alt-lite bad science crackpottery gender policing heartiste men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA racism

Old pickup artist yells at “cultural hermaphroditism”

Heartiste: Probably not a big Marlene Dietrich fan

By David Futrelle

Alt-rightish PUA blogger Heartiste seems to be transforming before our eyes into the internet equivalent of a cranky old man from a 1970s sitcom who’s forever grousing about how you can’t tell the boy hippies from the girl hippies because they all have long hair.

In a recent post, Heartiste laments what he sees as the rise of “cultural hermaphroditism,” that is,

a strange and creepy merging of the sexes in America toward an androgynous unisex of masculinized females and feminized males.

But Heartiste doesn’t see this alleged new androgyny as simply a matter of style. No, he thinks that women are becoming mannish and men are becoming womanish biologically, with more and more women sprouting angular “manjaws” while men’s hips grow broader.

“While research is scant, I believe based on what I see happening around me that this cultural androgynization has a biological component as well,” he contends, suggesting that the lack of actual evidence for this alleged biological trend is the result of the evil forces of political correctness making it impossible for scientists to get grants to study such things as “the enlargement of women’s jaws or the narrowing of women’s hips.”

Naturally, as an aspiring cranky old man, Heartiste is most horrified by what he thinks is happening amongst the millennials, declaring that

the androgyne phenomenon is getting worse, and goes beyond desexualizing or uni-sexualizing fashion statements. Something profoundly disturbing is going on with the bodies of, in particular, American Millennials. Sexual dimorphism is flipping; the sexes aren’t just converging on an asexual norm…they’re swapping body types!

First with the avocado toast, now this! Damn Millennials.

I see so many 20s and 30s women with the broad shoulders and narrow hips natural to men, and so many men with the narrow shoulders and broad hips natural to women. It’s as if the sexual market turned upside down and switched sexes.

Even if we were to accept that the “sexual marketplace” is a real thing, how on earth could it cause literal changes in human bodies over the course of a single generation?

Well, don’t expect an answer to that from Heartiste, who’s got his thesaurus out now.

Manjaws lumber cityscapes on africanized pelvic fulcrums as their cantilevered shoulders cut swathes through cowed crowds. Their vaginas seem misplaced on them.

As unsettlingly, soyboys swish and swivel on bulbous pear-shaped haunches, supporting droopy unmuscled flesh that recedes upwardly to strangely child-like clavicles and diminutive shoulder spans, upon which soft rounded heads jerk fearfully out of the way of the manjaws with snapping vaginas.

This is the worst David Cronenberg movie ever.

Social conditioning can’t do this to bodies.

Wow. A rare acknowledgement of reality from Heartiste.

Something evil lurks in our environment, in our ecology, that’s responsible for the sexual polarity reversal.

And we’re back into the land of mystical conspiracy-mongering.

I suspect that the same evil is responsible for the xenophilic anti-White virtue sniveling insanity currently gripping the White Left, and which left unanswered and unchecked will mean the end of America as a nation distinct from the vast dirt and dystopia fields of the Hued World.

So there’s, what, a chemical in the water that causes women to grow “manjaws” and men to grow wider hips? And it also makes people mad at racists? Like the sort of racists who refer to countries that don’t have majority white populations as “the Hued World?”

If the March of the Manjaws and the Mewl of the Micemen proceeds apace, what consequences can we expect to see unfold in our society?

Whatever they are, I just hope they’ll lead to fewer people writing like this.

Heartiste is convinced that the future armies of “masculinized women” will combine the worst characteristics of “both men and women.” They’ll be “stridently aggressive and competitive like men but lacking the instinct of loyalty, cooperativeness, and duty of men.” Yet they’ll also be “cruelly subversive and passive-aggressive like women but lacking the nurturing vulnerability and intoxicating femininity of women.”

And yes, he’s predicting all this because he’s convinced himself that there are more women walking around with square jaws than there were a few years ago.

