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Watch out for “sperm bags on tinder pretending to be good women,” MGTOW warns his fellow men

Literal sperm bag

By David Futrelle

The ridiculous doofuses who call themselves MGTOWs suffer from the delusion that women actually miss them when they “go their own way.” I’m going to go out on a limb and say that this may not be completely true.

Take these dudes I found having a lovely discussion on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit.

lister777 33 points 9 hours ago  Women are for making babies and raising them. And honestly, even at this level, today they suck. Remains their ultimate use: sperm bags. Sad. We d like to see them faithful, useful, traditional, but nope. We got sperm bags showing themselves on tinder, pretending to be good women... For them, appearance is all that matters. They can suck 10 dicks per week, use 30 men in permanence, and still pretend to be good people. You know, as long as no-one puts them in place at societal level, it is alright.  permalinkembedsavereportgive goldreply  [–]kaczan3 10 points 6 hours ago  I disagree, women aren't even for raising babies. Look what they're doing with the kids. Turning them into SJW and other monsters.

I somehow doubt that many women are pining for these two to return to the dating scene.

Lest anyone accuse me of taking this out of context: the two were responding (sort of) to a video of three women who were having some trouble figuring out how a gate worked; the other MGTOWs in the thread seem to believe that this video proves that women are a bunch of big dummies.

If a video of some women acting like idiots is proof that all women are idiots, then what does this video prove?

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Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

The stupid, it burns.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Using “sperm bag” as a euphemism for “promiscuous woman” doesn’t make any sense to me. Wouldn’t that be a better euphemism for a testicle? I mean, it’s not like the sperm of every man a woman blows or have penetrative sex with stays inside her permanently and forms build up. Plus, they seem to be forgetting that condom use is common and a lot of times the sperm doesn’t even get inside the woman’s body anyway.

On an off topic note, I’m watching the repeat of last night’s Rachel Maddow show segment on Kim Yong-Chol the guy who Trump welcomed to the White House with open arms and is besties with. It was really chilling stuff. He’s responsible for building up the program that trains North Koreans to be really awesome hackers.

It made me wonder if Kim Yong-Chol had a device planted on his person that can remotely hack Trump’s totally secure we swear Iphone or something.

I wasn’t wild about Trump’s saber rattling against N. Korea, but I’m concerned about this new embrace of them too. They really seem to have figured out that Trump is really easily manipulated if they butter him up.

This concern, BTW is what got me diagnosed with Trump derangement syndrome yesterday. As if it’s irrational to be concerned about North Korean officials intention’s and Trump’s ability to navigate diplomacy with a party that operates in bad faith the same way that Trump himself does.

tim gueguen
6 years ago

I wonder who these two would actually expect to raise their children if they were to father some. They’d probably last about five minutes having to take care of an actual baby.

16 Cats and Counting
16 Cats and Counting
6 years ago

Give the MGTOW their due, they are making certain that the internet will never run out of sublimely asinine comments.

In regards to the video of some women having trouble opening a gate, u are right on the mark David. I would like the MGTOW crowd to be forced to watch several episodes of America’s Dumbest (fill in the show of your choice). They should then explain how the dumbass dudes on this show somehow don’t fuck with their constant assertions that men are inherently more logical, rational and mature than women.

In all fairness there are women featured on these shows. But, I think anyone with regular vision would have to agree that guys, especially young guys, more than hold their own!

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

I wonder if Putin is having any buyer’s remorse at this point. After all, he wanted to be able to strongly manipulate the United States executive branch … but what he got is that any country can strongly manipulate the United States executive branch, and the resulting swerve in policy direction lasts exactly as long as until another country’s leaders finagle a meeting with Trump in their turn.

6 years ago

@weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
Well, these are the same general group of people who think the sperm of previous partners permanently alters a woman’s DNA.

6 years ago

And now I’m getting the disappearing comments and name fields not saving. Great.

6 years ago

i’ve tried to stop making fun of people for bad English given that the internet is international and many people are not native English speakers, and many others may have dyslexia or other issues that make grammar and spelling difficult, but seriously… what the heck does “use 30 men in permanence” mean???

PeeVee the Tired
PeeVee the Tired
6 years ago

I *really* want to know where these guys are getting their ideas that single women are having massive quantities of sex from.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

@brian: I’m pretty sure that one stems from muddled thinking, not from limited language skills. 🙂

@PeeVee: Simple. They don’t imagine if an attractive woman made advances at them they’d turn no; therefore attractive women can get all they want to. As for unattractive women, they’re invisible to them most of the time.

