By David Futrelle
After hearing the news that the Miss America pageant is dropping its swimsuit and evening gown competitions to focus more on talent and brains, I headed over to Reddit to see what the resident misogynists were saying about the end of these noble traditions dumb things.
I expected some fulminating in places like the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit (and there was some), but it turns out that the Redditors who have the most to say on the subject are the Trump superfans who populate the TheDonald subreddit.
In countless threads on the subreddit today, TheDonald’s angry young (mostly) men set forth their trenchant critiques of the move.
More than a few of the critiques consisted of sometimes angry, sometimes resigned predictions that fat women with dyed hair would soon take over Miss America.
Others imagined the competition taken over by trans women:
And then there was this exchange:
This dude had an even more alarming prediction:
While the denizens of TheDonald had the most to say about the pageant, don’t worry! The MGTOWs had some terrible opinions to share as well.
Such is the state of the discourse on Reddit today.
I think Robyn Pennacchia summed it up quite well over on Wonkette (emphasis mine):
It would make more sense to just stop with the whole embarrassing thing, don’t you think?
Watching the pageant is as close as those idiots get to actually having a conversation with a woman that does not involve a financial exchange…and I mean a cashier in a store, not a “professional lady.”
There’s a good chance one already has, although I don’t follow it enough to know for sure. But my point being that you can be conventionally attractive and nerdy at the same time. I do remember from the times in the distant past that I’ve watched it, there were plenty of contestants studying in STEM fields. I mean, I’m not defending the organization at all. Beauty pageants are problematic in ways I do not need to point to anyone here. That does not mean that contestants and winners have all been bimbos.
Plus, I’m sure that the winners will still be conventionally attractive.
The ratings for Miss America have been down for many years now. It used to be a major prime time TV event when I was a kid. Now I think it’s on one of the cable stations that aren’t included in the more basic packages. The reactionaries that hang out in the darker corners of the internet might not think so, but it seems to me that the general public has come around to the more feminist point of view on pageants. That they’re shallow, objectifying and outdated. It seems to me like this was a good business decision. Whether it will revive the event I don’t know, but they had to make some change.
When I was a kid, beauty pageants were for girls. Only femoids (of various ages) watched them. Now manlymen are mourning their premature demise. How the window has shifted, to be sure.
Maybe it’s time we started having soul pageants.
Every time I hear about a beauty pageant, I wonder how this is still a thing. Would anyone be worse off if Miss America ceased to exist?
I do something similar. I remember only a year or two ago, when hearing about Ms. America (probably something having to do with Trump), I was legitimately surprised it still existed. I couldn’t remember having heard about it for years.
Less of a peep show, but at core the same
Sending women through an uninspired game
Remembered as a title, but rarely as a name
Just cut the rope and run
Palate maladjusted to the tastes of today
It’s not the audience behaving this way
Just a couple of fucks taking the chance to bay
Just cut the rope and run
Not a single memory, not even a taste
Yet the move to rant on was taken with haste
Honestly, have they more memory to waste?
Just cut the rope and run
My senior year of HS, we had a general geeks, punks, nerds and dweebs revolt, and pushed hard until we elected one of our Super Nerd Queens homecoming queen. She was an immigrant, and wore a gorgeous formal sari and her coke bottle glasses. Never been prouder of my tribe!
At least if a chemistry nerd were competing (and if there was a bathing suit portion) she’d find a better way to get her bathing suit bottom to stay in place through the walking and turning and walking some more to stand in a row while other women go walking and turning and walking…The glue stick trick isn’t foolproof.
And no, I will not be telling anyone anything about the ‘glue stick trick’ or how I might know about it or anything of the sort!
The advertisers? 😛
I have to say I agree with DigitalScetis…the Miss America pageant is an anachronism. However, if the pageant was still going strong, and remained as popular as it was in the 1970s, these MRA/MGTOW types would still find reasons to criticize it, and the women taking part in it. There’s no pleasing those turds.
A related issue – pro football cheerleaders. Another anachronism that needs to end.