But wait, what about the men with the wide, childbearing hips?

Somewhat the reverse applies to feminized men, who have the submissiveness and avoidance mentality of women hitched to the single-minded focus of men, and the indiscriminate nurturing of women weaponized by the tribal boundary patrolling of men.

Is it just me or did that sentence just lurch its way into complete incoherence there at the end?

Within a few generations of this grotesque circus side show we will likely see society eating the last of its seed corn as once-admired institutions succumb to abject corruption, in-fighting, vapid credentialism, even more vapid moral preening, and finally systemic breakdown of basic civilizational functions.

Amazing what you can deduce from seeing a few women with square jaws on your way to work one day.

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Nanny Oggs Busom
Nanny Oggs Busom
6 years ago

0/5 for style, grammar or coherency. Would not recommend. Vogon poetry is better.

6 years ago

Long ago, I saw an episode of the Outer Limits (or might have been Twilight Zone) reboot (in the 90’s) about a fellow who woke up one day and found that nothing made sense; everyone around him was talking unintelligible gibberish. It was English words, but no sense could be made of them. His family tried and tried to get through to him to no avail. It was all nonsense about the kittens in the dryer and suchlike.

This is what that Heartiste screed put me in mind of today.

The episode also had the man’s family and other people doing mystifying things to him; it was surreal.


It turned out that the man had had a stroke. He’d lost the ability to understand speech and also to speak. His family took him to the hospital, of course, but he didn’t understand that. To him, THEY were the ones that needed help; he felt normal. The whole thing was done from his POV and the fright, confusion, and frustration were tangible. It was really well done and gave me chills for days.

6 years ago


The reason white men skew more conservative than the rest of the population and the reason brogressivism is a thing is that most of the white male population is invested in preserving their own privilege, which is bound up in patriarchy, white supremacy and capitalism. They’re taught to be invested in these things immediately upon birth.

Good point! It’s pretty much a package deal.

6 years ago

Violet the Vile:

“Disembark from my fertile greensward!”

….is probably what he shouts out of the window at children

6 years ago

@ Hambeast,

From the other thread, sounds like your MIL got a relatively good health report, that’s unfortunate about the antibio allergies though. I have enough of anxiety myself, I hear you.

@ Surplus,

I am reminded of a rather sad tale I heard lately, I think “sunk cost fallacy” is involved in this too. So my friend who got bit by the poison bug? And this other girl who looked at that for her, ok, she’s an Esthetician, I know what that’s called now. So I bump into this girl, she said she was going to the doctor to get anti anxiety meds because people are stalking her. I don’t know the whole story here, she was (years ago) involved in some kind of MLM scheme? saw it for what it was, dropped out, calls it a “cult”, and now these people stalk and harass her.

Wow. I feel really bad for her. And it’s so bad that you need meds?
I tried to understand what would make people do this too, if what they preach is supposedly positive, how is this positive? And this is what I concluded, “sunk cost fallacy”. They have put in so much time and effort that they can’t leave or even want to face exactly what has happened to them.

I hear tales like this, and if they happen to be people looking for work, I want to give them all jobs in my organization. Which is presently non existent. I try to remember these things as incentive to work harder. And it would help if I knew what I was doing, also.

@ Wonky Comments,

Beats me, but I did notice something. Beats me because I thought one of my erstwhile business partners “signed us up here” but all she did was contribute some old email address. For some reason I interpreted that as “signed up”.

I also interpreted this to mean that she’s some kind of IT whiz. No. Do not know how to fix my laptop issues. Crap.
I figured this out though, once I cleared my cookies and had to type it back in again. And I do that often so I suppose I hadn’t noticed that issue.

I did notice – that the comment counts aren’t going up. Even when there seemingly are new comments. Might just be me though / misremembered past counts. I am pretty sure though that the numbers were staying the same, even after there were a few new comments. For what it’s worth.

