a voice for men Dunning–Kruger effect men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny

Enjoy this delicious (if possibly a teensy weensy bit meat-heavy) MGTOW pasta salad!

Now THAT’S a salad!

By David Futrelle

Last night, a tweet from writer Lucy Valentine reminded me of the classic A Voice for Men post I wrote about several years back in which MGTOW master chef August Løvenskiolds offered up his unique recipe for “Buck Buck Chicken,” a bland and possibly slightly dry delicacy that even a MGTOW could cook, because all it involved was sticking a frozen, unseasoned chicken breast in an 450 degree oven for an hour while you yelled at feminists online. (No, really, those were his cooking instructions, yelling at feminists included.)

Anyway, this got me wondering if there were any other brilliant MGTOW recipes out there that I could share with you all. Turns out there are!

So let me present to you a recipe from the forums for “a huge pasta salad that you’ll be munching on for days.”

I think you’ll agree that this is definitely not something you will be able to finish in one sitting.

Here’s the list of ingredients provided by Master Chef MGTOWFOREVER, a “senior member” of the forum:

1 or 2 containers grape tomatos
Half a jar of Spanish Olives
1 or 2 bottles Italian dressing(I recommend Robust or House but it can be any kind)
1lb Honey Ham
1lb Pepperoni
1lb cooked salami
1lb Turkey breast
1lb provolone cheese
1lb Pepperjack cheese
1lb Cooper Cheese
Half a jar of parmasian powder cheese.

Huh. Something seems to be missing from this pasta salad recipe. I wonder what it … oh, wait, there’s one more ingredient:

A Box of Tri-color/Rainbow noodles

Ah, there we go!

You may be thinking to yourself that this less a pasta salad than a meat and cheese tray soaked in Italian dressing with a pasta accent. Or wondering if this recipe was provided to MGTOWFOREVER by the Meat and Cheese Council, a la that famous cartoon by Roz Chast.

But, hey, at least MGTOWFOREVER is stoked about his, er, salad. Here’s his advice on how to prepare this lovely meal:

Cook the noodles and as they are cooking , cut up the meat and cheese into squares. I order them at a local deli and ask for the meats & cheeses cut into slabs for chopping.They have EXCELLENT prices.

It’s true, the prices ARE pretty good at Sweeney Todd’s Meats of Uncertain Origins.

You can also use the Kraft or Store brand bag cheeses if you prefer shredded. Dice the tomatoes and olives. Put all of the ingredients except noodles into one bowl.

Into one huge fucking bowl.

Add half the bottle of dressing and a little bit of the parmasian cheese.

Once the noodles are cooked then drain them. Make sure to run the noodles under cold water for about a minute. If you don’t then the cheeses will turn into this ugly mesh looking thing.Pour the noodles back into the pot. Pour your ingredient bowl into the pot of noodles. I use a stock pot for cooking the noodles..

Wild guess: this is the only pot this guy owns.

Shake the shit out of it so everything flows together. Add the remaining dressing and paramasian cheese. You can add croutons or anything else you’d like. Be creative.

When I’m feeling especially creative I will add three or four pounds of microwaved pizza rolls, or perhaps some jalapeno poppers (at least six pounds). I haven’t tried this with MGTOWFOREVER’s pasta salad recipe, but trust me, this PRO TIP adds flavor to whatever it is you’re cooking.

You can also add several dozen bagels or a five-pound bag of Kit Kats (to taste). Garnish with Gummy Bear vitamins and a bar of soap (not the perfumed kind). Sometimes I like to top the whole thing off with an entire roast pig with an apple in its mouth. (You might need a bigger bowl for this.)

Put in the fridge for at least an 1 hour. ENJOY!

You might also have to buy a bigger fridge.

You can also use a California blend veggies. I get a huge frozen bag of that for $2 and add about a 1/4 of it during the last 2 minutes of noodle cooking.

How exactly does one measure 1/4 of a “huge?”

You don’t need to add the whole pounds of meat and cheeses. You can use half pounds(1 slab).

Yeah, if you’re a PUSSY.

