advocacy of violence domestic violence emotional abuse empathy deficit entitled babies incel jordan "slappy" peterson men who should not ever be with women ever commenters agree: Women should fear death if they turn down a guy for a date

Reminder: This guy thinks the solution to male violence is to make sure violent males can get dates

By David Futrelle

If you have any lingering doubt that incels — or at least a significant percentage of them — are straight-up terrorists, here’s a lovely conversation taking place tonight on, one of the, er, leading forums for so-called “involuntary celibates” online.

Here’s the full text, with some thoughts:

A woman should be deathly afraid of rejecting a guy. When a guy asks her out she should be made aware of what a horrible fate will be left on the guy if she rejects him, and the only way to accomplish this is through instilling fear on the females.

Hate to break it to you, Crustaciouse, but women already know that men often react to rejection with anger, insults, and in too many cases, actual violence.

Whenever a guy gets rejected he should scare the female, go on a shocking rant right in front of her and make it seem as if he lost his sanity and is ready to kill the female.

Men already do this, too many of them, all the fucking time. One of the reasons incels can’t get dates is that many of them give off a clear vibe that they are these kinds of guys. So women do what they can to make sure these guys can’t get close enough to them to even ask for a date.

If enough guys do this then rejections will completely be destroyed.

Sorry, fellas, but it’s not going to happen. Partly because women realize that saying “yes” to these sorts of guys is as dangerous as saying “no,” if not more so.

Second step is the actual date, if the female thinks she can just ghost the guy and not go on the date then she must be proven wrong, these females should be doxed and stalked.

Threatening phone calls should be made to her house and the guy should leave threatening objects at her door such as a knife covered in animal blood.

Fucking hell. This is why women give out fake phone numbers.

And this is why it’s so fucking creepy when people like Jordan Peterson essentially argue that society should figure out a way to make sure that at least some very unlucky women will be desperate enough, or pressured enough, to date and even marry these violent pieces of shit.

Guys who react to rejection with violence and threats of violence are pretty fucking likely to use violence in relationships to get what they want. Peterson’s vision of “enforced monogamy” — despite his attempts to deny the implications of his language — would basically amount to “enforced domestic violence.”

He is basically demanding that society give in to the sort of incel threats we see in this thread.

So you may wonder: is there anyone on willing to challenge this sort of thinking?

Well. in this particular case, nope! In fact, they’ve somehow managed to convince themselves that women are actually really into being threatened by violent losers.

 Warmest Black Misfortune Teller - Joined:Nov 9, 2017 Messages:536 56 minutes ago#2 I hear they are aroused by violent dark triad behavior. UnfortunatelyINCEL98 UnfortunatelyINCEL98 RememberTheDeadShooters - Joined:Feb 27, 2018 Messages:4,718 55 minutes ago#3 they are if they are alone with no onlookers..

And then there’s this guy, who really seems taken by the “murder” idea.

I think this would be great. A man should be able to kill a woman if she rejects him. Some men do this in India.

In case you are thinking that these guys are outliers on, if not actual trolls trying to make incels look bad, nope! The OP has posted more than 4900 comments on the site in the seven months he’s been on it; the murder dude has posted 600. No trolls are that dedicated.

NOTE: I learned of this horrific post from @Justincelthings on Twitter, who documents a great deal of truly awful incel crap. Definitely worth a follow, if you can stomach it.

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6 years ago

Urg. I have to keep reminding myself that sex-selective abortion has a bad, bad, BAD history.

6 years ago

… So what is a woman supposed to do if more than one man asks her out? Should she date multiple guys at once, so no man will have to be rejected? Wouldn’t that make her a slut, though? I thought sluts are supposed to be horrible people. Obviously we don’t want to make women act like sluts!

Perhaps we need a way of marking women who’ve already been claimed by a man so other men will know they’re off-limits. Say, by making them wear special clothing. Perhaps long dresses and face-obscuring bonnets, which would have the added benefits of preserving the women’s modesty and reminding everyone who sees them that our society is reviving the traditions of a more enlightened age.

I wonder if anyone has thought of this before.

6 years ago

These people make me sick.

… So what is a woman supposed to do if more than one man asks her out? Should she date multiple guys at once, so no man will have to be rejected?

In such a case she should date specifically the guy who wrote this post. Duh.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I’m afraid you’ve just misunderstood Jordan Peterson incels. You obviously haven’t read every word Jordan Peterson every incel has ever written and watched every YouTube video Jordan Peterson every incel has ever made. When will you feminazis and soyboys quit misrepresenting Jordan Peterson incel? All it’s about is men cleaning their own rooms needing sympathy for loneliness!

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

So, looks like Paul Manafort was caught trying to witness tamper

Hope to turn on the news tomorrow morning to see him being perp walked into court where a judge revokes his bail.

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Was this the reason Trump and his minions have been making so much noise about pardons and unlimited executive power lately? I think it was obvious something was going down.

