By David Futrelle
Last year, a generous reader’s big donation enabled me to get rid of the most obtrusive ads on We Hunted the Mammoth. A few days ago, that same reader donated enough to enable me to get rid of the rest of the ads. Which is awesome.
Ads were always a headache for me and, obviously, for a lot of you. Ad networks — even the ubiquitous Google AdSense — do a pretty slapdash job of filtering out questionable content and abusive ads, and some readers had been having trouble lately with browser-hijacking ads apparently being served up unawares by Google. Meanwhile, I had to worry that any post dealing with sexual issues in any way would end up somehow violating Google AdSense’s policies.
So, ads are now gone — except for the Amazon affiliate ads that sit quietly on the sidebar and allow me to promote books I like.ย I may use some of the new space on the sidebar to promote useful sites and/or organizations for free.
The one bit of bad news? I’m going to have to pester you folks more for donations. Especially those of you who read the site regularly and could afford to donate at least a little bit, but haven’t gotten around to it yet. It’s SO EASY. Just click here or on the button below. Think of it as a very reasonable ticket price for an ad-free site.ย
Oh, and I do plan to finally start up a Patreon soon for those who’d prefer to donate that way.
Anyway, BIG THANKS to all my generous readers for enabling this move.
Oh, hooray! Ads were the reason I had trouble reading this site on mobile. Had to turn off JavaScript so the browser wouldn’t crash every time.
Edit: anyone know of any ad blockers for mobile devices? It’s a pain.
Congratulations David and thank you massive donor!
@Patty Thinkerer
For Iphone I use AdGuard.
Whoo hoo! Party!
Thank you so much to whoever made this possible. I can’t donate at the moment, but will when I can.
Patty Thinkerer,
Ad Block Plus is good on Android/Chrome. You do supposedly have to be signed into wifi for it to work, but even when I’m not, it catches everything but YouTube ads and sponsered posts on Twitter. Never had an iphone, so I don’t know if it works well on those.
@oogly and wwth
Thanks! I’ll try abp for my Android.
Thanks to an excellent and generous donor!
I am waiting on some payments, but will donate as soon as I get them. I am not much of a commenter, but I read everything you write and I truly value what you do!
There has to be some kind of a story behind that ‘nym, and business is really slow at the moment. Care to share? ๐
Iโd love to donate to a WHTM Patreon! You could post some of your photo manipulations as patron rewards.
Late as usual, but yay!
…Now I’ll need to get to work on that song. David, would you care to name any specs?
Great news! In celebration, have some kittens
Yay! Thank you, donor and all donors!
That’s awesome David, thank you. And thanks to the donor who helped make it happen.
Pester away, and get that Patreon up when you can.
Fantastic news! And, yeah, count me in among the folks who’d prefer to donate via Patreon. ๐
@JenniferAndLightning, Surplus to Requirements:
I don’t know, but my brain immediately noticed that it scanned properly when I started doing Bohemian Rhapsody with ‘Jennifer and Lightning, Very very frightening, me! Galileo…’
Chloe and Ramona and their combined mass of fuzzy hoodlums is ultimate cute. <3
<3 <3 <3 !!!!!
Just donated ๐
I know it's a really random amount of money, but it's what I have on hand right now.