Mexican Hot Chocolate
Mexican Hot Chocolate
6 years ago

What MGTOWS don’t understand about sex and human biology would fill a high school sex ed text.

6 years ago

Who the hell is sucking ten different dicks in a week? Who has the time!?

(Great, now I’m not sure which username I’ve used here before….)

epitome of incomprehensibility

“For them, appearance is all that matters”… “using” people… smells a lot like projection to me.

And ow, the video. I have to get another one of my wisdom teeth pulled out on Monday, and I’m not looking forward to pain. But I’m planning things to do that don’t involve looking at YouTube all day (which is what I did when I got my first wisdom tooth out, and it cost an extra $30 in that month’s internet bill). If I do spend time watching YouTube, I’ll avoid videos of people hurting themselves. 🙂

6 years ago

@weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
*hugs* Honestly it’s perfectly reasonable to be shocked and other emotions regarding our chief fool in power. Especially since he’s trying to funnel money into North Korea.

On the subject of the article, incels, human women do not in fact have an internal sperm pouch to use in a later date.

6 years ago

One rather hopes that these migtoes realize that THEY are the literal sperm bags, given that there are more of the little wigglers in their scrota and testes at any given time than there are in any woman, no matter how sexually active.

One rather hopes, but one doesn’t have much faith.

(Damn, that video hurts just to watch!)

6 years ago

Well wait are we talking ten discrete dicks, or can there be double ups? Does giving the same guy a blowjob twice a week count? If not, what if it’s at random and really sleazy, like you ran into the same guy at a bar and hooked up in the alleyway on Monday and on Thursday? What if it’s the same ten guys each week? Does that count, or do they have to be novel dicks introduced to the environment each week?

I mean, you could probably do it if you were multitasking. Like, say, sucking dick while you worked on your taxes or did your business accounting or something.

6 years ago

@Surplus – no, but that’s what I’m getting at: I can’t break that phrase down grammatically. Just, literally, what does “use 30 men in permanence” MEAN???

6 years ago

@ brian

I’m guessing it means ‘maintain a permanent group of 30 lovers.’

6 years ago

Oh, okay. Sorta like a harem but not really.

6 years ago


Well wait are we talking ten discrete dicks, or can there be double ups?

The original quote says “10 dicks”, not merely 10 blowjobs. It didn’t specify whether you can reuse the same 10 the next week.

It becomes even more difficult when you think about the number of women and the number of Chads, and the time required to get out your calipers and goniometer and make sure that you don’t accidentally blow anyone with an inappropriate canthal tilt or skinny wrists. It’s a logistical nightmare.

6 years ago

And really, if we all were sucking off ten different dicks every week, and not everybody is getting laid, that means that some men are having theirs done at least ten times a week… which, again I say, who the hell has the time? Or the stamina?

(A)utonomous Escapist
(A)utonomous Escapist
6 years ago

who the hell has the time? Or the stamina?

Well, not to brag…

*(slightly more) serious face on*

Having grown up in the heyday of Jackass and being heavily inundated in skating as well, the stupid hi-jinks are mostly brought about through a mix of immature machismo and stupefying boredom. Still, I like to think that I learned some valuable stuff, mainly rudimentary first aid for sprained joints, cuts, bruises and egos.

6 years ago

@binjabreel: I’ve been lurking lately and not commenting because I just don’t have the spoons to do much of anything right now but I had to say your comment literally made me LOL! Like I was skimming everything and then I read yours and I just started cackling. It might partially be because I have smoked a lot of weed I was at a small get-together and just got home a couple hours ago and we were smoking literally all night. But whatever the reason thanks for that I can always use more laughter in my life.

And hello everybody else. I’ve been reading David’s posts and everyone’s comments and appreciating them like always but I’m just emotionally exhausted lately. Not depressed, but I’m not motivated to do things unless I particularly enjoy them. Things that are just mildly pleasant( like commenting on websites)I’ve been too lazy for or just not inclined.

But I never ignore this site partially because like I said before I can always use more laughter and David is definitely amusing, and partially as I’ve definitely previously mentioned, I deeply enjoy the camaraderie of this community. I hope everyone is doing well and having a lovely weekend. I’m going to bed, good night/morning everyone

Citerior Motive
Citerior Motive
6 years ago

Migtows sure seem to spend a lot of time telling each other how much they don’t miss interacting with women. Do you think perhaps the gentlemen protest too much?

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

They don’t want to go their own way, they want us to beg them to stay and agree to stop having opinions and aging in order to appease them. Shockingly, women have not been terribly inclined to beg them to stay, so they just get more and more bitter.