I always buy by the pound so I can use the meats and cheese for other things such as chef salad, Macaroni & cheese, to grade for spaghetti, etc.

I’m sure all of your recipes are meaty, cheesy delights.

Yes I love pastas and salads. LOL.


Where I buy my ingredients cost me a total of $24 and I eat off it for around 4 days. So $6 a day.

There is no fucking way you are buying all this shit for $24 unless you are buying it from Acme Slightly Expired Foods Inc or straight out of the back of a truck. The meat and cheese alone are going to cost maybe twice that.

But there is no question that this dish will provide you with some pretty hearty eating over the course of four days. On the fifth day, you get gout.

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Valentin - Emigrantski Ragamuffin
Valentin - Emigrantski Ragamuffin
6 years ago

misophistry – if you know people will be angry, why say it at all. this is 2 cents no one asked for

6 years ago

What you do with your body is up to you Kupo and that was the main point I was trying to convey. If weight issues trigger you then when you saw the enormous plate of meat at the top of the OP you should probably have stopped reading and left. This is the topic.

6 years ago

I repeat, this is the topic of the OP and is what most people in the comments are talking about. Food and food issues. Eating and its related subjects.

6 years ago

@Victorious Parasol

As a type 2 diabetic, I have to say that yeah, the issue is usually an unhealthy diet for a person.

Got it in one! Whether a particular way of eating is healthy or not depends on the person doing the eating. As a type 2 myself, I know that certain foods raise my blood sugar to unhealthy levels (sadly, honey is one of them) and to protect Future Lucrece from potential complications of long term high blood glucose levels, I eat those foods sparingly or not at all. They are unhealthy for me, but may be fine for other people in varying quantities. I can eat them all I want and they don’t have an intrinsic moral value (bad/good) but if I want to preserve my health and live at least another 40 years (without complications such as peripheral neuropathy and amputation of feet), I need to be aware of what foods are healthful or unhealthful FOR ME.

I don’t judge what others eat. You are free to do what you like in life, as long as you’re not negatively impacting someone else. If a person wants to eat five tubs of ice cream a day, go for it. If the same person complains they can’t lose weight, I might think they’re a bit in denial, but it’s not a judgement of their morals – eating five tubs of ice cream a day is incompatible with weight loss for most of us, except possibly Antarctic expeditioners who burn simply enormous amount of energy just staying alive.

The thing is, losing excess fat (which is usually what we mean when we say ‘weight’) truly is an “energy in < energy used” equation, but, and it’s a big one, exactly what the numbers are is very individual and depends on myriad factors: the person’s basal metabolic rate, their medical conditions and treatments currently in use, their activity levels, their genes, etc. It’s not one-size-fits-all. There are population averages, which are what doctors (and weight loss diet promoters) use as guides, but while your doctor will start with the guidelines (averages), they should be able to help you work out the best food choices for you, ie. those that are compatible with your health goals. That’s how it should work, anyway. Weight loss “diets” don’t work long term because a) they don’t take all of the individual factors into consideration and b) they aren’t based on a sustainable way of eating. They also rely on repeat clients for their business model to function – you’re practically set up to fail at those things. I’ve personally been on Weight Watchers four times, as well as various other weight loss programs, medically supervised and otherwise, and I’m still dangerously overweight for someone with my medical history.

So, yeah, no shaming from me in my glass house.

6 years ago

Yes I knew it would upset you specifically kupo. But I wanted to say it anyway because it is the truth. I will go away now as it is late and so long as the topic is not food I will never mention food again.

6 years ago

The meat doesn’t trigger me. David’s mocking the Miggy for thinking bowl of 90% meat = salad doesn’t trigger me. People coming in here,making morality judgments about foods, telling us fatties that we need to be good fatties and eat the right things and exercise enough and then we’ll appease the mythical calorie in/calorie out gods does trigger me.

Fuck you for implying it’s my fault that I got triggered. You were asked not to talk about this. You did anyway. I feel hurt and attacked and like I’m shit and don’t deserve to eat. But that’s my fault for reading a post that mocks toxic masculinity, huh?

6 years ago


To those getting angry, here’s my 2cents that’ll probably not help you.