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6 years ago

Threatening phone calls should be made to her house and the guy should leave threatening objects at her door such as a knife covered in animal blood.

Because the way to a woman’s heart is through her gag reflex, amiritefellas?

And then they wonder why nobody wants to date them…

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
6 years ago

A woman should be deathly afraid of rejecting a guy. When a guy asks her out she should be made aware of what a horrible fate will be left on the guy if she rejects him, and the only way to accomplish this is through instilling fear on the females.


Because no man — whether incel or Chad or beta — wants a woman to be with him because she cares for him. Heck, no! He wants to know that she’s with him because she’s afraid that otherwise he’ll kill her.

Somebody notify Hallmark cards.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
6 years ago

If Seymour Hersh Didn’t Report on Nixon’s Alleged Spousal Abuse, What Else Don’t We Know?

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Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
6 years ago

Nixon, continued

Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Seymour “Sy” Hersh has a new memoir out, Reporter, that details his role in some of the biggest stories in recent American history, including the Mai Lai massacre in Vietnam and abuses at Abu Ghraib in Iraq. In Reporter, however, Hersh also acknowledges a major story that he didn’t report on: the alleged domestic abuse of Pat Nixon by Richard Nixon.

From the New Republic review of Reporter:

In 1974, he writes, Hersh heard that Nixon’s wife Pat was in hospital after being punched by her husband. It was not an isolated occasion. He did not report on the story, he told Nieman Foundation fellows in 1998, because it represented “a merging of private life and public life.” Nixon didn’t make policy decisions because of his bad marriage, went the argument. Hersh was “taken aback” by the response from women fellows, who pointed out that he had heard of a crime and not reported it. “All I could say,” Hersh writes, “is that at the time I did not—in my ignorance—view the incident as a crime.”

We owe a great debt to Seymour Hersh, who broke the stories of the Mai Lai massacre and the abuses at the Abu Ghraib prison.

But holy fuck! He thought that domestic abuse was legal?! I knew it was illegal when I was nine years old — and probably younger. What excuse does this investigative journalist have for thinking that putting another person in the hospital is perfectly legal! Oh wait — she’s just a wife. Never mind.

6 years ago

OT, bit I feel like a bit of uplifting brain bleach is needed; I really loved THIS Medium article about how laziness is just unseen barriers.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
6 years ago

Democrats warn Trump on pardon powers: ‘You are not a king’

The president claimed the Mueller probe is unconstitutional and insisted he can pardon himself.

As President Donald Trump claims an “absolute right” to pardon himself, top Democratic lawmakers are countering with their own message: “You are not a king.”

“We don’t have a king,” Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York, the minority leader, said Monday on the Senate floor. “We are a nation of laws, not men. That‘s what the Founding Fathers created America all about. They didn‘t like the monarchies. But if a president can pardon himself, it’s virtually a monarchy — at least as far as the president is concerned.”

Of the 2010 Census
population, 157.0 million were
female (50.8 percent)
while 151.8
million were male (49.2 percent).

Chuck, I’m an Old myself. But it’s been almost 50 years since we stopped using “men” to mean “men and women.” And it was never, ever right to begin with.

dr. ej
dr. ej
6 years ago

So what are women supposed to do when we get rejected? I let a guy know I was interested last weekend and he turned me down. Amazingly enough, I didn’t feel the need to throw a temper tantrum, threaten, stalk, or kill him. The worst thing I did was eat several cupcakes and drink bourbon.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

@some scumbag:

Whenever a guy gets rejected he should scare the female, go on a shocking rant right in front of her and make it seem as if he lost his sanity and is ready to kill the female.

If any particular guy does that, the woman will tell all her friends, who will tell all her friends, and pretty soon no woman will go within a country mile of him … thus making him ripe for radicalization and recruitment by you fuckers. Damn. Clever. Ugly and horrible, but clever.


I, for one, am utterly unsurprised at the revelation that Nixon was a spousal abuser. The entitlement streak was a mile wide with him, after all.

And I think history may be repeating itself. Some abusers, particularly one whose wives enjoy the public spotlight a lot, find ways to hurt them without leaving visible bruises that might bring on troublesome questions. Such as hitting someone in or about the kidney area.

Wasn’t Melania recently hospitalized for surgery for a “benign” (and otherwise unspecified) condition in a kidney? After which, her disappearance began? Things that make you go “hmm” …

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

So what are women supposed to do when we get rejected?

Immediately drop 15 lbs, but not from your boobs. If you are over 25, become two years younger and if you are over 30, become 5 years younger. Obviously if a man rejects a woman, he must be a Chad. Women are the property of incels and must be punished for offering their property to a Chad. Therefore, you must offer no fewer than 5 incels blow jobs in penance.

If a woman turns a man down, she’s wrong. If a man turns a woman down, she’s wrong. Always remember that.