6 years ago

Do terrible people complain about everything they don’t like by slapping the word “cultural” in front of a term that cannot by definition be cultural?

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Oh my god. A Trumpkin in Twitter just diagnosed me with Trump derangement syndrome and told me to take a red pill.

I’ll get right on that.

6 years ago

Wouldn’t an orange pill be more effective?

6 years ago

Yeah I dunno, it seems like I’ve lost a few comments too. I know I posted one earlier here and I don’t see it now. Maybe I misspelled my display name and it got caught in moderation, I dunno.

So heartiste is full of shit here (as always) but the thing with the bees was some terrible idea we had to cross Mediterranean honeybees with African ones for some godforsaken reason.

The crossed bees are more aggressive, and tend to swarm more readily, and will chase people up to like half a kilometer. The good part is they tend to bail on a colony much more readily, which means they don’t do well in places without winter food. So they’ll probably stall out in the south, I.e., Texas, Lousiana, Utah Georgia, and So Cal (at least unless climate change, er, changes that.)

So maybe heartiste means that these women’s hips tend to be more defensive and will pursue and sting men to death over much longer distances than before.

The most ridiculous thing about these redpill shmucks is they they’re all convinced we haven’t heard every goddamned thing they have to say a million times before.

Also, lol, “trump derangement syndrome”, like they didn’t collectively lose their goddamned minds during the obama years.

6 years ago

Also, lol, “trump derangement syndrome”, like they didn’t collectively lose their goddamned minds during the obama years.

Before that it was “Bush derangement syndrome”

Katherine the Adequate
Katherine the Adequate
6 years ago

Re: Nathan Larson,

The only thing worse than imagining this person running for election is imagining who’d vote for him. Shudder.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

Seems there’s a new twist to the comment bug. The previous/next article thing at the top is now not updating properly. I know there’s a new blog post, because the discussion has largely moved to it (if there weren’t there’d have been like 30-50 new comments on this one instead of 3-5 over the course of today’s daylight hours), but the next article link is missing at the top … even after I reloaded this page. But you all must have found your way to the next one somehow, probably from either the front page or the archives links…so I’ll look there next.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

OK, I’m officially stumped. It’s not visible on the front page, it’s not in “recent posts” (even after reloading again), and the archives widget doesn’t seem to work without javascript … where y’all at and how do I follow you there? 😛

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

Why is the NDP now sinking day after day in the polls? How do I fix this? If Ford wins, I’m dead. Not instantly, to be sure. But there’s no way I can survive another “Mike the Knife”. Between service cuts and the kind of rent hikes that will undoubtedly get the blessing of a business-friendly Tory government, my finances will be in the red. It will take some months or even a year or two to draw down all of my reserves, but sooner or later I’ll have no money, and sixty days after that, I’ll have no home, and the next “polar vortex” after that will be the day before some snow plow driver hears a “thud”, wonders what it was, stops and checks to see what his equipment hit, and then calls the police to report discovering my body frozen in some heap of snow.

I hope somebody has some useful advice to offer, beyond “vote NDP yourself”. Something tells me that isn’t going to be enough. I can’t bet my life on the outcome of something as fickle as an election …

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

If there’s a new post today, I haven’t seen it. Nor has David’s Twitter advertised it. I’m assuming it’s just dead in here. Either lots of people are just really busy this week or the comment issues are driving people away.

6 years ago

Right? They call it “derangement” when it’s “an accurate assessment of their actions”, like “the patriot act opens the door for indefinite detention of citizens” or “destabilizing the Middle East will cause chaos that will take decades to fully appreciate the damage of”.

Meanwhile the right yelled about bizarre nonsensical crap that they swore the Obama administration was going to be doing any day now. Like remember when ammo sales shot through the roof when he got elected? Or when Glenn Beck was on his show every night claiming that the Dow Jones was going to be in the 500’s by 2011? Or how they all screamed that the IRS was coming after conservative groups when it turned out a bunch of them were involved in a massive money laundering scheme?

