aggrieved entitlement crackpottery empathy deficit entitled babies incel irony alert jordan "slappy" peterson men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny rape rape culture redistribution of sex sex sexual inequality

Incels: We shouldn’t pay taxes because women’s bodies are a “public good” that we don’t get access to

How incels see taxes

By David Futrelle

Pity the poor incels, who are not only oppressed by snooty women who refuse to have sex with them just because they’re “pretty sure this guy would murder me and use my skin to make a fedora,” but also have to pay taxes.

Now, because of that first thing, incels think they shouldn’t have to do the second thing. Like many of their manosphere brothers, you see, incels are convinced that women live lives of ease, heavily subsidized with the money that Big Daddy Government extracts from hardworking male taxpayers like them (assuming they’re not living the incel dream, sitting pretty in mom’s basement without the bother of a job).

But at least non-incel men get to have sex with the women they supposedly subsidize with their tax dollars. Since these women (aka femoids, aka foids) are basically living off the government, their bodies are a “public good” that incels are unfairly being denied access to.

On, the largest incel forum outside of Reddit, one unhappy taxcel recently demanded what he sees as justice:

The text:

Robo Sapien:

Since wagecuckcels are funding a public good that we don’t get access to, who else here thinks that verified incels shouldn’t be taxed? Or at least given prostitutes as fair compensation for state programs that go to foids? Let me know your thoughts gentleman.


We should either not be taxed at all or given weekly prostitutes.

Robo Sapien posted a little poll, and those who clicked on it overwhelmingly agreed:

Aggrieved entitlement in action!

The unfairness of taxes is a longtime obsession of incels. In a thread last December, someone calling himself Dry Spell argued that women should have to pay higher taxes than men because

it’s too easy for them to make money. Women can literally flash (part of) their boobs on youtube and make easy money. They don’t even have to be super attractive.

Another commenter had a slightly more radical idea. “Women must not pay taxes,” wrote Incelman. “Thye must have sex with an incel instead.”

In another December thread, a regular commenter called wandercamp suggested that women should be forced to pay a “sex tax” — not a tax on having sex, but a tax in the form of sex — in order to prevent the sexual frustration that he thinks leads incels to seek “retribution” through mass killings.

“What would have saved the lives that ER ended?” he asked.

Sex. Thats it. 20 minutes and all of those young women would be alive.

But apparently thats too much to ask after a weekend long cock train that your average sorority sister rides each saturday.

So its simple, we make it mandatory for women to sleep with incels.

>b-but thats oppressiv…

Shut up. You wont put out for 20 minutes to save the lives of 7 people?

>we need to examine his mental state
>our culture led to this

who cares? We want to save lives. Put out. Its that simple. You can spend 50 years researching sexual culture to solve the problem of homicidal virgins or you can put out.

>but sex is personal

Obviously not if you defend casual sex

>its enslavement

No its not. You work a certain amount of hours each week to pay taxes, and you dont call it enslavement. Requiring some of your sex to be with incels should be no problem

Stated this baldly, these various proposals to combat alleged “sexual inequality” by giving incels tax breaks and/or forcing women to have sex with them are obviously deeply offensive and completely absurd. But as I’ve said before these spurious solutions — and the perverse logic behind them — are not that far off in spirit from the more carefully worded “solutions” to so-called sexual inequality that have begun to seep into the popular discourse.

Like wandercamp here, George Mason University economist Robin Hanson thinks that “involuntary celibacy” fuels mass murders and that reducing the celibacy would reduce the murders. Like so many incels, he sees sexual inequality is fundamentally analogous to income inequality and his proposed, er, solutions seem to come straight from the incel playbook. “Sex could be directly redistributed,” he wrote in a now infamous blog post after the Toronto van attack, “or cash might be redistributed in compensation”

That’s pretty much exactly what Robo Sapien was suggesting. But Hanson isn’t an anonymous commenter on an incel forum; he’s a tenured professor whose blog post on the “redistribution of sex” inspired a New York Times column that reached millions.

Meanwhile, psych-professor-turned-self-help-guru Jordan Peterson — the most influential representative of the so-called “intellectual dark web” — also thinks that men turn violent when they can’t have sex, and wants us to essentially reorganize society in such a way that women are essentially forced to marry the guys who now call themselves incels (though he now insists that his vision of “enforced monogamy” will somehow managed not to involve force, which makes one wonder why he used the word “enforced” in the first place).

Though both would vehemently deny it, both Hanson and Peterson are de facto apologists for incel terrorism. Their ideas are as dangerous as those of incels like Robo Sapien and wandercamp; unfortunately they are much more influential.

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6 years ago

… who else here thinks that verified incels shouldn’t be taxed?

I wonder what the incel verification process entails.

Mexican Hot Chocolate
Mexican Hot Chocolate
6 years ago

So are Hanson and Peterson jockeying for positions as Commanders in the Republic of Gilead or what?

Patty Thinkerer
Patty Thinkerer
6 years ago

I wonder what the incel verification process entails.

Probably questions like “Are you a woman?” and “How many times have you had sex this year?”

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

I wonder what the incel verification process entails

16 Cats and Counting
16 Cats and Counting
6 years ago

Wow. I really wonder where these women will come from. What I mean is that the incels of the world have uh standards. They will not accept any old woman who’s thrown at them. First of all, she must not have “hit the wall,” whether that be 20, 25 or (for the more liberal) 30. Ideally she should also be a virgin so she has no other sexual experiences to embarrass the incel who favors her with his attentions. Naturally she must not be too fat, any woman who wears anything large than a size 4 is unfuckable. Lastly, to quote Raj Koothrappali, “She must be insanely hot!”

Having basically turned their collective nose up at about 90% of the women living in this country I can’t help but wonder how this sex redistribution program will work. This is just another way of saying that your average incel has the depth of an average paper plate.