In all seriousness, sorry you got rejected. I hope it wasn’t too big a blow and you’ll be over him quickly.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
6 years ago

@dr ej

The worst thing I did was eat several cupcakes and drink bourbon.

I hope the cupcakes were delicious, that the bourbon was smooth, and that this guy will soon be just an amusing story.

@Surplus to Requirements

I, for one, am utterly unsurprised at the revelation that Nixon was a spousal abuser.

I hear you.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

@DawnPuritySeeker: Thanks, that was very interesting.

dr. ej
dr. ej
6 years ago

@weirwoodtreehugger & Kat

Thanks. It wasn’t really a big deal. There’s been some flirting, but he’s not looking for anything serious. I may have moped a bit, but I’ll be OK.

It just throws the incel rhetoric into sharp relief. I get rejected and shrug it off with cupcakes. They get rejected and threaten women with murder.

IBH Ardipithecus
IBH Ardipithecus
6 years ago

Whenever I see anyone saying incels are misunderstood and just need sympathy (and sex slaves), I’m going to link this article.

occasional reader
occasional reader
6 years ago

Hmm, i know this is just mean and ridiculous, but “crustaciouse” just makes me think of what could be a pokémon name…

Anyway, they do not even hide them nor their will. Is it still considered free speach to call for murder ?

6 years ago

@IBH Ardipithecus
Please do. One of the many last things we need in the world are Incel sympathizers.

Alexis Filth
Alexis Filth
6 years ago

So incels love rating systems right? They’re always talking about hb8’s & shit like SMV. Sö, I have a rating system for them. It will help make a safer society.

Everyone has a Google or apple account in their phones. If you log in to any incel, MRA, MGTOW or PUA forum, (we can add places like stormfront, 4chan &r/the Donald too) you gain points on your account, much like a speeding ticket gives you points on your license.

The more often you post on those sites gets you more points added to your score. We use RFID technology for this and if your score is over a certain threshold, women who have social media accounts connected to yours are notified of your activity, including examples of what you’ve been posting.

After all you’ve got nothing to hide, why should you be embarrassed if your mother sees your in cels dot me posts.

Hit the second threshold and any women you get within 50 yards from receive a push notification, including a quick sample of your posts.

3rd threshold, your job gets a taste of what you believe.

4th, every woman in a 5 mile radius of your home receives a detailed notice about you, including your most upvoted/replied to posts.

There. Now if women really are hypergamous sluts attracted to the dark triad they should be flocking to you by the thousands.

(This is of course not a sincere idea, the violation of rights makes it not workable, and fairly immoral and ripe for abuse. But hey, I think it’d cut down on sexual assault by a significant percentage. Forewarned is forearmed after all. The women in these guys lives/social circles/vicinity would know better than to be anywhere alone with them.)

6 years ago

I have some thoughts about this, but I wont share them with you.

In my country incitement to violence is NOT protected speech. It is a criminal offence.

6 years ago

Re: Trump and the whole pardons thing.

In England we had a civil war over a king who thought himself above the law.

Turns out he wasn’t, but the lesson had to be taught with an axe.

6 years ago


“We don’t have a king,” Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York, the minority leader, said Monday on the Senate floor. “We are a nation of laws, not men. That‘s what the Founding Fathers created America all about. They didn‘t like the monarchies. But if a president can pardon himself, it’s virtually a monarchy — at least as far as the president is concerned.”

A nation of laws… unless you’re rich and white, in which case getting away with shit is kind of your birthright.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

@ alexis

we can add places like stormfront

I sometimes browse Stormfront and Daily Stormer. It’s a handy source of ‘ragefuel’ (as the incels would say); and it keeps me motivated. When you read in the press about ‘dapper’ Nazis and how “Fashy is the new fashionable” it’s handy to remind oneself of what these people are really like. Condemned by their own words.

It can also be quite funny. The twerps at Stormfront are getting into a bit of an existential crisis at the moment. There’s a discussion about what’s the best fighting system to protect the white race; and they keep coming back to Krav Maga. That’s quite the dilemma for them; but hilarious for the rest of us.

I hate to say it, since it was invented by the you-know-who’s, but Krav Magra is really the best weaponry-based fighting style there is. I’ve only taken a few classes in it, but for self-defense against weapons, it is tops, and my teacher could wield a knife like no other.

I figured that Krav Maga would be one of the first answers to that question! That seems to be the same form of self defense that I’m looking for as well. I’d hate to participate in something made by those people but unless someone else has another suggestion…..

As far as a system that implements street defence and weapons probably Krav Maga. I could see not wanting to support it but the Jews are the only ones willing to sell their defence system

I’ve noticed a great deal of mention here regarding Krav Maga, and disappointingly so. None of the more romanticized aspects of martial arts (such as being a badass) will be found here. So, if that’s all you’re willing to commit to the art of combat, well, now you know what it is to be a half-ass natured Jew

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