So it looks like my comments appeared, but hours later. And I still don’t see the new post some of y’all have mentioned.

Does this page use WordPress? A bunch of the sites who use WordPress have had crazy weird problems over the past week. Like The Avocado had half their authors’ accounts vanish suddenly.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

Don’t forget the Jade Helm hysteria. It’s pretty clear that “Trump Derangement Syndrome” is just massive projection on the part of people who were badly affected by Obama Derangement Syndrome. Just like most, if not all, other right-wing accusations are projection.

Meanwhile, though, I’m still seeing wonkiness here and suspect I’m missing a good-sized chunk of the recent activity here; I’m still living under a potential slow death sentence in the event the people of Ontario collectively vote that I and people like me are, indeed, “surplus to requirements”; and I have a bad feeling about the stock market/economy as well. We’re statistically overdue for a recession, googling “djia” and clicking 1 year shows that there was a smoothish exponential rise (the jobless recovery) until January 26, 2018 after which a slow, ragged decreasing trend with huge volatility; banks have been making noises about raising interest rates and fears of inflation, despite the fact that there’s a metric shitload of unpayable debt of every shape size and description strapped to all the major load-bearing members in the foundation of the economy and raising interest rates back to “actually above zero, after adjusting for inflation!” will light the fuses on these bombs; and now the Italy/Spain thing is “shaking investor confidence”, in 1%er jargon, which means at the very least more volatility. And I don’t think I need to tell you that volatility is the sort of thing that shakes investor confidence …

In simpler language: I think things are very likely going to go over the edge of a cliff in a matter of months, perhaps mere weeks, likely taking me with it. If not, I’m probably doomed to a slightly slower and more painful death by malign neglect. Though I doubt very many people will miss me, or in most cases even notice that someone’s missing …

6 years ago

Has anyone heard of Matt Walsh because he’s pretty amusing in that sad, fussy, frailmale sort of way.

“The lack of male spaces in our culture begins at home., where a man is often forced to set up his “man cave” in the garage or the basement if he wants any space to himself in the home he owns and pays for.”

-Matt Walsh

6 years ago


All sympathies from the nightmare south of you.

6 years ago


Has anyone heard of Matt Walsh because he’s pretty amusing in that sad, fussy, frailmale sort of way.

A quick peek at his twitter feed suggests that he isn’t interesting enough to have made much of an impact. He seems to have the odd stopped-clock moment too, like the fact that he agrees that roseanne should have been fired, though I’m sure he makes up for that elsewhere. I’m too lazy to crawl through his twitter history.

The lack of male spaces in our culture begins at home., where a man is often forced to set up his “man cave” in the garage or the basement if he wants any space to himself in the home he owns and pays for.

I’m guessing this really means,

“Wah, I want to be a tyrannical asshole to my family without any social consequences”

If you want your “golden” age back again, bro, you’re going to have to give your wife free reign over the rest of the house in order to cook and clean and entertain and raise your kids. You only get additional or fancier sulking space at the expense of those activities.

6 years ago

This must be one of the weirder theses out there even by MRA standards. It’s not just that everyone gets more feminine because of toxins in the environment or what-not. Men become more feminine, while women go in the opposite direction and become more masculine! On a biological level. And it doesn’t seem like he even tried to come up with some kind of theory to explain this supposed fact?

6 years ago

“The lack of male spaces in our culture begins at home., where a man is often forced to set up his “man cave” in the garage or the basement if he wants any space to himself in the home he owns and pays for.”

And here I thought that the entire house was for me and Husband alike.

6 years ago

Let’s see if I’ve understood what the sunk cost fallacy is. A failure to internalize the implications of ‘don’t throw good money after bad ?’ I’ve probably over simplified, but that’s how it looks to me.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

That’s about the size of it.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

Incel dating site. Can’t tell if it’s real or spoof; although that’s pretty the world generally these days.