By David Futrelle
Last night, a tweet from writer Lucy Valentine reminded me of the classic A Voice for Men post I wrote about several years back in which MGTOW master chef August Løvenskiolds offered up his unique recipe for “Buck Buck Chicken,” a bland and possibly slightly dry delicacy that even a MGTOW could cook, because all it involved was sticking a frozen, unseasoned chicken breast in an 450 degree oven for an hour while you yelled at feminists online. (No, really, those were his cooking instructions, yelling at feminists included.)
Anyway, this got me wondering if there were any other brilliant MGTOW recipes out there that I could share with you all. Turns out there are!
So let me present to you a recipe from the GoingYourOwnWay.com forums for “a huge pasta salad that you’ll be munching on for days.”
I think you’ll agree that this is definitely not something you will be able to finish in one sitting.
Here’s the list of ingredients provided by Master Chef MGTOWFOREVER, a “senior member” of the forum:
1 or 2 containers grape tomatos
Half a jar of Spanish Olives
1 or 2 bottles Italian dressing(I recommend Robust or House but it can be any kind)
1lb Honey Ham
1lb Pepperoni
1lb cooked salami
1lb Turkey breast
1lb provolone cheese
1lb Pepperjack cheese
1lb Cooper Cheese
Half a jar of parmasian powder cheese.
Huh. Something seems to be missing from this pasta salad recipe. I wonder what it … oh, wait, there’s one more ingredient:
A Box of Tri-color/Rainbow noodles
Ah, there we go!
You may be thinking to yourself that this less a pasta salad than a meat and cheese tray soaked in Italian dressing with a pasta accent. Or wondering if this recipe was provided to MGTOWFOREVER by the Meat and Cheese Council, a la that famous cartoon by Roz Chast.
But, hey, at least MGTOWFOREVER is stoked about his, er, salad. Here’s his advice on how to prepare this lovely meal:
Cook the noodles and as they are cooking , cut up the meat and cheese into squares. I order them at a local deli and ask for the meats & cheeses cut into slabs for chopping.They have EXCELLENT prices.
It’s true, the prices ARE pretty good at Sweeney Todd’s Meats of Uncertain Origins.
You can also use the Kraft or Store brand bag cheeses if you prefer shredded. Dice the tomatoes and olives. Put all of the ingredients except noodles into one bowl.
Into one huge fucking bowl.
Add half the bottle of dressing and a little bit of the parmasian cheese.
Once the noodles are cooked then drain them. Make sure to run the noodles under cold water for about a minute. If you don’t then the cheeses will turn into this ugly mesh looking thing.Pour the noodles back into the pot. Pour your ingredient bowl into the pot of noodles. I use a stock pot for cooking the noodles..
Wild guess: this is the only pot this guy owns.
Shake the shit out of it so everything flows together. Add the remaining dressing and paramasian cheese. You can add croutons or anything else you’d like. Be creative.
When I’m feeling especially creative I will add three or four pounds of microwaved pizza rolls, or perhaps some jalapeno poppers (at least six pounds). I haven’t tried this with MGTOWFOREVER’s pasta salad recipe, but trust me, this PRO TIP adds flavor to whatever it is you’re cooking.
You can also add several dozen bagels or a five-pound bag of Kit Kats (to taste). Garnish with Gummy Bear vitamins and a bar of soap (not the perfumed kind). Sometimes I like to top the whole thing off with an entire roast pig with an apple in its mouth. (You might need a bigger bowl for this.)
Put in the fridge for at least an 1 hour. ENJOY!
You might also have to buy a bigger fridge.
You can also use a California blend veggies. I get a huge frozen bag of that for $2 and add about a 1/4 of it during the last 2 minutes of noodle cooking.
How exactly does one measure 1/4 of a “huge?”
You don’t need to add the whole pounds of meat and cheeses. You can use half pounds(1 slab).
Yeah, if you’re a PUSSY.
