. But his conviction makes him no less problematic. On the contrary.
Currently, Jordan is the darling of the alt-right. He says he is not one of them, but has accepted their affection with relish.”

6 years ago


Because they believe they’ll somehow, someday BE the 1%. They know they’re never going to be a “Chad”.

Indeed. I have never, ever met a libertarian who believes that they will be a janitor in Galt’s Gulch.

Full Metal Ox
6 years ago


‘Wagecuckcel,’ sounds doubleplus ungood to me.

Funny how progressives are supposed to be the social engineers and yet the right are the ones trying to coopt the language to manipulate people’s thoughts.

Katherine the Adequate:

“Wagecuckels”? Incels use a strange vernacular indeed. And since in the “poll” one of them posted few agreed they were citizens (therefore subject to tax laws), they should be deported immediately. I’d say shoot them into space and see what planet would take them.

What I’d like to see are some prefixes that reflect truth in labeling (but therefore would never be self-applied); what do you say to “douchecel”? “Creepcel”? “Bigotcel”? “Bratcel”? “Bullycel”?

Bananananana dakry: Short-Haired, Fat, and Deranged
Bananananana dakry: Short-Haired, Fat, and Deranged
6 years ago


Indeed. I have never, ever met a libertarian who believes that they will be a janitor in Galt’s Gulch.

People like them always think they’ll be amongst the elite of whatever New Society they cream their pants over and they get to oppress everybody else. The reality is odds are they’d be lucky to be spear carriers for the elite of the society in question, if that. More likely, they’d just be the mooks that are fodder for whatever the elite wants, to be chewed up and spat out the same way they fantasize about doing to other people.

Me, I think a good barometer of what would be an actual good society is to imagine if life would be liveable and not just survivable on the bottom tiers of it. But alas, delusions of grandeur get in the way of most of their fantasies. They get in the way of a lot of people’s, really.

The whole millennial hate just makes me shake my head and facepalm, because I’m a Gen Xer and remember when we were called “slackers” and lazy for realizing work for work’s sake was a rigged game and not wanting to buy into it. The bashing is just another way to deflect and blame someone else for your own problems– or rather for the power elite’s causing them. I’m really hoping that since millennials as a whole have seen the rigged game for what it is that they steer society away from that crap now that they’re coming into their political power… and that I’ll see the positive results before I die. Because living my last years in a society that is the logical end result of “I’ve got mine, fuck you, oh look, SQUIRREL!” does not sound like a smashin’ good time.

Full Metal Ox
6 years ago

@Violet the Vile:

and my favourite:
If an incel has sex with a government-sponsored prostitute, he is by definition no longer an incel, so he’s not entitled to have sex with a government-sponsored prostitute. Incel22!

See also: this means his prostitute simultaneously exists and does not exist

I’m sorry, but you handed me this one gift-wrapped: would this liminal sex worker (I’m presuming a cis woman, as per incel stipulations) be a purveyor of Schrodinger’s Pussy?

Full Metal Ox
6 years ago

@ Surplus to Requirements:

I think it’s because all the conservatism/kyriarchy/etc. shit got a “No Sell” from nearly all the Millennials. So they’re shitting themselves in terror that their day is nearly done.

And that’s one of the reasons that The Last Jedi drew such screaming conniptions from certain fanbrats: the story is in large measure about the inevitable death of established heroes and the passing of the torch to a new generation, with insinuations that Star Wars is a story far bigger than the House of Skywalker and the Force is a mysterious and mystical thing that might happen to anyone–I personally squeed at the Big Reveal of Rey’s backstory.

(People, if you’re old enough to remember the original run of the Prequel Trilogy, much less the first trilogy, your Precious Little Childhood is over–I’m not asking you to leave the pool, but could we make room for the literal kids, please? A fandom successfully gatekept from the n00bs will eventually become a dead fandom–I’ve been involved in a number of fannish endeavors that imploded for want of new blood, having turned into boomer echo chambers.)

6 years ago

Has anyone else seen Suzanna Walters’s mordant essay about hating men and the potential utility thereof?

My Petersonian interlocutor had. He brandished the link and a quote, challenging me to deny the Great Cis Male Oppression in the face of such evidence. My reply?

“What’s the phrase I’m looking for? Oh, yes – you’re taking it out of context.”

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, FemiNest Collective agent, Hell Toupee keeper, & Intergalactic Meanie
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, FemiNest Collective agent, Hell Toupee keeper, & Intergalactic Meanie
6 years ago

Based on nothing more than a reading of the relevant Wiki page, it sounds like the women that are closest to the incel dream are the Houri, who make up the so-called 72 virgins per martyr of the Islamic heaven. They’re eternally young (the description makes them seem around 20-ish), eternally beautiful, and have renewable virginity (they’re supernatural folks; they can do this). The women of their dreams, right?

Except the Houri were all once mortal women who were good enough in their old lives to gain access to heaven, and were given young beautiful virgin bodies as part of their reward. I can just see the incels throwing a huge fit because they were given reeeeeeeefurbs instead of brand spanking new women who were created solely for them, and no-one else. So yeah….