You’re right – it wasn’t helpful.

Now be gentle,

Why? You haven’t been gentle.

I have gone out of my way

Really? How exhausting for you.

to tell you what I think

Exactly. What you *think*. Why should we give you a free pass on spouting your obviously uninformed opinion on a complex and sensitive topic?

and maybe angered you.

*sigh* Not sure I can be bothered getting angry. Disappointed, perhaps?

But this is how I see it and I could not keep quiet.

Yes, actually you could have kept quiet. You could see this was heading in a direction that potentially caused hurt to others but you decided it was more important to air your opinion than simply be quiet, or even say something kind and supportive.

6 years ago

Weight is all about thermodynamics; the problem is that people jump from this to the conclusion that losing weight is easy, and that anyone can lose weight by simply eating less and exercising more. But there are so many factors that influence calories in and calories out that people aren’t in control of.

If people are interested I can dig up links to the actual studies, but for now, I’m just pulling from memory.
One big factor in how many calories people burn is how energy efficient all their movements are. This sounds ridiculous but there is science to back this up. When you raise up from a chair, when you scratch your nose, when you do a million of tiny everyday movements – do you do them in an energy efficient or energy wasteful way? Over the course of an entire day, this makes a pretty big difference in how many calories you burn. Basically, “naturally thin” people burn more calories through performing all these everyday movements in a slightly more energy wasteful way, and they do so in particular after having larger than usual meals (like on Christmas, for instance). “Naturally fat” people use far less energy for all those everyday movements, and they don’t compensate for larger-than-usual meals by being slightly more fidgety afterwards. A formerly obese person who’s now lost weight tends to be even more energy efficient in this area.
Obviously you have absolutely no conscious control over this factor.
“Naturally thin” people also tend to lose their appetite a bit after Christmas and similar holidays with loads of eating, compensating for overeating by eating less the following days. Once again, this is completely non-conscious and automatic on part of the naturally thin person. It’s been established scientifically in experiments where people are first forced to overeat for a few days and then you simply observe what they eat when they’re given free range, but it’s not something people are aware of. “Naturally fat” people don’t compensate for over-eating in this way.

There’s loads of research on factors like this. So yeah, weight is all about thermodynamics, the laws of nature rule the human body just like everything else. But those thermodynamics are so much more complicated than people who go “just eat less and exercise more” imagine, and to a large extent beyond conscious control.

6 years ago

Yes I knew it would upset you specifically kupo.

Why are you attacking me, personally? Why do I not deserve to exist in my body, to accept my body as it is? Why are you policing my body and my choices about my body?

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee


FFS, people already said why the “everyone can be thin if they just bootstrap correctly” talk is harmful. Fuck that “I don’t see why it can’t work for everyone” noise. Why do you get to ask for gentle treatment when you’ve said things that people have previously said were hurting them? You didn’t seem to be very concerned about everyone else’s feelings.

No one is saying that a tiny amount of calories doesn’t tend to result in weight loss and a massive amount of calories doesn’t tend to result in weight gain. But you’ve kind of proven my point by saying how hard it’s been for you to lose weight. If it’s just simply calories in -> calories out with other factors being minimally relevant than everyone who wants to be thin, would be thin. Because losing weight would be just a matter of cutting back on a few simple things here and there. Like fewer desserts or water instead of juice/soda or less cheese or whatever.

Do you want to know why I can’t just be vigilant about diet in order to be thin and healthy? Because I’ll say it. But big trigger warning for eating disorders below the cut

I was a one point subsisting on about 200 calories a day. And yeah, good old thermodynamics kicked in and I did lose lots of weight!


I fucked up my metabolism and now it’s difficult keep weight off in a healthy way.

Even when I was brutally starving myself, I did not look like a waif. Even though I was overall pretty thin, I still had D cups and a bit of fat around my hips that gave me muffin tops in my bikini and a ring of pinchable fat around my belly button. And boy did I despise myself for that. I could still pinch an inch. I was so irredeemably fat that even a diet that was far worse than Dutch famine rations wasn’t enough. Must have been because I was weak enough to have those “binge days” every week or two where my body just kind of made me eat. Anyway, point is, my body type is curvy. There is very little bootstrapping my way out of it. I guess if I hadn’t decided to recover (and luckily I was able to, not everyone is) then eventually I would have lost those few pinchable inches, but I don’t think it would have been advisable.