I always buy by the pound so I can use the meats and cheese for other things such as chef salad, Macaroni & cheese, to grade for spaghetti, etc.
I’m sure all of your recipes are meaty, cheesy delights.
Yes I love pastas and salads. LOL.
Where I buy my ingredients cost me a total of $24 and I eat off it for around 4 days. So $6 a day.
There is no fucking way you are buying all this shit for $24 unless you are buying it from Acme Slightly Expired Foods Inc or straight out of the back of a truck. The meat and cheese alone are going to cost maybe twice that.
But there is no question that this dish will provide you with some pretty hearty eating over the course of four days. On the fifth day, you get gout.
@ opposable thumbs
She does seem to enjoy having stuff to play on.
Maggie’s funagility circuit appears to have grown exponentially already … 🙂
This is brilliant, and a Very Good Thing.
Um … no funagility happening around here, sadly. Nearest we’ve managed is to get the robin redbreasts to do a kind of hummingbird-hover, if you hold their food* out to them (the bold one, who takes it from your fingers) or smear it on the downward-sloping side of the big birdfeeder branch (the timid one, who doesn’t).
*lard (bought just for them) mixed with ground-up seeds (just for them) plus ground-up dried mealworms (just for them, unsurprisingly). Ground up using the old coffee-grinder which is also, now, apparently, just for them.
@ opposable thumbs
I like robins. There was a pretty tame one at my old place.
Maggie has this rather amusing and sweet thing of just looking at something for ages sort of disinterstedly. Then when she thinks you’re not watching she’ll get all enthusiastically trying it. It’s especially cute how she hops up that ladder.
Currently she’s got a tightrope vibe going. At first I thought she was getting tangled up, but when I went to rescue her she was just trying a balancing act. Good practice for standing on telephone wires I guess.
There was a pileated woodpecker in my neighborhood, down by the creek last summer/fall. I’ve only seen it once but used to hear it pecking all the time. I’m dying to see it again but I think maybe it died or moved to a different area because so far this year, nothing. I’m really hoping to catch a glimpse.
This isn’t the actual one I saw, but an example pic from Google images
At least there’s lots of northern cardinals in my neighborhood. I think they’re pretty as well as pretty misandrous. The male has to pretty himself up to get female attention and I often see two or three males jostling to get to one female. Mwa ha ha!

They’re super common in North America, but it doesn’t look like they’re in Europe so I thought I’d include a pic for across the pond mammotheers.
Oh, and from wikipedia
It’s the bird version of females sitting around eating bonbons while the male slaves away!
Maggie knows that tightropes are too easy for her; the slack rope, now – that’s a challenge fit for an enterprising crow. 🙂
We don’t get pileated woodpeckers of course, but we do have a regular family of greater spotted (unless they’re lesser spotted; I can’t remember) who’ve been bringing the latest juvenile every year for a while. Plus there’s a jay and a magpie. They all disagree vociferously, and occasionally violently, about who gets to eat first and more. The woodpeckers usually win by pretending they Just Don’t Care how big the other bird is; they cordially invite them to come and have a go if they think they’re hard enough.
The robins often come near the door and wait for table service, and sometimes they yell to remind us. They’ve been giving the blackbird ideas.
Winter just ended here in this part of Washington state so I’ve only seen a few robin, magpie, and assorted LBJ (little brown jobbies) out during the day. I’m looking forward to watching our cherry trees this year, they attract some beautiful and diverse species 🙂
As to the OP:
Oh bother, I think I misspelled my screen name in two other posts. Does this mean they’re gone?
Still adjusting to the wonky missing and double posts.
If I misspelled my screen name will those posts just be gone?
I think I used PirateJenny (my preferred nym) instead of PirateJennie.
They usually go into moderation and will show up once David approves them. Are you in Eastern WA? We didn’t even really have a winter here in the Puget Sound. But that’s pretty normal for us.
About as far east as you can be without living in Idaho instead.
Thank you for your reply and may I say it’s been nice to see you here through the years.
Aww, thanks!