In a related link, last year an alt-right troll tried to, well, troll a Muslim-American Human Rights activist by asking how to redeem his 72 virgins. He got owned. XD

6 years ago

Since wagecuckcels are funding a public good that we don’t get access to, who else here thinks that verified incels shouldn’t be taxed? Or at least given prostitutes as fair compensation for state programs that go to foids? Let me know your thoughts gentleman.

Welp, I’m just a lady (or a “foid”, in your odious parlance), but here are my thoughts, “gentleman”:


(Sorry for the ALL CAPS shouting, but I felt I had to yell it for the ones at the back. And these guys are ALL the ones at the back).

it’s too easy for them to make money. Women can literally flash (part of) their boobs on youtube and make easy money. They don’t even have to be super attractive.

Who does this fuckass think he’s kidding? Any woman on YouTube who’s not super attractive gets mercilessly trolled by self-designated male eugenics officers who tell her to kill herself because she’s old/fat/ugly. Or to kill herself because she’s young/thin/pretty and they can’t have her. Flashing boobage won’t help, because men who hate women are going to troll and troll and troll. And the sight of tits is like a red cape waving in front of a bull to them.

It’s not “easy money” either, as anyone who’s braved the Adpocalypse there could tell you. Getting monetized on YouTube is hard, and it pays peanuts. In fact, it was a factor in the rampage of Nasim Aghdam, whom some of these guys are ironically worshipping as a Freeze Peach martyr. (She’s dead now, so her spectacular figure didn’t help her, either.)

“What would have saved the lives that ER ended?”

Sex. Thats it. 20 minutes and all of those young women would be alive.

Bull-fucking-SHIT. What would have saved those lives is Rodger just not being such an entitled megalomaniac asshole. And not being such a droning bore.

Also, 20 minutes? Isn’t that the amount of time Brock Turner’s dad said was dedicated to “action” (i.e. RAPE) that ended up derailing precious sonnyboy’s competitive swimming career? Why yes, it was! And here these volassholes are recommending that as a “cure” for a condition they could treat themselves, by voluntarily choosing not to be fucking assholes! And they threaten us with death for choosing not to “put out” for men who don’t deserve sex, ever. Seven lives spared for 20 minutes of rape by a droning asshole! What a fucking bargain!

Aaand now I’m going to puke. Anybody got a barf bag they can spare?

6 years ago

If sex with anyone is all incels need to not be murderous jackasses, surely it would be most efficient if the incels have sex with other incels. That way, 20 minutes of action can save 14 lives instead of just 7! As for them not being attracted to fellow incels, well, that doesn’t stop them from advocating that other people should just have sex with them regardless of not being attracted to the incels. Surely it should apply to the incels themselves, too, right? Surely they wouldn’t be hypocritical about expecting other people to be raped put out for twenty minutes and be unwilling to make the same sacrifice themselves?

6 years ago

Like many academics, Jordan Peterson has learned the art of making his arguments hard to decipher so that they are also hard to refute. However, unlike most academics, he has a mass audience.

And, like all such academics, he does this because he’s talking complete bollocks and trying to obfuscate that fact. Basically, anyone who writes (or talks) like Jordan Peterson can and should be summarily dismissed on that basis alone.

6 years ago


I hazard to guess Peterson honestly meant the solution would be kinda like our current “enforced monogamy”, just a little more so. You know, like the good old days of conservative Gilded Age, whatever that’d mean in practice. Whatever you personally imagine, if you’re any kind of social conservative.

Yep I reckon that’s what that means… divorce much harder, access to birth control, abortion, etc all much harder. Basically what’s happening now in the US.

I don’t know why people want to make divorce harder. I have rarely ever come across anyone who divorced ‘just ‘cos’ – and frankly divorce is PLENTY hard enough – says me who isn’t divorced 3 yrs post separation. But I’m divorcing soon.. fingers crossed.

I’m sure my ex is lapping up the sour milk of Jordan Peterson. He would much prefer a system where he could treat me how he liked with me not having recourse.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

I don’t know why people want to make divorce harder.

Because they want to be able to abuse a wife without her having any way to leave.

Violet the Vile, Wielder of an Ideologically Weaponized Vagina
Violet the Vile, Wielder of an Ideologically Weaponized Vagina
6 years ago

@Full Metal Ox

Ah…THERE’s the joke I was looking for! I knew there was one….

6 years ago

So in that stupid OP poll, one of the two incel-positive options is:

yes incles should have tax free status

and the other is:

yes incels should get prostitutes in lieu of taxes

…now obviously, these are incels we’re dealing with – they’re not very bright and have severe problems with both logic and reading comprehension – but still:

Twice as many of them voted to be tax-free rather than be both tax-free and provided with government-funded prostitutes.

That’s like getting a buy-one-get-one-free deal and saying “nah, I’ll don’t want the free one”…