I can’t safely be vigilant about diet. I can do reasonable portions. I can stop myself from eating candy or cookies every single day. I cannot weight myself, count calories, cut out entire food groups, go on a fad diet etc. without relapsing. These behaviors would be similar to an alcoholic trying to drink in moderation. They’ll kick off disordered behavior. However, because I’m getting older, my metabolism got fucked up and I’m naturally curvy, I can’t lose significant weight without performing those vigilant dieting tasks that would take me into ED territory. And I’ve been stressed lately, so there’s a big part of me that actually wants to relapse right now and I’m trying to fight that off. This makes the kind of diet talk that you and Pyrrho just engaged in especially triggering. So fuck you very much for that. And no, this wasn’t on topic. The MGTOW wasn’t being mocked for eating meat and cheese, he was being mocked for a recipe that was ridiculous for being not actually a salad, full of flavors that aren’t complimentary and cost prohibitive.

Anyway, I hope my story met with your approval as to why I personally can’t just diet and exercise to lose weight. *She said sarcastically*

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Why do I not deserve to exist in my body, to accept my body as it is?

You do. We all do.

6 years ago

And I’ve been stressed lately, so there’s a big part of me that actually wants to relapse right now and I’m trying to fight that off. This makes the kind of diet talk that you and Pyrrho just engaged in especially triggering.

Same. I’m trying not to listen to the part of me saying this is a good feeling and I just shouldn’t eat for a week right now. ?

6 years ago


There’s nothing wrong with your weight or your body. Please don’t relapse.

I’m sorry if calling foods “unhealthy” triggered anyone. Kupo and WWTH are correct here about fixating on “bad” or “unhealthy” foods.

However, miggy didn’t just post a recipe, miggy literally suggested eating around 9 pounds of this pasta salad (I counted) over a period of 4 days. That is far more fat and salt than is healthy for just about anyone. I believe THAT deserves a call out. These guys seem to like to tear each other down by being a bad influence on one another. They do the same when they suggest skipping college and playing video games instead.

Perhaps I have misjudged?

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee


Personally, your comments didn’t bother me. I know what you meant. Although to me the recipe was more silly because of the sheer amounts of disparate meats and cheeses that don’t go together. My issue was with some of the other comments.

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, FemiNest Collective agent, Hell Toupee keeper, & Intergalactic Meanie
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, FemiNest Collective agent, Hell Toupee keeper, & Intergalactic Meanie
6 years ago

*deploys emergency cutes to make folks feel better here*

Hopefully some of these work well enough to make the upset folk feel better, at least for a moment or two.

Watching in horrified fascinator
Watching in horrified fascinator
6 years ago

On the subject of recipes…


Take 4 pounds (say 4 1/2 pounds) of fresh Amblongusses, and put them in a small pipkin.

Cover them with water and boil them for 8 hours incessantly, after which add 2 pints of new milk, and proceed to boil for 4 hours more.

When you have ascertained that the Amblongusses are quite soft, take them out and place them in a wide pan, taking care to shake them well previously.

Grate some nutmeg over the surface, and cover them carefully with powdered gingerbread, curry-powder, and a sufficient quantity of Cayenne pepper.

Remove the pan into the next room, and place it on the floor. Bring it back again, and let it simmer for three-quarters of an hour. Shake the pan violently till all the Amblongusses have become a pale purple colour.

Then, having prepared a paste, insert the whole carefully, adding at the same time a small pigeon, 2 slices of beef, 4 cauliflowers, and any number of oysters.

Watch patiently till the crust begins to rise, and add a pinch of salt from time to time.

Serve up in a clean dish, and throw the whole out of the window as fast as possible.

Edward Lear

6 years ago


Polycystitis. I am enormously fat because clusters of growths on my now-departed ovaries fucked up my hormones, and now that I’ve been slammed into menopause it is nearly impossible to get rid of. I do chia pudding for breakfast, mango and kale smoothie for lunch, protein and salad for dinner, handful of almonds for a snack, and a twice a day half hour bike commute. Tell me precisely where I’m going wrong.

