entitled babies

Sex, Pies and Video Games: A revealing clip from UK reality show Age Gap Love

By David Futrelle

Looks like I’ve found a new show to watch!

Some couples are able to navigate the various perils of “age-gap” romance and build healthy relationships. But I’m not exactly feeling confident about these particular couples. 

The show in question is available on Netflix (or at least one season of it is); it features various sorts of age-gap couples (older women, younger man; older man, younger women; older man, younger man; not sure if there are any lesbian couples). I’m going to have to watch an episode or two.

A NOTE ABOUT THE HEADLINE: Look, I know there weren’t any actual pies featured in the clip, but, come on, these are Brits. Obviously they will be eating pies at some point.

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PeeVee the Tired
PeeVee the Tired
6 years ago

Well. Um. Okay.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

but, come on, these are Brits. Obviously they will be eating pies at some point.

Hey! I haven’t eaten a pie since….well ok, today doesn’t provide my best counter argument; or yesterday come to that; or indeed…hmm.

But if you’d said this on Wednesday I could be rightly outraged.

6 years ago

I’d rather have a younger man than an older one, for sure. And an occasional video game, fine. But that much of a fixation on gaming is a hard pass for me, I’m afraid.

Pies, however, are always a go.

6 years ago

Are they trying to say that some men are looking for mother figures?
Not that there’s necessarily anything wrong with that.

I am a bit concerned that Fully Equipped Harold comes equipped with noose, cleaver, sword, and can of gasoline.

@ Bina,

I’m with you on the gaming. I do think I’m officially middle aged now, to me Vidya Games = Pac Man.

6 years ago

@Z & T:

I do think I’m officially middle aged now, to me Vidya Games = Pac Man.

Same here. And solitaire Mah Jongg. First-person shooters with 12-year-old macho-wannabes yelling sexist and racist slurs at you in your headset, I can cheerfully live without.

6 years ago

Semi related,

Self and elbow bending pals here are also (trying to) watch the show Bob’s Burgers. And this is like the fourth try.

Is this show supposed to be funny?

Just put the sound back on the tv and watched it for a solid five minutes.
Is this supposed to be funny? Or is it a drama? I thought it was billed as a comedy though.

No one is laughing here. It’s not just me then.
Friend: They must be going for boring and annoying, at the same time. Right, so maybe it’s supposed to be a drama, then?

Whatever it is, gah, pass.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
6 years ago

Pong. That was my game. I’m not sure if the kids still play it.

For several years I had a relationship with a man who was 11 years younger than me (27 to my 38 when we met). It turns out that being younger than me — and being totally fine with that — doesn’t necessarily mean a man won’t be a sexist, manipulative jerk.

Ray of Rays
Ray of Rays
6 years ago

@ Z&T

Bob’s Burgers? It’s a comedy. If you’re not laughing, give it a pass.

Surprised you tried so much, though. I think it’s hilarious (the kids, at least), but if I didn’t, my policy’s usually to give up after a second attempt.

F is for 'Fro'
F is for 'Fro'
6 years ago

Whoa! The gamer dude made me feel attacked somehow. Haha

I have a game habit– but I also repair arcade cabinets and game consoles in my spare time– so it’s used productively.


I’m not sure how long a relationship will last with that guy holing up in a room for hours like that, though.

That’s like addiction level stuff right there.

Violet the Vile, Wielder of an Ideologically Weaponized Vagina
Violet the Vile, Wielder of an Ideologically Weaponized Vagina
6 years ago

Did you have to mention pie? I’ve just woken up and I’m hungry. You know the word “pie” is like a Pavlov’s dog thing for Brits right?

Time to go find a pie man. I’m in London, so better make sure I don’t accidentally buy one full of eels or something (I ate jellied eels once to see what they were like and it was the worst thing I have ever had in my mouth)

6 years ago

It’s 11 a.m. here, which is pie o’clock. I’m having a veggie “steak” (quorn) pie. Not the best, but it’s all I have in the house. The pie man is late today.

Violet the Vile:

comment image

6 years ago

In other news, Gab’s management are turning against their users: Conspiracy Theories Are Eating This Alt Right-Friendly Site From the Inside. When you launch a site aimed at attracting people too horrible even for Twitter, turns out that your users will give you trouble! Who could have foreseen this?