Violet the Vile, Wielder of an Ideologically Weaponized Vagina
Violet the Vile, Wielder of an Ideologically Weaponized Vagina
6 years ago

BUT this would mean that the Donald Trumps of this world would then be faced with the necessity of claiming to have forever been incel for the massive tax break

So Donald, are you going to lose all that money or publicly tell people you’re still a virgin and you made up all that business about pussy-grabbing to impress the bigger boys?

I can’t help feeling this would almost (not quite….but almost) be worth it to see that

6 years ago

I just spent about $500 in taxes on my freaking car! License plates, stickers, city stickers, all sorts of taxes including now more local taxes!

By this line of reasoning, – I think I’m entitled to a Lamborghini.

6 years ago

I wonder if there are actual statistics about the percentage of celibate people in the population that are comparative over time periods, even if just estimates. Because I suspect celibacy is lower now than it ever was back in the “good old days” of women being unable to financially survive without being tethered to a man somehow that these assholes long for.

Proffie Galore
Proffie Galore
6 years ago

Why don’t incels just hire sex workers?

6 years ago

Because they think they’re owed sex.

MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
6 years ago

Proffie Galore-because they would have to pay for it. They feel so entitled to women’s bodies that they expect women to have sex with them just because they demand it. They literally want every woman to be a sex slave.

6 years ago

Well, some of us they just want dead . . .

MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
6 years ago

Proffie Galore-Because they would have to pay for it. They feel so entitled to women’s bodies that they expect women to have sex with them just because they demand it. They literally want every woman to be sex slaves.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I also wonder what how one becomes a verified incel. What’s to stop a Chad from just telling the Federal Department of Enforced Monogamy that he is an incel?

It’s very disturbing that today’s incels almost make me pine for the days of Government Gets Girlfriends. At least under his plan the women voluntarily sign up for the program and receive financial compensation for it. Now they’re just advocating for straight up state sponsored rape.

Why don’t incels just hire sex workers?

Because for them, it’s not about sexual release. It’s about controlling women’s bodies and it’s about status. Paying a sex worker who is voluntarily offering services would just be no fun.

MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow
MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow
6 years ago

Hippodameia-“Well, some of us they just want dead . . .”

That too.

MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow
MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow
6 years ago

Hippodameia-Well, some of us they just want dead . . .”

That too.

MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
6 years ago

Hippodameia-“Well, some of us they just want dead . . .”

That too.

My comments keep getting eaten. At least it worked this time. I would probably end up with a few duplicate posts later.

6 years ago

Since government programs exist to protect and preserve endangered species, I have arbitrarily decided that endangered species are a public good. Therefore, I demand that I may either be provided a Red Wolf as a pet, be provided a roasted Calfornia Condor to eat, or be exempt from taxes. Checkmate, government. /sarcasm

6 years ago


The site has been having some issues with commenting lately. Don’t fear, the comments often take a few minutes to pop up after you submitted them, but they should show up eventually.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
6 years ago

Thing is, milennials are 1st having sex later in life than previous generations and less often (10% fewer high schoolers, and a similar drop in college age kids, having sex than 30 years ago), but aren’t doing so on any moral or philosophical grounds (we’re the most sexually open and liberal gen). So, modestly fewer Muricans having sex, but also assuredly less celibacy
Which is another reason I both hate and appreciate the word ‘incel’. They haven’t taken any vows, they’re just toxic, boring, sad men whom nobody would want even if they did get stop fuming long enough to try and connect with someone. So, while the terminology is bullshit, it does unitentionally shine some light on what they really are. They chose this. Worth saying every time some ‘journalist/academic’ tries to say everyone else needs to help them not be the way they are
*puts rant lectern back in storage*

6 years ago

I enjoy your blog, but would like to clarify what Jordan Peterson means by “enforced monogamy”. In anthropological terms western society is considered an “enforced monogamy”, because other forms of bonding such as polygamy are illegal and/or censured; basically Peterson states that he supports standard western style (Judaeo-Christian) monogamy – one man, one woman, but nothing coercive as you imply. I agree that the term “enforced monogamy” sounds ominous and he should avoid using it, as it is easily misunderstood.

6 years ago

My favorite part of this is wouldn’t enforced monogamy screw them over even harder? Like if a woman is only going to be able to have sex with one man for the rest of her life, I’m pretty sure she would pick someone that loves and respects her and satisfies her in bed, which I’m assuming these kinds of people don’t. They would actually be worsening their own chances by eliminating the likelihood of someone sleeping with them just because.

6 years ago


It’s generally assumed that the ‘enforced monogamy’ comes part and parcel with women not being allowed to choose their partners anymore, like back in the Good Old Days, or at least not allowing women to choose to remain single and therefore some will HAVE to choose the incels eventually.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
6 years ago

This plan is brilliant!

By all means, incels, refuse to pay your taxes and explain why to the IRS.

After that, don’t weaken.

In seemingly no time at all, the government will provide you with free room and board for years on end.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

You work a certain amount of hours each week to pay taxes, and you dont call it enslavement. Requiring some of your sex to be with incels should be no problem

1) See, the thing about taxes is that we all get benefits back from the taxes we pay. Better roads, better schools, 911 service, national parks, Medicare/Medicaid, SS, etc. Exactly what benefits do women get from forced sex with an incel? Other than “not being killed”, which women would enjoy more of if incels weren’t even a thing in the first place.

I can’t think of any benefits of all. Only massive downside.

2) I’m sure incels will be first in line to provide forced taxation sex to gay male incels. That’s how it works, right?

3) Treating human beings as property, especially public property, is literally the definition of enslavement. Ugh,, incel forums are such an asshole casserole.

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