6 years ago


1) A resurgent labour movement — NDP gets back to its organizing roots and actually puts the brakes on blue-collar support for the PCs. Unionize, unionize, unionize, especially the service industries.

That sounds like a wonderful idea, but I have no idea about how it could possibly be implemented.since reason apparently cannot sway people, and the NDP will never be given the power to actually try to implement things that would win people over.

2) Unite the left

The liberals actively worked to block any hope of an NDP government by admitting that they didn’t have a chance of winning but still telling people to vote for them to siphon left-leaning votes away. (But the second the Liberals are in the lead, it’s all about Strategic Voting to Stop the Right Wing!/bitterness). I can’t see them actually collaborating with a progressive government after the stunts they’ve been pulling.

3) Do away with First Past The Post

If I could kill First Past The Post this very second, I would. However, the only people who have the power to actually change the system are the ones who have gotten into power by exploiting the very same system. They have no interest in weaking their power by allowing proportional representation to happen.

4) Break up the 6ix

I’m not actually super familiar with this, but if you mean fixing gerrymandering, I’m all for it. However, there’s still the problem of why the people in power would ever change a system that got them in power in the first place.

I’m sorry if I’m sounding negative and cynical. I should probably try to have more hope, but I just can’t right now. By all means we should strive to achieve any/all of those things, but right now it just seems so hopeless and pointless to me.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

I occasionally have french fries or other starchy vegetables, all of which are considered “bad” for T2 diabetics if you have them too often, but can be okay in moderation.

That seems problematic, seeing as the starchy vegetables are also the only palatable vegetables … where does a T2 diabetic get certain vitamins then?

6 years ago

Oh my God I’m going to say from the other side that you’re being incredibly ignorant. I’m 5’5, 108 lbs. Pretty fucking thin. I’m one of the lucky people who can eat anything, occasionally in ridiculous amounts(im a pothead, we do that, lol.)and I just don’t gain weight. I have no clue why. I don’t exercise at all.

Like WWTH, I had an eating disorder when I was younger. I was in high school in the late 90s when Kate Moss and heroin chic were popular. I was very lucky in a sense, because my body type is capable of doing the waif look I was aiming for.(I had many friends like you, WWTH, who just couldn’t look like Kate Moss, even if they starved to death)I thought 3 digit weight was unacceptable(90-95 lbs was ideal to me back then, 95-99 was acceptable, but it meant I had to lose a few pounds.)I ate so little for so long it took me almost a year(my senior year of high school)to eat semi normal size meals again.(to this day, I graze and eat half a dozen small meals a day, I never really got back in the hang of it)

So I have no idea what or how it works, but I would estimate I eat about 3000 calories a day at least 75 percent of the time(i eat a pint of haggen dazs and 2-4 packs of wildberry skittles every single day, for example. Plus lots more)If it was calories than made you fat and that’s all there was to it, I’d be big as a house. But I’m not. If someone as lazy as me can weigh 108 lbs, there must be more variables that we don’t understand.

I don’t understand why people keep trying to act like its that simple when it’s obvious not for many people. Sure maybe it would work on average the less you eat the less weight you game okay but that’s obviously not all of it so why do people keep trying to insist that it is? Everyone have a lovely weekend.

6 years ago

@katiekitten: because when someone acts like weight loss is simple, then they get to judge people and feel morally superior!

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

It is funny how people have no trouble believing that a skinny person can eat whatever they want because they have a fast metabolism. In fact, they’re often told how lucky they are. Yet if a fat person says they can’t lose weight because of metabolism it’s a hilarious joke because everyone knows fatty like cake.

I mean, a lot of the body shaming stuff isn’t really directed at me because I’m probably more perceived as a bit chubby rather than the “death fatty” category, but clearly it still pisses me off a lot.

Anyway, on a different topic, I was looking at some of the archives and came across this

Most people probably remember that Ivana Trump recounted an incident that was clearly rape from back when she and Cheeto Benito were married. What I had completely forgotten about were Michael Cohen’s thoughts on the subject.

