By David Futrelle
The ridiculous doofuses who call themselves MGTOWs suffer from the delusion that women actually miss them when they “go their own way.” I’m going to go out on a limb and say that this may not be completely true.
Take these dudes I found having a lovely discussion on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit.
I somehow doubt that many women are pining for these two to return to the dating scene.
Lest anyone accuse me of taking this out of context: the two were responding (sort of) to a video of three women who were having some trouble figuring out how a gate worked; the other MGTOWs in the thread seem to believe that this video proves that women are a bunch of big dummies.
If a video of some women acting like idiots is proof that all women are idiots, then what does this video prove?
Surplus to Requirements said
And when they do notice us, they rail about how we shouldn’t exist. Or that we should be fat-shamed for our own good (WHOSE own good, now?) Or that we shouldn’t be allowed to add our ugly genes to the gene pool. Or, or, or…
Sperm bags are condoms, surely?
Considering MGTOWs/incels/more mainstream creepy men/etc exist, how would you even find 30 men you’d want to suck ‘in permanence’? And why would any woman bother?
Right? I can’t even find one, never mind 30.
Well, I suppose I could find one, but I wouldn’t know where to begin to look. The Internet is a ghastly place. And somehow I doubt that offline is any better, since these anonymous guys who let their creep flags fly on Reddit are all real, live, in-the-flesh dudes somewhere.
(bracing now for the inevitable crash through the window of Not-All-Man)
TMI warning!
That is, as far as I know, actually a fetish. Well, kinda. From what I can tell it involves one person going about their day as usual while the other sexually services them (usually orally). It’s a kind of BDSM thing where it’s like the other person is effectively being ignored. There’s also a similar fetish where a person acts as a piece of furniture.
I haven’t seen anyone sucking dick and doing their taxes, so props to them if they can read all that rigamarole with a ballsack bouncing against their face!
TMI warning over.
30 dudes on a permanent rotation??? Ha ha.
Only in a professional setting.
personally I don’t have the diary management skills for that level of poly!
that being said – I am actually still married while effectively living with someone else.
Oh! Conuly! That’s a handle I recognize from LJ days! Nevwer interacted, just saw your posts from time to time. Hope you’re doing well!
Anyway, you all have said covered any reasonable response I think, so… that video David posted. WHY. I wonder what those dudes were thinking.
So that leaked memo with the Trump team saying that he can’t be subpoenaed or indicted and Giuliani doubling down and saying he could have shot Comey to end the investigation and that would be okay. I know that’s partially a defense strategy and an acknowledgement that they know the Republicans do not care about the country enough to impeach and convict him.
I wonder if there’s another aspect to this besides just with regards to Melania’s disappearance for nearly a month now. Is anyone else starting to suspect that he’s setting up a defense for murdering her if she tries to divorce him while he’s still in office? Is this in part a message to her?
It feels like I’m being overdramatic here, but given Trump’s history with abuse and given that I believe there’s no way he didn’t know Cohen was sending a goon to threaten Stormy Daniels. Who knows what skeletons are still in Trump’s closet at this time too. There’s no way this was the only time someone was sent to rough a woman up on his behalf, is there?
This shift from “witch hunt” to “LOL the president can do whatever he wants and impeachment is the one and only consequences” that has been subtly happening since Giuliani joined the team and that went into overdrive this weekend tells me that Trump is very aware that he’s pushed the envelope with regard to the norms and the laws so much with no pushback from the Republican party at large that he has good reason to believe he is in fact, untouchable. The fact that he’s come out with this just now tells me something must be going down soon. Perhaps with regards to the Mueller investigation, perhaps with regards to the Melania thing, perhaps with regard to the Cohen investigation since Cohen was given until the middle of the month to go through his communications to separate out which ones fall under privilege. Add that to the tweet that someone linked earlier discussing Sean Hannity’s accusation the deep state is now after that too…
I feel like there’s some new boundary that Trump is about to cross. Something that goes beyond anything any sitting president has done before. I’m getting scared.
Anyone have thoughts?
I actually think it’s worth drilling down into the reply, which claims women are turning children into the dreaded SJEWs! One thing that I never quite understood was the contempt these people have for their own mothers, especially if they were single mothers that served as good role models like my own. It’s one thing if your mother is abusive or controlling or bigoted or any number of poor parental traits, but if she’s a working mom (maybe even multiple jobs!) who tries her best and just asks you to do the dishes on occasion, where does this contempt come from?
It’s like that quote from a Peterson fan which boiled down to “My mom was always telling me to clean my room and I never listened until my internet daddy told me to.” Seriously, how much of this internet reactionary bullshit is “You can’t tell me what to do, mom!”?