6 years ago

Z & T wrote:

I am a bit concerned that Fully Equipped Harold comes equipped with noose, cleaver, sword, and can of gasoline.

Not sure if you know this or not, but just in case you don’t: the picture is from a movie poster for the 1971 film Harold and Maude, which is about a death-obsessed young man who tries to fake his own suicide in a variety of ways (hence the implements of destruction he’s holding – his family is used to his antics, however, so they tend to ignore them at this point) and a much older but extremely vivacious woman who meet at a funeral and fall in love.

It’s actually a really good film, and a bit of a cult classic.

6 years ago


When you launch a site aimed at attracting people too horrible even for Twitter, turns out that your users will give you trouble! Who could have foreseen this?

Its a bunch of deep-state agitators deliberately trying to suppress free speech. Or gab itself is a false flag operation by the deep state. Probably both.

*reads the article*

My mistake, it is all the fault of the rootless cosmopolitans.

One bit of the article caught my eye, though.

Its user base, which includes plenty of innocuous accounts,


Moon Custafer
Moon Custafer
6 years ago

a much older but extremely vivacious woman

Maude’s sort of the original Manic Pixie Dream Girl, she just happens to also be seventy-nine.

6 years ago

Now I wanna watch Harold and Maude. Sounds cool.

Moon Custafer
Moon Custafer
6 years ago

Was trying to update my comment when it glitched — Maude’s the type of MPDG whose quirks are actually survival tactics and whose vivacity is hard-won; it’s not actually mentioned in the dialogue, but Harold and the audience see the number tattoo on her arm in one scene.

6 years ago

Have you guys been in relationships with big age gaps? Did the gap give you any problems?

I haven’t really. The biggest age gap I’ve had was when I dated a guy who was 28 when I was 21 and that’s hardly a huge gap. Also I briefly dated a 16-year-old girl when I was 20 which is a pretty noticeable gap at that age, even though it’s only four years. But that’s about it.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
6 years ago

I also recommend watching Harold & Maude. It’s a heck of a film, and the wonderful Ruth Gordon is absolutely delightful.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

Speaking of poor Nazis being ‘victimised’ here’s one for Brit Mamotheers.

comment image

6 years ago

My first real relationship was with one of my mother’s friends: she was 49 and I was 18. We went out for about a year, and in many ways it was very good for me, although in retrospect there are some…questionable aspects to it.

For example, our relationship started because she invited me out to coffee about a month after I turned 18 and very directly told me she wanted to sleep with me. Which is all fine and such, but if the genders were reversed, it would seem pretty creepy and predatory. In her defense, she’s known me for almost 10 years at that point and knew that subtlety and subtext were completely lost on me at that stage of my life, so the direct approach was the only one I’d be able to recognize.

She laid (yeah, yeah, but I didn’t intend it as a pun) the foundation of my understanding of both romantic relationships and sex, and I’m deeply grateful to her for doing such a good job on both fronts.

The only real problems we had weren’t directly related to our age gap; I was working on the wharf unloading the folishing boats, so our jobs’ hours were really incompatible (and I smelled like fish all the time, no matter how much I showered), but there was a definite differential in terms of power within the relationship. If she hadn’t moved across the country for her job and our relationship had continued for longer than a year, that might have evolved into an issue…or maybe not; I was completely in love with her and would have done anything for her (which brings up another troubling point; whenever I would say “I love you,” she would reply “oh you’re just saying that because you’re too young to know what it means.” That always bothered me, even then, and it does moreso now, although it’s possible it was an expression of her own self doubt.).

6 years ago

Never actually seen Bob’s Burgers, but apparently the show took a season to find its stride. Maybe try a season 2 episode?

Captain Marsh and I both like some video games, just different ones. (Most of the time – we both played Life Is Strange.) As with any hobby, I think it’s fine as long as you don’t neglect vital aspects of your life or become an asshole gatekeeper.

6 years ago

Moon Custafer wrote:

Maude’s sort of the original Manic Pixie Dream Girl

I never thought of that before, but you’re absolutely right!

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

Bit more Hopkins humiliation.

For US Mammotheers, this may also provide some context as to why Roseanne Barr’s tweets in support of ‘Tommy Robinson’ were essentially pro (literal) Nazi.

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