Michael Cohen, special counsel at The Trump Organization, defended his boss, saying, “You’re talking about the front-runner for the GOP, presidential candidate, as well as private individual who never raped anybody. And, of course, understand that by the very definition, you can’t rape your spouse.”

How did I forget about this? I’m the one who made the post about it in the first place. I guess Trump and the people in his orbit have given us such a never ending stream of awfulness in the past three years that it’s easy to forget some of them.

I wonder if Cohen also thought campaign finance laws were mere guidelines? Or that really great, high class people can’t by definition break laws.

Jesus fucking Christ.

I was already hoping Cohen would end up in jail. Now I’m hoping even harder.

6 years ago

Oh, hey, Polycystic Ovarian fistbump!

My condolences on our mutual hormones being whack because our ovaries are super confuzled about the whole “I’m supposed to be releasing/producing what now?”

6 years ago

Just to be very clear, I was not exaggerating at all earlier. Now I’m curious how many calories I eat so let’s see. A typical day of food for me would look something like this: Wake up, eat Cinnamon Toast Crunch or Lucky Charms to eat, plus some juice or soda to drink. I think that’s easily 400 calories right there. 200 calories for the cereal 100 for the milk and 100 for the beverage.

Then I’ll eat in the next 12 hours about half a dozen times. About twice it’ll be something somewhat substantial, a slice of pizza, bacon egg and cheese on a roll, something like that. The other four times will be some fruit, a muffin, $1 bag of chips, you know snack food.

So to estimate, let’s say the four small snack meals average 250 calories and the bigger ones 500. That’s 2400 calories already. Add about six glasses of soda to go with each snack meal that’s another 600 calories which is 3000 calories without adding the Skittles I eat constantly throughout the day. A pack of Skittles is 230 calories so 4 would be another thousand calories. I honestly thought it was less but looking at this including the skittles, it seems I eat between 3500 and 4000 calories a day.

Which is 1- Wow that’s absurd, I didn’t think it was that many, damn! And 2- It makes it utterly obvious beyond any reasonable argument that my weight has not very much to do with the calories I take in. Because if it did I would not be 5’5 + 108 lb, I would be as big as a bus LOL.

Obviously this is me personally but if it’s true for me I’m sure it’s true for many other people. I will be surprised if most people didn’t have at least one friend who is atypical in matters of weight gain or weight loss so how can people just keep acting like it’s so simple when evidence that it is not is right in front of their faces.

As you said it really must be that people just want to be assholes and judge people because I think people are being disingenuous for the most part if they keep insisting that it’s simple. Sorry for the essay, but older readers know I don’t know how to do concise LOL. Everyone have a great weekend!

6 years ago

I will not put it back on I am determined. This means I have to keep tabs on my weight for the rest of my life and if it starts to go up then I need to take a long hard look at what I’m eating. Never ending and not easy, no wonder people fail.

What a miserable way to exist. And completely unnecessary. I think you might want to try actually reading studies instead of newspaper headlines. The book The Obesity Myth is a great start and references a lot of studies, most of which are large scale longitudinal studies.

Here’s a brief summary there is no guaranteed way to permanently make a fat person thin. None. Over 95% of people who lose weight will gain it back in 5 years NO MATTER WHAT THEY DO. (fun note, diets are basically a way to starve yourself, to a great or lesser extent and turns out our bodies hate starving and will do anything to make sure they have the resources not to do that again) Literally decades of research have shown this over & over & over again. It even turns out you can’t make a naturally thin person permanently fat, either.

No one owes anyone thinness, or health, or a “healthy diet”. But sure, let’s make people utterly miserable and force them to focus on their food and exercise instead of on more important things.

Plus, starving people don’t have a lot of energy for things like protesting or standing up for themselves so making an entire society think normal weights are “fat” and making being fat the horriblest thing that anyone could ever be does great things for those in power – they have way less people with the time and energy to stand up to them.

Seriously, stop with this fat shaming, body policing bs that also isn’t even remotely in line with the actual science. And if you can’t be bothered to read a book, read a website