And these are the same people who rail on about helicopter parenting and “participation trophies” (which are not a thing). So they both hate the structure and counsel that came from their hard-working single mother, but are so desperate for structure and counsel that they’ll latch on to any two-bit con artist that validates their contempt for basically anybody different than them, including their hard-working single mother.
Do these people actually understand on a gut level that they’re fundamentally ridiculous human beings?
@WWTH, I think he just hit/hurt her. She’s in hiding because she doesn’t want anyone to see the bruises. He’s known to go into violent rages, like when his hair transplant surgery was botched. He tore out Ivana’s hair, beat and raped her, all because it was her cosmetic surgeon. (Not entirely certain on that last part, might have just been random).
Dude’s an abuser of the worst sort, and he’s under intense scrutiny and criticism from a number of angles. All it’d take is Melania being there alone with him at the wrong moment and she’d be in the hospital in the next hour with some mysterious affliction that needs attention.
I’ve always believed that she’s always loathed him and is just trying to make the best of a bad situation. She may have tried to make a relationship work at first, but those days are long over – she’s a prisoner and always has been.
Like I said on the Discord about it – I hope Mueller sends her a nice bouquet of flowers with a big “get well soon” card. With his phone number inside it. She could destroy him, and I dare say she deserves to be the one to do it.
That’s why I think he wants to prevent her divorcing him and is sending a message that there’s nothing he wouldn’t do to prevent it. In addition to the humiliation, she could be compelled to testify against him if she’s no longer his spouse.
I know I’m getting into tinfoil hat territory here, but we already know he does things to send thinly veiled messages to others. Like Trump’s pardoning of people convicted of corruption that is clearly a message to Manafort et al. He’s sending a message to Melania and perhaps others in his orbit that they best not cross him because he can kill people and get away with it.
I’d be interested to see a linguistic analysis of that Tweet Melania is purported to have sent, compared to her previous Tweets, and ones we know Trump himself composed.
@ Alan
The First Dog is ahead of us already.
I was going to get my linguistic on, but realised that Melania’s twitter, like Trump’s, is also managed by staffers.
I’m pretty certain I know when it’s Trump rage tweeting (though the staff have apparently said they purposely add spelling errors to pass themselves off as him), compared with the stilted legalese tweets post-Giuliani’s admission of payments to Stormy Daniels.
But honestly I’d be surprised if Melania writes any of the tweets in her name, or “writes” them in the same way she wrote her RNC speech and the advice on web safety for kids.
Not that she couldn’t write those things herself if she cared to: she is, I believe, a considerable linguist and fluent in five languages.
I just think she can’t be arsed.
From the fact Mother wasn’t around 24/7 to wipe their asses and make them sammiches.
@Rabid Rabbit
That’s probably where Roosh gets it, that’s for sure. 😛
While I’d be completely unsurprised if Trump hits Melania, I suspect the truth this time is less lurid. My guess: her hospital treatment was more or less as described, and now she’s extending her convalescence as long as she can get away with, because she hates her job (and possibly to punish Trump).
Vanity Fair’s take on all this…
I don’t think he’s necessarily done anything to her yet, but I think he’d be happy to have her believe that he could and would.
I dread to think what someone who brags about getting away with shooting someone on fifth avenue tells his wife.
For a long time, it was probably just “I can get you deported because you came here without a proper work visa.”
…If someone brings up ‘chain migration’ again and tries to make it seem like a nefarious plot being executed daily by those who are seeking asylum as refugees, I’m going to throw my purse at their head.
*secretly wishes someone on the alt-right would bring it up so that I can load up the purse with a brick and launch it at their head*
My aim accuracy is greatly improved when I get past the point of caring whether I land the throw or not, maybe it’s also partially because I tend to carry a massive purse so I could aim at anything in the general area and still hit something. 😛
Mexican Hot Chocolate wrote:
Very droll.
I think the reason one of the MGTOWs “warns” other MGTOWs about avoiding promiscuous women (which is what the vulgar euphemism “sperm bag” appears to be about) is because if the others do not avoid women who like having sex, then they might no longer be MGTOWs and then he will be part of a smaller group. The trite old saying, “misery loves company” comes to mind. In order to be part of a large group, he needs other men to fail to have sex with women.
Also, one cannot help but wonder if the vulgar term is really a euphemism for a woman who is not a virgin. People who have fantasies about how the world should be often have difficulty functioning with the world as it is. One must learn to deal with the world as it is, and not expect it to conform to some fantasy one might have about it.
A failure to be able to deal with the world as it is often results in someone deciding to take their ball and go home. Childish fantasies should be put away and one should grow up.