On the point “will a nerd win miss America contest” the answer is fairly simple. Pretty much all of them since the mid 90’s. Miss America is scholarship pageant. To be a contestant, one must want and be elligible for college. This means that all contestants have in the upper tier in terms of academic grades. This could make them “nerds” in the wide sense of the term (AKA someone good at school). The reason they have the reputation to be stupid is due to the fact they are asked stupid question and about 7 seconds to answer them, so of course the answer is always to be a complete cliché. Everybody would sound stupid in such circumstances.
Trump owned beauty pageants, so naturally, this would be a concern of his bros.
Anyone think Jared Leto is the next to go down in the Me Too flames now that he’s getting his own Joker movie?
There’s all sorts of rumors that he does kink stuff without permission fro one night stands and that he goes after underage girls. It’s been strange to me that he hasn’t been part of the perv purges yet.
He was only good in the My So Called Life days anyway. Leave him in the 90’s where he belongs.

Hopefully this is another nail in the coffin of the beauty pageant in general, and we can phase them out.
Seems to be working in New Zealand. Back in the 80s we’d all watch it, although that was probably because there were only two TV channels, and there were probably sheepdog trials on the other, but now it’s a complete non-event. I’ve a vague idea it still exists, but it’s in massive decline, and treated with disdain by the young women who would be eligible to enter. Over summer they tried to run one at the beach and nobody entered. It’s become some tacky boring thing from the olden days that your creepy uncle reminisces about in a vaguely distasteful manner, and good riddance.
I’m waiting for any white het actor to go down in those flames, really.
Because you think that most if not all white het actors (and, just to be clear, are we using this in the gender-neutral sense) is guilty of sexual harassment, so it’s more of a not-surprised-that-it-happened thing?
Miss America is less than 100 years old, if I recall correctly. And has steadily been losing cultural currency for at least the last 50 of those, too. The idea that a bathing-suit pageant is some kind of “cultural icon” is laughable when you consider the actual history of it, and the fact that it was considered immoral by traditionalists when it first began in the 1920s. A mere 40ish years after that, feminists smelled the already-stale blood in the water, rightly pegged the pageant’s rigid beauty standard (and the impossible amount of grooming it required) as oppressive, and demonstrated against it by tossing bras and girdles into garbage cans in Atlantic City while it was on. This protest was later mischaracterized as a “bra-burning”, which it wasn’t. But later, just such a demo was in fact staged by an antifeminist man who hired models to act as his fake feminist demonstrators in an effort to ridicule the valid, original feminist protest. (The false image of “bra-burning women’s libbers”, alas, caught on…and not just among the antis.) The pageant has had to do all kinds of twists and turns to maintain a semblance of relevance in a world where women kept proving that their looks weren’t everything, hence the scholarship program. And on and on it limped, with women forever questioning its continued existence while the men just ogled and drooled and traded slimy speculations on what they’d like to do to Miss Wherever. Nobody, I daresay, was fooled by the talent part, or the sugary responses to questions on how the contestants would change the world. Nobody gave a shit. It was all about the near-nudity on heels, and who “wore” it best.
And now, at long last, swimsuit competitions are finally being declared obsolete? What the hell TOOK them so long?
And of course, the menzers are whining, because they’re being denied one eensy, weensy, conservative, antiquated bit of trophy-women-on-display objectification. OH THE HUMANITY! HOWEVER WILL THEIR PENISES SURVIVE THE ONSLAUGHT??? MISANDRY!!!!!
I should enter this you know since they’re all whining a fattie (like me) will win this
All I need is purple hair
Potatosurplus is on to me. I would definitely like a genderless society, or rather a society where there are no gender roles and where individuals have total freedom of gender expression.
The most surprising thing about this article is that people still watch beauty pagents, tbh. Like, how many of these people would have actually known about this if it hadn’t been reported?
When I was in high school, we had a boy’s pageant for seniors every year. Obviously if didn’t involve swimsuits or anything like that cause, you know, minors, but it was a nice little twist.
Given the context of #MeToo, I didn’t think I needed to specify that I was talking about men. And, as far as I am aware, no het white man who has an on-screen presence has yet faced any career consequences from #MeToo. It beggars belief that none of these men are sexually predatory, but their fame and straight flush of privilege have so far shielded all of them.
An ex-con (he did time for threatening to kill Obama) incel is running for congress.
David you should research this guy and see what else you can find;